Shri Rama Puja Noida House (India)

Shri Rama Navami Puja, Noida House (India), 5 April 1998. As compared to Maharashtra, Navaratri of Chaitra month of Shalivahana Shaka (dinasty) from Pratipada to Navami is celebrated with more grandeur in North India. In Maharashtra the birth of Shri Krishna (Shri Vitthala, i. e. Shri Krishna as a King) is celebrated with religious fervour as ‘Gokulashtami’ Shri Vitthala was the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He incarnated (was born) at 12:00 midnight. Shri Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born at 12:00 noon on the ninth day of Chaitra month. This day is called as Ram Navami. Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi also incarnated on March 21, 1923 at 12:00 noon, like Shri Rama, in Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh. Chhindwara is situated in east-west and south-north directions where two lines meet. This date of birth is as per calendar based on solar months. But as per the calendar based on lunar months, Shri Mataji’s birthday was due on the first day of the first month i. e. Chaitra month of Shalivahana Shaka 1845. In Maharashtra the first day of Chaitra is known as Gudi Padwa. This happens to be the birthday of Shri Mataji as well as the day of coronation of King Shalivahana. Now Shalivahana Shaka 1920 commences from March 28, 1998 as Chaitra Pratipada, the first day of the first month. Shri Ram was the ideal husband where as Shri Sitaji was an ideal wife and the Children born to them, known as Lav and Kusha, were Read More …

Shri Rama Puja: Control your attention like Him Kolkata (India)

Shri Rama Navami Puja, Calcutta, India, 25/03/1991 [English translation from Hindi, First translation] We have gathered here on the occasion of Ram Navami. Everybody has said, “Mother please tell us about Shri Ram.” As you know that Shri Rama has taken a very important place in our chakras. He is sitting on our right heart. Shri Rama has taken a place of a father, so lack of father’s duty and love can cause a catch of this chakra. In Sahaja Yoga we can understand that Rama and all other gods came on earth with different power [shakti], they came to do their jobs. In the sense Shri Rama has a special job. Socrates has said benevolent king has to come. For that Shri Rama came. Shri Rama came in complete human form. He even forgot that he is an incarnation of Shri Vishnu. He was made to be forgotten. But he was Purushottam on earth [perfect human being]. You all must have heard of his qualities and his childhood. In Sahaja yoga when we worship any god, what quality we gain from them, which qualities we will receive? Shri Rama has many. One that he was ideal, another that he is a king. He kept his people higher than himself than his wife and children. If politicians today understand this point they wouldn’t be called selfish, they wouldn’t be selfish, would be follower of Dharma. Nobody has followed Shri Rama as a role model till today. By singing his bhajans Read More …

Shri Rama Puja: Dassera Day Les Avants (Switzerland)

Shri Rama Puja – Les Avants (Switzerland), 4 October 1987 Today we are celebrating in Switzerland the coronation of Shri Rama on Dassera Day. Many things happened on Dassera Day. The most important was that Shri Rama was coronated as a king on this day. He also killed Ravana on this day. Many may say that how can it be He killed Ravana and He was coronated on the same date? In those days in India, we had supersonic aeroplanes and, is a fact, and the aeroplane’s name was Pushpak, meaning the flower. It was called as Pushpak and it has a tremendous speed. So after killing Ravana He came to Ayodhya with His wife and that was the day He was crowned. On the ninth day, He worshiped the Goddess to get strength, Shakti, for his weapons, and the tenth day He killed Ravana. So, you can imagine how much advanced people were there at the time of Shri Rama and His kingdom. The reason was the king was an incarnation; also He was a benevolent king as described by Socrates. Shri Rama’s story is very interesting throughout and we have now a beautiful series about Him done by our television in India, which is sold for a very good price, maybe we might be able to present you all with one when you come there. But the story of Rama they say was written before He was born. Even before there was any inkling of it; the seer, Read More …

Shri Rama Navami Puja Chelsham Road Ashram, London (England)

Shri Ram Navami, Chelsham Road, London, England, 2nd April 1982. (Shri Mataji is explaining how to talk to new people and havans) So first of all, you should start talking about energies: that these energies are moving within us and how they activate. Then you talk of the third energy which is the One which has evolved us, and that’s how we are here. And you talk about your Self, the controlling part, which is controlling you, the Spirit. So, if you go on an abstract line, it would be very appealing, these energies. Then afterwards, once you have talked about energies, this, that, once the people – that is within you, – sort of they’ll feel ego, “Oh, we have these energies. We can utilise these energies, do this, do that.” And then you bring them down to Sahaja Yoga, later on. But to begin with let us talk of abstract. Because Indians are different, I mean Western people are different. They are fed up of religion, they are fed up of all this. So, if you talk of religion it gives, creates, a problem. That’s why in the beginning, Vedas, when they were written down, they didn’t talk of God or Deities at all. They talked about God, God the Creator, but just about Brahmadeva. Throughout:  Hiranyagarbha, Brahmadeva, Right Side, they talked. And the whole thing is said, mantra, is like, “bhur, bhuvah, swaha” – three things. Now, Bhur is actually the Mooladhara, is the Earth according to me, Read More …