We Have To Be Transformed Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program in Royal Albert Hall. London (UK), 14 July 2001. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Some of you have found the truth, some of you have not found it fully, and some of you have not found it at all. But if you look around in today’s situation, you’ll have to agree there’s a big turmoil going on. Countries after countries are taking to all kinds of wrong things. Lot of cold war is on, people are killing each other, destroying beautiful places, cutting each other’s throat for nothing at all. They are all human beings created by God. God Almighty has created them and has brought them to this level of human awareness. At this juncture one can’t see where are we going in a collective way. This is, where have we to reach – or is it our destiny? Is this the destiny of human beings, to be destroyed by each other for land or for anything else? Think of the whole world as one, and think what’s happening all over: every day we read newspaper, every day there is some sort of a horrible news about horrible things people are doing to each other, for no rhyme and reason. We have to think, what is the destiny? Where are we going? Are we going to hell or to Heaven? What is our situation around? Can we help it? What’s wrong with human beings is they are still in the complete control of ignorance. Read More …

Without knowing the Self you cannot get rid of your problems Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Royal Albert Hall Public Program 2000 I bow to all the seekers of truth. In these modern times it was prophesized that many, many people will be seeking the truth and you can see the proof of that. Many people will be seeking the truth because they will be fed up with the untruth, also they may find out that lot of superficial stuff is there, which is not satisfying at all. Is the blessing of these modern times, though we say modern times are the worst. Because of its oppression, because of its problem, people want to know the truth and they will know the truth also already. Also you have to know the truth about yourself. I have told you many times that the truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not these emotions, but you are the pure spirit. That you are, all of you are, it’s not just a story I am telling you, it’s a fact. But when they say you should know yourself. In all the scriptures they have said one thing common, you should know yourself. Because if you do not know yourself how will you know the Divine? So first you must know yourself and the Self is within. The problem was how to enter inside to know the Self, to feel the Self, to feel the power of Self you had to go inside. And without knowing the Self you cannot get rid Read More …

Who am I? Ask that question to yourself Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 10 July 1999. At the very outset one has to know what is the Truth, what are we seeking. It’s quite clear that we do not know that. That’s why we run after things which are false, which are more attractive, but basically they are very dangerous, very dangerous. And that has been happening – I’m sorry to say – in every country that people are just trying to mislead all the seekers who are truthful, who are honest, who are innocent.So what is the Truth that you have to find? Is said in all the books in all the scriptures that you have to know yourself. We always talk like this: I like this, I like that, I want this, I… But, we don’t know who are we. Who am I? Ask that question to yourself: who am I? Am I this body? Am I this mind? What am I?And then you reach really honestly a point where you realise that you don’t know yourself. You even don’t know your body, you even don’t know your mind. With this kind of a confusion we are living and that’s why all kinds of problems come up.First thing is that you have to know yourself. It’s possible, now the time has come for you to know yourself. It’s been promised that these are the times when you will know yourself. For that I have to say that already our creator has done a good Read More …

Verify The Science Of Sahaja Yoga Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program Day 1 at Royal Albert Hall. London (UK), 7 July 1998. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. These days there are people who are going all over the places to find out the Truth, the enlightenment. And there are so many books available, so many people who talk about enlightenment. And this is only in this special age, which I call as ” the blossom time “, is happening. If they are not seeking the Truth, that means they are not yet evolved as this should have been. But this is a special time that we call as the “Last Judgement” and that time has come. In the Koran it’s called as Kiyama and described very clearly what will happen at this time. All these have been indicated in all the books which are, I would say, mystical or we can call as religious – whatever you may call it – the mystic part of it. They’ve all indicated this time, this time by the end of this century, this should happen. And this has bewildered many people, they are going hither and thither, getting into problems. As it’s very embarrassing what Dr. Derek Lee has told Me. Is a fact that I went to Russia and a scientist came forward and he said that: ” Mother, I have seen your photographs and it says so much because I haven’t seen more than one line showing. ” It is very embarassing, the whole thing was very Read More …

Public Program: Tribute to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi by Claes Nobel Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Talk by Claus Nobel at the Royal Albert Hall -3rd July 1997 Well, indeed, life is full of surprises, after all we are meeting here, inspired by the message and work of holy Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and she is not here in body but she’s here in spirit. Also the wonderful letter that we recently heard from Ayatollah Rohani, which speaks very highly of the work and the mission of the holy Mother, where he indicates the importance of women in the world, is neither here. And frankly speaking only 36 hours ago I did not know that I would be here at the Royal Albert Hall, addressing this audience. Still I say, dear Holy Mother, and I also recognise her husband, Sir C P Srivastava, in the audience and I say most importantly, dear friends, fellow seekers of truth, are you out there? Because with all this light I can only see about twenty people in front of me. So, say yes if your here then I know, (lots of clapping). Now I can see you and I can hear you as well as you can see and hear me. With that said I want to say, that I have a vision, I have a vision of the world that is better, saver and saner than the one we are presently are experiencing. It is a world where people live in harmony and peace with themselves and in harmony and peace with nature. Now those words are Read More …

Myths are unreal Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 28 June 1996. I bow to all the seekers of truth. It has to be understood that truth what we know through our mental capacity is not the truth, because mind itself is a myth. We have created it. As we have created computers. we have created our myth also through our conditioning and through our ego. Beyond it is the reality. So if you have to know the absolute truth something has to happen. We have to evolve into a higher realm of existence of consciousness. You have been already told about the subtle system that you have. You all have it. You are the owner of it and you have every right to achieve that state of consciousness which in the Zen system call it “Satori”.In every system they have something they call it some name, like the Islam calls it “Wali”, some called it “Sufi”. In the realm of reality, when we are not, we have problems, because we fight for unreal things, you think of unreal thing as real and accept. For example, when they English lost the match. I mean one party has to win, either this or that. But they were so much identified with it, which was falsehood. They were not playing, there were not players that they were English, alright. But there was no war going on. See the myth about it is this, that we get identified with things which are themselves not real. Read More …

Kundalini can correct your genes Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK). 24 June 1995. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. It cannot be changed. It cannot be challenged and it cannot be described. Truth is beyond your mind. You have already heard that the Divine has created a beautiful instrument within you, which exists in all human beings. Maybe because of different times, maybe some of the incarnations didn’t talk about it, but most of them have talked about it. For example, Christ has said that you have to be born again. Also in the Bible, it is said, “I’ll appear before you like tongues of flames”. These are the centres about which you have heard. For the last 25 years, I have been working on people with Sahaja Yoga. I found it such a tremendous thing that it is not easily believed into. Especially for people who are superficial, who just read books and now feel satisfied. All those people who are critical of everything. Those who do not have an open mind like a scientist, or some of them, who are I must say, are idiots, or maybe mad, or maybe mesmerized. But for a person who is ardently seeking, honestly seeking the absolute truth, Kundalini, about which we have heard, has to be awakened. No doubt about it. There’s no compromise on that. Today we see these flowers here. You know that they had to Read More …

Kundalini: The Feminine Divine Power is within you Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

1994-0605 Public Program Royal Albert Hall, London UK – H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Hello! [Taps mic]  Alright? “I bow to all the seekers of truth” At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot describe it and you cannot say you know the truth. Unless and until you now it, it is not truth. It is a very big problem that people believe they know the truth, they know the truth which they have understood through their mental capacity, but if [Shri Mataji clears throat] the truth was known to everyone there would be no problems, no quarrels, no discussions no arguments and no wars! We have to know the absolute truth, when we know the absolute truth there is no question of getting into discussion or taking another point of view. I am sitting her before you, you all know I am sitting before you, nobody can say I am not sitting before you because you can see it, but the absolute truth is to be felt on your central nervous system. [Shri Mataji clears throat] This knowledge has been known in our country, in your country and every country – but by very few people. The knowledge, which is earned through your evolutionary process, is the knowledge. When you evolve to a human state you have not yet completed your evolution is visible the way you are fighting, quarreling and behaving in the worst manner that Read More …

Experience the Truth on your Centres Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 24 June 1993. Shri Mataji: It’s all right. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualize it, with this human awareness. We have to be in another state where we can understand it, know it, on our central nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process we can feel it on our central nervous system. In the same way we have to feel the truth, the absolute, on our finger tips. It has to be tangible. It’s not a make belief, it’s not a blind faith, but one has to experience it, on the central nervous system. But the problem is that so far, those who achieved something also of this nature, were singled out and they were never respected. A great poet, Kabir, says that, “How am I to explain anything? The people are so blind.” Even William Blake* was treated as a lunatic in this country. It was impossible for these seers, these prophets, to explain, to talk about the Divine. But, till they lived, nobody understood them and followed them. And then when they were no more, people built mosques, temples, churches. And when we see the mess of these religions we are surprised, how can it be. How can people kill each other in the name of God? How can they make money, the way they Read More …

The last judgement is here now and the kundalini is going to judge you Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program Day 2, Royal Albert Hall, London (UK) June 12th 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth.I’ve already told you that truth is what it is, we cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it. With this human perspective, we cannot know it. If this is the case, then we have to understand that in our evolutionary process that something more has to happen. Because as we see, take case of religions. You may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh anyone, you can be branded as anything when you are born into any family, but you are capable of doing any sin. Any sin can be committed. There is nothing to debar you. So as if this religion that we are proclaiming is outside, it’s not within us, it’s not innate.Yesterday I told you about science (unclear). That it is (unclear), it does not relate to your spirit, to your soul, it does not give you any human dimension. For science, you are not a human being, you are a robot. Same with modern psychology, you are not a human being but you are a sex point. With medical science, as I told you yesterday, the advent of this theory of DNA, they will just tell you what is your origin but they cannot tell you what is your future, and the future is so great, which we have to know. We don’t have to go to our past. There’s a gentleman, a muslim gentleman, I’m happy he asked Read More …

The Inner Force is Teaching Us Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program Day 1. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 11 June 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot conceptualize it. We have to know it. For example, today science has become our God. But you can’t know truth through science. It may solve some problems, one by one, but it is not conclusive. It doesn’t reach you anywhere. It has created this problem, as you know, the conference in New York from where the Goddess [sounds like a person’s name] has come just now. [?] was telling Me the story that they don’t know what to do, how to solve the problem. Then the violence. It cannot stop violence because it is amoral. It has no morality in it. It doesn’t tell you how to transcend. It doesn’t tell you that you are a spirit. He doesn’t know we can say it does not know what the soul is. It does work out in a way, but I must say Sahaja Yoga works out much faster, in a much simpler way. And if you take to Sahaja Yoga you’ll be convinced, despite all your conditionings and cynicism, that Sahaja Yoga is the Meta Science, is above science, above. With Sahaja Yoga, once you get your realization automatically you get cured, automatically. This Kundalini which is your Mother, individual Mother, She rises, passes through these centers and these centers Read More …