International Easter Puja Jerusalem, 2021


Easter Puja 2021 – words of prayer

The following words were used to address Shri Mataji in the puja:

Shri Mataji, our dearest Divine Mother, we, Your children from all over the world, have gathered here today in Jerusalem, in the central Agnya of the world, to offer to Your Lotus Feet a puja to worship You in the form of Your beloved son, Shri Jesus Christ – the light of the world, who is the ideal Sahaja Yogi and sets us an example in everything.

Shri Mataji, we humbly ask You to accept this worship and may this puja be for the entire world. Not only for Sahaja Yogis, but for the entire humanity; for harmonious co-existence of human beings with all living creatures in the world and for harmonious peaceful co-existence of human beings with human beings.

We seek Your blessings to have powers and understanding for mutual forgiveness, for true transformation towards the spirit, towards the light and to unity. May this puja be another small step to the transformation of the whole world, to real unity of Nirmalites in the world.

We hope our Divine Mother that You use us as Your instruments, as Your channels to spread the light and the love of You and Your son. And we also seek courage to fight the evil when it is necessary, to face the truth, and to do the right things, always, like He did.

We humbly invite all deities to come and be present and guide us in this worship, in this puja. And please, may all our mistakes in this puja be forgiven, because it is done, all this worship is done, from the depth of our hearts.

Jai Shri Mataji

Let us all address Shri Ganesha in our hearts.

Please, Shri Ganesha, You are the innocence and the wisdom. Please grant us a spark of Your devotion, a spark of Your purity, of Your wisdom and knowledge – so we would be worthy of worshipping our Mother; so there would be no ego and superego in our worship, but only the pure desire and pure love.

We bow to the One, who is the only son of his Virgin Mother, in whose every pore galaxies whirl like dust. Who was born to teach us of his father, Shri Sadashiva, the everlasting God Almighty. Amen.

Prayer to Shri Mataji

Dearest Holy Mother, Shri Mataji, we Your children from around the world unite in prayer that Your vision of a resurrected humanity will come to fruition.

We pray that the power of forgiveness is activated throughout the world and is awakened and manifested in all its people. With our spirits shining like a lantern of Your love in our Sahasraras, may we form a bandhan of light around the universe, like the rising sun radiates our Mother’s love onto Her creation. As You Shri Mataji have held our hands and lovingly guided us to the source of bliss, we too vow to reach out and hold the hands of our neighbours and pray that Your holy grace transforms them, as it has us.

With the spark of the spirit ignited in each and every one of Your children, we walk united along an enlightened path, illuminated by Your holy breath.

Cleansed with innocence and wisdom, shedding all that does not serve us, we rise hand in hand in recognition that we are part of one global family, the children of one Mother. In silent auspiciousness we cross the gate that you opened for us in Your form as Shri Jesus. We arrive enriched with humility and forgiveness, bowing down in gratitude, reverence and awe, at Your holy Lotus Feet.

In unison, as the sunflowers turn their heads to face the sun, the entire humanity bows down at the holy Feet of its Creator. We bow down with such gratitude overflowing from our hearts, that it can only be expressed in our complete surrender, our complete submission.

United we offer ourselves to you, Shri Mataji, each and every one of us as pure and fragrant as a jasmine, or Your beloved daisy flower.

Together we are joined to form an auspicious garland, fragrant and auspicious to be offered at Your holy Lotus Feet in puja.

We thank you Shri Mataji again and again.

with gratitude to the Hosting Countries – Sahaja Yoga Austria