Chaitanya and Collectivity Institute of New Age, New York City (United States)

1982-1028 H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Self-realization at Public Program Day 2 in New York, USA Introduction by Mr Patrick Radican: We have with us a very distinguished member of Sahaja Yoga Dr Rustom Burjorjee. Dr Rustom, we call him and he’s, he’s going to introduce Mother tonight. Rustom is a psychiatrist, he’s trained at Oxford and Cambridge; he’s practised in England, Germany and in India. He’s originally from India and now lives in England. And, he’s one of many scientists, people with scientific knowledge and a scientific approach who have come to Sahaja with an open mind and discovered that it has the scientific truths in it. He is joined by people who are artists and who have come and found that Sahaja has artistic truths in it. And, by people who were politicians, politically interested and have found that Sahaja has political truths in it. So, Rustom is here now to talk about Sahaja from a scientific point of view and to introduce Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Rustom… Dr Rustom: (Chaitanya & Collectivity): Hello, I don’t think there are many people actually who need me to introduce Shri Mataji to them this evening, so, in fact, there are only a very few who don’t know much about it already. But for those, so, I don’t know that I may not, in fact, address myself to those who may know something about it already. You see, since time immemorial, I think Sahaj Yogis, because I think any Yogi who Read More …

What is to be expected as a seeking and as the goal of the seeking? Institute of New Age, New York City (United States)

Public Program Day 1, New York, (US) 26th October 1982 Shri Mataji: (unclear) Yogi: I said that if you are a scientist, you know that … Shri Mataji: Scientific? Yogi: Yes, a scientific introduction. If you are a scientist, you know that there is something that precedes the creation of the universe. What is this thing we must seek? Shri Mataji: America is a country which has attracted many people to come down to talk about Spirit, about God, about new consciousness, new awareness, and all those things that you have heard about. I’m sure you must be fed up with that.  Everybody has been talking so much that you have been targeted, somehow I feel, since long of the speech-making of all these great people who try to bring you to something very dynamic, something great. And I felt that I should give you some pause before I start telling you about it. That you cannot talk about it. You cannot brainwash people. It’s not a mental projection by which you can achieve God.  This is a very simple thing we have to understand. That if anything has to happen to us, as all of them have been talking and me too, it should be something that is living. It has to be a living process. Evolution has been a living process. It’s not a dead process of thinking. This is very difficult for human beings to understand that we became human beings from a monkey stage or from Read More …