Becoming the Light Within Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

Public Program. Hampstead, London (England), 10 May 1985. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I’ve told you before that these are special times and times when we are very confused. We are confused because so many things are in the atmosphere. Moreover there is a special urge to search the truth. This is a very special thing of the modern times that people want to search the truth. They think perhaps that there is something beyond that they have to seek. They feel they are not satisfied with whatever they have. They feel whatever is going on in this world is not all right. Perhaps they feel that human beings are not on the right track, that we have to take to something else, something different, something higher. But first of all when we are seeking we must understand that it should be based on the tradition of seeking. For example when you see these lights here you know that it was discovered gradually, first through principles then little more then little more, till they discovered these lights for us. But in the seeking, today the problem is human being has become not independent, but arbitrary. He has no relationship with the whole and anybody who tries to find out a new method, a new idea, a new way, people jump at it. This is the character of the modern times. Also media and everybody tries to support anything new comes up. In seeking also it has Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: How to talk to New People Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

 “How to talk to New People”, Friends Meeting House, 120 Heath St, Hampstead, London NW3 1DR (UK), 12 May 1983. So I bow to all the Sahaja Yogis, and all the seekers of truth, may God bless you all.  Is such a great thing to be back home with all of you and to see you here blooming with joy and happiness. That’s the fate of a Mother who has so many children, that she goes from places to places leaving some children behind but looking forward to meeting others. Somehow that compensates for the separation. Today I think we should start on a very subtler ideas about Sahaja Yoga, because you people have understood it on the other plane of mechanism that works it out, the Kundalini, the chakras and all those things. But we have to see what is the problem that faces actually human beings and why we make such mistakes in our seeking. Is a very important thing to understand, because unless and until we understand why we really make mistakes or others make mistakes we can never forgive them, and we might have a kind of a high handed attitude towards others who are now coming to Sahaja Yoga, thinking that, why did they do like that, and why did they commit this mistake and they could have done better. But I personally think that if you look at yourself you will know that you also committed mistakes. Everybody has committed mistakes. Some have committed Read More …

When Are We to Grow? Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

“When Are We to Grow,” Public Programme, Hampstead (United Kingdom) Nice to be back again in Hampstead. I always enjoyed Hampstead, because, as I have told, you in London, many people who were great, spiritual lived in this area; they preferred it to other places. So I believe that many people who live in this area must be also spiritual, must have taken their birth with the idea of achieving their Self-realisation. It’s a very important time, [in which] you are born. It’s the most important in the history of the universe. You are created a human being to become your Spirit. There’s nothing in between. If you have intelligence, pure intelligence, you can see through all that. You have to test your intelligence on this.  Whatever we think and whatever we conceive and whatever we try to organise ourselves into, mostly comes from our conditionings, not from the Spirit, because we have not touched the Spirit. But innately we have got a sense to know that these are very important times; that there must be something great in the atmosphere, that there are so many people who are seeking. It’s something remarkable. If this misses your attention, that means you are not alert. There are people of all types, all kinds. But seekers of this calibre have been very few.  Now, England has its own problems, and London has its own peculiarities. Despite the fact I have been in London for about now eight and a half years, I Read More …

All is so Beautifully Made Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

Public program “All is so beautifully made”. Hampstead, London (England), 22 April 1982. Better? Good. You came before, did you, no? So to continue with the same topic we had, about the infrastructure of a human being, about which I told you, that God has made this infrastructure very beautifully. Even in nature if you see anything that is living, see a tree if you look at the tree, you’ll be amazed, how the different channels that takes the sap upwards are so beautifully placed that there’s no problem for water to rise. The suction in the water takes place because the sun shines and the water is sucked in. The nature is so nicely built up, absolutely harmonious. When it is winter time the leaves drop out because the Mother Earth requires the nutrition and the leaves are not getting so much of sunshine, so there should be less surface exposed. The same nutrition is taken up again, and again, in the spring, you find again the beautiful leaves breaking through. It’s so beautifully worked out, the whole situation, the whole Universe is so beautifully made, and the infrastructure is so made that it receives all the blessings of the Divine without any difficulty. It rains and the nature receives it. If you’ve ever been to a forest, to a densest forest that you could think of, you’ll be amazed how clean it is; and the fragrance of that place is so clean, nothing stagnates. How it operates and Read More …

A Great Change Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

Public Program. Hampstead, London (England), 16 July 1981. From amoeba to this stage and today the time has come to become aware of Him, of His powers with your spirit flowing in. You have to become your spirit now at this juncture. You must first decide, and as soon as you become that you are going to give up caterpillar state. That has to be decided. So many have been realized, in this country and in so many other countries. I wonder how many of them have understood that you are the flowers and how the flower has to be fragrant. Are you that fragrant towards others? Unless and until such a decision is been made, of course I must say the Grace of God is so great that despite everything people are getting their realization. Imagine the Arch Bishop of black magic, who must have heard thousands of people is also getting realization. Can you imagine! Tremendous things are happening I am amazed. How these things are working out, The Grace is working so quickly. So many people are getting realization. But I don’t know really if it is going to give you the wisdom or not, but you should mature into the beauty of your realization. You are still the same, then what’s the use of getting realization if you don’t want to change. After all you wanted your realization, just because you wanted to change. And it is the change of transmutation so that some of you Read More …

The Ocean of Love Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

1981-06-25, The Ocean of Love (Public Program) I told you about the three powers we have within ourselves: one is the power of desire that is on the left-hand side; and the another power of action which is on the right-hand side; and the central power which is the power of our [divinity OR evolution]. Also I told you about the centers that we have. The lowest center is below the Kundalini which is responsible for our innocence. When this center gets disturbed then our innocence is also disturbed. This is a very, very important center for Sahaja Yoga. It plays a very vital role in your evolution. Whatever you have done before or you have done now to spoil the awakening of the Kundalini or you can say to spoil the Sushumna, the central part, is all recorded in that Kundalini Itself. But the recording takes place because this center which is at the end, which is innocence, receives all the information from this conditioning line, the left side. It receives all the information and it records, just like a tape recorder. So the Kundalini is aware of the mistakes that are committed by you personally, by the society, by the conditioning of the, your seeking, by all sorts of things that you have done so far, by which you have tried to hamper the path of your Realization. So this is the path, the central path which is very important for your [ascent]. But that should not give Read More …

There must be something beyond Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

Public Program. Hampstead Meeting House, London (UK), 18 June 1981. So many people are seeking the Truth. This is only possible because we have reached the stage of our evolution that we do feel that there must be something beyond. We have tried everything before. Like today, I received a letter from a boy from Australia. He must have been to all the gurus of the world. What a seeker, I felt. What a seeker he was! To begin with, he did science, then did music, then did painting. He felt that he had not found any peace, any joy. And then he started going to different people, to find out, where does this joy lie. But even to be aware that there is something beyond, that we have to seek that joy itself, is very significant of these modern times. Modern times are highly blessed, I must say. Really very much blessed. It was never so before. Today I get another news from Brighton that archbishop of black magic has got Realization. I said, ‘Oh, God’. I mean, just think of it! What a blessing that is pouring down. How can it work out that so good? I mean, when I was here, in the beginning, with six people studying for four years, when I think of it, [INAUDIBLE Hindi phrase?]. That means the time, the blossom time, is in its full bloom. Absolutely in full action. Now let us see what are we seeking and what God Almighty Read More …

Improving The Spirit Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

Public Program, Hampstead Meeting House, London (UK), 4 June 1981. We, on Earth, understand God with our earthly understanding. We understand Him through our mind, through our imagination, through our books, and other things where He’s described as such and such. There is a big mystery : God and His divine power. It’s a big mystery, mystery for all the human beings and you cannot conceive it, with your limited mind.The working of God’s divine power is also very mysterious. Whatever we call mysterious means that it is beyond our mind, we cannot conceive it in our mind. His power of love is very mysterious. What we think is love, is not the way He loves us. Or His power of compassion, His power of forgiveness, is extremely mysterious for us, because we are so imperfect. Because of our imperfection we cannot understand a person who is absolute who is perfect. When we see Him, we see through our imperfections, and that’s how we form our ideas according to our own imperfections about God. Say for a small little ant, if we have to convey the political issue that is facing Britain today, is it possible? Because for the poor little ant, it is not even conceivable that we have a mind which thinks, which has imagination, which projects like an octopus, goes all round, catches this, catches that. It cannot even understand that we have a kind of a freedom by which we can do what we like. The Read More …

Awareness Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

Public Program. Hampstead Meeting Hall, London (UK), 14 May 1981. Seekers who have achieved something, those who have achieved a [lot or a develop] and there are some who are still seeking. So, when I talk to people who are still seeking it should be [?] to people who have really found out [?], because they have to talk to such people and we should have them to talk to people who are not [?]. Firstly one has to know that there are many people of [?]. [I Mean ?] in the market [as well] and they have many solutions to give and many things to [say or pay?] also. While in Sahaja Yoga one has to understand logically what should we expect, the logical [side?], logic is different from [rationality or ration?], one has to understand. Rationality is a thing that is an edge of your ego. Whatever ego says, you go ahead with it [it’s an ex-fashion?], what’s wrong? You go ahead, what’s wrong? It has no [time now?], it has no history, it has no experiment, experimental evidence, nothing, it is just what’s wrong because it is like a [bounder?], you can call it, it’s a [bounder?] who just wants to jump into everything. That is rationality which helps you to rationalize everything. But a logic is a very different thing, it’s a very deep and a wide thing, it comes from the experiences, from the knowledge of others. You are half baked, half baked, “[and] I Read More …

The Myth of Ego Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

Public Program, “The Myth of Ego”. Hampstead, London (UK), 20 November 1980. I am told that already somebody has spoken about Me, perhaps Me or Sahaja Yoga as well and I am sure you must have understood why we are here. Sahaja Yoga is an eternal process which is not. Today, it has started. It has been on, and on and on. Like, I started from My house, then I have to avoid some traffic, terrible traffic on Park Lane. You know, it’s a bottleneck, and I have been always thinking how to get rid of it, what one could do to stop this bottleneck. So, to avoid it, you enter into another road, take another road. You find there is another bottleneck, because somebody, some celebrity, is passing that way. Like that, you try to avoid all these roads. When you start moving you think you have reached there much ahead of time and you may have to wait outside the hall, while you find you land up at that place little late. This whole process is to arrive here and to talk to you. The whole thing is, based on one basic event that I have to reach. In the same way the whole process of our creation is based on one thing, that is, you have to meet your Divine self. Of course, as I said, there’s traffic, there’s a problem, there are hindrances, sometimes [unclear]it’s part of being, but it works. You reach the place, somehow. Read More …

Why we are seeking our Spirit? Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

“Why are we seeking our Spirit?” Public Programme,  Friends Meeting House, 120 Heath St, Hampstead,  London (UK), 23 October 1980. Today somebody came from India and told me that, “You better change the name Sahaja Yoga into some other name. So I said, “What about Maha Yoga?” And he liked it very much. He said, “Now people are taking Sahaj Yoga as their own and they are using it for their own purpose.” I said, “Very good idea. If they are using it, is even better! Because the word itself suggests that this union has to be spontaneous. They have to give a spontaneous union. If they claim it, they have to do it. If they are not doing it, then it is wrong. It’s very simple!” But he said, “In any case Sahaj Yoga does not denote the dimension which it has reached: that people are getting en-masse Realisation.” Moreover he said that people don’t understand that the time has come for thousands of people to get their Realisation. Perhaps we are not aware [of] what time we are born. So many people are seeking God. Never in the history before there was such a multitude which was seriously seeking God, and honestly wanting to get their union. Only in the modern times you find they are very honest, very sincere; and they are born seekers. I mean their quality is that they are seekers; their temperament is that they are seekers. They are not satisfied with anything else but Read More …

Why Are We Here? Hampstead Friends Meeting House, Hampstead (England)

Public Program, Hampstead, London (UK), 6 June 1980. Very beautiful personality. You’ve got awareness which is much higher than that of anything that is living created. For example, an animal doesn’t understand any beauty anywhere. An animal doesn’t understand if there is anything filthy or dirty or something smelling awfully. Animal doesn’t understand cleanliness, but human beings are so well created by God. They are so evolved that they can feel all these things, much, much more than animals or any other thing that is ever created before. At this point of awareness also we start thinking about something that is of the beyond. We start thinking that this is not the end of life. Why God has created us? Why did He create us out of amoeba with such care, with such love, with such delicacy? Why has he created us to be a human being? Is there any purpose in our life? Or are we just here to exist like animals then die, at the most, having some insurances to be paid for our children? Is that the end of this human life which is being created with such care? For thousands of years a little cell of amoeba or, say, a little unicellular animal has gone through such a tremendous change to become a human being with this fantastic awareness. Why? Why has he come on this Earth? Such a question must arise in every intelligent mind. And when such a question arises, the search starts in Read More …