Diwali Puja Moscow (Russia)

Diwali Puja – Moskou, Rusland – 12/11/1993 Translation not verified. Dear yogi, register as volunteer to do so. Vertaling niet geverifieerd. Beste yogi, registreer als vrijwilliger om dit te doen. It is so very gratifying to see so many people from all over the world have come to Russia to worship the Goddess Lakshmi. When you cannot explain everything intellectually than you take course to arts to express yourself ; and then you take to symbols to express what you cannot say verbally or cannot express rationally. This is what an artist does, also a poet does that he extends his imagination to such an extent that he creates a symbol. But this mind is limited and it can only get up to a point and it is not substantiated by truth and reality after some time it falls. The whole linear movement falls and there is a decline. That is what we find in every area today specially that everything which was sublime has declined. This decline takes place and people start accepting it. But after self realization when you have become the spirit, your imagination touches the reality. Then the symbols which were perverted which was misrepresented drop out. And you touch the reality of the symbols. This is exactly what has happened everywhere. For example we had in India the Goddess of wealth as Lakshmi and this symbol of Lakshmi was described by saints and seers in reality. But later on people did not understand the symbol Read More …