Easter Puja: You must forgive The Pride Hotel, Nagpur (India)

Easter Puja, “You must forgive”, Hotel Pride, Nagpur (India), March 23th, 2008 I never expected all of you to be here present for the puja. I don’t know how you have managed to come (laughter and applause). Otherwise, it’s a very important day today for all of us because you know how Christ died. He was crucified. He was put on a cross and then He died. Wonderful the way he said about you people. He asked for forgiveness from God. What we have to learn from His life is the way He knew how to forgive all of us. We have to also forgive people. That seems to be very difficult for people to forgive and if they are angry, they are angry, they cannot forgive. Then you are no more sahaja yogis; sahaja yogis must forgive. Very important; because that is the power you have got from Christ, to forgive. Human beings make mistakes, that is a part of their lives. But at the same time, as sahaja yogis must remember that you have to forgive. That is much more important than getting angry. So to forgive people for doing something wrong according to you or according to God, you have to forgive. And you will be surprised that the forgiveness is such a great, satisfying quality. If you can forgive people, you will become extremely pure. Because the dirt or the anger that is within us goes out. So to forgive is the biggest blessings human beings have. Read More …

Easter Puja: Be Peaceful House in Pratishthan, Pune (India)

HH Shri Mataji, Easter Puja. Pratishthan, Pune (India), 8 April 2007. Shri Mataji: Today is a very important day. [Mic is changed] Hello.  Sahaja Yogis: Hello Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Better, is it? Sahaja Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. I’m saying today is very important. This is a new starting for you, for you all. Try to understand that you have worked very hard so far and you wanted to do much more than you have been able to do. That was your desire and it will work out, definitely it will work out. If your desire is strong things will work out and you’ll get a great chance of helping people as you have helped yourself and you are happy about it, it’s better that you decide to help others. It’s important, they all should be blessed. You can do it. There lies your leadership that you have to give it to others. Most of you have got it for yourself but you have to give it to others. Let the others also gain in their spirituality. I know so many of you got your Realization and you are so much in it and you are all very happy. So be happy and cheerful, that is the first sign that you are Realized, that  you have got the Realization. With this Realization you can give Realization to others. The speciality of today is that Christ came back to life just to do something for us. So, it’s a very important Read More …

Easter Puja: You are bound by the religion of love and joy Kilyos, Kilya Hotel Kilyos (Turkey)

Easter Puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 21 April 2002. Today we have come here to worship Jesus Christ and His Mother. It’s such a coincidence that the Mother of Christ came and stayed in Turkey. Isn’t it surprising that She should come here after the crucifixion of Christ and stayed here. I wonder if He also came with Her later on? But they say then He went to Kashmir and She was also there. Quite possible, on their way, they might have gone there. So we are here to worship them. According to Sahaja Yoga, She was the incarnation of Mahalakshmi and She’s the one who sacrificed Her Son for the sake of religion. But unfortunately, nobody understood Her value. Nobody saw that She was such a great spiritual personality. Only through Sahaja Yoga you can understand that She was a very great personality who gave birth to Christ. It is very unfortunate that She was not respected, specially in the Islamic world. Because of that, the women in the Islamic culture have no place. My experience is very sad about them. We have started an organization for the rehabilitation of women who are destitutes and all of them who have applied are Muslim ladies – very sad. While Muhammed-sahib has said that ‘you must look after your mother’, despite that, all these women – some of them have eight children, ten children – have come to this destitute home. Of course, we have to give them place. We have to look Read More …

Easter Puja: You Cannot Resurrect Yourself Without Controlling Agnya Istanbul (Turkey)

Easter puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 22 April 2001. Today we have gathered here to do the puja of Easter. In the history of spirituality, it is one of the greatest days when we find Christ rose from the dead. It is very significant and symbolic that in Sahaja Yoga, also what we have done, is to rise from the dead – into life. It is to be understood that resurrection is the message for all of us, for the whole world. We have to resurrect ourselves. There was no need for Jesus to do that. But He was a model, model of a saint, model of a realised soul, model of a person who came all the way from the heavens to save us. So this resurrection is also part and parcel of our lives. It is so symbolic, so very symbolic, that we were, in our consciousness, lost people. We had no control over ourselves as to know the way our mind told us to go. We had no balance with the mind and our physical being, no more balance of any kind in life and used to go at random, whichever way we thought was good. There was no wisdom about it. As it is, Jesus was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a very difficult task He has performed. He used to convince people who were absolutely ignorant about spirituality, who just knew about money and nothing else. He came in those days when people had no idea Read More …

Easter Puja: Purity Is the Basis of Your Existence Istanbul (Turkey)

Easter puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2000. Today we are celebrating the great event of the resurrection of Christ. On the same pattern is your resurrection, that you have risen to the new life of Divine love. You were all in the knowledge that there is something higher that has to happen, that you have to be born again. But, nobody knew how it works? The subtle side of your being was never told to you. The saints only talked as to how you should behave. They only said how you should try to keep a very pure life, sincere life but they didn’t tell you how it will work out. Of course, people knew in India about it, very few of them, very-very few. But, now it’s a world wide knowledge through you people. Now when your Kundalini rises, she is your Mother, she is your individual Mother and she gives you the second birth. That’s how you get connected to the Divine paradise. All this, if it is told without realization has no meaning but people are given great ideas about it and also were promised that one day your resurrection will come. It is the greatest happening for you. It is the greatest event of your life and one must consider it very fortunate that you have been able to achieve it. All this because you desired for it. In many of your lives you have been desiring for the Heavenly paradise. People have been going down Read More …

Easter Puja: We have to establish our meditation Istanbul (Turkey)

Easter puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 25 April 1999. Today, we are all here assembled in Turkey, in Istanbul, to celebrate the resurrection of Christ and, with that also, your celebration of your resurrection.Christ’s resurrection was a great message for us. He won over the death and came out of that dead body with another body which was living body. The body was the same, but one was a dead body and another one was a body which was living. It’s not only symbolic, it actually happened within. After all, He was a divine child, He was a divine person. Actually it has happened within. It’s not just a symbolic thing that He died and He was resurrected into another person or, you can say, into a living person. For Him, what is the death? For eternal beings, there are no deaths. There’s no death for a person who’s eternal. He may, for the time being, look as if He is dead, but He can never die. Christ was like that, a very, very special incarnation, which came on this earth to be reborn out of the dead. Now we are also, when we are not yet realised souls, when we are not yet enlightened. We are also dead in the sense, our awareness is very, very… I should say, absolutely dull and dead. We can see flowers, we can see faces, we can see buildings, we can see cities, we can see all those things. All these things we see and Read More …

Easter Puja: You Can Spread Sahaja Yoga Only Through Love and Compassion Istanbul (Turkey)

Easter Puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 19 April 1998. Today, we are celebrating the Resurrection of Christ. That is the greatest message of Christ life, not the crucifixion. Anybody can be crucified and killed, but this dead body of Christ was resurrected from death. Death itself died and He overcame it. It’s a miracle for ordinary human beings, definitely, but not for Christ, because He was a Divine person, He was Shri Ganesha, He was Omkara Itself. So, He could walk on the water, gravity would not affect Him, and also He got resurrected because death could not affect Him. Such a great Divine personality, specially created for human beings that people should recognise Him. But they did not recognise Him, they killed Him, in a very brutal manner. And even now they think [the] cross is a great thing because Christ died on a cross. It’s a very cruel idea of human beings to respect the cross. What does it show? It shows that people liked all the cruelties done to Him, symbolising cross as the one that represented His death and these atrocities, the way He was tortured. So, it was a very sad time when He was crucified. But when He got resurrected it was the most joyous, most auspicious and most beautiful time. The resurrection of Christ is very symbolic for Sahaj Yoga. If Christ could be resurrected, then if human beings also can be resurrected, because He came as a human being with all powers and He Read More …

Easter Puja Kolkata (India)

Easter Puja (Translated from Hindi). Calcutta (India), 14 April 1996. Today we are doing Easter Puja. Today is a very important day for Sahaja Yogis because Isa-Messiah (Jesus) has shown us that redemption of human beings is possible, and for that redemption we should always put in an effort. There is also a meaning why He was crucified. He was crucified on the cross and this cross is a symbol of the Swastika on the Agnya chakra. He was crucified and He left His body there only. He told some important things at that time and one most important thing out of this was “Wait for the Mother” – “Think of the Mother”. (Behold the Mother?)Everybody can interpret it in a different way, but it seems He said that He will send for us such a shakti (power) who has three channels – Trigunatmika, and that is described very beautifully. One of these Shaktis/powers will give us comfort. This comfort-giving power in us is Mahakali’s power which gives us comfort, which cures our diseases, which corrects/solves many questions of our past. The second power, which He gave us, which He sent to us, was Mahasaraswati and to this Mahasaraswati Power, He called Counsellor, the one who will counsel you – that means, who helps us for Yognirupan (to see the form of Yoga). With the help of this second power, we will get Gyan (Knowledge), we will know the subtle knowledge. And the third power, (Mahalakshmi) with the help of Read More …

Easter Puja: You have to crucify your ego Kolkata (India)

You have to crucify your ego, Easter Puja, Calcutta (India), 14 April 1995. Translation from Hindi: First I will speak to you in English and then in Hindi. [English talk] Today is the day we are celebrating Easter. Easter is extremely symbolic, of – not only of Christ, but also for all of us. In that the most important day is that of resurrection. The resurrection of Christ has the message of Christianity, not the cross. Through resurrection Christ had shown that one can be resurrected with the body that you have. And without His resurrection, we could not have managed the crossing of Agnya chakra, no doubt. His life was very short of, we can say three and half years only, He lived there. He came to India and He met Shalivahana, and Shalivahana asked His name. He told him His name was Isa Masih. But He said, “I am coming from the country where there are malichchas, mala-ichchha. They have ichchha of mal, desire to get dirty, and I don’t know how to live there. To Me, this is My country.” But Shalivahana said that, “You should go back and save Your people and give them Parama Nirmala Tattwam. So He went back, and as it is, within three and half years He was crucified. At the time of His death He said so many beautiful things for forgiveness, but ultimately He said “Behold the Mother.” That means you should hope for the Mother. And in His lifetime He Read More …

Easter Puja: The responsibility on you is much more than on Christ Bundilla Scout Camp, Sydney (Australia)

Easter Puja. Sydney (Australia), 3 April 1994. I’m happy to know so many of you have come here – and I feel this is a very important Puja, not only for Australia but for the whole world, because it has the greatest message which we have actualised now in Sahaja Yoga. We have to understand the message of Christ. There are many people in this world who try to show off that they are very great rationalists and that they have a right to pass any remark they like about Christ. I was reading the newspapers today, I was surprised where they are all saying one by one that, “I reject this part of Christ that He was born with Immaculate Conception. I reject that He was resurrected. I reject this and I reject that.” Who are you? Because you can write, because you have a flair, how can you say such things? Just without finding out. You are a scholar, maybe you are very well read, maybe that you think you are capable of saying whatever you like about any subject, but the subject of spirituality cannot be dealt by people who are not even Self Realised. Because it’s a very divine life, it’s a very different life. It’s an area where your mind cannot enter. It is beyond the mind. And so the poets or artists, all of them who have worked on Christ’s life and have tried to say things about him, mostly were realised souls and, Read More …

Easter Puja: One has to have faith in one’s self Magliano Sabina Ashram, Magliano Sabina (Italy)

Transcript of Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 11 April 1993. We all have today gathered here on top of this beautiful mountain to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.It’s very significant for Sahaja Yogis to understand the great event of His resurrection by which He showed that the spirit does not die. He was — He was the Omkara. He was the Logos and He was the Spirit, that is why He could walk on the water.And also, now we have made a film where we have shown how the Mooladhara, which shows the carbon atom as clearly, if you see from the right to the left, you find a proper swastika there and left to the right we see Omkara. But when you see from downward upward, what you see is alpha and omega. That proves beyond doubt that Christ, as He said, “I am the alpha and I am the omega,” shows clearly that He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a scientific proof you have now with us and that’s how we can tell people that it’s a fact. I don’t know, at the time of Christ this alpha and omega was known to the mathematicians, but definitely to Him when He said, “I am the alpha and the omega.” His was an incarnation very remarkable and very important for our ascent. If He had not resurrected Himself, we could not have achieved our ascent at all. So, it’s a great contribution. The resurrection of Christ Read More …

Easter Puja: You have to grow and take up the responsibility Magliano Sabina Ashram, Magliano Sabina (Italy)

Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 19 April 1992. This is a great day for all of us to rejoice and to enjoy this Resurrection of Christ. The Resurrection of Christ took place to open our Agnya center because it was a very subtle center as you know, very complicated with the ideas people had from their conditioning and from their ego, were so much clogging the Agnya Chakra that Kundalini could have been impossible to pass through. So all the play of Resurrection took place, and as Christ was nothing but chaitanya, He was resurrected from death so-called. In this death of Christ, we have to also understand that we have achieved our resurrection. We have achieved our resurrection, also whatever was supposed to be the past has died, is finished now. So, this repentance that we have, the conditionings we have are dead. But still it is very surprising that among the Christian nations, the ego did not subside as it should have been, perhaps may be that Christ was never worshipped in the right way. The ego in the West was absolutely, so dominating that nobody could see what they are doing, and how far they are going. Unnecessarily they are repenting about something that is far fetched. But repentance was meant for our ego. It’s very shocking sometimes, when you see how the Christian nations invaded other countries, completely annihilated, completely finished and destroyed races after races. They were Christians, followers of Christ, taking Bible in Read More …

Easter Puja: Purity, Morality, Children Bundilla Scout Camp, Sydney (Australia)

Easter Puja. Sydney (Australia), 31 March 1991. Today we are here to worship Christ as He was resurrected from dead. There are lots of theories about His death, but actually He resurrected Himself and then He went down to India and settled there with His Mother. After period of His resurrection is not described in any books, as such, but in one of the Puranas written about Shalivana, one of the kings of the dynasty I belong to, has met Christ in Kashmir and he asked Him, “What’s your name?” He said “My name is Issa.” And then he asked Him also that “from which country you come, which place?” He said, “I come from a country which is foreign to you and to Me and now I’m here in my own country.” That’s how He appreciated, I think, the Indian thing. And then He used to cure people there and his tomb is there and His Mother’s tomb also is there. So there are other stories also written by people who did not know much about Him. But whatever it is, what you find that Christ was very much impressed and was very much there to teach about morality, as in the Indian Scriptures, very strongly. For Him, morality was the most important thing, in life because, as you know, He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. So, for Him, Ganesha’s principle was extremely important and that He has expressed by saying that “In the ten commandments it is Read More …

Easter Puja: You Have To Grow Vertically Eastbourne (England)

“You have to grow vertically,” Easter Puja, Eastbourne (UK), 22 April 1990. Today we are here to worship the resurrection of Christ; and also to thank Him for giving us an ideal life of a saint who has to work for the benevolence of the whole world. We talk of Christ, we sing of Shri Ganesha, we say we believe in Him, specially Sahaj Yogis feel He is the eldest brother that they have. And a tremendous surrender I find, among Western Sahaj Yogis specially, for Christ; because they were born in Christian religion perhaps, maybe; or maybe that they found Christ’s life a very special one. But to Sahaj Yoga He has to be much more than that, and to you Sahaj Yogis. Many people believe in many deities. Like some believe in Shri Krishna, some in Shri Rama, some in Buddha, some in Mahavira and some in Christ; all over the world, they do believe in some higher being. But this belief is without the connection, to begin with, and becomes a kind of a falsehood that they think that Christ belongs to them, Rama belongs to them or Shri Krishna belongs to them, that they are the possessors of all these deities because they have obliged of believing into it. And that is how most of the faiths have come.  And, though they ardently believe in Christ, all these faiths have failed because when they believed in Christ, they believed that, through Christ, they can get their Read More …

Easter Puja: You have to be strong like Christ Shudy Camps Park, Shudy Camps (England)

Easter Puja. Shudy Camps (England), April 3 1988. I’m sorry for being late but I have been working, I tell you, since morning. Now, today we are here to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Resurrection of Christ has the greatest significance for all the Sahaj Yogis. And we have to understand that He resurrected Himself so that we could resurrect ourselves.  The message of His life is His resurrection and not His cross. He bore the cross for us and we don’t have to bear anymore. I see lots of people having this drama going on: they are carrying the cross across to show as if we are going to do the job for Christ! As if He has left some work to be done by these people who play a drama. But all this drama is to deceive yourself and to deceive others. There’s no sense in playing such useless things to show how Christ suffered. To make you weep and to make you cry, Christ did not suffer. He suffered that you should enjoy, that you should be happy, that you should lead a life of complete bliss and gratitude to the Almighty who has created you. He would never like you to be unhappy. Which father would like his son to be unhappy? So we have to understand that His message of His life, why He came on this Earth to do the greatest job is that of resurrection. If He had not resurrected Himself, I could Read More …

Easter Puja: Materialism Ashram of Pichini, Rome (Italy)

Easter Puja,  Ashram of Pichini, Rome (Italy), April 19th, 1987 Happy Easter to all of you! It’s a great day to come to Rome to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Now we have to do the Resurrection of Christianity, which is just moving in the opposite direction of Christ’s Resurrection. As you know that Christ was just Chaitanya, but He came in the body of Chaitanya. The whole body was made of Chaitanya, and He resurrected Himself to show to the world that you can resurrect yourself also, if you can fill your body with Chaitanya. There is always a struggle between the matter and the Spirit. In human life what we see that matter is all the time trying to take over the Spirit. And that is how we fail in our Resurrection. We fail in our Resurrection because we give way to matter. We have come from matter – easy go back to matter. But all the Christian nations have taken to the material development – identification with the matter, not the sublimation of the matter. Why we have gone wrong is because matter has become so important to us. We are so much identified with the matter, with our body, with all that is material for us. People are so much worried about the material things. What I find that the whole culture has become materialistic and they’re absolutely ashamed about it, but still they continue, the way it is so shameful and so degrading. It degrades human Read More …

Easter Puja: We should become the people who are fighting for Christ Montague Hall, Hounslow (England)

Easter Puja, Hounslow, UK – 1985-0408 Happy Easter to you all. So we celebrate Easter to show how Christ resurrected, resurrected Himself. The spirit that is Christ has to resurrect out of the material manifestation of the divine itself. The matter is manifested, because we ourselves have created it. Not that we are born out of matter, our body, but we are attached to it, we want it, we want to have it. Whatever you want, that sustains itself by your desire, because now you are on the stage. If you want to sustain the matter, if you want to keep the matter as the first priority, it will remain. It cannot disappear. It has to go out of your mind, that matter cannot hold you any further. Christ rose out of the matter, came out of the tomb which symbolises the matter which has enclosed us within, which has to be opened out with our spiritual power. Throw away, throw away the stone that is covering this grave. Get out of that and stand outside it. This is the message of Christ’s resurrection. The tomb that we have created, we have created ourselves, because we have allowed people to dominate us. We have allowed them to make these graves for us, we have allowed them to bury Christ within ourselves, because we were afraid. But Christ has to rise. So we create our own matter through our conditionings, through our fears, through our absolute wrong ideas about goodness and Read More …

Easter Puja: Forgiveness Temple of All Faiths, Hampstead (England)

Easter puja. Temple of all Faiths, London (UK), 22 April 1984. Today we are celebrating the resurrection of Christ [and] with it we also have to celebrate the resurrection of human beings, of Sahaja Yogis who have been resurrected as realised souls. With that we have to understand that we enter into a new awareness. There was no need for Christ to enter into any new awareness, He had to come down and again to show to this world that you are the eternal life, that you lead a life that is spiritual, which never perishes. You have to rise into that new realm which is the realm of God Almighty, what you call ‘The Kingdom of God’. And He said it very clearly to Nicodemus that, “You have to be born again,” and when he asked, “Am I to enter back into my mother’s womb to be born again?” And He said it so clearly! It’s so clear. Those who don’t want to see can remain blind! But he said it very very clearly that, “No,” that is, “whatever is born of the flesh is the flesh, but whatever is born of the Spirit is the Spirit.” I mean nothing could be more clear than that, that it has to be born of the Spirit. Of course, human beings have a special capacity to twist everything around. For them Spirit could be a book, could be some words, could be an organisation, a church, or some sort of a Read More …

Easter Puja and Havan, The Creation of Lord Jesus Nirmala Palace - Nightingale Lane Ashram, London (England)

Easter Puja, “The Creation of Lord Jesus”. Nightingale Lane Ashram, London (UK), 11 April 1982. I’ll talk before and then at the time you can just tell me what time it is. The radio is off? You can keep it till eight o’clock and… So happy to wait on you [Shri Mataji smiles to the sahaja yogis and does namasté]. Today we are celebrating a day which is a very, very important, absolutely the most important, we can say, day, when such a great happening took place. And it had to take place that way – it was all in a way destined. In my last lectures I have told you how Christ was created first in the heavens. In the Devi Mahatmya, if you read that, He was created as Mahavishnu and is mentioned very clearly, that first He was created as an egg. It is written in this book, which perhaps was written about 14,000 years back. It’s a book that predicts about Christ, and that is why people in the West, specially, offer an egg to each other as a friend. The first existence came on this Earth as an egg, that was Christ, and part of it was kept in that state and the rest of it was used by the Holy Ghost, by Mahalakshmi, to create Christ out of it. In that ancient book He was called as Mahavishnu; means the greater form of Vishnu. But actually Vishnu is the father and He is the Read More …

Easter Puja: The Meaning of Easter London (England)

Easter Puja, The Meaning of Easter, Dollis Hill Ashram, London (UK). April 6th, 1980 …Like today I was talking to a Muslim boy and he said that “Mohammad Sahib was not an incarnation.” “So what was He?” “He was a human being, but God has given Him special powers.” I said, “Very good way!” Because if you say that He was a human being [then] for human beings, it is very good to say that “He was just a human being, He came on this earth and we are at par with that.” Which you are not. So the awe and that shraddha as you call it, that doesn’t come in. One starts thinking that you are at par with Christ, at par with Mohammad Sahib, at par with all these people! And where are they? And where are we? Like, here, how people are playing around with Christ’s life! They call themselves Christians, and they show no respect to His life at all, because it is the becoming He talked about. He didn’t talk about all these nonsensical things. Secondly, we show no respect. There’s no awe in our hearts that He’s the one who has created universes after universes, and what are we, compared to Him? We sit down on Him like judges, judging Him. What ego human beings have! Like bubbles. Of course, He was made of the Brahma Tattwa itself, the Divine love itself, so He could not be killed. Moreover He had to be born after Krishna because Read More …

Easter Seminar and unknown Public Program Finchley Ashram, London (England)

Easter seminar, Finchley Ashram, London (England), Sunday, March 26th, 1978 Today is Easter and all of you celebrate it. It’s rather surprising, you see, there are people believing in science and everything, these days they offer you an egg. But they should believe in Christ or they should believe in his Resurrection. It’s absolutely unscientific but we accept it without asking “why?” and “how?”.You never question Easter. But certain things, when they appear new to us, we start questioning and want to bring it to the science, to the reality of it. But certain things we just accept: his Resurrection. Now, we have for Easter the thing that we give, an egg on an Easter day. Now, why do we do it? If you are that rational, you must think about it: why do we give an egg?We never think about it we just do it because it’s a custom of the great grand-mother and the grandmother did it and the mother will do and the child does it. So, we just do it just as an accepted thing. You are not bothered to find out “why?”. Why are we to give an egg and not something else? What does it show when there is no mention of an egg in the Bible, as far as I know? But there is a mention in this Devi Bhagavatam about an egg and Christ. And everybody is doing it without understanding what does that mean. How did we get that symbol, from Read More …