Becoming a superior personality Spreckels Organ Pavilion, San Diego (United States)

1990-0530 Public Program Day 1, San Diego, USA I have been coming to San Diego since long. The first time I remember when I came here, it was in the year 1972 and for 9 Years I did not come here. I felt that the name of the place means that this is the city of God – Diego means God. But that time people were involved into things which were not reality at all and I thought that let them pass through this circle, otherwise they won’t come to reality and for 9 Years I didn’t come to America.  The human problem is on one side that we are seeking something and we are realizing that we have not found the reality, that’s a fact, so we try every sort of thing. We try because we are seeking something. But what are we seeking? What is the Truth? People may say this is the truth, that is the truth and also you will find people identified with wrong things, identified with destructive things and they stick onto it. So, first of all, we have to know what is the Truth. When we talk of Truth, they should really tell us what is the Truth.  The Truth is that you are a Spirit. You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not your imagination or your emotions but you are the Spirit because you always say, “mythoughts, my emotions, my ego.” You never say, “I, the Read More …

Become the light and give the light Spreckels Organ Pavilion, San Diego (United States)

Public Program Day 2, San Diego (USA), 19th of June, 1989 Please be seated. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday we cannot conceptualize truth. We cannot change it, we cannot organize it. The idea of truth is an experience. It has to be your experience of truth. It’s not just a mental attitude about it. Because in the world if you see there are people who believe in this kind of philosophie, that kind of philosophie, they believe in this religion, that religion, every type of things they believe and they say very confidently, I believe in that. But whatever may be your believes, whatever may be your philosophie or your religion, anyone can do any sin, can commit any kind of violence, can do harm to anyone. There’s nothing binding. You can’t say, because I am such and such, I can’t do it. That means that believe is only skin-deep. And that is why we go on critizising others. Now for example if you want to know about the Muslims, you talk to Jews. And if you want to know about the Jews you talk to Christians. If you want to know about the Christians, talk to Indians or Hindus. So there is no end to it. Everybody thinks that they are all chosen ones and a ladder is made for them direct to the heaven. If you have to live with these kinds of concepts, Sahaja Yoga cannot help you. But Read More …

We must know the roots Spreckels Organ Pavilion, San Diego (United States)

Public Program Day 1, San Diego (USA), 18th of June, 1989 But you have to keep your mind open like a scientist to understand we have not yet found out the absolute truth. We live in a relative world and that’s why we have problems. So many problems we face today, ecological problems are there, drug problems, sickness, this, that. And as if we feel there is a kind of a destructive force that is working and we are really bothered, some are frightened who understand the devastation that is possible.The reason for all these problems is very simple and if we can just go into the scriptures of all the religions, there is one common point about them. The common thing, all of them have said in essence one thing, and they have said that you have to seek the eternal. Seek the eternal! Not take it for granted that you have got it. Seek the eternal and the transitory is to be used in its own limitations and understanding. Here we have gone wrong because we have worried too much about transitory things and nothing about the eternal. The transitory things are transitory because it has got the build in quality of getting destroyed. That’s why they are transitory otherwise they would have been eternal. This build in quality in the transitory things brings in all kinds of problems. When we look at these problems we have to look back and see that by seeking eternal, how the Read More …

The Diamond in our Heart Spreckels Organ Pavilion, San Diego (United States)

Public program day 2 in Balboa Park. San Diego (USA), 23 July 1988. I bow to all the speakers of truth. Yesterday, you have been explained about the subtle being within us, a subtle instrument within us, described in the Bible as Tree of Life, working out this last breakthrough of Self-realization. And this happening is a living happening, a spontaneous happening, the way a seed sprouts spontaneously when it is embedded in the Mother Earth. The problem with the human mind is such that he thinks or it thinks that it can work out its own realization, its own emancipation. We do not understand a simple thing that at the human level, we do not do anything that is living. We cannot germinate a seed even on that. We cannot even create anything that is dead. We can just transform one dead into another form. But we cannot understand that whatever we may try, we cannot lay our hands on the living process. Only after Self-realization you are entitled. You get powers to do living work. That is the sign of a person who is born again, who is a yogi, who has had a union with the Divine. It is not those who proclaim or announce or advertise that we are something special selected people that we have the powers or that we can take you to Divine. One can really produce results. Results can only be produced of living process when you have the power of your Read More …

“I will send you the Holy Ghost” Spreckels Organ Pavilion, San Diego (United States)

Public Program Day 1 at Balboa Park. San Diego (USA), 22 July 1988. I bow to all the seekers of truth. If we are seeking the truth we have to understand that truth is what it is. It was the same and it will be the same. You cannot change it. You cannot organize it. You cannot limit it. But at the stage when we are human beings, we know the truth but a very little part of it. Truth is to be known on our central nervous system, is not by any lecturing or by any mental process, emotional process, physical process or spiritual courses. One has to rise to that state of enlightenment, which enables us to see the absolute truth. The part truth we know through our senses as you can see Me here sitting and I can see you sitting around. I can see so clearly. And you can see Me clearly through your eyes and you know the truth that I am sitting down here. So, also through our ears, through our eyes, through our sense organs we see the truth and all the other dimensions of these organs we have achieved we can see the truth as well. For example, if there is a dog, and if it has to go through a dirty lane, he can do it. But human beings cannot do it. They can see the things that a dog cannot see. Many things that they can enjoy and hear, a Read More …