Athena – the Primordial Mother Athens, Caravel Hotel (Greece)

Public Program, Greece, 9 November 1999. I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all, we have to know what is the truth we are seeking and how we are going to seek it and what is the proof that you have got the truth. Firstly, we must know that you cannot purchase the truth. It is, you cannot market it, because truth is love and love is compassion. So now, I am going to tell you about the truth, about how in Greece they knew about the truth. Yours is a very, very ancient country. And in our country also, in our old books, the ancient Puranas, it’s mentioned about your country. They have described Athena very clearly. And gradually this great country became absolutely ignorant of whatever they knew. Now between you and Me, I would like to tell you that there is a power within us in the triangular bone. Shri Mataji, aside: If you can move out then somebody can show you. OK? [Hindi] That is the bone which we call as sacrum. This name “sacrum” was given by Greeks in those days meaning sacred. That means they knew there is a sacred bone below the spinal cord. This is the triangular bone that existed and was having this power, which in India we call it Kundalini. Shri Mataji, aside: So soon? [Laughter] Sometimes Greek language is very long and sometimes very short. [Laughter] All right. Now this bone has this power and if you see Athena on Read More …