Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Religion has to come from within Hotel Sofitel Victoria Warszawa, Warsaw (Poland)

Talk to Sahaja Yogis, 1996-07-14, Hotel Sofitel Victoria Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland May God bless you. Please, be seated. Just allow it to be there [unsure; about the mike]So, now. I was so happy to see all of you there. I never expected so many of you there, really.I never knew Sahaja Yoga has grown so much. It is such a pleasure to see you all there in such a pretty [Inaudible].Now we have to know that we have to grow in Sahaja Yoga. For that, we must meditate.You see, some people say, “This is wrong with me, that is wrong with me”. Everything will disappear if you really meditate. That is the most important thing; we don’t understand sometimes. If you meditate and your problems are not solved, you can tell Me. But it should be done very regularly. It should be done very regularly. Need not have a fixed time, whenever you want, but every day. Then you will see your growth. How you go into spirituality in such a deep way. Very much, you need in this country. Yesterday, I saw some people suffering very much because they went for a Catholic church. And they’re just trembling before Me like this gesture. I don’t know what they do to you. I don’t understand what they do to you. But I think this religion is based on fear. And that makes you feel so guilty. And when you feel guilty, all problems start in a being. Christ never said Read More …

She is Your individual Mother Teatr Komedia, Warsaw (Poland)

Public Program, Teatr Komedia 14.07.1996 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it. The only thing is you have to experience it. Unfortunately at this human awareness, you cannot know the truth. You have to evolve into a higher state of awareness to know the truth. Without knowing the truth, if you follow something then it’s a very wrong thing. Christ has said: -“you have to be born again”. That is not a false certificate that I’m born again but in the Sanskrit language, we call a Realised soul, a gnostic person, a vijaha, meaning “born again”, “born twice”. In the same way, they call a bird, that is supposed to be born twice because of its an egg and then it becomes a bird. [Shri Mataji repeats again for the translator] Now, So as human beings we are still at the stage where we do not know the absolute truth. Whatever someone tells us we believe in it. We start following it, accepting it. But you should not also accept whatever I’m saying. Till whatever I say is proved, you should not accept it. So what is the truth? The truth is that we are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditionings but you are the pure spirit. But it’s happening, it is not just a lecture or a statement, but it is happening. It Read More …

In Sahaja Yoga you do not have confess everything Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw (Poland)

In Sahaja Yoga You Do Not Have Confess Everything (Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw (Poland)) I bow all the seekers of truth.  At the very [ outset] we have to understand that truth is what it is, we cannot change it, we cannot transform it. And also we cannot purchase it. Now whatever I am going to tell you today, you did not accept by [UNCLEAR]. If it is truth then you have to accept it as scientist [UNCLEAR you have to keep] your minds open and I am going with this hypothesis[UNCLEAR]. The first thing we have to know that you are not this body, this mind, this emotions and intelligence, [UNCLEARsuperego,] ego and conditioning. But we are the pure spirit. We see there are beautiful flowers, very beautiful flowers and you take them for granted. We don’t think it is a miracle. If you ask a doctor, who runs the heart, he’ll tell you that it is an autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? There are many many questions it cannot be answered by science. Because it cannot cross this all limits. It cannot answer the question why are we on this earth.  But as you have been told about this internal instrument we have within us, built in our evolutionary process.  Now we have become human beings. But there has to be [UNCLEAR upgrade] into the new dimension [UNCLEARafter whatever this is] which Christ has described as [UNCLEAR] that means we are to born again. So just Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Laziness Hotel Sofitel Victoria Warszawa, Warsaw (Poland)

19930904 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Warsaw Shri Mataji: Those ladies who didn’t get present should get it. Yogi: Those ladies who didn’t get present. Yogi: Sahaja Yoginis. Yogi: Not new people. [Inaudible] Yogini: Shri Mataji, can we give them afterwards? Shri Mataji: All right. She will give you afterwards. How many they are? And also for men, we have. You can give them the rings [Inaudible] All of you. Let them give among them. And the chains. The chains also. Can I have [Inaudible] Yogi: Do you want one? Yogi: Shri Mataji, there is a small boy here. Shri Mataji: Everybody got the earrings? Yogini: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hun? Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: Yes. Yogini: They all got. Shri Mataji here. Shri Mataji: There was one England lady who came forward. For the children [Inaudible] What did you get? What did she get? That’s all? Yogini: She got already earrings but they … Shri Mataji: Yeah? Yogini: She got already earrings but they broke. She said. Shri Mataji: Broke? Yogini: They broke. The earrings she got. Shri Mataji: Give her another one. Yogi: Mother, we have here also boys from Czechoslovakia, who sings so nicely. Shri Mataji: What to do? How many they are? Yogini: They got already in Czechoslovakia. Yogini: She didn’t get earrings. Can I give them to her? Yes? Shri Mataji: Did you get anything? One is behind. Only that? Give it. Come along. You didn’t get. This lady. One for the ears and one Read More …

Public Program Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw (Poland)

Public Program, Warsaw, Poland 04-09-1993 I bow to all the seekers of Truth.At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. It is, it has been and it will be. Whatever I’m going to tell you, you have to have a scientific mind towards it. Keep your mind open. And whatever I say to you, if it is proved, then you have to believe in it as honest people. The truth is, that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and this ego. But you are the pure Spirit. This is said by all the great prophets, by incarnations, by Muhammad Sahib as well as by our Christ, as well as by Moses also all Indian scriptures say the same thing.The second truth is that there is an All-pervading divine Power and this divine Power does all the living work. You see all the beautiful flowers here: it’s a miracle. They have come out of one seed. Our heart, who runs our heart? We don’t even bother to know who runs our heart. This All-pervading Power of divine love, runs our heart. It’s like the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost or it is the Paramchaitanya or it is the ‘Ruh’.Translator: It’s what?Shri Mataji: ‘Ruh’, in Quran. It is described by many names. Those who are seekers of truth, are actually seeking the connection with this All-pervading Power. This connection is called as yoga, the real spiritual Yoga. It Read More …

Truth is to be known as the evolutionary process on your central nervous system Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw (Poland)

Public Program, Warsaw, Poland, 31 July 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualise it and we cannot read about it. At this human awareness, unfortunately we cannot know it. You have to go to a subtler state of becoming a Spirit otherwise you will not know what is the truth. Truth is to be known as the evolutionary process on your central nervous system. It is not mental knowledge. Now, I will tell you what is the truth. You have to keep your mind open like scientists and treat whatever I am saying as a hypothesis and if it is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world. Now, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. Another truth is that there is an all-pervading Power of divine love which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. They are a miracle. We see with these eyes: it’s a miracle, it’s a camera. Wonderful. What about this human brain? It’s a computer. All these things we take for granted. Who runs your heart? The doctors say it’s an autonomous nervous system. But who is this ‘auto’? We have to Read More …

First of all, we must have self-knowledge Mera - Warszawski Klub Tenisowy, Warsaw (Poland)

Public Program Day 2, Warsaw, Poland 1991 08 13 [English Transcript] Christ has said that you are to be born again. And if we just have a certificate that we are born again, we do not become. There is something that has happened to us so far that we are human beings and something has to happen to us to be in the Spirit. By that we get connected to this All-Pervading Power and also we have the powers ourselves of the Spirit. First of all, we must have self-knowledge. That we must know what centres we have within ourselves, subtle centres which look after physical, mental, emotional being. And also we must know how this spiritual power works within us and without. Early Christians were told by Christ to form a congregation, the temple of the congregation, congregation. This congregation was to be people, who were really twice-born. When Saint Thomas went to India, he went through Egypt and he has written about what exactly Christ said. And he called early Christians as gnostics. Means who had the knowledge, self-knowledge. He wrote all the scriptures and put them in the big jar and it was discovered only about 50 years back. It was brought from Egypt and now it’s been(?) decoded and it is describing nothing but Sahaja Yoga. That you have to have the experience of Realization. Also is written very clearly that you must look after your centres. So these gnostics, the people who were realized souls Read More …

We should now find out our roots Mera - Warszawski Klub Tenisowy, Warsaw (Poland)

1991-08-12 Public Program Day 1, Warsaw, Poland I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset you have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it. We cannot describe it. And also unfortunately at human awareness we cannot feel it. Now whatever I am going to tell you today has to be listened to with a scientific mind. Meaning with a very open mind and if this hypothesis is proved then you have to accept it as (unclear). It is for the benevolence of your country, your children and the benevolence of the whole humanity. Outside the civilisations have grown like trees. We do not know the roots. And unless and until  we reach our roots this civilisation, will be destroyed. So it is extremely important that we should now find out our roots, as I described to you how we are now heading towards the destruction. This is working out, this destruction is now working out from within. Not from without. They we are now taking to things which are not helpful to us shows that we have lost hope in our emancipation. But actually this is the resurrection time. This is the Last Judgement. And you are going to be resurrected by the divine power, which is all pervading. And this resurrection is going to give you the powers. The powers by which you can also resurrect others. By this understanding that there is an all pervading divine power you will Read More …

How does the awaking of the kundalini cure the diseases? Sala Kongresowa, Warsaw (Poland)

Public Program, Day 2, Sala Kongresowa, Warsaw, (Poland), July 14th, 1990 I bow to all the seekers of truth. Truth is what it is and we can not change it. But we have to feel it In our evolutionary process whatever we have achieved we can feel it we can see it. Now, whatever he has told you about the centres that are within us, the subtle centres, the seven centres, are not to be believed blindly. But as I requested yesterday, that you have to keep your mind opened as scientists tell, then you see for yourself the hypothesis which are putting before you is proved or not. And if it is proved, you have to accept it as honest people. Because this is for our benevolence and for the emancipation of the whole human race. We believe that if we have political freedom, we have to become free. Still we are slaves of so many things. If you see the so-called developed countries, they are much more under the domination of their entrepreneurs than in countries which are not so developed. Because of their so-called freedom, they have landed themselves into different kinds of problems diseases like AIDS, drugs and violence. It seems that human beings don’t know how to use their money, their power and their freedom. Also, we do not know the absolute truth. Everybody has a different opinion about everything. Everybody has their own ideologies and everybody thinks, “We are the best”. If truth is Read More …