To know the truth we have to be in connection with the source of truth Tolyatti (Russia)

1996-0720 Public program Tolyatti Russia[Full Speech: 6.57 to 41.17] I bow to all the seekers of truth. To know the truth we have to be in connection with the source of truth. The source of truth within us is the spirit and this spirit exists like a witness. It watches what you are doing, what right you are doing, what wrong you are doing but it doesn’t come into your attention. But when your kundalini rises then she connects you to this all pervading power and your spirit starts following into your attention. So this all-pervading power which is nothing but we can say the complete intelligence of compassion. For people understand that there cannot be intelligence with compassion. Normally a person who is compassionate is regarded as not so intelligent. But it’s a myth with which we live. A person who is absolutely intelligent will know that you have to have compassion otherwise you cannot exist. But to get to this absolute intelligence you have to get your self-realization. Without that you cannot be absolutely intelligent. Those who are mentally intelligent are always one sided they have conditionings or they are full of ego because they work through their mind and mind is a myth created by us through our conditioning and through our ego. We try to do things according to our conditionings or according to our ego. Through this we create, we create a kind of a mythical thing is a myth there is no thing existing Read More …

Meeting with Mayor of Tolyatti Tolyatti (Russia)

Meeting with the Mayor of Togliatti Jilkin S.F. Togliatti, Russia, 20 July 1996. Togliatti TV: Все сахаджа-йоги очень довольны, что первый мэр в России, первый мэр города, желает встретиться со Шри Матаджи. Это говорит о большой духовности нашего города и мэра города, и все сахаджа-йоги очень благодарны вам за это. Mayor (Jilkin): Спасибо за оценку моей духовности, а вот что вы сказали о духовности города – это на самом деле так. Наш город отличается от всех не потому, что я приехал лично выразить мое почтение Шри Матаджи, а потому что на самом деле несчитанное количество людей в нашем городе, которые взяли это учение как свое. Причем учение, я вот его не называю религией в моем понимании, – это на самом деле учеба, учение как можно жить людям на нашей земле, и этим учением заражены десятки тысяч людей в нашем городе, и я хочу выразить свое почтение по этому поводу Шри Матаджи, Ее подвижничеству, Ее удивительной энергии. Я думаю, что Она из тех, кто может назвать себя гражданином мира – тот человек, который озабочен глобальными проблемами, и не только озабочен, Она их решает. В меру сил своих у Нее это очень успешно получается. Togliatti TV: Шри Матаджи очень любит наш город. Вчера вот Она опять говорила о большой любви, и мы Ей выражали свою любовь. Она вот даже прослезилась от такой вот большой любви. И от того, что мы Ее так любим и Она нас, все проблемы будут решаться гораздо быстрее и лучше. Mayor (Jilkin): Да если вот на самом деле такая Read More …

Evening Program Tolyatti (Russia)

1996-07-19 Evening Program, Tolyatti, Russia Thank you very much …I am very happy to be with you all again …And you have gathered here in such a big group, so many of you!  Tolyatti has been a very great success of Sahaja yoga because so many centres have been established here. 26 meditation centres have been established inside and outside also 26. This is because of your genuine interest and genuine feeling for Sahaja yoga …Because You have felt that. It’s very important to change the world, to get peace & joy. Some other places, meditation centres are been going down in number. I just don’t understand why it is happening …It should not happen. Because once you discover the bliss of the divine then people go on distributing this joy to others. That shows that you people are very sensitive to spirituality…& you are not materialistic especially blessed people I must say…I have discovered that here is the direct flight from here to Delhi by your aeroplanes and I think you can come to Delhi. You are all welcome very much …and Indians are also grown like you…And they will be very happy to meet you all. Thank you very much!

Airport conversation, departure for Ukraine Tolyatti (Russia)

Conversation with Sahaja Yogi at Tolyatti (Togliatti) airport, (Russia), September 24th, 1995 [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi to Yogi Mahajan] Shri Mataji: Somebody should help him now, he’s alone.Dr Bogdan: He is, we have to wait there’s a special man who’s just come for the purpose of this flight and then I’ll take the baggage, Shri Mataji. An official has just come for the purpose.Shri Mataji: For us?Dr Bogdan: Yes. So, we have still much time, Shri Mataji. We have an hour and 20 minutes.Yogi Mahajan: An hour?Dr Bogdan: An hour and 20 minutes, yes. We got it quite fast still. Still an hour and 20 minutes, Shri Mataji. There is a house, a stadium of sport, Shri Mataji, which is close. They have a closed stadium with probably 5,000 seating, Shri Mataji, inSamara.Shri Mataji: That’s a good one. All right, next time, we should come here in August if there is a .Dr Bogdan: She is asking whether you would also like to come into Tatariya, that’s Sasha’s sister, whether you would like to visit Tatariya.Shri Mataji: How far it is?Dr Bogdan: It’s 500 km, Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: To go by train or by plane?Dr Bogdan: They say there is an international airport there and planes go there also.Shri Mataji: All right.Dr Bogdan: From Moscow to Tolyatti. Shri Mataji: How many here are from Tatary?Dr Bogdan: Yes, Tatarstan, this is this is where- these were the- it was the Kazan Tatar Shri Mataji. Its special name Tattar is called Read More …

Conference, TV interview Tolyatti (Russia)

TV interview. Togliatti (Russia), 23 September 1995. The Interviewer: Уважаемая Shri Mataji, скажите пожалуйста о цели своего сегодняшнего визита в Тольятти. Translator: Much respected Shri Mataji, can You please tell us about the goal of your current visit to Togliatti? Shri Mataji: I think Togliatti is… some very spiritual place Translator (Vasiliev): Я думаю, что Тольятти – одно из самых важных духовных мест. Shri Mataji: Because I found though it’s an industrial town… people are very very spiritual Vasiliev: Потому что, хотя и говорят, что это индустриальный город, но люди весьма весьма духовны в нём. The Interviewer: Это очень приятно слышать, спасибо Вам большое за это. Translator: We are very pleased to hear that Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Also in the whole of Russia. Vasiliev: А также во всей России Shri Mataji: May be the river Volga or whatever it is, these beautiful forests. People are here are very very… God-oriented Vasiliev: Я не знаю из-за чего, может из-за реки Волги, возможно из-за этих прекрасных лесов, которые вас окружают, но люди здесь весьма весьма ориентированы на Бога. Shri Mataji: they do not have fixed ideas about anything Vasiliev: У них нет каких-то фиксированных идей в отношении религии. Shri Mataji: It’s easy to talk with them. Vasiliev: С ними очень легко говорить. Shri Mataji: There are (many) places, but Togliatti is very famous now in the whole world. Vasiliev: Есть много мест, но Тольятти одно из самых известных сейчас во всём мире. Shri Mataji: India is all right, because from ancient Read More …

Visit to Sahaja School Tolyatti (Russia)

H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi arrives in Togliatti (Russia), and visits the Sahaja school. 16&17 September 1994. Прилет и Посещение Сахаджа-Школы. Тольятти (Россия) 17/09/1994   Togliatti TV: Jai Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Thank you Togliatti TV: Шри Матаджи, Тольяттинское телевидение приветствует вас на земле Шри Ганеши! Bogdan: Togliatti TV welcomes You here in the land of Shri Ganesha Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Togliatti TV: We love you very much. Shri Mataji: I love you very much. I know this place has something special that we have so many sahaja yogis here. Bogdan: Я думаю, что очень отличается город. У нас много отличных сахаджа-йогов здесь. [Я очень вас люблю. Я знаю это место очень особенное, поэтому здесь так много сахаджа йогов] Togliatti TV: Шри Матаджи! Все тольяттинцы очень Вас любят! Мы знаем, как Вы много делаете для того, чтобы соединить все народы мира, разных национальностей, разных религий. Bogdan: Shri Mataji we love You so much we know how much You work to unify all the nations and all the religions of the world. Togliatti TV: Так хочется, чтобы все люди стали счастливыми, прекратились войны.И в этом будет большая Ваша заслуга, Шри Матаджи! Когда это случится, чтобы люди стали, наконец, счастливыми? Bogdan: Shri Mataji we so much wish that all the people of the world will become happy and this is due to Your greatness and your work that it is possible. Shri Mataji: What a great wish you have that is what My wish is also. With all Read More …

It is your right to be united with the Divine Power of Love Tolyatti (Russia)

Public Program. Togliatti (Russia), 17 September 1994. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. It seems Tolyatti is a special place in Russia. where we have so many seekers and very genuine people, so many singers, musicians, dancers such a beautiful volgari yuvavour. its such a pleasure to me to be with you again.            At the very out said, we all should know that Truth is what it is. We can not change it, we can not describe it and even if you read about it, you don’t get to it. There is a happening which has to take place within us. As you know what’s stuff you know that there is a power called ‘Kundalini’ within us. In the triangular bone which is called as Sacrum that means the Greeks knew its a Sacred bone. Sahaja means saha is ‘with’ ja means ‘born with you’. Born with you is the right to have this yoga.{not mine doesn’t.. take it little away (inAudible) little away(SriMataji laughs)} which means it is born with you the right to be united you have the yoga. To be united to this All-pervading power of Divine Love. You see these beautiful flowers here, who makes them?. How one type of flower is grown in one type of tree or a on bush. We do not understand, its a Miracle and our heart who runs our heart? if you ask the Doctors, they will say it is Autonomous nervous system. Read More …

Evening Program Tolyatti (Russia)

Evening Program, Tolyatti, Rusia 16-09-1994 Shri Mataji: I was overjoyed at singing the song of joy. It is very nice that all over the world people should feel the joy of God’s Love through your music you have shown how much you have achieved in Sahaja yoga. The complete balance and unity I have seen in you is really amazing. This is how you are going to achieve the unity of the whole world and [unclear 1:23:41 you can transform the people ]. You can transform people so that they enjoy themselves and enjoy each other. Then We there will be no fighting, no wars but just enjoyment… of the divine love.[unclear 1:24:35 ]. May God bless you!

Shakti Puja: After Realisation we use only one power which is of Love Tolyatti (Russia)

Shakti Puja, Togliatti (Russia), 3 August 1993. Today it is such a great day for Me to be with you, all again this year. It’s so very joyous and full of fragrance. Today we have decided to have a Puja of Shakti that is the Power, that is the Devi. You know within us there are many Powers of Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Mahalakshmi, Kundalini. All these Powers are there for us to ascent. If these Powers are properly used and understood, then your ascent can be permanent. Once you achieve your ascent and enter into the kingdom of God, all these Powers get enlightened. And these Powers which are enlightened are absolutely filled with love. Enlightenment, we have to understand that we get completely enlightened by love. So, after enlightenment, after Realisation, we use only one power which is of love. Shri Rama had two sons: one was Lav and one was Kush. One of them, Lav, came to Russia. That’s why you are called as Slavs, means ‘with love’. So, Russian people are already quite full of their heart with love. But once you get your enlightenment, you realise that your love becomes a beautiful ocean of joy for yourself. This love is not the same which you had before enlightenment. It’s transformed into a new dimension, into a new form. Before enlightenment you are attached to yourself, first of all, very much: to your body, to your mind, to your conditionings, to your intellect, to your ego. And that Read More …

Public Program Tolyatti (Russia)

1993-0801 Public Program Togliatti Russia I bow to all the seekers of Truth. We have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot change it and also, we cannot think about it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness we cannot know it. Something has to happen that we have to go inward. And this happening is Sahaja. Sahaja means spontaneous. It means born with you. It is born with you is the right. Every human being has right.  (Shri Mataji to the translator: can they all hear you? Shri Mataji to the audience: Can you hear me? there at the back? Who are say? No?  Shri Mataji to the translator: I think you have to be louder. You have to speak little louder. You should stand up. Is better I think.) Translator: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: So, something has to happen by which we can turn our attention inside. Everyone of you has a right to become the Spirit by which we become the citizens of Gods Kingdom. Unless and until we become the Spirit, our attention is outside. We say our body, my body, my hands, my nose, my emotions, my intelligence, my ego, my conditionings. But who is this my? to whom do they belong? That is the Spirit. It owns all these things. It watches everything. Whatever we are doing, it is just a Spectator or that. But unless and until we have wisdom, we start doing things which are destructive to our lives. Thus, Read More …

Arrival and Seminar near Togliatti Tolyatti (Russia)

1992-08-06 Seminar near Togliatti, Russia,  Shri Mataji : …is a singer, she is another singer, I see all of you singing.Male Voice : Just asking for blessingsShri Mataji : Ofcourse.,Female Voice : Do you want Shri Mataji to bless you? to help you?Female Voice to Shri Mataji : She is asking to help, she got mooladhara problem, she has got mooladhara problem.Shri Mataji : Tell herMale Voice : Tell HER we told her three candle treatment.Shri Mataji :  Did you goto ESP?  you will be alright. Try three candle treatmentShri Mataji : Erika Erika Where ever you have (unclear@@)Shri Mataji : Alright ? It’s alright, No, I mean no problem. It’s alright.Male Voice : Please stay there where you are. Shri Mataji: Cool breeze will come, don’t worry. (Mixed voice) No leaves are moving, but this is moving.Then come forward. Move forward, not too much.There is a beautiful forest on the bank of river Volga. So many saints have gathered together. Your songs and your dancing is vibrating the whole area. One day this place might become a pilgrimage for many. So many of you are here, who have achieved your self realization. Your country as it is a very beautiful country and very rich in their resources. Now, only thing we have to remember as Sahajayogis that we have to work hard to build up this country again. Some things that are very good done by communism also some things that have been really not so kind. Yesterday I Read More …

Public Program Tolyatti (Russia)

Public Program. Togliatti (Russia), 5 August 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, conceptualize it. It is beyond our thinking, beyond our mind. So now you have to just open your hearts to what I want to tell you and you need not believe Me blindfolded. You need not also close your mind. You have to be like a scientist and see for yourself [whether] what I am saying is true or not. And when it is proved, you have to believe as honest people.  [To someone in the audience] Do you mind taking photographs after the program? Thank you. Because it is for your benevolence. And it is for the benevolence of the whole world. It is all -whatever I am saying is the truth and you can verify it. It is absolutely tangible. Whatever is said about the centres that you have within yourself, is the subtle knowledge of your roots. If we grow just like a tree and do not know about our roots, we can be destroyed. All of us are born with a sense of faith in someone. The sense of faith is, can be for anything. Also, we have our divinity absolutely intact within ourselves. Whether you have belief in it or not, it is there. Whatever mistakes you might have committed, it cannot be destroyed. Because it is absolutely eternal in nature. Every Read More …

Arrival & Interview Tolyatti (Russia)

Arrival & Interview. Togliatti (Russia), 5 August 1992. Interviewer : Вы хорошо живете?(Do you live well? Are you pleased with your life?) Shri Mataji: Very Much! Now I am 70 years of age.. Interviewer: А что это значит для вас хорошо жить? (And what does it mean for you to live well?) Shri Mataji: To do good to others (делать добро другим людям)Interviewer: А в чём это проявляется? Вы можете сказать? (and what is it? what do you mean by this?) Shri Mataji: It’s a long story (Об этом можно очень много говорить) Interviewer: В 2 словах можно?(Just In 2 words for them) Shri Mataji: You see you have to ascend you to higher realms of spirituality (Люди должны всё время расти духовно)( actual translation: Вы должны подняться на более высокие планы духовности) The tape is cut… Shri Mataji: And it is a source of knowledge(И именно это и есть источник знаний – духовность) Source of pure love(Это источник чистой любви) A source of pure blessings(Источник чистого благословения всем людям) And joy(И Радости) Interviewer: Шри Матаджи, о вас говорят, что вы много знаете наперёд, что вы чувствуете Вы можете сейчас сказать, как вас встретят? Как пройдет этот визит в Тольятти?(People say that you know everything beforehand in advance. Is it possible for you to say that everything here in Togliyati will be ok? That everything will please you can you say it? ( actual translation: Shri Mataji, they say you know everything in advance that you sense things. Can you Read More …