Talk and Departure to Ukraine Kurumoch International Airport, Samara (Russia)

Departure To Ukraine, Kurumoch International Airport, Samara (Russia) Отъезд в Украину, Выступление Шри Матаджи в аэропорту «Курумоч», Самара (Россия) 20 июля 1996 г. Shri Mataji: I was telling to doctor that those who want to go for Ganapatipule can do it very easily from Samara. Yuri Vasiliev: Я говорила Богдану, что те, кто хотел бы ехать в Ганапатипуле, могут это сделать через Самару. Shri Mataji: Because they can do charter flights up to Delhi and we can arrange the train and then by bus. Yuri Vasiliev: Здесь есть чартерные рейсы, прямо до Дели, дальше мы можем организовать встречу и продолжить путь на поезде, а дальше на автобусе. Shri Mataji: Especially those who want to get married welcome! Yuri Vasiliev: Особенно те, которые хотят жениться или выйти замуж, должны поехать. Shri Mataji: It is not difficult from here, I think. I don’t know how many hours it takes to go there. Yuri Vasiliev: Это не очень сложно. Я не знаю, сколько будет миль до Дели и обратно. Shri Mataji: And then you can again come back from Delhi. Yuri Vasiliev: А потом вы можете опять вернуться назад из Дели. Shri Mataji: It can be organized. Yuri Vasiliev: Это все может быть организовано. Shri Mataji: We have made it half of the half – the very minimum. Bogdan: Мы сделали минимальную стоимость проживания в Ганапатипуле за счет западников, кажется £250 фунтов, все включено: транспорт, жилье, питание. Транспорт в Индии, а самолет другой (отдельно) Shri Mataji: To Delhi  and back. Bogdan: Из Дели Read More …

Arrival and Welcome Talk Kurumoch International Airport, Samara (Russia)

Talk to Yogis: Arrival and Welcome, Love has no Bounds, 19 July 1996 [Yogis sing bhajans to welcome Shri Mataji and a Yogini introduces in Russian] Sahaja Yogini: Jai Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Are you all right? Thank you, thank you. [Sahaja Yogini continues speaking in Russian, which Dr. Bogdan translates for Shri Mataji] Dr. Bogdan: This is the filming lady. [translation] O great Mother of ours, all Sahaja Yogis in the city of Togliatti [inaudible]with love and thankfulness to meet You on our lands. Every one of Your comings here is a great blessing for us. Your energy and vibrations gives us so much power and energy. We are extremely thankful to You, Shri Mataji. Every one of Your comings here is a great blessing for us. May You do this for long and long and long, Shri Mataji. [last sentence not translated by Bogdan] Jai Shri Mataji! [Yogis: Jai Shri Mataji!] Shri Mataji: Thank you very much, thank you. [Yogis sing ‘Swagata Agata Swagatam’] Sahaja Yogini [translated by Dr. Bogdan]: This is a welcome, Shri Mataji with greatest love. [several sentences are inaudible in the translation from Russian] Dr. Bogdan: This is for the camera, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: I am very much [unclear] by your love, to come all the way from Togliatti just to greet Me here, with little, little sweet children whom I love very much. I know it’s raining, still you are all here; love has no bounds. It’s so enchanting. That’s how a Read More …

Arrival in Tolyatti Kurumoch International Airport, Samara (Russia)

Kurumoch International Airport, Samara (Russia) 1995-09-22 Курумоч международный аэропорт, Самара (Россия), 22 сентября, 1995           Shri Mataji: Hello, How are you? A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи, все сахаджа-йоги, все жители Тольятти рады приветствовать Вас на нашей Земле! Bogdan: All the Togliatti people including sahaja yogis are so very happy to welcome You again, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Than you very much. Thank you ! Bogdan: Благодарим вас. A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи, что бы Вы хотели сказать всем жителям Тольятти, всем сахаджа-йогам? Bogdan: Shri Mataji what would you like to tell to all the people living in Togliatti and all the Sahaja Yogis? Shri Mataji: Once you establish in Sahaja Yoga blessings of Divine will come on you. And all your problems will be solved. Bogdan: Вы приняли Сахаджа Йогу и самореализацию, все благодати божественности придут к вам. [correct translation: Когда вы утвердитесь в Сахаджа Йоге на Вас снизойдут божественные благословения и все ваши проблемы разрешатся] A lady with a microphone: Thank You very much. A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи Вы все можете и все знаете, скажите, когда Россия наша, наконец, стабилизируется в политическом и экономическом плане? Bogdan: Shri Mataji You do everything and You know everything. Can you tell us when will Russia finally stabilize in economical and political field? Shri Mataji: First stabilize in spirituality. Bogdan: Сначала стабилизируйтесь в духовности. Shri Mataji: And you should become patriotic. Bogdan: И вы должны стать патриотами. Shri Mataji: Don’t buy anything from the Read More …