Devi Puja: Achieve the power of Spirit within Mula Dam, Rahuri (India)

Puja at Mula Dam, “Achieve the power of Spirit within”. Rahuri (India) 26 February 1984 . [English Transcript] I hope your journey has been comfortable so far and will be comfortable later on, as the source of comfort is your Spirit. And more you see to the comfort of your Spirit the problems of outside comforts drop off. You are not bothered as to where you live, where you sleep, what you eat, what you do. So allow these gross sensitivities to drop down so that the inner, subtler sensitivities grow. That’s why you are here, to get over your time, conditionings…l mean it is a rat-race, and the rat race has to be somehow or other stopped, once and for all, “without”. So here we can do it “without”, and once you start meditating, that “within” can also be achieved and you can achieve that peace which all human beings should have, if we have to save this world from complete destruction. As you must have realized that now the Sahaja Yoga is growing much faster, and is taking a good speed. And we all have to keep ourselves equipped to be able to be part and parcel of this great evolutionary and revolutionary process which is going to stir up the whole world. For that, it is important also to see that we take ourselves to task and don’t get into mediocre living and mediocre thinking. We are people of very great potential. Not only that, but we Read More …