Interview: 8 questions to Shri Mataji in Mulhouse Mulhouse (France)

Interview de Shri Mataji, 8 questions to Shri Mataji, Mulhouse, France, September the second, 1983 Interviewer: ….L’éveil du Soi et la Kundalini, le Sahaja Yoga était ces jours derniers à Mulhouse, effectuant une tournée de conférences en Autriche et en Suisse, notamment à Genève, Lausanne et Vienne. Shri Mataji, et c’est assez étonnant, a choisi comme 1ère ville régionale française, Mulhouse, métropole Haut-Rhinoise. Mais justement, pourquoi ce choix, pourquoi le Sahaja Yoga ? Et un certain nombre d’autres questions, 8 au total, que nous avons posées à Shri Mataji avant son départ pour Vienne, et au lendemain d’une conférence qui s’est déroulée à la Société Industrielle, devant une salle comble, et qui sans aucun doute, aura suscité des réactions diverses. Shri Mataji, Vous allez quitter Mulhouse, première ville française de province à Vous accueillir. Peut-on savoir les raisons exactes qui ont motivé cette venue alors que de grandes métropoles provinciales de l’Hexagone ne Vous ont pas encore reçue? Alexandre (French translator): Shri Mataji, you are going to leave Mulhouse, first provincial French town, who has welcome you. Could we know exactly the reason of your motivation? Because there are so much big other metropoles in the hexagone of France who have not yet received you? Shri Mataji: It is all God’s work and wherever he takes Me, I have to go there. But, I found out, from some people of Mulhouse, that there are many seekers in this place who are seeking truly, ardently. Interviewer: Deuxième question, seconde et grande question Read More …

Animal personalities inside us Mulhouse (France)

Conversation with Sahaja Yogis, Mulhouse, France, 1er September 1983 Like the Father created the world, the Son showed how to resurrect, but the Mother then nourishes, actually, and makes you something, the owner of the whole thing. So, first the God almighty, the father, then the Spirit in the heart, and then now, the Kundalini.So, after you become one with the Spirit, you become the Spirit. And the powers that the Spirit had before start manifesting in you. So, this is at this consciousness, that we have to rise. The problem is we move in a pendulum, from this to that, like from one extreme to another extreme. But the movement of consciousness is spiral, it moves in a spiral, like the Kundalini. And so, the Mother who is loving, very gently, very kindly, affectionately, manifests her beauty of nourishment.This kind of unconsciousness I want to work out, because we are a computer in that, say, a server DD, a computer. And another computer, the one we are producing, actually, is our reflection.Sahaja Yogi: Would you say it again, Mother?Shri Mataji: You see, we are producing computers outside. They are the reflection of ourselves outside.Sahaja Yogi: They are the reflection of us as we are the reflection of God.Shri Mataji: So, whatever we reflect is artificial, man-made. And I was reading an article today, and the gentleman said that thousands and thousands of computers, we may use, we cannot reach the computer that is our own innate intelligence. [Conversation with Read More …

The nourishment of the Primordial Mother Société industrielle de Mulhouse, Mulhouse (France)

1983-09-01 Public Program, Mulhouse, France [Translator: … What we do?] Shri Mataji: … which represents the Mother Earth. So far, whatever we have done is to exhaust the Mother Earth. She has been looking after us, but we have been exhausting Her. So within us is also placed the representative of that Mother Earth in the triangular bone or sacrum. Or we can say that this bone represents the Mother Earth and the energy within us, that represents the Holy Ghost. Now if you notice that even outside, the feminine consciousness is rising very high, though they are [misusing that/misguided]. The feminists are trying to follow the men, [the father], and are competing with them and trying to become men. That is very unnatural. Actually, here you can see that the kundalini or the Mother Earth, which is represented as sacrum, is the power of the Holy Ghost which is the Mother, the Primordial Mother. For example, if the trees grows very big outside as our civilization has grown, it has to see its own source, source of vitality, of nourishment. Otherwise, the whole tree is going to collapse. In the same way, today human beings are standing at a point where they have to receive the nourishment from the Primordial Mother. In the 13th century there was a great philosopher who said that first it was the reign of the Father, then of the Son and later on it [will/would] be of the Mother, the Holy Ghost. That is Read More …