Arrival Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

ARRIVAL TALK AT KUALA LUMPUR 01.11.1990 Shri Mataji: You are out! You are all prepared! Nice to see you all. You have so many flowers! Can I have some water? Name of yogi [UNCLEAR] How is your work? Thank you (Yogi giving the water). (Shri Mataji asking for foldable hand fan ‘Phanca” in Hindi) In my purse. You people have given me already isn’t it (yogis giving flowers)? Mother for your Good Life, as long as we have a good life we are able to. Look at these lotuses. This is Mahalakshmi’s style; very big. You had rain here? Yogi: Yes, raining yesterday. This morning also. Shri Mataji: All cleared out. The atmosphere is clean because of that. Lots of Indians are here? Lots of Indians! Hello! (Yogi giving flowers) May God Bless you. Here it is, the purse. He is searching there. Tell him it is here. Yogini: (Asking Shri Mataji whether she can fan Her) Mother! can I do? Shri Mataji: No, I am alright. special child, you are. Only one person can do it. Yogi: I can do it for you. Shri Mataji: It is alright. So how is Perth now? I was told hangar has been done partly. What is the height of the hangar? Yogi: Hangar is actually big, fabricated, it is still in the factory. Because It has taken a while to get the building pass, permission. Because, we had to show what we wanted; a big hassle, so that they give us approval Read More …