Talk After Sahasrara Puja: Unless and until you are conscious you cannot ascend Alpe Motta (Italy)

Speech after the Sahasrara puja. Madesimo, Alpe Motta (Italy), 4 May 1986. These are the songs they are sung in Himalayas, and to be sung here is something really remarkable, isn’t it? You brought it all the way to be sung here. Now, I think I have already given you a very, very long lecture and a speech as you call it, but some reactions were very good, and some could absorb it very well. But some, they said, were sleeping. Now these things happen because of negativity. You have to fight your negativity, because negativity is the thing that asks questions. When I am talking I am telling the truth, absolute truth, but it asks questions and it reflects. When it starts reflecting, nothing goes in the head because you are left with the past sentence, and the present you are not with it. So the whole thing boils down to something like an escape, and then you escape and you sleep off. I mean, I tried My level best today to put you onto your conscious mind. You have to be conscious, you have to be alert; and that’s the point, is that unless and until you are conscious you cannot ascend. Any abnormal person cannot ascend. You have to normalize yourself. So many of you had lots of abnormalities which were brought out and thrown away, and many have been cleansed, but now if there are some still lingering with it, they must work it out. They Read More …

Sahasrara Puja: Consciousness and Evolution Alpe Motta (Italy)

Sahasrara Puja. Alpe Motta (Italy), 4 May 1986. Today is a great day for all of us, because it is the sixteenth Sahasrara Day. That in sixteen beats or sixteen movements you reach a higher position in the coil. That it is complete, that Shri Krishna is called as a complete incarnation because He has sixteen petals. This completeness is called as “purna.” So, now we move into another dimension. The first one was where you got your Self-realization. In the evolutionary process, if you see, the animals are not conscious of many things which human beings are conscious of. Like the matter cannot be used by animals for their own purpose. Also they are not conscious of themselves at all. If you show a mirror to animals they do not react to it as if they are in the mirror, except for, I think, chimpanzees. That means that we are rather close to them! [Laughter] So, when we have become human beings, we became aware in our consciousness of many things which were unconscious to the animals. So, in their brain they did not understand that they could put matter into their own use. As human beings you were all unaware of the chakras that existed within you. So your consciousness still was working halfway through unconscious working of the chakras and the conscious working of the mind. You also never felt your autonomous nervous system or your inner organs, how they’re working. You did not even feel how Read More …

Pre-Sahasrara Puja Talk: Put yourself into a discipline Alpe Motta (Italy)

Talk to yogis. Alpe Motta (Italy), 3 May 1986. … that he leaves his bed in a mess. He leaves all his things in a mess. While coming I saw all the beds. … What are you doing here? Nothing. So put yourself into a discipline of leading a neat life, as a Mother I have to tell you. It takes hardly 10 to 15 minutes, but just tell yourself, ‘This is meditation.’ Do it meditatively. We in India think that the western people are extremely neat and tidy. Really, they can’t believe. They think you are on top of the world, you must be the neatest people ever been. They say ten times ‘thank you’ – but even once you will not keep your bed all right. Your things should be neat. You must keep yourselves … Then second thing I have seen, noticed, is which is told by many people, which I have also noticed, that you go to somebody’s house then an ill-bred person will start using the phone without asking. Certain things are important to understand. Like entering into the kitchen, eating everything. It’s a very common thing people have noticed, is this; that you get the food like paupers, like beggars – they come in the house. I had twenty-one bottles of honey, which people had given me as present, and when my son-in-law came, there was not even one bottle to give him honey. So who ate? All the Sahaj Yogis who came ate Read More …