Public Program and Impressions, Evening Natura Artis Magistra, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public Program in Hindi, Artis, Amsterdam, 31st July 1994, Translation I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all you should know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot describe it. And the biggest thing to understand is that it cannot have any kind of reconciliation, or compromise with untruth. Truth is absolute. It cannot be different. People talk of different things, there is definitely something wrong there. So one should know first what this truth is. Truth is that you are not this mind, body, not all your thoughts or your emotions. You are the true spirit. Unless you become one with the spirit you cannot get any satisfaction. Your search may never be over. So let us desire to become the spirit. People explain numerous things to you. Do this or that. Do penances, do fasts. You have done it all in your previous birth. This birth is to achieve the truth. And to get the truth, the right time has also come. It is very beautifully described in the “Nal Damayanti Vyakhyaan” how this time had to come. Once Nal caught hold of Kali and wanted to kill him, because Kali made him part with his wife. Nal said it is good for Kali to die. It should be his end. Kali said, “Let me die, but first hear my Mahatmya (significance).” “What is your Mahatmya? You only put confusion into the minds of people.” asked Nal. He replied, “When Read More …

Afternoon, Interview with Hindustan TV station Varikstraat Ashram, Amsterdam (Holland)

Interview with Hindustan TV station, Varikstraat Ashram, Amsterdam, 31st July 1994, English Transcript (in progress) Shri Mataji: If you speak?Interviewer: If you could speak a little loudly, we have the opportunity to have this small conversation for our newspaper for the Surinam Community here in Holland, especially the Hindu Community.Shri Mataji: Very good.Interviewer: First of all, we would like to know the Sahaja Yoga. Tell something, its importance to practice this for the- especially in this society.Shri Mataji: Very much important. Because, you see, this is- all this knowledge is from Indian philosophy. It’s a very ancient knowledge. They used to have, say, Vedas, we can call them. On the right side, they were searching for knowledge outside. And the another one was the knowledge about the worship, that we can call as the pujas and archas and all that. But in the center was the system for awakening your Kundalini and to making you a real Realized soul, that we call is the one who is knowledgeable, who is the Gnostic as they said, ‘gna’. […] Translation from Hindi Q: Shri Mataji, can you give your introduction in short? Shri Mataji: Introduction is such that, I belong to the family Shalivahanas. Both my father and mother were great disciples of Gandhiji. And my father was a member of the Constituent Assembly and also the parliament. My mother was honours in mathematics. I have a brother who is a cabinet minister. But spiritually it was my parents who recognised me, Read More …

Through Kundalini you get a complete integrated vision of yourself NH Amsterdam Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public program at Hotel Krasnapolski, 1994 Amsterdam I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot describe it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness you cannot know it. Moreover, truth is not going to compromise with anything. [Aside: Speaking everyday makes your throat…] Now the… whatever I am going to tell you, you have not to take it for granted, because we have had lots of problems with blindfolded faiths. But keep your mind open as a scientist. And treat it as… [Aside: Come along, sit here.]And treat it like a hypothesis. And if it proves, then you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for your benevolence, for it is the benevolence of your country, your countrymen and humanity at large. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, your conditionings and your ego: but you are the pure Spirit. We say: my emotions, my feelings, my intelligence, my ego. Who is this ‘my’ which owns…? The second truth is that there is an all pervading power of divine love which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers – it’s a miracle. In Holland you get so beautiful flowers. We never even think how they are coming out of the Mother Earth of different shapes so beautifully. So the second truth is that there is a subtle power Read More …

Why we cannot come to a common point? NH Amsterdam Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public Program, Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, 16th July 1993 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot conceptualise it. Truth has to be known, through our evolutionary process, on our central nervous system. It has to be tangible. When we are seeking the truth, we have to know what we have to seek. Whatever I want to tell you today, you need not take it for granted and you should not believe me blindly. But you have to be a like scientist with an open mind and see for yourself if it is true. Then, as honest people, you have to accept it because it is for the benevolence of yourself, your country and the whole world at large. These days we see so many problems in our life all kinds of struggles going on. On one side you see our family life is breaking; our society is breaking; people are becoming materialistic and have no place for love and affection. Everybody seems to be starving for affection and compassion. These are the worst times for peace also. There is no big war on but every country seems to be on the war path with each other. People take to all destructive measures automatically. As a result we have people who are suffering from all kinds of diseases which are incurable. There are people who are Read More …

What is the practical advantage of getting self-realisation? Kunstcentrum Artemis, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public Program Day 2, Second Evening, Artemis, Amsterdam, 2nd July 1992 At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it and also, at this human level, we cannot feel it. That means at (the level of) human awareness, we have to humbly accept that we have not reached that stage where our awareness can feel the truth. Once we realise that something more has to be done, something more has to happen, if we are seeking the truth, then you jump into a new category of human beings; and this category of people are called the seekers of truth. And yesterday you saw how so many of you felt the truth. So what is the truth? Firstly, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings; but you are the pure Spirit. And the second thing is, that there is an all-pervading power of God’s love which does all the living work. So when we talk of yoga it doesn’t mean standing on your heads. But it means your connection established with that all-pervading power. Like this instrument was made beautifully, but it has to be connected to the mains – otherwise it has no meaning. That is what people start thinking when they cannot find the truth, that “What is the meaning of their life? What is the purpose of their life?” They bang their heads here and there; try Read More …

The culmination of our evolution Kunstcentrum Artemis, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public Program Day 1, First Evening, “Artemis Arts Centre”, Amsterdam, 1st July 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset one has to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot conceptualise it. You have to accept it as it is. Unfortunately, at the human level you cannot know the truth. You have to become the Spirit. It is not just saying that you have to be the Spirit, but you have to become. It is an actualization for which there is a mechanism beautifully placed within you. And it’s the culmination of our evolution now. I see you all here as seekers of truth. This is a new category of people. As William Blake* has described; “Men of God will be born on this earth, and they will know God, they will know divinity; and they will have the power to give divinity to others.” And this is the time when one has to get to your Self-realisation. When I see western people seeking, I find that there is a basic reason why there is such a strong desire to seek, because we are born with a faith within ourselves. It is there, innately built in. We have faith in our future, and innately we have the faith that there is something divine. While in the East we have so much talk about the ascent; but in the West, when science challenged your faith, you did not know how Read More …

Self-Realization: The Seed of Spirituality Natura Artis Magistra, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public Program Day 2, Second Evening, The Koningszaal, Artis, Amsterdam, 2nd August 1991 I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday I told you that truth cannot be felt at human awareness, and that the truth is that you are the pure Spirit. In the evolutionary process you have become a human being, but there is a little growth needed in your awareness where you become the Spirit. To start that growth you have to awaken a power within you which we call the Kundalini. Somebody should show it. (On the chart) Now this residual power is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. In the Christian religion it’s a mystery, the Holy Ghost is a mystery. Maybe because Christ came on this earth and he was here only for eight years in Israel, in that place where he was born; and then he had to go to India for twenty years. And he came back, and three and a half years only he got before people crucified Him. And as I told you, three and a half years is nothing to explain to people, because it took me four years in London to give realisation to seven hippies. It’s a headache I tell you! (Laughter) They were so argumentative and so ignorant and arrogant; I had to use all my patience and love to bring them round. So I must really give credit to Christ and the people around him who at least listened to him even these three Read More …

You have to actualise the experience of spirituality Natura Artis Magistra, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public Programme, First Evening The Koningszaal, Artis, Amsterdam 1st August 1991 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is where it is. It is what it is. We cannot change it, transform it or conceptualise it. Also unfortunately, we cannot know it at this human awareness. We have to become a subtler being what we call the Spirit. Otherwise it is not possible to feel the truth. The truth is you are not this body, not this mind, nor this ego or these conditionings, but you are pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is a subtle power of divine love that does all the living work. We have never felt it. Holland is a country of flowers but we never thought how these small seeds have produced such beautiful flowers, spontaneously. The seed had the potential to sprout and the Mother Earth had the potential to make them sprout. But we take it for granted.  Look at ourselves. Look at the eyes that we have- it’s such a beautiful micro-camera. But we do not know how we have achieved this state of human awareness. From amoeba stage to this stage we have come, but we do not try to find out how. In the Zen system of Buddhism it is called as Tao, which means how. But as in every system they have lost their way to reality because of ignorance. When we find that science cannot Read More …

Self-realisation & Workshop Kunstcentrum Artemis, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public Program in the Koningszaal, Artis, Amsterdam, 15th July 1988 NOTE: Sri Mataji travelled by car from Belgium to Holland with the Belgian yogis who lost their way and went into Rotterdam instead of Amsterdam. When they finally arrived at the programme in Amsterdam, the local yogis had explained everything and then started giving realisation. Just as they got to the Sahasrara chakra, Sri Mataji entered the hall. Sri Mataji: “I think already some of you have got your realisation. I can feel beautiful vibrations in this place. It’s a great thing that Sahaja Yogis can give realisation; my task would be so much easier. So, I don’t think I should disturb it now any more, but I would like you to put your hands towards me like this and see if you are feeling the cool breeze in the hands. One may be hot, one may be cold, doesn’t matter, just see if you are feeling the cool breeze in your hands. Any amount of lecture is not going to give realisation. It’s a happening that has to take place. Will you please also see if you are getting a cool breeze on, or through, your fontanel bone area if you put your hands and bend your head a little. Put the left hand towards me and the right hand on top of the head. Now please put your right hand towards me, like this, and bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze Read More …

God is not for sale NH Amsterdam Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public Programme (evening) in Hotel Krasnapolski, Amsterdam, 9th October 1987 I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I have been telling before, we cannot conceive the idea of truth. It cannot be a conception of human beings. It has to be felt on your central nervous system. As you can see me with your eyes and can feel me, you should be able to feel the truth. There are many wrong ideas prevalent about the truth. But all the great incarnations, all the great prophets have said that human beings have to jump one more stage in their awareness to understand the truth. This jumping or this breakthrough is a living process. We have got our human awareness through our evolution spontaneously, effortlessly, through a living process. And to go further with it, it has to be a living process, which acts spontaneously. As we have not paid anything for our evolution as human beings, we cannot pay for anything that gives us a higher life. There can be no courses about it. It’s the built-in quality within us, like a seed which sprouts by itself. We don’t make the seed go through any courses, nor do we make it stand on its head. Nor do we pay any money to the Mother Earth because she is giving us such a lot of beautiful nature. But it has not been understood so far by human beings that God is not for sale. Nobody has the business to earn Read More …