How you can reach to the state of self-realisation? Caffè della Versiliana, Versilia (Italy)

Interview / Public Program at the “Caffè della Versiliana”. Versilia (Italy), 31 August 2001. Romano Battaglia: Bene, cominciamo allora, la Grande Madre comincerà a parlare e spiegare come si può giungere alla realizzazione del Sé. Prego. [Well, let’s start then, the Great Mother will start talking and explaining how to get Self Realization. Please.] Shri Mataji [to Romano Battaglia]: It’s very kind of you to have invited Me to this meeting. He has asked Me to explain to you how you can reach to the state of self-realisation. It’s a very important thing to understand, because so far we have been living only with human awareness. Human awareness is not sufficient enough for us to lead a very happy life, especially collectively. But we have to know that our Creator is a very great, very understanding personality, is a Divine personality. And He has placed within us all the arrangements to get our self-realisation. Self-realisation is the connection with the all-pervading power of Divine Love. For that within us is placed, in the triangular bone called as sacrum, a power. All human beings have this power in the sacrum bone. Sacrum means sacred, and Greeks also knew that it was a sacred bone, so they called it sacrum. So it’s already there, and it has that power which is in three and a half coils. All of you have got it. Now only problem is how to raise this power to connect you to that Divine Power.Now there are little Read More …

Interview Versilia (Italy)

Interview. Versilia (Italy), August the first, 2001. Journalist: Mi spiace, ma non parlo molto  bene l’inglese. (Traduzione di Guido a Shri  Mataji: “Sorry, but I don’t speak English very well”). Shri Mataji: But I do not know Italian,  little bit. Journalist: Allora, Grande Madre, nasce il 21 marzo alle ore 12 a Chhindwara nel sud dell’India, quali sono i suoi primi ricordi della sua vita? (“You are born on the 21st of March in Chhindwara, what are the first souvenirs, the first memories of your life?”) Shri Mataji: Even my birth. My memory is very good. Journalist: Cosa si ricorda della sua nascita? (“What do you remember about your birth?”) Shri Mataji: That I was born very clean, and there was not any blood or anything on my body and I was not attached to any ombelical cord or anything, and my mother saw me and she said: “She is absolutely without any spots so she called Nishkalanka” And my father’s aunt was there and she said: “No, that’s a name of a gentleman, so you call her Nirmala, means spotless also means immaculate.” I remember all that. Journalist: Cosa ricorda della sua adolescenza passata in gran parte accanto a Gandhi? (“What do you remember about your childhood, your young age next to Gandhiji?”) Shri Mataji: See, my father had taken all the children to Mahatma Gandhi, and Mahatma Gandhi said: “You have a big team with you.” My father said: “All right, it’s all for your work.” He said Read More …

Human beings are at an intermediary stage Caffè della Versiliana, Versilia (Italy)

Public Program at the “Caffè della Versiliana”. Versilia (Italy), 29 August 1999. Romano Battaglia: ….Arriva a fine millennio. È l’ultima Versiliana di questo millennio. Prego. (…it arrives to the end of millenium. It’s the last Versiliana of this millenium. Please..) Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. If you are really seeking the truth, this is the best time when, at the end of this millennium, you can really understand what is the truth is. We have one problem: as we are born, we have the inheritance from the animal kingdom we should say, because we evolved out of animals. So, because of that, we still have many qualities that are coming from our inheritance. Firstly, the desire to get over somebody, to sort of grab things, or aggressiveness, all comes from there. There are many things we have inherited from them. But now we have another problem: because we think, and by thinking we justify everything wrong we do. And because of this, we continue with all kinds of aggressiveness and all kinds of tortures of others. But this is not what we have to achieve being human beings. Now the truth is that we all can evolve out of this. For that we have to become the Spirit. So we are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, but we are pure Spirits. We must have faith in that. Actually, to overcome these tendencies of human beings, they started religions. But religions also Read More …

Conference for Doctors Versilia (Italy)

Conference for Doctors, Marina di Pietrasanta, Italy, 2 October 1998. These are the days of a great turmoil and all kinds of problems are cropping ¬up which never happened before: political problem, economic problem, personal problem, family problems. Now also the psychological complications are there and everybody is seeking if there is any solution to this. Physical problems also are there which doctors have to face a lot. And I have also studied medicine, so I know how difficult it is to get through all the exams. Despite that they have not reached to any solutions. But if you believe in God, who is a creator, we have to also believe that He must have given us something to solve these problems. So, I have to just tell you that the time for our transformation, the evolutionary breakthrough has come. As Christ has said, “You seek Me and you’ll find.” So, when all these problems are cropping up, you want to seek the guidance of the Divine. So My simple message is that you have to seek your Self; you must know yourself. Christ has said, “Know thyself.” And for that there is an arrangement within us and if that works out, then you’ll be amazed if you become the Spirit, how the life changes, the whole thing changes for you. You see there are those so many lights here, but if they are not connected to the mains, they do not give light. But if you become the self, Read More …

Public Program Caffè della Versiliana, Versilia (Italy)

1998-07-26 Interview Italy Emotional… He’s a very good son of mine and I am very proud of him. He is really well spiritually [Unclear grown]. And he wants you all to share my love also. It’s very kind of him to have invited Me [UNCLEAR] and it’s very kind of you all to be here, present.  [unclear Make something?]… to these people. I’ve come to tell you that within you lies the peace, tranquillity and a very beautiful spiritually life. [CUT] But as Christ has said ‘’You are to be born again’’. But you have to ask for it, nobody can force, nor can you pay for it. In these modern times it is your birthright to have your second birth, birthright. For even which you don’t have to do any [UNCLEAR first]. You don’t have to stand on your head, you don’t have to go to the Himalayas. It is a very spontaneous happening that takes place. Within you lies the power, who is your individual Mother, your own Mother and she knows everything about you, she knows what mistakes you have committed also she knows your aspirations. And as your Mother has given you your birth in the same way She gives you a very beautiful rebirth.  So you get the real baptism. [CUT] Which we call as sacrum that means the Greeks knew it was a sacrum bone also Indians knew about it very much. And there were two saints who travelled all over the world. They Read More …