Commands of Intellect and its Effect New Delhi (India)

Public Program, Hamari Atma kya chij hai, New Delhi 25-03-2000 I bow to all the seekers of truth. So far we did not know what is the truth. We accepted whatever the brain made us believe. The brain misguided so much that we started justifying all our deeds. Man moved away from the path of truth. We started running after the material gains. Human connections with truth was severed and human beings fell into the unknown abyss. Now people are surprised as to how it happened? Why such a situation arose? Why did man shift from wisdom to (un-wise) wickedness? Wickedness took the place of wisdom. This wickedness benefited neither the individual nor anyone else. Sometimes we are alarmed to see the happenings around like bloodshed and violence. Even small children are not spared. Many such perversions have set in. I can only say that there is an extreme “kaliyuga”. The scriptures have not described the age/period to be so terrible. Scriptures made just a mention of it. It’s written that in this age people will have their meals in the utensils of iron instead of brass. Many such formal things have been referred to, but the scene before us is horrible and sad. Man should not lose his way. In search of happiness he ran after the wrong things and happiness remained a mirage. He sank in deep darkness. Man doesn’t know that his deeds are evil and that he has to suffer as a result, such things-deeds have Read More …