Shri Ganesha Puja: The Importance of Chastity Brighton Friends Meeting House, Brighton (England)

Shri Ganesha Puja: The Importance of Chastity 04-08-1985Brighton Friends Meeting House, Brighton (England) Today we have gathered here on the right occasion and very auspicious day to worship Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is the first Deity that was created so that the whole Universe is filled with auspiciousness, with peace, bliss, and spirituality. He is the source. He’s the source of spirituality. As a result of that all other things follow. Like when it rains and is windy you feel a coolness in the atmosphere. In the same way when Shri Ganesha emits His Power, we feel all these three things within and without. But it has been so unfortunate, especially in the West, that the most important fundamental Deity has been completely not only neglected, but insulted and crucified. So today though I did not want to say anything to upset you people, but I must tell you that worshiping Shri Ganesha means there has to be a thorough cleansing within you. When you worship Shri Ganesha keep your mind clean, keep your heart clean, keep your being clean – no thoughts of lust and greed should come up. Actually, when the Kundalini rises Ganesha had to be awakened within us, the innocence has to come up – which obliterates all such degrading ideas within us. If ascent has to be achieved, we have to understand that we have to mature. People are sick now. All over the western life one feels they are sick. Sick because they have Read More …