Within you is already placed the great instrument by our Creator October Palace, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Public Program, October Palace, Kyiv, Ukraine, Sept. 25, 1995 I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to know at the very outset that Truth is what it is. You can not change it, you can not describe it, you can not transform it. Whatever I’m going to tell you tonight you should not take it for granted. Blind faith has harmed us the most. So it is important that you should keep your minds open like scientist. And then what I’m telling you should be treated like a hypothesis. If it is proved then as honest people you have to accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, benevolence of your city, your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. At this juncture when we are facing problems all over the world it is important to understand why do we have problems. The problems are there because we do not know the absolute Truth. You don’t know about your physical, emotional, mental being. And it is said that if you don’t know yourself, you can not know God or Divinity. We say, “This is my hand, this is my head, my…”, but who is this “My”? So what is the truth? – That you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this emotions, you are not this intelligence. You are not this ego or your conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. Read More …