Inauguration of Vaitarna Music Academy (India)

English Transcript Inauguration speech for the opening of the new Music Academy (transcr. only English part). Vaitarna (India), 1 January 2003. I’m sorry I spoke in Hindi language, because to talk about My father in any other language is very difficult, though he was a master of English language and he used to read a lot. He had a big library of his own where I also learned English, because my medium of instruction was Marathi. I’d never studied Hindi or English. But because of his library, because I was very fond of reading, I picked up English, whatever it is, and also Hindi. Now they all say I speak very good English and very good Hindi, I am surprised, because to Me they were foreign languages. And when I did my matriculation also, I had a very small book of English, and for inter-science also I had a very small book. And in the medical college of course there was no question of any language, but because I used to read a lot. So I would suggest to all of you to read, read more. But don’t read nonsensical books, very good famous books you must read. That’s how I developed my language, and I had to do so well. By reading that, I could know also so much about the human failings. I didn’t know human beings have those failings, I didn’t know. I was absolutely beyond them. After reading everything, I came to know that there are Read More …

Eve Of Mahashivaratri Puja, Evening Program Pune (India)

अफ्रीका ,वहा पर सात हजार सहजयोगी मुसलमान  है | टर्की में करीबन दो अढाही हजार और उससे आगे और एक देश है उसे  कहते है आइवरी  कोस्ट                वहाँपे करीबन तीन हजार मुसलमान सहजयोगी है | मै हैरान हूँ ,मैंने कहा की तुम मुसलमान क्यों हो गए तो कहने लगे की यहाँ पर फ्रेंच लोग थे | उनमे तो धर्म हमने कोई देखा ही नहीं | तो हमने सोचा चलो मुसलमान हो जाए |  तो उसमें भी न रुके  |                       अब इस कदर वो दौड़ पड़े है कुछ समजमें नहीं आता | हर जगह ,और अपने देश में तो बहोत जरुरी है समजना की ये दी हुई चीज है परमात्माकी अपने  अंदर है | आपकी अपनी शक्ति है | उसे जगालो ,उसके लिए कुछ पैसे वैसे नहीं देना पड़ता | कुछ नहीं है ,सच्चाई से उसको पाना है | बेकारकी कोईभी चीज के पीछे पड़के अपना सत्यानास करना | और आपको अपने बालबच्चोंका भी सोचना है | सो गलत रास्तेसे लोगोको हटाना पड़ेगा | बोहोत जरुरी है कि ये बड़ा भारी पुण्य का आशीष का काम है | अब मै तो जहाँतक कोशिश होती है वो मैं कर रही हूँ | अब तुम लोग भी करो | खुश रहो | 

Evening Program  (India)

1970-01-01 Talk English Marathi Hindi DP Opt HD, 33′ [Unclear] आपने इन्हे पहचाना नही, मैने तो पहचान लिया. आप तशरीफ़ रखिए.आशीष, इनकी वाइफ को बुला लो.  [Unclear/ Shri Mataji asks to give saree in Marathi language].  उसमे वाइब्रटेड पानी दे देना. आप पहनिएगा ज़रूर. आशीर्वाद. बहुत बड़िया बच्चे हैं. वाह वाह वाह क्या कहने.  रूह बन गयी. They are रूह now. और रूहानी ज़िंदगी में संगीत का बड़ा कार्य है इसीलिए मैं इसको बहुत ज़्यादा जितना भी हो सकता है उतना चाहती हूँ की उसे प्रोत्साहन हूँ उसको प्रमोट करूँ उसको आग्गे बड़ाऊ जितना मुझसे बन पड़ता है. क्योंकि दूसरा बड़ा भारी काम मुझे करना है की अनेक लोगों को उस परमात्मा की शक्ति से एकाकारिता दें. लेकिन ये भी एक संगीत मध्यम बन गया और जब अमज़द अली जैसे लोग हैं और सफ़ाद हुसैन जैसे ताल्बध्ध लोग हैं तो कुछ मुश्किल नही होगा.  मैं तो हर बार देखती हूँ की ये नये नये मुखड़े पता नही कहाँ से ले आते हैं हर बार कभी इन्होने रिपीट नही किये. जीतने बार भी सुनिये नये ही मुखड़े बजा लेते हैं पता नही कैसे. सब चीज़ें इतनी सुंदर हैं इतनी दैवीय और इतनी आनंद दाई हैं की उनका वर्णन तो नही किया जा सकता लेकिन हमारे सहजयोग में हर योगी के हृदय में आप सब artist के लिए नितांत श्रद्धा और आपको सब बहुत प्रेम और आदर से देखते हैं. इसकी ये वजह नही की मेरे ही कारण है इसकी ये भी वजह है की जानते हैं की इनके गाने से हमारी Read More …

Musical Program and Talk (India)

१९९१ -१२०१ इंडिया टूर ,     जैसे माँ से सहज में मिल जाती है कोई भी चीज ,लोग इसका विचार नहीं करते | विशेषकर मेरे रहते हुए ये बहोत जोरोंसे ये घटना होती है | अभी ये बैठी हुई हैना यहापर वो कह रही थी की  मुझे पहले दिन मेरी कुण्डलिनी इतने जोर से खड़ी  हुई और पूरी रात मैं आनंद में हो गई ,यही होता है | तो तुम कहोगे के माँ ये तुमने क्या किया | तो अपनी संकल्प शक्तिसे हमने ,अपनीही कुण्डलिनी पर आपको बिठा करके ,अपने ही रिधय में  आपको जन्म देके  और आपके सहस्त्रार से हमने आपको असल में पूरा जन्म दिया है | जैसे की माँ अपने  पेट के  बच्चेको पनपाती  है और उसके बाद उसको जन्म देती है उसी प्रकार सहस्त्रार से आपको जन्म दिया हुआ है | और यही सर्वव्यापी घटना फोटो पर भी घटित होती है ,आश्चर्य की बात है की हमारे फोटो में भी इतने व्हाईब्रेशन्स है ,और ये सायन्स का मैं  बड़ा उपकार मानती हु | यहाँ तक की ये मैं बोल रही हु इसमेसे भी मेरे व्हाईब्रेशन्स निचे चले जा रहे है | बहोत बार आपके चक्र पकड़ते है तो ऐसा हात  लगा लेती हु ना आज्ञा को तो आज्ञा छूट जाती है | देखिए सायन्स इसीलिए बनाया गया था की सहजयोग के लिए उपयोगी हो | कल अगर टी वी पे आप हमें बिठादे और लोग हमारे और हात करे तो न जाने कितने लोग पार हो जाए ,पर ऐसे दिन कब आएंगे पता नहीं की टी वी वाले Read More …

Being Bandhamukta – A free personality and Evening Program Ganapatipule (India)

Ganapatipule Seminar, India Tour. Ganapatipule (India), 5 January 1988. From yesterday’s programme, and all these days, you must have realised that to get your Kundalini working out, to get Her rush towards the Sahasrara and to widen your Sushumna Nadi it is not necessary that you should sit for meditation for three to five hours. Of course, you must meditate for a short time because that is at a point where you are alone, one with your God. But otherwise in the collective, when you merge into it, then the Kundalini rises the same way. It’s a very discreet way of understanding what happens. In the collective when you are, you compensate each other, compliment each other, and a subtler side of the cosmos starts manifesting in you. Then if you could really merge there’s a word in ‘merge’ in Sanskrit language or in Marathi language is very good is ‘ramamaana’. I don’t think “merging with joy” but there is no ‘with’ you see, merging into joy. So if you can merge into the joy of anything that is sahaj you can become a meditative personality, you can achieve that meditative mood within yourself. With that mood, with that force, new subtler dimensions start breaking out within you. Your different kind of conditionings which are like shackles, binding you down, just open out and you become a free person – bandhamukta. With that force everything breaks: your ego breaks, your conditioning breaks and you become one with the joy of Read More …

Yuva Shakti Starts and Evening Program Ganapatipule (India)

Idea to start Yuva Shakti, Ganapatipule (India), 4 January 1988. Mr. Pradhan is a very humble person. He didn’t tell you, that we have started a, I mean, he actually brought the idea to start a, another subsidiary you can call it, or whichever way you may say, another parallel movement, called as “Yuva Shakti”. Which is meant for the young people in Sahaja Yoga. For their guidance, for their expression, and for their dedication. And, this is spreading so fast now that I am told we have got Yuva Shakti even in Pune. And may be, it might spread to other places, to other countries, so that they can correspond, have a rapport, try to understand each other. So, this is a new movement, which was really suggested by Mr. Pradhan, and I really heartily congratulate him for putting it into action. (Applause). No doubt, we must care for our young people. And look after them and give them their due respect and they must know their due duties towards Sahaja Yoga. I found them to be excellent workers, very dedicated innocent hands that I have got. I am very proud of them. And please give them a hand to all the young people. (Applause). So there will be, we have another group, now here, it is Ashis who has come from Nagpur. He is a realized soul. He is a born realized, you see. And, like that we have many. Now here we have Ashok who is going Read More …

We should have patience, sweetness and genuineness, Evening Program Ganapatipule (India)

Talk to yogis, India Tour. Ganapatipule (India), 3 January 1988. I hope you are all very comfortable now and that you are enjoying the food as well. [Applause] Also we are approaching the fag end of our tour. This tour was arranged, as you know, like a journey through your Sushumna Nadi at different, different points different, different Chakras. In the same way we have passed through various places and now we have reached Ganapatipule where we have to get our Sahasrara fully drenched with blessings of Shri Ganesh. As you know Sahaja Yoga is a very subtler happening within us. It’s a very subtler happening and this subtler happening gives you sensitivity to Divine joy. When you start getting the Divine joy you don’t care for any comforts, you don’t care for all worldly type of pleasure giving things. To you, this becomes the most important thing and the only thing. Apart from that you start seeing the truth as it is. When I say you start seeing the truth many people can misuse this word. I’ve seen many people saying that they can decide things on vibrations and they have decided certain things on vibrations. But they commit mistakes. That means they have not yet grown up to that state where they can decide on vibrations. So nobody should arbitrarily decide but consult the collective, especially your leaders to find out if whatever decision you have taken, whatever you have thought of, is it all right or not. Read More …

A Sinless Life Ganapatipule (India)

Talk on New Year’s Day, Ganapatipule (India), 1 January 1988. Happy New Year to you all! May God bless you this year with all His divine powers. May all the choicest flowers of joy and happiness be showered upon you. May God give you wisdom to become great Sahaja Yogis, so that a new world can be created beautifully out of you. Very happy to meet you all today here. First day, I am sure there must have been lots of inconveniences. But Sahaja Yogis don’t feel any inconvenience. It’s important that you all are here, should meet each other, talk to each other about Sahaja Yoga. Try to understand what’s going on in the other parts of the world. There are certain problems which arise sometimes when you don’t listen to Me. So whatever I have said about swimming, the timings, please keep to it. We have to give up our old conditionings, I mean, we have to start a new life of understanding and wisdom. Today is a day when we should decide, take some vows in our hearts, what we want to do for our future, for Sahaja Yoga, for building of our lives. You know all the programs we have. Tomorrow we’ll be giving you the final list of the people who are getting married. And, also you should meet people whom you are getting married to. Talk to them and find out about them. Today I don’t want to say much. They say whatever you Read More …

Talk on Marriage and Nirvikalpa Kolhapur (India)

Purity Of Sahaja Yogis Date 30th December 1989: Brahmapuri Place Seminar & Meeting Type आता आपण कोणतीही मोठमोठाली माणसं बघुयात, आपल्यासमोर टिळक आहेत, आगरकर आहेत, शिवाजी महाराज आहेत, अशी जी मोठमोठाली मंडळी झालीत, त्यांनी काय केलंय ? ते कसे वागले ? त्यांच्याकडे लक्ष दिले पाहिजे. शिवाजी महाराजांनासुद्धा चारदा लग्न करावं लागलं, राजकारणासाठी. त्यांनी केलं. ‘राजकारणासाठी मला करायचंय तर मी केलं लग्न.’ पण ते नि:संग होते, त्याच्यावर त्याचा परिणाम नव्हता काही. कराव लागलं तर केलं आम्ही. चार लोकांशी आम्हाला दोस्ती करायचीय. त्यांनी जात-पात पाहिली नाही, की शहाणवच कुळी असलं पाहिजे, की अमुकच असलं पाहिजे. असं काही पाहिलं नाही. त्यावेळेला जेव्हा इतके वर्षापूर्वी गागाभट्टांना इथे येऊन त्यांना राज्याभिषेक द्यावा लागला, जातीपातीच्या लोकांनी त्यांना किती हिणवलं , की तुम्ही कुणबी आहात, तुम्ही मराठा नाही. तेव्हा तुमची तेव्हा ह्या कोणतीही जात असेना का, तुम्ही आज सहजयोगी झालात, तुमची जात बदलली. तुमचा धर्म बदललेला आहे. हा धर्म ‘विश्व निर्मल धर्म’ आहे. तो तुमच्यात जागृत झालेला आहे, त्यामुळे तुमच्या वाईट सवयी गेल्या, सगळं काही गेलं. पण हे भूत अजून काही गेलेलं नाही. तुमच्या जातीच्या लोकांशी तुमचा संबंधच नाही आला पाहिजे. कारण ही जमात जी तुमची आहे, ती भुतं आहेत सगळी . दारू पिणं, मारणं, मग ते दारू पिओ, नाहीतर काही करो. हंडा घेवो नाहीतर काही करो. मग ते आमच्या जातीतलंच असलं पाहिजे. मग तुम्ही सहजयोगी कसे ? मग सहजयोग सोडा तुम्ही. तुम्ही दोन धर्मात उभे राहू शकता का ? नाही राहू शकत. त्याच्यामुळेच काल ह्यांना मार खावा लागला. हे लोक ज्यांनी सर्व धर्म सोडला, परमेश्वर सोडला, आणखीन आम्ही काहीच असं करत नाही असे उभे राहिले. त्यांनी Read More …

Evening Program, Beauty must have auspiciousness Ganapatipule (India)

Evening Program, Beauty Must Have Auspiciousness [English Transcript] God almighty created this universe, in a very beautiful manner. I have told you many a time the story of creation, and how the evolution took place. The mirror, is made to see your face, and God almighty could not see himself. His qualities, His greatness, His generosity, His magnanimity. Like the sun cannot see itself. Moon cannot see itself. Like the gold cannot see itself. A pearl, how can it go inside itself and see itself? So, this creation was made like a mirror, for God to see His reflection. Ultimately He created the most beautiful mirror that is human beings. At this point it would have been alright, if, Adam and Eve had not used their freedom wrongly. There would have been not such a long time and, had to go through evolutionary process with all the [UNCLEAR incarnations] coming in, guiding people. And today, at this time, to get to your spirit, to express God in your mirror fully. This has taken a long long process. But if you see it’s so beautifully done. I think, that’s the play of Mahamaya. That, first of all, beautiful worlds were created, beautiful starts were created, you see them around. Then beautiful mountains and rivers. Then beautiful plant kingdom came in, and the beautiful variety of trees. So much of Varieties. Varieties bring forth the beauty of God’s own imagination. A leaf of any tree cannot match, with any other leaf, and Read More …