There is a very big power which is protecting this universe Lions Club of Calcutta, Kolkata (India)

Public Program. Lions Club, Calcutta (India), 9 October 1986. … and to all the Sahaja yogis who have come all the way to attend this program in Calcutta. It’s so heartening that I find it difficult to express it in human words the way I envisage the vision that your founder must have thought of. I’m sure he must have been a realized soul himself. Apart from that, he looks like Confucius to Me. As Confucius has talked of humanism, in the same manner he has organized this beautiful organization of Lions here. The name he has given, “Lions”, is something so remarkable and so symbolic that as you know the Goddess always uses lion as Her vehicle. That is the vahana specially used when at different levels She has to be compassionate as well as very harsh to the people who are trying to destroy humanity. The lion is a great animal. I don’t know how many of you have seen a lion from looks. But it’s such a majestic animal. When it dies in a forest, the forest becomes absolutely desolate. No bird would chirp. You feel the complete silence in the forest because they think that our king has died now, such a great catastrophe has fallen upon us, “Who is going to protect us without the lion?” Apart from that, it’s a very dignified animal. It will not eat every day. Whenever he’s hungry, he’ll go and kill some animal and eat after some time and Read More …