Twameva Mātā (You are the Mother)


Twameva mātā cha pitā twameva
You are the Mother and You are the Father,
Twameva bandhu-shcha sakhā twameva
You are the relation and You are the friend,
Twameva vidyā dravinam twameva
You are knowledge, You are sustenance,
Twameva sarvam, mama Deva Deva
You are everything, O my God, my God!

Aparādha sahasrāni kriyante aharnisham mayā
I commit a thousand sins from day to night.
Daso’yam iti mām matwā, kshamaswa Param’eshwarī
Please accept me as Your servant. O Mother, forgive me!
Kshamaswa Param’eshwarī, kshamaswa Param’eshwarī
O Mother, forgive me. O Mother forgive me!

Āwāhanam na jānāmi, na jānāmi tav’ārchanam
I do not know how to invoke You, I do not know how to welcome You.
Pūjam ch’aiwa na jānāmi, kshamya-tām Param’eshwarī
I do not know how to worship You. Forgive me, O Supreme Goddess!
Kshamya-tām Param’eshwarī, kshamya-tām Param’eshwarī
Forgive me, O Supreme Goddess. Forgive me, O Supreme One!

Mantrahīnam kriyāhīnam bhaktihīnam Sur’eshwarī
I have no mantras, I have done nothing,
I have no devotion, O greatest of Goddesses
Yat pūjitam mayādevi pari-pūrnam tadastu me
and yet whatever my prayers have been to You,
please fulfil them, Mother, through Your grace.

Gatam pāpam gatam dukham gatam dāridryam eva cha
Sin, misery and also poverty are no more,
Āgatam Param-chaitanyam puny’oham tawa darshanāt
And I am supremely blessed to behold Your divine form.

Traditionally this song refers to Samartha Ramadasa (Shivaji’s guru, who was an incarnation of Shri Hanumana) but has often been sung to Shri Mataji at the end of puja.