“Divine Discretion”, Hamsa Chakra Puja & Arrival YMCA - Camp Marston, San Diego (United States)

“Divine discretion,” Hamsa Chakra Puja, Camp Marston, San Diego (USA), 28 May 1990. It’s another great pleasure to come to America to meet you all people here. This one, as I’ve told you, is a very important country in the field of spirituality. Not because it’s a large country or because it is very prosperous but because, as you know, it is the Vishuddhi in the plan of Virat. Vishuddhi is such an important chakra. It has a very great manifestation also. For example it has another subsidiary chakra, which we call as Hamsa Chakra. And the star which is influencing this centre – or the star that resides, on which this centre is working – is Saturn. And, as you know with Saturn there is another small little Saturn moving. In the same way, with this Vishuddhi Chakra, there’s another one which is a very important chakra, which we call as Hamsa Chakra. We have had a puja of Hamsa Chakra in Germany once, and it has acted, I think; because Germans have realised that whatever they have done so far was absolutely inhuman. And I was so happy to see that, when I went to Russia, the people who came to give them Realisation were mostly Germans. It really makes you feel so tender about the whole thing that the Germans felt it is important – I mean, they were the ones who were attracted – to come to Russia to give Realisation to Russians; and you must Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle YMCA - Camp Marston, San Diego (United States)

Shri Ganesha Puja, “Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle.” San Diego (USA), 7 September 1986. Today in the land of Shri Krishna, we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesh. It’s something very unprecedented and of a very significant value that you should be celebrating the birthday of Shri Krishna’s son in His own land.  You know that Shri Ganesha incarnated on this earth as Mahavishnu, and He was the son of Radha, who incarnated as Lord Jesus Christ. So by celebrating this birthday, today you are recognizing the greatest truth that Lord Jesus Christ was the son of Shri Krishna.  There’s a story about it, if you read in the Devi Mahatmayam, how this Primordial Child took a form of an egg, and half of it remained as Shri Ganesha and half of it became Mahavishnu. In the evolutionary process, all these happenings of the antiquities have been recorded. But today, I feel so gratified that on the human level, people have understood, Christ is the incarnation of Lord Ganesha. He is the Eternal Child. But in the form when He came as Christ, He came as the son of Shri Krishna.  But when Parvati made Shri Ganesha, He was the son of Parvati alone. There was no father. Parvati Herself wanted to have a child of Her own. There were angels who were dedicated either to Vishnu or to Shiva, like Ganas were dedicated to Shiva alone. So She wanted to have Her own son who can permeate Her powers Read More …

Evening Program and Talk: Be Wise Fishermen, eve of Ganesha Puja YMCA - Camp Marston, San Diego (United States)

Eve of Ganesha Puja talk. California, (San Diego), USA. 6 September 1986. It is so very beautiful to be in such natural surroundings with you all. In the hubbub of the city, you don’t find this peace and is very good for all those who are seeking their ascent. You all asked me to come for this Ganesh Puja. I thought it was essential that Shri Ganesha should be established and I am so very happy that there are so many Americans now who are Sahaja Yogis. Of course, compared to the population of America they are very few and we have to have many more. But they have basic problems and one of them I think is of Shri Ganesh and that’s why it was necessary to have this Shri Ganesha’s Puja in Los Angeles or you may call whichever places this one is? San Diego or on this mountain which I hope so, will be able to establish that essence of innocence which is so much in the sleeping state. Today I just wanted to tell you few things as to how we should deal with the people who come around. The idea that we should deal with the seekers who are coming to see us is that we should try to belittle apologetic and to tell them about all chakras, give them a feedback, as they call it on the mental level. But I do not think that’s a very good style. You have to first give Read More …