10th Day of Navaratri, Dassehra Celebrations Sydney (Australia)

Dassehra. Tenth day of Navaratri, Sydney (Australia), 21 October 2007. Mother looks at yoginis, smiles and says ‘Very happy’. Please sit comfortably. Today is the (indistinct) great day , isn’t it (ji) Dassera. [Yogis organize a microphone for Shri Mataji] Is it coming? Working?.. So today is Dassera, is a very big day in India.  They say on this day Ravana was killed. He was the worst enemy of human beings, and he was killed.  But whatever it is then, as a memory of that great man, Shri Ram, they celebrate today Dassera.  And on this day, they say, those who are dushtas,  means bad people or we can say negative, they are killed. Can you imagine?  (chuckles) So this day is regarded as a very important day in India, and they make a big statue of Ravana. You all know who was Ravana,  (yogis:  “Yes, Shri Mataji”) whom Shri Rama killed.  He was a horrible fellow and he took away the wife of Shri Ram, Sita, by force. But she was such a chaste woman that he couldn’t touch her. He tried; he couldn’t touch her. He couldn’t achieve any power over her. On the contrary she was very powerful. So at that time, Shri Rama’s mother-in-law,  I should say, who was the wife of Dasharata, she said  …she used to..she’s like a big saadhuni, and she said “that from today two marriages are not allowed, only one”.  So among Hindus there’s only one marriage. They don’t have two Read More …

2nd Day of Navaratri, Satisfy the Swadishthan Sydney (Australia)

Second day of Navaratri, October 13, 2007, Sydney, Australia Come here also, come in, sit here, another one also (talking to people), come forward. There are people who could not sit. Can you go and see if every one is inside? Sorry, I didn’t know you were all here. Now she said. So, I said, “All right”. Shri Mataji: You can hear Me there? Sahaja Yogis: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: All of you? Sahaja Yogis: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Those who can’t hear Me raise your hand! [laughter; applause] Shri Mataji: All right, thank you. [laughter] Want something? Come forward. Are you all right? So you’d better sing one song. I’m sorry they told me now there are people waiting. Very nice to see you all so happy here. Today is the second day and is a very important day from the point of evolution. As you know, that our second Chakra is very important, that’s why today is very important. So what is the second Chakra? Do you know what is the second Chakra? Ah! What did they say? Sahaja Yogi: Swadishthan. Shri Mataji: You must tell loudly! Swadishthan is the Chakra, is very important, because in this Kali Yuga, Swadishthana works the most. We have so many agents, [Shri Mataji smiles], to make it work and work very hard. You know what is in the second Chakra. In the second Chakra, what happens? That we are caught up by our ambition, and the ambition makes you Read More …

Adi Shakti Puja: Be One With Yourself First Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella Ligure, 6 June 2004. Today’s meeting is very special. It’s a very, very special day also, extremely special and very blissful. The reason is it talks and sings and tells about the born order, born power, the original, the Adi, the primordial and this one is responsible for creating this great universe. Why this has started and how it works out is already you know, I need not talk about that. But today we have to talk about this Power which is hidden in your hearts by which you can do whatever you like to create a new world, a new family, a new standards, everything that is not known so far. That is quite possible .. that is quite possible and is being done. But, what is difficult is how to make people more adaptable, more in tune with each other, absolutely. It seems to be a difficult thing. They’re alright among themselves, if – their own friends, their own style, their things. But to make them absolutely one, one with each other, in one tune, in one line is very, very difficult and it should not be done! That’s not supposed to be, they’re not supposed to be like that. But it has to work out. Now the problem is, we have beautiful people, beautiful souls, but they do not become so one with each other as they should have. Now, how to solve this problem? Many people have asked me: “Mother, how to Read More …

Sahasrara Puja: Continue To Live A Life of Reality Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Sahasrara puja, “Continue to live a life of Reality”,. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 9 May 2004. Today is a very important day in our lives as Sahaja Yogis. This is the day when Sahasrara was opened out, which was really a very charismatic thing that happened. I never expected that in my lifetime I will be able to work it out, but it has been. And so many of you have got your Sahasrara opened. Without that, you could never have known what is the truth. You were all lost, as everybody is. First of all, Sahasrara is the only way we can perceive, understand and know the reality. You have come to know as to what is the reality and you’re enjoying that state where you know what is the reality. It’s a great blessing that Sahasrara was opened out and all of you got your Realization. Otherwise, all talks are just talks, has no meaning, has no understanding and that’s why my first anxiety was to open Sahasrara. That worked out, worked out well and all of you have got your Sahasrara opened. It’s a remarkable thing. Nobody can believe that so many of you have got your Sahasrara open, but I can see now clearly the light on top of your heads. Whatever you have achieved is remarkable, no doubt. It is because of honest searching, honest searching, that you have got it. My doing is nothing because you were just there like a lamp and I just Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja: Guru Pad Pune (India)

Mahashivaratri Puja, Pune (India), 15 February 2004  [English to Hindi Translation] Today we are here to do the Guru’s puja The Guru is praised more than the Deities and the Gods Who is this Guru? In this, which is the most important shakti? The Guru tattwa is the Shiva. The form of the Shiva’s power we should consider as the Guru’s power. Because when we take the powers from the Guru’s shakti, and when the shaktis come within us then we ourselves become the Guru And with this, we are blessed for the whole life (Kalyan). The one who gets these powers, it seems he has got all the blessings (kalyan). “Kalyan” is a word which is very hard to explain in a few words. “Kalyan” means to get blessed from all the sides. the obtain joy from all the sides. When someone says that in the blessings you have got the Kalyan, what does it mean? What is Kalyan? Kalyan means Atma Sakshatkar, the Self-Realisation. Without the Self-Realisation, you cannot have the Kalyan. Nobody can understand without having it. All these things are in the Kalyan. Because of this a person gets all the joy, and he becomes radiant. To have this Kalyan, whatever you have to do you have done it all, whatever efforts you have to make it has all been made, the faith which you have to take, you have already taken it. But when you are all in the “Kalyanmarg” (Path of Kalyan), when he Read More …

Navaratri Puja: Develop Wisdom Through Meditation, Bhakti & Shraddha Los Angeles (United States)

Navaratri Puja, Wisdom Through Meditation, Bhakti & Shraddha, Los Angeles (USA), 27 October 2002. Today, we are going to worship the Goddess. That’s the, first the left side programming is with Her, but later on, at Sahasrara, She’s the Adi Shakti.And, on the left side, whatever She does is already written, as you must have seen, because She’s the memory and that She’s the wisdom and, that She protects you, is shown when She uses Her power over the Ganas.There are Ganas that are, as we know, responsible for all kinds of corrections in you.These are the Ganas which act through the left side. As we know very well that cancer is caused by the problems of the Left side. And, on the left side are these Ganas, which are completely in unison with the Devi’s powers.She doesn’t have to tell them, She doesn’t have to guide them, they are already built up like that. And these Ganas are the ones which, I should say, target, they target the diseases and cure you.We have cured many cancer patients and many left-sided people through the Ganas.But Ganas won’t listen to anybody else.And Ganapati is their leader, I should say, their controlling power.So, if your Ganapati is alright then problems are less, but if the Ganapati is not alright, then all kinds of problems can come up and they can torture you. This is one of the things I am so particular about, that we must get our Ganeshas corrected.The other day Read More …

Adi Shakti Puja: Use Your Right Side For Giving Realization Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Adi Shakti Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 23 June 2002. Today it’s a different day altogether for all of you because this is the puja of Adi Shakti, and Adi Shakti is a complete personality. It’s not only the left side that you know. You all know only the left side, from Shri Ganesha through the ascent of different, different chakras on the left side. I didn’t want to tell you about the right side to begin with, because those who have gone through the right side got just lost. They got Gayatri Mantra from the writings but they didn’t know what it was about. They just used to learn it by heart. They didn’t also know the real meaning of it, and that is how they moved on the right side and, I don’t know, they landed up at the Agnya; and then they were trying for the Self-realisation. They were promised that, if you do this right side properly, you will reach to the ultimate goal of Self-realisation, but none of them reached it. Most of them got into a terrible temper, terrible temper of cursing others, of destroying others. All these things they learnt through their right-side movement. There was no Kundalini awakening, and they were made to go up to the, at the most, Agnya Chakra, and then they collapsed into different places of complete ignorance. All these books were written without understanding that it’s not easy to go via right side, but the best was to Read More …

Easter Puja: You are bound by the religion of love and joy Kilyos, Kilya Hotel Kilyos (Turkey)

Easter Puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 21 April 2002. Today we have come here to worship Jesus Christ and His Mother. It’s such a coincidence that the Mother of Christ came and stayed in Turkey. Isn’t it surprising that She should come here after the crucifixion of Christ and stayed here. I wonder if He also came with Her later on? But they say then He went to Kashmir and She was also there. Quite possible, on their way, they might have gone there. So we are here to worship them. According to Sahaja Yoga, She was the incarnation of Mahalakshmi and She’s the one who sacrificed Her Son for the sake of religion. But unfortunately, nobody understood Her value. Nobody saw that She was such a great spiritual personality. Only through Sahaja Yoga you can understand that She was a very great personality who gave birth to Christ. It is very unfortunate that She was not respected, specially in the Islamic world. Because of that, the women in the Islamic culture have no place. My experience is very sad about them. We have started an organization for the rehabilitation of women who are destitutes and all of them who have applied are Muslim ladies – very sad. While Muhammed-sahib has said that ‘you must look after your mother’, despite that, all these women – some of them have eight children, ten children – have come to this destitute home. Of course, we have to give them place. We have to look Read More …

Birthday Puja: You Can Do A Lot New Delhi (India)

Birthday Puja, Delhi, India 21-03-2002 [Translation from Hindi] I have been watching the magnitude of love. How it has spread into all corners. From where to where it has reached. Upto how many people? No one knows. But I have understood its Principle. Can there be any Principle of love? Love has no Principle.Like an all encompassing divine halo,  love has spread far and wide. We have no awareness of it.  We do not know it. But the love of the Almighty has spread to the entire creation, the whole world.  Only after getting your Self Realisation you can experience this. You can know this. That this is love.  This is the love of God. God’s energy is only Love. It is only the energy of Love that becomes effective.  We are not able to understand this. To hate someone; to harbour enmity with someone; to wish evil on someone; to fight with someone.  This is very low and mean.   You are a Sahaja Yogi.  In your heart you should only feel love. Nothing else.  The situation that is prevailing in our country today … Looking at it we cannot understand that in the name of religion why there is  so much hatred and violence. What has happened. What was the need for this? Something starts, then comes rejection and contradiction, and it has a reaction which is more violent than the original action.  In this way whatever consciousness and sensitivity you have about God is reduced. Now we have Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: You Have To Protect The Innocent Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella Ligure, 22 September 2001. Today we have assembled here to worship Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha who is the Lord of Innocence. He is the ocean of innocence. And though’ he is such a young, little boy, he can fight the whole world, he can destroy all the negativity. That’s the sign of innocence. There have been stories that children who have fallen from a very great height were completely saved, nothing happened to them. Their innocence is such a powerful thing that it doesn’t harm anyone who is not to be harmed. It has all the wisdom of the world, all the understanding of the world; and anybody who tries to harm the innocence, the world, the whole world – which may not have cared so much for innocence, might not have worshiped innocence so much – but they all stand, stand up against anybody who tries to harm the innocence. You can see in your own lives around you, (if/when) anybody tries to trouble children – all of the them, whatever they are, whatever they are coming from, whatever maybe their nationality, they all jump, all jump to control and to safeguard that child. What is it? What is it within us that makes us so very conscious to protect the innocence? It’s really a shame, a great shame for us, when we find in this world that innocence is under attack. Anything else can be tolerated. Innocent people who have done nothing wrong, those Read More …

Adi Shakti Puja: Humanity has to be saved through you and nobody else Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

“The Work of the Adi Shakti”, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 3 June 2001. Today we are worshipping Adi Shakti. I think this is the most important puja because it is the power of Adi Shakti that has given you Self-realisation, that has given you the truth, that has given you the power of compassion and love.  That’s the power that separated from Sadashiva. And this power wanted, Herself, to create this complete universe — universes after universes. She’s creating and loving. With Her love, She did this great Creation: creation of this world also. This is a specially selected planet, which was very beautifully brought in the centre, between the Sun and the Moon, for the creation of, ultimately, the human beings.  This is Her great work [done] with such love and affection, and with very great hope that Her children will know the truth and will get the ultimate knowledge about themselves and about everything else. As you have read in The Bible about how Adi Shakti came in the form of a snake and told human beings that, “You have to know the knowledge,” [to] Adam and Eve, and to Eve especially. And they accepted to eat the fruit of knowledge because they would have remained just like animals, without knowing any subtleties of life — little higher animals maybe. Once they ate the fruit they started feeling that there is something wrong, the way they are without any clothes. So they brought some leaves of Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja: Destructive Power of Shri Mahadeva Pune (India)

“Destructive Power Of Shri Mahadeva,” Mahashivaratri Puja, Pune (India), 25 February 2001. Today we are here to celebrate Mahashivaratri. It’s a very great privilege for all of us to understand about Shri Mahadeva. Unless and until you have got your Self-realisation you cannot understand what is the great personality, the character and the powers of Shri Mahadeva. It’s not easy to conceive – also to reach the depth – of His greatness unless and until we are humble. We have to be very humble to reach at the lotus feet of Shri Mahadeva. As you have seen that one has to cross even the Sahasrara to be at the lotus feet of this Great Personality. He is beyond, beyond our conception, but He resides in our hearts as the Spirit and is reflected very well when you get your Realisation. But still one has to understand the powers of Shri Mahadeva; which is not very easy to describe about this great God in little words. But the first power He Himself has [is] that He is a very forgiving God: He forgives; He forgives us so many of our sins, so many of our destructive activities, our horrible mind which tries to create problems for everyone, up to a point! But He has the greatest power to destroy. His destruction comes so suddenly because He rules all the elements. All the elements He rules: He rules the Mother Earth, and He rules all other elements. Through their causal, He rules. Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: Spontaneity and Creativity Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Krishna puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 20 August 2000. Today we are here to worship Shri Krishna within us.  As you know you all have been seeking before coming to Sahaj Yoga. You went to different places, read lots of books and also some of you were lost. And, in that seeking, perhaps you did not know what you were seeking. What you were seeking was to know yourself. In all religions it is said ‘know thyself’: is a common thing all of them have said. This is one point which is absolutely there, in every religion, ‘know thyself’, because without knowing yourself, you will not know God, you will not know spirituality. So the first step was to know yourself. And [for] that one, people did all kinds of tricks with you, they taught you in different ways and tried to actually loot you and cheat you. All those things [that] have happened, is finished.  So then you come to Sahaj Yoga and you get your Self-realisation. But what is the purpose of Self-realisation? Is to know God, or the Goddess, that is the purpose of Self-realisation.  But after getting Self-realisation what should happen to you? Many of you have lost interest in nonsensical things like drugs and all those things. You have lost interest also in reading useless books. You have lost interest in other habits, like drinking and all that. But that’s not enough, that’s not enough. That would happen in any way. What has to happen Read More …

Guru Puja: Shraddha Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Guru Puja, “Shraddha”. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 23 July 2000. Today we are here to know about guru principle. What does a guru do. Whatever you have, all the precious things within you, he discovers them for your knowledge. Actually it is all there – everything. All the knowledge, all the spirituality, all the joy, is there. (little laughter as a dog walks on stage) Right time! (more laughter). It’s all contained within you. Only thing the Guru does (is) makes you knowledgeable about your knowledge, about your own spirit. Everyone has the Spirit within himself. Everyone has the spirituality within himself. There is nothing that you get from outside. But before getting this knowledge, you are dealing, or you are living in ignorance. In that ignorance you do not know what treasure you have got within yourself. So the guru’s job is to make you know what you are. That is the first step. That it starts, that awakening within you by which you know that you are not this outside world, this is all an illusion. And you start getting enlightened within yourself. Some people get full light and some people get it gradually. Essence of all the religions is that you should know yourself. Those people who are fighting in the name of religion, you have to go and ask them, you have to enquire from them, “Did your religion make you know yourself?” If all the religions have said one thing [it’s that], you have to do Read More …

Christmas Puja Ganapatipule (India)

Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India, December 25th 1999 Today we are going to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. He came on this earth in a very special way, that He was born to a Virgin. And we can understand as you know as Shri Ganesha was also born in the same way, and as Jesus is a incarnation of Shri Ganesha He had all His powers when He was born, He did not have to bring any outward weapons to show that what powers He had. But He had all the powers with Him, but still He tried to show tolerance and understanding, because at that time the people with whom He had to deal were absolutely ignorant of spirituality. They were actually Jews and they were instructed by Moses, Abraham, all these people. But they had lost their moorings, and they didn’t know what to seek, how to seek, and they were not seekers. They are quite satisfied with all the Jewish ritualism they had as also in other religions we do the same. There was no seeking at all for anything great. And so He had a very difficult life, extremely difficult life. When He was born there was a sign, of a star which three men saw and they followed it and reached that place where they found that He was born in a manger, the very simple, simplest possible place to be born. Was born in all great difficulties but it was shown clearly through a star that He was Read More …

8th Day of Navaratri, The Powers of Shri Mahakali Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Navaratri puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 17 October 1999. Tonight we have gathered here to do the Puja to the Devi, that is Mahakali –we can call Her, or Durga. So many types of forms She has taken, to kill the negative forces that are trying to trouble or to obstruct, or even to grow the people who were gentle and good. Her forms are of different types – that we know about, that She destroyed so many rakshasas, She destroyed so many evildoers. Also we do not know that, in the World Wars that we had, She was there to protect the right type of people. And that’s how they all survived the ill-blood plan, ill-gotten plan of very cruel and evil people. The evil people have a capacity to hate and to express their hate in every way that is possible. They are really born evil and there are also who ‘become’ evil. When they are born evil, you can make them out: that their whole style is so aggressive and so vindictive about things. But hatred has no limit, no limits at all. Because, if they hate, if they hate someone, then – just to justify that hatred – they’ll say all kinds of things. Just to justify. But sometimes they don’t even want to justify. They just feel that they ‘hate’ and it’s a fundamental right they have got to hate. But these forces join together sometimes to form a joint personality of evil, which tries to Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: We must respect Mother Earth Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. “We Must Respect the Mother Earth,” Cabella (Italy), 25 September 1999. Today we have gathered here to worship Shri Ganesha. You all know what a powerful Deity He is. His power comes from His innocence. When we see small children, we’re automatically compelled towards them and also we want to love them, kiss them, and [have them] be with us. And very innocent they are, extremely innocent. And when we worship Shri Ganesh, we have to know if we have been really innocent or not. These days people have become extremely cunning and they don’t mind any amount of cunning. They play all kinds of cunning games on others who are innocent and simple. They can justify themselves always, that whatever they are doing is the right thing in these modern times when everybody is so cunning. This cunningness can take you to the other extreme of right side, which is very much punishable, in the sense that some people develop all kinds of problems which are physical, you can say. Like, their hands can get paralyzed or their leg can get paralyzed. Also they can have other troubles with their liver treatments and all that. All this comes up. Then to punish them, a disease of a psychosomatic nature might set in.  At this time, when you have these problems, all such people who suffer from the right side should worship Shri Ganesh. For example, these days the life is very, very much busy with all Read More …

Diwali Puja: Expression of Love Novi Ligure (Italy)

Diwali Puja, Novi Ligure, Italy, October 25th, 1998 I am overjoyed really today to see you all here to celebrate the Diwali Puja. We were to be in Portugal but it was not so – so we are here. Diwali Puja is a very small puja but extremely significant. Firstly in Diwali, the first day they buy something for the family. You can – maybe some cooking utensil could be, an ornament for the wife or something like that. Because that is the day of housewife. And that day is to be celebrated as the housewife’s, I should say, homage to her. As a result you know in India even now housewives are very much respected. Actually they are respected all over. You will be amazed that even in the protocol of the government receptions anywhere the wife is very important. And where she is sitting, what is her position is very important. Even today in the most modern and advanced countries also they have a special respect for the housewife. The housewife may not be educated, she may be a very simple woman, she may not be very modern. There was an experience for Me: in London we had a program where we all were invited, and the head of the delegation, his wife was missing. So they asked Me, “Where is she?” Because there is a seat for her, she has to sit there. I said, “I don’t know, I didn’t see her. She must be somewhere here.” Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: He Gives You The Witness State Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Krishna Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 16 August 1998. Today we are going to have Shri Krishna Puja. It is a very important thing about the power of Shri Krishna that gives you a witness state. This is very important also because in these days of Kali Yuga and complete confusion of value system, all kinds of turmoil makes a very complex conditions to exist. The state of witnessing is only possible through meditation. You reach the state of thoughtless awareness. It is combined together. Now the witness state is such a state where you just do not react. If you react, then the problem starts. It’s a very simple thing to understand that we react through our ego or through our conditioning. Otherwise there is no way to react. Anything. Now, for example there is a beautiful carpet here. As soon as I look at it, if I use my ego I’ll start thinking, “Now, from where did they get it? How much they paid it?” This is the first reaction. Then you can even go further with it. Anger can come in. “Why did they bring such a nice carpet? What was the need to put it here?” Goes on like that, one after another. Now in my conditioning if I see these things, I would say that this color is not suited for Krishna Puja. They should have had another color for this Krishna Puja. So this kind goes on from one to another to another. But Read More …

Easter Puja: You Can Spread Sahaja Yoga Only Through Love and Compassion Istanbul (Turkey)

Easter Puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 19 April 1998. Today, we are celebrating the Resurrection of Christ. That is the greatest message of Christ life, not the crucifixion. Anybody can be crucified and killed, but this dead body of Christ was resurrected from death. Death itself died and He overcame it. It’s a miracle for ordinary human beings, definitely, but not for Christ, because He was a Divine person, He was Shri Ganesha, He was Omkara Itself. So, He could walk on the water, gravity would not affect Him, and also He got resurrected because death could not affect Him. Such a great Divine personality, specially created for human beings that people should recognise Him. But they did not recognise Him, they killed Him, in a very brutal manner. And even now they think [the] cross is a great thing because Christ died on a cross. It’s a very cruel idea of human beings to respect the cross. What does it show? It shows that people liked all the cruelties done to Him, symbolising cross as the one that represented His death and these atrocities, the way He was tortured. So, it was a very sad time when He was crucified. But when He got resurrected it was the most joyous, most auspicious and most beautiful time. The resurrection of Christ is very symbolic for Sahaj Yoga. If Christ could be resurrected, then if human beings also can be resurrected, because He came as a human being with all powers and He Read More …

Guru Puja: A Guru Should Be Humble And Wise Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Guru Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 20 July 1997. Today’s puja is very important for us. You all have got your self realisation, you have all the knowledge that is necessary to give realisation to others. You have to know what you have already, that’s very important, because if you do not try your hand and if you do not try to give realisation to others, firstly you will have no faith in yourself – you’ll have no self esteem also.The second part is that, you try giving vibrations to other persons but don’t get involved with that person. I’ve seen some people get too much involved . If they give realisation to one person they think they have done a great job and they start working on that person, his family, his relations and this. So, so far as you must have learnt, that one may be related, one may be closer to one person but not necessarily he will have that much of a chance of self realisation. Only way to grow is to be collective, there’s no other way out. If people think that by staying away from ashrams, alone living somewhere, they will achieve much, that’s not the way Sahaja Yoga is meant. Formerly people used to go to Himalayas and most of them were separated and only one or two persons were chosen for spiritual growth. Here it is not a question of spiritual growth, it is a question of your collectivity growing in you. That Read More …

Adi Shakti Puja: Respect the Mother Earth Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Adi Shakti Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 25 May 1997. Today we are going to do the Puja of Adi Shakti. It’s a difficult subject to talk about Adi Shakti, because it’s not easy to understand that Adi Shakti is the power of Sadashiva. Sadashiva is the God Almighty. She is His breath, as they some people call it. Some say She is the desire and some say that She’s the entire power of Sadashiva, and Sadashiva cannot do anything without Her powers. This subject has been described by many people in various books in different ways. But actually we need not go to the background of the creation of Adi Shakti, for that at least you’ll need seven lectures (Shri Mataji smiles). But we’ll come to the point when Adi Shakti started working on this Mother Earth. The first thing is we must know, that She created a Kundalini in the Mother Earth itself and She created Shri Ganesha out of the Mother Earth, it’s very interesting. So, the Mother Earth becomes a very important thing for us. If we do not know how to respect the Mother Earth, we do not know how to respect ourselves. The expression of Adi Shakti within you is the Kundalini, no doubt. That is the reflection of Adi Shakti in you. But the reflection in the Mother Earth is also expressed, as you all know, in different places, different countries, different cities, as the manifestation of chakras and Adi Shakti’s creations. It was Read More …

Sahasrara Puja: At Sahasrara you stand on Truth and go beyond Dharma Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Sahasrara Puja, “At Sahasrara you stand on Truth and go beyond Dharma”. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 4 May 1997. Today we all have assembled here to worship the Sahasrara. As you have realised that Sahasrara is a very important part of the subtle system. Of course, this is a great day, in 1970, that this chakra was opened out. But by that, what you have achieved, we have to see it. First of all, when the Kundalini rises she goes to your Void, where is your dharma. And your dharma gets established at the Nabhi Chakra, we can say, around the Nabhi Chakra. Your dharma gets established which is the innate pure universal religion, is established. But then the Kundalini rises higher. Despite the establishment of the dharma, we start becoming little bit aloof from other societies, because we find they are adharmis – they have no dharma. Also I think we are afraid that we might get caught up with their adharmas. So, at that stage, we don’t want to cross the limits of Sahaja Yoga. We want to keep to Sahaja Yogis, to Sahaja Yoga program and to our personal Sahaja life. Of course, it’s important, because first this chakra must be fully nourished. And this chakra is actually moves round the Nabhi Chakra, which we know as Swadishthana. This Swadishthan chakra is, in a way, very important because it supplies energy to the brain. So, when dharma is established, the subtle energy pushes through the Kundalini more energy for the Read More …

Diwali Puja Sintra (Portugal)

Diwali Puja. Lisbon (Portugal), 10 November 1996 Today, we are going to worship the Maha Lakshmi which I think is very much worshipped in this country where they worship Her as Maria and also there’s a swayambu of Maria, you must have seen. And also there was an apparition of Her. First I never believed that it could be, but then after feeling the vibrations, now I know it was true, that She did appear here in an apparition. She appeared before Me, also, you must have seen, in a photograph. This is the principle by which you have risen to this state. The central path of your ascent is created by Maha Lakshmi power for the Kundalini to rise. In the temple of Maha Lakshmi in Kholapur they always sing the song of “Ude, Ude, Ambe.” So I asked the people there, “Why do you sing Ambe’s song in Maha Lakshmi’s temple?” So they said that, “We don’t know why we do it, but is it wrong?” I said, “No, because only in the Maha Lakshmi channel Kundalini can rise and Kundalini is the Umba.” That’s how, you see, they understood and they were really amazed that I explained it very well ’cause from ancient times this song has been sung there and they never knew why this song is sung. Coming to the point of Maha Lakshmi, we have to understand what does it do, what it’s help is that this Maha Lakshmi channel or the Maha Lakshmi’s Read More …

Birthday Puja: Mind is a Myth New Delhi (India)

Puja of the 73rd Birthday, “Mind is a myth”. Delhi (India), 21 March 1996. Translation from Hindi You are celebrating My birthday with so much love, reverence and respect.  Seeing this I think what have I done that you are showing so much love. Today I am going to tell you a very unusual fact, that this notion within us which we call as mind, is a myth.  The myth being, that when we are born, there is no such thing as mind within us.  As we gradually start performing actions, the outward reactions are of two kinds.  Either something becomes an impression or experience; or a consciousness of being the doer (ego) gets awakened within us.  Then from those come the tendencies which accumulate inside us like bubbles of thoughts, which create an artificial or bogus institution, which is so limited that they cannot comprehend the beauty, glory and expanse of reality.  All these things are created by us, and then we become slaves of it. For example we created the watch, and now we have become complete slaves of it.  In Sahaja Yoga you become Kaal-ateet, means you go beyond time.  Times moves along with you.  You do not run after time. Now people have started making computers, and they have become enslaved by it.  And in that enslavement, they have become so obsessed with it, that they are not able to realise that they are completely in its clutches.  Which is controlling them.  They are completely dependent Read More …

Sahasrara Puja: Achieve Complete Freedom Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

“Achieve Complete Freedom”, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 7 May 1995. Today it’s a great day for us, for all the Sahaj Yogis, that on this day – I would say, we are late by one day, or two days – the Sahasrara was opened out. It was just a miracle, I should say, because I didn’t think that I am at a point where it could be done. So I wanted to wait, but some things happened that made me think that it has to be open: it was in such a situation that I felt that if Idelay it anymore now, it may help these false gurus to spread their nonsense all over. This is just, I should say, a sahaj way of doing things. Now, 25 years have passed, and you have all gathered here during this time, and we have so many others who are not here, who have achieved so many things. But perhaps we are not aware as to what we have achieved in the real sense of the word. You’ve got your vibrations, you can feel this All-pervading Power; you are, as they say, swimming in the Ocean of Joy; you are all enjoying the collectivity, and you have transcended many of your limitations. All this has happened to you because it is your right to have it. I don’t take any credit for it. Only thing [is that], all the time, I have been pointing it out to you, one thing, that Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja: How To Get Detached and Ascend Castle Mountain Camp, Wisemans Ferry (Australia)

Mahashivaratri Puja 26 February 1995, Australia Today we have gathered here to do the Puja to Sadashiva. The One, which is reflected within us, is the Shiva, which is the pure Spirit. This pure Spirit within us is the reflection of God Almighty, Sadashiva. It’s like the sun that falls in the water and gives a clear reflection. Or else it falls on the stone, it doesn’t give any reflection at all. If you have, say, the mirror, the sun will not only fall on the mirror but will reflect back its light. In the same way in the human beings the reflection of God Almighty is expressed in the way your personality is. If your personality is clean and clear, innocent, then the reflection could be like a mirror. Thus the saintly people, they reflect God Almighty in the proper manner, in the sense that their own identification with wrong things is no more. When there is no such identification and when a person is absolutely the pure Spirit, then the reflection of God reflects into others. Luckily you all have got your Self Realization. That means the reflection of God Almighty is already working into your attention. The attention is enlightened by the power of the spirit. The power of the spirit is that it is a reflection. That means the reflection is never identified with the mirror or with the water. It is there till the sun shines, and when there is no sun there is no Read More …

5th Day of Navaratri Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Navaratri Puja, Cabella Ligure, (Italy), 9 October 1994. Today we are going to do puja for Navaratri. Yesterday you saw, beautiful description of Navaratri and how the Mother Goddess has created all kinds of powers within you. It’s not that only She has the powers, but you all have the powers, and you can all work it out, you can all find out whether these powers are there or not. With us, the realisation is very important, but there the Kundalini has given you this realisation. Of course Kundalini is a part or, we can say, reflection of Adi Shakti, and also the Jagadamba is also part of Adi Shakti. She’s placed in the centre of two hearts, which is a very important point. Now all these powers are placed in that chakra. So you imagine how many of these powers must be there, and Her powers are expressed through the centre heart in all the Ganas you have around your body. Now these Ganas are the ones who do give you the protection, give you the sleep, give you the energy, give you the blessings. All of them are at work all the time, and these bodies are extremely dedicated and connected all the time to the Mother Amba, we can call Jagadamba. Now She is the Mother of the Universe, so you can imagine, how busy She has to be to look after the whole Universe! When this centre becomes weak, that means Her connection with the Ganas Read More …

Birthday Puja: Power of Attention Kolkata (India)

Birthday Puja. Calcutta (India), 21 March 1994. Every year we have birthdays of various people, and every year we make a vow that, “This year I will not do this or I will not do that.” This is a very good way of seeing how far we have come in life. Many people who really have achieved a very great height in their spiritual life did not need a birthday. But every day they felt it’s a birthday to start, to go ahead, to understand, to learn. Every day is a New Year for them.      In our own life we see that our surroundings change very slowly. Sometimes it is shocking; sometimes you are surprised how the surroundings are not changing. But, in a subtle way, there is a tremendous change that is happening within us and without. The whole atmosphere today is governed by human beings. I don’t know how far Paramchaitanya works it out, but it is for us to open ourselves to new dimensions in our lives. For example, if we find we still have, through our introspection, we locate that we have these old, subtle, nonsensical things still hanging around us, we don’t have to vow for it. You have to just witness it, and the destructive path it is taking you to. Immediately you will give up. You don’t have to worry as to put a vow upon yourself, because now you are “samartha” [capable], meaning now you are absolutely empowered. Whatever you think is Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja: Surrender New Delhi (India)

Mahashivaratri Puja. Delhi (India), 14 March 1994. English Transcript It’s a great pleasure that from all over the world people have gathered to worship Shiva. Actually we should say it is Sadashiva that we are going to worship today. As you know the difference between Sadashiva and Shri Shiva. Sadashiva is the God Almighty and He is a witness of the play of the Primordial Mother. The combination between Sadashiva and the Primordial Mother Adi Shakti is just like a Moon and the moonlight or the Sun and the sunlight. We cannot understand such relationship in human being, among human marriages or among human relationships. So, whatever the Adi Shakti’s creating, which is the desire of Sadashiva, is being witnessed by Him. And when He is watching this creation He is witnessing all of it into all details. He witnesses the whole universe and He also witnesses this Mother Earth, all the creation that is done by the Adi Shakti. His power is of witnessing and the power of Adi Shakti is this All-pervading Power of love. So, the God Almighty, the Father, the Primordial Father we can say, expresses his desire, his Iccha Shakti [shakti of his desire] as the Primordial Mother and She expresses her power as love. So, the relationship between the two is extremely understanding, very deep. And whatever She’s creating, if She finds- if He finds there is some problem or there are people, human beings specially who are trying to obstruct her work, or Read More …

Christmas Puja: Rationality can never make you understand Divinity Ganapatipule (India)

Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India, 25 December 1993 Today we are going to celebrate the Birth of Christ. At a very crucial time we are doing that, because there are some anti-Christ who have become in charge of the Christian religion and are talking against the birth of Christ. They have no authority, they are not realized souls, they have no idea of the Divine, nothing, and they are saying that it is all falsehood that She was not a virgin and that Christ was not born that way. Who told them? Did Gabriel come and told them? What right they have got to talk these things? So because they are anti-Christ now they have become in charge of Christianity. Even Pope is like that. So in Satya Yuga they will be all exposed, have to be exposed. But some people who are here, can write to this man to ask, “What is your authority to say? Have you felt the all-pervading power of God’s love? Have you any divinity in you to challenge Christ like that?” There must be some incarnations of Paul, perhaps. They cannot understand Divine. They don’t know what Divine can do. They have no idea, at all, how miraculous it is. You all have felt the blessings of the Divine. You all know that it is a miracle. Every time there’s a miracle produced. I will narrate one simple example. In the Navaratri Puja we had some photographs. And behind the photograph some sort of a Read More …

Adi Shakti Puja: The Fruit of Knowledge Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Adi Shakti Kundalini Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 6 June 1993. Today we are all going to worship Me – first time. It has always been the puja of an aspect of Me or a part of Me. Now, one has to know very clearly what is Adi Shakti.As we say, it is the pure desire of God Almighty, of Sadashiva. But what is the pure desire of God Almighty? If you see your own desires, come out of what? Not out of the Divine love but out of carnal love, out of material love, out of power love. Behind all these desires there is love.If you do not love something you will not desire it. So, these mundane types of love that you have, for which we spend so much of our time uselessly, actually they do not give you satisfaction, because that is not true love that you have. Just infatuation for the time being, and then you just get fed up with it, and from there you jump to another thing, to another thing, to another thing. So, Adi Shakti is the embodiment of God’s Divine Love, is God’s pure love, and in his love what did He desire? He desired that He should create human beings, who would be very obedient, would be sublime, would be like angels. And that was His idea: to create Adam and Eve. So, angels have no freedom, angels are made like that. They are fixed, they don’t know why they Read More …

Birthday Puja: Satya Yuga New Delhi (India)

Puja for the 70° Birthday, New Delhi (India), 21 March 1993.  It is very difficult to speak even for Me. To see so many Sahaja Yogis sitting here with such shining faces from all over the world – as if My vision has taken its form today. I see in you the saviours of tomorrow who are going to save this world from all the Kali Yuga calamities that are surrounding us.  It is coming from all sides, while you people have really taken your second birth from this pond of Kali Yuga and have really become beautiful lotuses of different colours, hues, fragrance and beauty. Instead of you celebrating My birthday, it is better I celebrate your birthdays! [Applause] As I told you the other day, that it is you who are such great seekers, seekers of truth, of love, that it could work out; otherwise it would have been impossible.  To even transform one person is very difficult, but you were so sensitive and so deep that this subtle knowledge, I don’t know how it penetrated your being. It’s unbelievable. I can’t believe Myself what great people have taken birth in this Kali Yuga. No one can believe that there are so many saints sitting before Me, so many Ways, so many Nalis are sitting before Me.  In the history of spirituality, it has never happened. Even in the heavens there are few devatas and devas – not so many – one better than the other. Such beautiful heart, such brilliant brains, and such active attention. Read More …

Christmas Puja: Express Christ In Your Life Ganapatipule (India)

Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 1992. [English translation from Hindi] Today, we are celebrating Jesus Christ’s birthday. His incarnation was a very great thing. And, about Him, there is description in the scriptures also, as to how Mahavishnu’s incarnation will take place in this world, and He will become the foundation of the whole world. But, since the religion started taking an opposite direction, it got diverted to various different forms, and everything got drowned into darkness and ignorance. Therefore, the unity of dharma on this beautiful tree of divine power, where one after another beautiful incarnations took birth, got divided into different religions which were established. And, by taking these dead flowers, human beings made their own religions and started fighting. Jesus Christ is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. and there is proof for this. About this proof I will tell you later in English. But from His life we have to learn that the life of Jesus Christ was extremely pure. Just like Shri Ganesha is pure, similarly, after taking His incarnation in this world, and while being in this world, He lived in complete purity, because impurity just couldn’t touch Him. This was how extraordinary His incarnation was. And because of this incarnation in this world a very big event took place, that our Agnya chakra got opened. As He was crucified on the cross, our Agnya chakra got opened and this was a great boon granted by Him. He had to do this so He Read More …

Hamsa Chakra Puja Vancouver (Canada)

Hamsa Chakra Puja, Vancouver (Canada), 13 September 1992. Today we are going to worship the Hamsa Chakra. So far we have been always worshipping a Deity and this is the second time you are worshipping this centre of Hamsa. Now this chakra is, it is, you know, placed between the two eyebrows and two eyes represent the left and the right side. So this centre is very much guided by our eyes, by our ears, by our nose, tongue, teeth, throat. Is a very important centre because the Vishuddhi, which has to look after sixteen petals, which, sixteen petals, which look after all these ear, nose, throat, different, different organs within us, also it has to communicate with the Viraat. So it has to pass through this centre of Hamsa Chakra. Hamsa Chakra is the very pivotal centre, which expresses auspiciousness in our awareness. That means, if this centre is alert and awakened, then we immediately know what is auspicious and what is not auspicious, or we can call it, we get the Divine Discretion. I think it is a part of the genetics that people have discretion between good and bad, destructive and constructive. It is basically, has to be there, but we can easily spoil it by all these organs which are collecting the conditionings and the ego from outside. That’s why this centre is very vulnerable. Other centres are not so much connected outside as this centre is connected, and receives all the information from, all these Read More …

Guru Puja: Gravity Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Guru Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 19 July 1992. Yesterday, you had asked me for the status of a Guru. It’s a state, It is not a status because status is external, can be bestowed upon anyone, and anybody can say that, “This is your status.” For something external merit, or something, you can give a status to a person. It is a state. ‘State’ means the innate being, evolved to that level that you become the master. Of course, you have to be your own master to begin with. No doubt about it. If you are not even your own master then how you can achieve that state? Now as I say it is innate; then one starts thinking, “If it is innate, in a Sahaj way, how do we achieve it?” There are certain faculties which we have to develop to begin with. The first faculty is if we can become thoughtless. In meditation you can become thoughtless for a short time. Gradually this short time should go on increasing – that you are without any thought. This happens also as we can say is a state, but how do we achieve that, again? Because human beings cannot understand that anything can happen spontaneously it has to be done some…something has to be done. For that, in Sahaj, we have something very, very simple, that you have got a mantra as ‘nirvichar’. So now you watch anything saying the mantra, “Twameva sakshat nirvichar,” then you’ll start seeing that, witnessing Read More …

Shri Raja Rajeshwari Puja: The Queen of all the Queens Madras (India)

Shri Raja Rajeshwari Puja. Madras (India), 6 December 1991. Today we’ll be having Shri Ganesha Puja, followed by Raja Rajeshwari.So many names have been described of the Goddess: specially Adi Shankaracharya called Her Raja Rajeshwari, meaning She’s the Queen of all the Queens. Also for Mother Mary they have used this title in the West. These ideas have come from the pagan religion, as I have told you before, and that they didn’t come by the description of Mother Mary in the Bible. That shows that there has been lot of changes into the script of holy Bible. Also there has been lot of changes in the script of Indian scriptures, even Gita. And that’s how the derailment in every religion started. And the intellectuals took advantage of it and started projecting their own idea, saying things, describing things which were absolutely against divine Power. You are all very fortunate people on this Earth that you have discovered the reality, and you see that all these things which were mythological are true; all the things that are intellectual is not true; also whatever are used for the purpose of dividing people from each other are not true. Because we believe in all the religions, that’s why every religious person, so-called, is against us; because you are supposed to believe only in one religion and fight all the rest.If you believe in all religions, that means you are absolutely not religious – this is the concept. And that shocked them, that Read More …

6th Day of Navaratri, Recognize Me Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Navaratri Puja. Cabella (Italy), 13 October 1991 Today we have gathered here to do the Navaratri puja. There were nine times when the major incarnations of the Mother of this universe were manifested. They are manifested with a purpose. That purpose is to protect Her bhaktas, Her disciples, Her children. This was a binding love, She could not escape it. Mother’s love is binding, She cannot escape it. And She has to manifest it, work it out and give that protection to all her children.  This protection in the modern times has taken another form. In those days the evil was trying to harm, to destroy, the people who were righteous, who were bhaktas, who were doing good things, who wanted to lead a very religious life. So, to save them She incarnated. To protect them She incarnated. But they knew what was good, they knew what was wrong and they wanted to preserve their good life, their precious life. They didn’t care for money, they didn’t care for power, but just they wanted their life, means they wanted to be alive, to worship the Goddess. And when they were troubled or harmed or destroyed by these evil forces, She had to manifest. But in modern times it’s become very complicated as the modern times are complicated. First of all, in the mind, in the lifestyle, in the society of good human beings, righteous human beings, fear of the wrong has entered. Like, they are afraid, say, of their priests, Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: Yogeshwara – The Technique of the Play Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Krishna Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 1 September 1991. Today we have decided to worship the Yogeshwara. I think that is the greatest name of Shri Krishna for us. That means He is the Ishwara of yoga. “Yoga” means “the union,” as you know, with the Divine. But also yoga has another meaning which means “yukti”. In English language, translated properly, not possible, we can call it as – yukti means “the trick”, the trick. But trick is always connected with something funny and bad. But this yukti means “the technique”. The technique is mechanical, so I couldn’t find any proper word for yukti. But one can say it is the “to know the technique” and “the trick of the technique” is also another meaning of yoga, yukti. So, even if you’re connected, if you do not know the trick of the union, then it is useless. It is of no avail. So what one has to learn after getting realization, not only the technique, but the trick of the technique. At Krishna’s level, when we reach, it is an incarnation after Shri Rama’s. So Shri Rama came as a Maryada Purushottoma, means a person who has within a complete ideal of maryadas and a benevolent king. But, in the case of Shri Krishna, it was a different phase because people had become extremely serious, very disciplined and leading a life, which was, we can say, over-dharmic. And this had put the people at a level fixed and they thought Read More …

Shri Buddha Puja: You must become desireless Brielpoort Deinze, Deinze (Belgium)

Shri Buddha Puja, “You must become desireless”. Deinze (Belgium), 4 August 1991. Today, we have assembled here to do puja to Buddha. As you know Buddha was a son of a king. And one day He was shocked to see a very poor man, thin man, walking on the street, very unhappy person, and He felt very sad about it. Then He saw one person who was very sick and about to die. Then He saw a man who was dead and people were carrying him to the cremation ground. This all upset Him very much and He started thinking about it and seeking what is the reason for all these happenings in human beings. Firstly, why do they become so miserable or sick, or, why do they die so miserably? The reason He found out in His search. He went round the whole world, I should say, in the sense: He read Upanishads, He read … went to many gurus, went to many places of spiritual education, Benares, everywhere He went. And ultimately, He was sitting under a banyan tree when suddenly His kundalini was awakened by Adi Shakti and He got His realization. Then He realized that the reason for all this is the desire. In Sahaja Yoga, we have now understood that all other desires are not pure desires. Firstly, whatever desires are fulfilled, we are not satisfied by it, first thing. And secondly, all these desires have a repercussion. So what is the pure desire? That, you Read More …

Shri Mahavira Puja: Dead Spirits Perth (Australia)

Mahavira Puja. Perth (Australia), 28 March 1991. Today we are going to celebrate the birthday of Mahavira.Mahavira is the incarnation of Bhairavanath, or you call Him as Saint Michael. Now these two saints as you know one as the Gabriel, Hanumana, and another is Saint Michael, one is placed on the Pingala Nadi and another one, Saint Michael, on the Ida Nadi.So, Mahavira had to go through lots of search. Of course He was a angel, but came as human being and He had to find out the thing of the left side, and how the left side acts. It’s a very complicated thing, left side, is much more complicated than right side. On the left side we have also seven nadis, and these seven nadis are placed one after another. They are described in books and given different names to them. Now, these seven nadis that are on the left side, as you know, they cater to our past. Say for example, every moment becomes a past. Every present becomes a past. Then we have past of this lifetime, and also we have past of our previous lives. Then all the past is built in within us since our creation.So all the psychosomatic diseases, as you know, are only triggered by the entities that appear from the left side. For a person, supposing he is suffering, say, from liver trouble and suddenly he’s attacked from the left side, specially Mooladhara, or any left side, Left Nabhi, because Mooladhara is Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja: Four Nadis of the Heart Chianciano Terme (Italy)

Mahashivaratri Puja. Chianciano Terme (Italy), 16 February 1991. Today we have assembled here to worship Sadashiva, which is reflected within us as Shiva, as the spirit. He is reflected in our heart, and as you have seen that the goal of our life was to achieve this state of spirit. The other day I was reading some books how it was done, this Self-realization, to know the spirit, and how people were tortured. First of all they’re asked to somehow or other deny, defy and condemn their body. Now, if the body wants to have comfort, then it was said that first try to sleep on the carpet, not on the bed. Then still, it’s not enough; then from the carpet you go to a mat – still it’s not enough. Then from that maybe, you move down to the Mother Earth, sleep on the Mother Earth. Still if the body is not alright  then you start sleeping on the stone. But still the Himalayas are far away, because Shiva resides in Kailasha. So you go to Himalayas and sleep on the ice. This was the minimum requirement. Then it was said that you are fond of good food, you want to have sumptuous food, you eat a lot, alright ; so you deny everything that you like, to begin with, all that you like. For example, Italians cannot eat pasta! Then deny that. But that’s not sufficient. After that, you start eating things which are very bitter. As in Read More …

Christmas Puja and Evening Program Ganapatipule (India)

Christma Puja Talk, Ganapatipule, India, 25-12-1990 [English Transcript] Today we have such a great opportunity, to celebrate the birth of Christ. He was born in a manger. All these things are already pre-planned. That He should be born in a manger, in difficult situations, to show that whether you are born poor or rich, whether you are born in difficulties, or in problems, if you have Divinity within you, it shines by itself. As the Christianity took a very wrong deviated, line, they have never been able to understand the significance of Christ. To them immaculate conception-conception is absolutely, not possible. Most of the people think that it’s some sort of a mythical story. But in India, we do believe that, Gauri created Shri Ganesha out of, Her own, vibrations, and that He became the Deity of Mooladhara. We accept it. But not in the West. They will never accept such a thing because, their mental side is over-developed and dominates them. Maybe, they are not so very old like Indians to understand that above all He is God. Even the concept of God is quite mental. Moreover, the way Christianity has been, it has not provided any proper guidance. On the contrary wherever they have failed, they said “It’s a mystery.”                   But, it’s very simple to understand for Indians, that anything is possible for God. After all He is God- He is God Almighty. Because of this mental attitude, which is much lower, than the knowledge of your spirit, Read More …

10th Day of Navaratri, Depth and Contentment Butlins Grand Hotel, Margate (England)

Navaratri Puja, “Destroy the demons inside yourselves”. Margate (UK), 8 October 1989. It was very spontaneously decided that we should have the Devi Puja in England. And this is the place where really Devi Puja should be, because it’s the place of Sadashiva and where Adi Shakti should be worshipped. We have to today understand that why do we do Devi Puja? What is the reason for this Devi Puja? What do we get out of it? What are we supposed to achieve in our contents within ourselves? The first thing is that Kundalini is the Devi. She’s the reflection of the Adi Shakti. So when you worship Devi, first you worship also your own Kundalini by giving Her credit because She has given you this realization. It’s much deeper understanding than normally people have about the Devi Puja because they are not realized souls. Their Kundalini not is awakened. So normally when they do Devi Puja it’s for the purpose of getting realization so that the Devi should be pleased – prasanna – and should give them realization, or must get our chance to get to somebody who will give them realization. But you are at a different level now. So it’s more of a thanksgiving to your own Kundalini and to Adi Shakti, glorifying that whatever has happened so miraculously is because of the Kundalini which was within you, which was reflected by the Adi Shakti. But one has to know that only we are realized souls is Read More …

Shri Bhairavnath Puja: Bhairava protects the Left Side Garlate (Italy)

Shri Bhairavanath puja. Garlate ashram, Lecco (Italy), 6 August 1989. Today, we have gathered here to do puja to Bhairavanath. I think we have not understood the significance of Bhairavanath who runs up and down on the Ida Nadi. Ida Nadi is the nadi of Chandrama, is of the moon. So this is a channel for us to cool down. So the work of Bhairavanath ji is to cool us down. For example, people have a hot temper with their ego, with their liver, whatever it is, and if a person is in a big temper, then Bhairavanath plays tricks on that person to cool him down. He organizes everything under his own control with ganas’ help, with Ganapati’s help, to cool down your temperament, to give you a balance. So, if somebody is a very hot-tempered person and he crosses all the limits of his temper, then somehow or other, Bhairavanath will organise, also with the help of Hanumana, to show that this stupidity of anger is no good. So, for example, people who are depressed or who become left-sided, Hanumana tries to help them to come out of it, no doubt, but also Bhairavanath helps them very much more to come out of it. Now a person who is left-sided cannot be collective. It is very difficult for a person who is very left-sided, who is all the time feeling very sad, unhappy and worried, cannot enjoy the fun of collectivity. While a hot-tempered person, a right-sided person, Read More …

Paramchaitanya Puja Taufkirchen (Germany)

Paramchaitanya Puja. Taufkirchen (Germany), 19 July 1989. [(A noise is made by the loudspeaker. Babies start crying.) Shri Mataji: I think better take the children out for a while. Just it would be better. Hello, hello, hello! I think better take them out for a while. They didn’t like. Stops. (Babies suddenly stop crying. Laughter. Shri Mataji laughs)] A question was asked to Me, “What puja we are going to have today?” and I kept it a secret. Today we should worship the Paramachaitanya, the all-pervading Power of God’s love. We are aware that Paramachaitanya does everything. At least mentally we know that everything is worked out by the grace of Paramachaitanya, which is the power of the Adi Shakti. But still it is not so much in our heart, so much in our attention. We can consider Paramachaitanya like a ocean, like a ocean which contains everything within itself. Everything, all the working, everything is within its own limits. So it cannot be compared with anyone thing. You cannot compare it. Now if you see the sun, then from the sun the rays have to come out to work it. If you see somebody, say, a person who has an authority, he has to assert that power outside. So within himself he doesn’t work it out. Say, for example, if there’s a seed and inside the seed only, the tree grows and the fruits come out, and then they are sold and people eat it; and everything is inside Read More …

Sahasrara Puja: Jump Into the Ocean of Joy Sorrento (Italy)

Sahasrara Puja, “Jump into the Ocean of Love”, Sorrento (Italy) 6 May 1989. Last night was a night of complete darkness, that they call it as amavasya; and just now only the first phase of the moon has started. Today we are here to celebrate the day when the Sahasrara was opened out. Also you have seen in the photograph. It was actually a photograph of my brain, which showed how the Sahasrara was opened out. The light of the brain now could be photographed. It’s something great these modern times have done. So the modern times have brought a lot of things which can prove the existence of the Divine. Also it can prove about me. It can convince you what I am. This is very important because, in the modern times, this advent has to be recognised, has to be fully recognised. This is one of the conditions for all the Sahaja Yogis.  Now let’s see what’s happening in the modern times, in the brains of the people. In the brains of the people today, if you see, there is an attack on the Sahasrara. There has been an attack since long but in the modern times it’s the worst time. They are trying to make the limbic area very insensitive. Very depressive novels, very depressive thoughts and very depressive music, you can say, like Greek tragedy nonsense. All these things came from the medieval period till, we should say, this new age has started. That one itself was no good Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: The State of Witnessing Como (Italy)

Shri Krishna Puja. Garlate, Como (Italy), 6 August 1988. Today we have gathered here to worship Shri Krishna. We must understand the significance of Shri Krishna’s advent on the Vishuddhi chakra. As you know very well, except for once or twice, Shri Brahmadeva has taken His incarnation. Also once Shri Ganesha has taken His birth as Lord Jesus Christ. But Vishnu tattwa, the principle of Vishnu, has taken many a times birth on this earth, as the Goddess had to take many-a-times Her birth. They had to work together many-a-times and with the principle of Vishnu, the principle of Mahalakshmi has acted to help the ascent of the people. So the principle of Vishnu is for your ascent, for the evolutionary process of human beings. Through this advent and through the power of Mahalakshmi, we have become human beings from amoeba stage. This is a spontaneous working for us, but for the principle of Vishnu, He had to go through various incarnations to evolve. As you know there have been incarnations of Shri Vishnu as a fish to begin with and went on till it came to the state of Shri Krishna, where they say that He has become complete. But one has to realize that He works on our central nervous system, He builds our central nervous system. Through our evolutionary process our central nervous system has been built up. And this central nervous system has given us all the human awareness that we have. Otherwise we would have Read More …

Guru Puja: The Gravity of Guru Principle Camping Borda d'Ansalonga, Ansalonga (Andorra)

Guru Puja, The Gravity of Guru Principle, Ansalonga, Andorra, July 31st, 1988 Today we have all gathered here for worshipping your Guru. As you know that the principle of Guru resides in the Void. This is the principle which gives you balance, which gives you a gravity. The gravity that we have in the Mother Earth is expressed through your Guru Principle. The first point of gravity is that you should have a personality, a character and a temperament [such] that people would see that you are a personality who doesn’t get dissolved into worldly things. It’s a personality which doesn’t get ruined by the skirmishes of life. Is the personality of a guru which sits down deep into his being and is not easily disturbed or dissolved by any solvent whatsoever. This is the first principle of the Guru – is the gravity. As I told you, it is something which cannot be dissolved into anything. It settles very deep down into a personality. So it doesn’t float in the water. Now, you see in the countries which are developed very much, we think that we have a very great power of individual attainment, that individually we are absolutely free [and] we can do whatever we like; and that’s why individual freedom becomes the goal of all democratic countries, neglecting the collective. Of course, [the] individual is important, and it has to become all right to nourish the collective. But if the individual does not have the gravity, then Read More …

Makar Sankranti Puja Mumbai (India)

Makar Sankranti – Shri Surya Puja. India Tour, Bombay (India), 10 January 1988. It is a very unique opportunity, I think, for Me to meet you again in Bombay when you are all leaving this country, and this kind of a special type of a puja that we are having today. This is the puja done to the sun, and is called as Makar Sankrant. “Makar” is the tropic of Capricorn, Capricorn is Makar. So now the sun is moving from the tropic of Capricorn towards the tropic of Cancer, and is always a fixed date because it’s a, it has something to do with the sun. This is the only date which is fixed in the Indian calendar, because they have to deal with the sun. But this time, I don’t know why, what has happened that they have put it on the fifteenth of this month – it’s always the fourteenth. Now today is, they are changing, I would say that the seasons are going to be changed. We’ve got six months when this moves, sun moves towards the southern hemisphere and makes it warm, and it comes to the northern hemisphere from tomorrow. So today is the last day, which we say that is the day which is the coldest day, according to Indian understanding. After this the heat will start growing and all the – we can do anything that is auspicious, any auspicious things can be done after this puja is over, during the summer-time. Read More …