Sahaja Culture Pune (India)

Sahaja Culture Now you see the western culture is coming so fast on your head and also another thing is that today low-level creations are coming, do you understand that part like dramas, like cinemas, like books so many also newspapers, very low level they are. Now what should we do about it, one way is to criticize them, but we don`t want to take that position (risk). Then what should be our attitude? What can we do? (In Marathi 00:49) Asking the people to come and sit in the front. So now tell Me what should we do? you also come and sit in the front (Marathi) A Yogi: (Marathi) the good dramas which are now closed due to lack of the audience. The dramas which are our cultural heritage, few of them are showing Sahaja culture that day You were also saying this, we should show such dramas, convince the people, we should buy the tickets and then force the people sit and watch them. Shri Mataji: (In Marathi) so what happened the day before yesterday we went to see a drama. (English) I went to see a very wonderful drama which is of an international level such a great drama it was, `RAMA WANI PATHWILA`. And there were hardly 20-30 people to watch that. And to all kinds of useless third rate —02:28——– speech, it is so boring even if it may not be very vulgar but there are so many people .So for the Sahaja yogis Read More …