God’s Shakti is the power of love Wimbledon (England)

“God’s Shakti is the power of love”, Wimbledon (UK), 5 March 1986. It’s such a great thing to meet your children after such a long time. And this country was really pestered with cold so I had to come here I think, just to make you feel warmer with love. It’s a very heartening thing to see so many people who are in England, who are Sahaj Yogis. As you know England has to do tremendous effort to keep Sahaja Yoga afloat; not only that, but you have to set in examples for others. As England is the heart of the universe it circulates. Whatever example you set in, circulates. People try to follow you. As I have told you before also, that English people should not try to follow other people but establish their own proper character. But not to be insular by which you don’t appreciate anybody else or you cannot understand international relationships. We are one world and it’s only one great Viraat in Whose being we circulate. Moreover for the people who are from the heart, [they] have to be much more open and moving and giving because that’s the job of the cell of blood that passes through [the] heart; and that’s how you are made specially for this. I have been speaking after you finished your tour on a subject in India. But I think it is more related to us here in the West than to Indians. And that is something we have Read More …