Birthday Puja: Power of Attention Kolkata (India)

Birthday Puja. Calcutta (India), 21 March 1994. Every year we have birthdays of various people, and every year we make a vow that, “This year I will not do this or I will not do that.” This is a very good way of seeing how far we have come in life. Many people who really have achieved a very great height in their spiritual life did not need a birthday. But every day they felt it’s a birthday to start, to go ahead, to understand, to learn. Every day is a New Year for them.      In our own life we see that our surroundings change very slowly. Sometimes it is shocking; sometimes you are surprised how the surroundings are not changing. But, in a subtle way, there is a tremendous change that is happening within us and without. The whole atmosphere today is governed by human beings. I don’t know how far Paramchaitanya works it out, but it is for us to open ourselves to new dimensions in our lives. For example, if we find we still have, through our introspection, we locate that we have these old, subtle, nonsensical things still hanging around us, we don’t have to vow for it. You have to just witness it, and the destructive path it is taking you to. Immediately you will give up. You don’t have to worry as to put a vow upon yourself, because now you are “samartha” [capable], meaning now you are absolutely empowered. Whatever you think is Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja: Surrender New Delhi (India)

Mahashivaratri Puja. Delhi (India), 14 March 1994. English Transcript It’s a great pleasure that from all over the world people have gathered to worship Shiva. Actually we should say it is Sadashiva that we are going to worship today. As you know the difference between Sadashiva and Shri Shiva. Sadashiva is the God Almighty and He is a witness of the play of the Primordial Mother. The combination between Sadashiva and the Primordial Mother Adi Shakti is just like a Moon and the moonlight or the Sun and the sunlight. We cannot understand such relationship in human being, among human marriages or among human relationships. So, whatever the Adi Shakti’s creating, which is the desire of Sadashiva, is being witnessed by Him. And when He is watching this creation He is witnessing all of it into all details. He witnesses the whole universe and He also witnesses this Mother Earth, all the creation that is done by the Adi Shakti. His power is of witnessing and the power of Adi Shakti is this All-pervading Power of love. So, the God Almighty, the Father, the Primordial Father we can say, expresses his desire, his Iccha Shakti [shakti of his desire] as the Primordial Mother and She expresses her power as love. So, the relationship between the two is extremely understanding, very deep. And whatever She’s creating, if She finds- if He finds there is some problem or there are people, human beings specially who are trying to obstruct her work, or Read More …

Christmas Puja: Rationality can never make you understand Divinity Ganapatipule (India)

Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India, 25 December 1993 Today we are going to celebrate the Birth of Christ. At a very crucial time we are doing that, because there are some anti-Christ who have become in charge of the Christian religion and are talking against the birth of Christ. They have no authority, they are not realized souls, they have no idea of the Divine, nothing, and they are saying that it is all falsehood that She was not a virgin and that Christ was not born that way. Who told them? Did Gabriel come and told them? What right they have got to talk these things? So because they are anti-Christ now they have become in charge of Christianity. Even Pope is like that. So in Satya Yuga they will be all exposed, have to be exposed. But some people who are here, can write to this man to ask, “What is your authority to say? Have you felt the all-pervading power of God’s love? Have you any divinity in you to challenge Christ like that?” There must be some incarnations of Paul, perhaps. They cannot understand Divine. They don’t know what Divine can do. They have no idea, at all, how miraculous it is. You all have felt the blessings of the Divine. You all know that it is a miracle. Every time there’s a miracle produced. I will narrate one simple example. In the Navaratri Puja we had some photographs. And behind the photograph some sort of a Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: River Yamuna and Shri Krishna’s life Yamunanagar (India)

Shri Krishna puja. Yamuna Nagar (India), 11 December 1993. Today we are going to have the puja of Shri Krishna. In Shri Krishna’s life the river Yamuna has played a very great role. Yamuna River is a very deep river and the water has a blue colour, which they say Shri Krishna also had. While the River Ganges flows faster and much shallower than this. Next year, maybe, we might go to Allahabad, might be able to see the two rivers meet. The whole of Haryana has been a very, very historical, mythological place. You must have known about it that Pandavas and Khauravas fought in Kurukshetra and also, all this area has been used, since long, for meditation. Markandeya, whose name you have heard many a times, meditated in this area. First he was in Maharashtra, where you have seen the Saptashringi and, after that, he came down here and meditated and wrote his treatises. Everywhere you find a place of a pir [saint]. Also they are realised souls who have been respected till today. To begin with, we have to say that this is the area of great spirituality, because Shri Krishna lived here. And in those days there were no cars, not this transport, so He has vibrated all this land so beautifully. Very fond of playing near the river Yamuna. Of course, His childhood was not spent here, but later on, when He became the king, He used to visit this place many a times. We Read More …

9th Day of Navaratri, Reintrospect Yourself Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Navaratri Puja. Cabella (Italy), 24 October 1993. Today we have gathered here to do the puja of the Devi. The Devi has many forms, but is the embodiment of the Shakti. Adi Shakti gives Shakti to all these embodiments and so there are many Goddesses we have. At different times they came on this Earth and did all that was necessary for the ascent of people who were seekers. Especially the one we know of, Jagadamba, the Durga. She was trying to protect all the seekers of Truth and to destroy all evil forces, because without the ascent of human beings they do not know the Truth, and that’s why whatever they try to do is a mental projection, and this mental projection, if it is not substantiated by Truth, by dharma, it declines. In Sanskrit they call it glani. When this glani takes  place, then incarnations are born – to solve the problem. In all incarnation of the Goddess there have been very much incarnated the satanic forces, they had incarnated, and She had to fight with them and destroy them. But this destruction was not for the destruction’s sake that the evil forces are to be destroyed, but evil forces always try to put down the seekers, put down the Saints, try to harm them, sometimes even destroy [them]. All these destructive forces do not come at the same time, normally. At different times, is easy to handle. But the aim of the incarnation is to save, to Read More …

Why are we on this Earth? Philadelphia (United States)

Public Program, Philadelphia (USA), 15 October 1993. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. This song that you are listening to has been written by a poet called Namadeva, about sixteenth century, and what he’s singing there is, “Oh, Mother, give me my yoga.” Yoga means the union with the Divine. I said I bow to you all because you’re seekers of Truth. At the very outset, one has to know that Truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it. You cannot conceptualize it. And, unfortunately, at this human awareness, you cannot know it, whatever you may try. If once we humbly understand this, that we can go up to our mental projections and not beyond that, Truth has to be known on your central nervous system. In the evolutionary process, whatever we have known, we have known it on our central nervous system. For example, if you bring a dog or a horse and he sees this beautiful hall, he won’t understand. If you take him through a dirty lane, he won’t understand. He can just pass through. But, while we human beings have developed a kind of a sensitivity, sensitivity to so many things. Also, we should have developed sensitivity to spirituality, but sometimes we miss the point. Now, whatever I am going to tell should be taken as a hypothesis, but you should have an open mind of a scientist. If it is true, you should accept it, if you are Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: Dharma Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 15 August 1993 Today we have gathered here to do Shri Krishna puja.  We have to understand clearly that Shri Krishna is a very, very important deity within us; because He is the Vishnu, who resides in the Void, in the Nabhi. He is the one who generates dharma within us. When you got your Realisation I didn’t tell you, “Don’t do this.” “Don’t do that.” I never told you that, “This is not good.” “That is not good.” You just did, it because Shri Vishnu was awakened within you.  He is in the Void and, if He is awakened, He brings you to the light, removes your ignorance, removes your darkness, and you start seeing that whatever you were doing was destructive for you, and that’s how the dharma is established. Of course, the dharma was established also by all the ten Gurus who came on this Earth, the prophets, who taught us about dharma. So this combination of Shri Vishnu and the ten Gurus is to establish dharma within us. Now this dharma is taught by prophets, as you have seen everywhere. They have said, “Don’t do this. Don’t do that.” They have talked of Ten Commandments. Every prophet has talked about dharma, what is to be done, up to a point when Christ also had to talk about it and He says, “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.” But Shri Krishna is the one who says that, “I come on this Read More …

Experience the Truth on your Centres Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 24 June 1993. Shri Mataji: It’s all right. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualize it, with this human awareness. We have to be in another state where we can understand it, know it, on our central nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process we can feel it on our central nervous system. In the same way we have to feel the truth, the absolute, on our finger tips. It has to be tangible. It’s not a make belief, it’s not a blind faith, but one has to experience it, on the central nervous system. But the problem is that so far, those who achieved something also of this nature, were singled out and they were never respected. A great poet, Kabir, says that, “How am I to explain anything? The people are so blind.” Even William Blake* was treated as a lunatic in this country. It was impossible for these seers, these prophets, to explain, to talk about the Divine. But, till they lived, nobody understood them and followed them. And then when they were no more, people built mosques, temples, churches. And when we see the mess of these religions we are surprised, how can it be. How can people kill each other in the name of God? How can they make money, the way they Read More …

Adi Shakti Puja: The Fruit of Knowledge Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Adi Shakti Kundalini Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 6 June 1993. Today we are all going to worship Me – first time. It has always been the puja of an aspect of Me or a part of Me. Now, one has to know very clearly what is Adi Shakti.As we say, it is the pure desire of God Almighty, of Sadashiva. But what is the pure desire of God Almighty? If you see your own desires, come out of what? Not out of the Divine love but out of carnal love, out of material love, out of power love. Behind all these desires there is love.If you do not love something you will not desire it. So, these mundane types of love that you have, for which we spend so much of our time uselessly, actually they do not give you satisfaction, because that is not true love that you have. Just infatuation for the time being, and then you just get fed up with it, and from there you jump to another thing, to another thing, to another thing. So, Adi Shakti is the embodiment of God’s Divine Love, is God’s pure love, and in his love what did He desire? He desired that He should create human beings, who would be very obedient, would be sublime, would be like angels. And that was His idea: to create Adam and Eve. So, angels have no freedom, angels are made like that. They are fixed, they don’t know why they Read More …

Easter Puja: One has to have faith in one’s self Magliano Sabina Ashram, Magliano Sabina (Italy)

Transcript of Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 11 April 1993. We all have today gathered here on top of this beautiful mountain to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.It’s very significant for Sahaja Yogis to understand the great event of His resurrection by which He showed that the spirit does not die. He was — He was the Omkara. He was the Logos and He was the Spirit, that is why He could walk on the water.And also, now we have made a film where we have shown how the Mooladhara, which shows the carbon atom as clearly, if you see from the right to the left, you find a proper swastika there and left to the right we see Omkara. But when you see from downward upward, what you see is alpha and omega. That proves beyond doubt that Christ, as He said, “I am the alpha and I am the omega,” shows clearly that He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a scientific proof you have now with us and that’s how we can tell people that it’s a fact. I don’t know, at the time of Christ this alpha and omega was known to the mathematicians, but definitely to Him when He said, “I am the alpha and the omega.” His was an incarnation very remarkable and very important for our ascent. If He had not resurrected Himself, we could not have achieved our ascent at all. So, it’s a great contribution. The resurrection of Christ Read More …

Christmas Puja: Express Christ In Your Life Ganapatipule (India)

Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 1992. [English translation from Hindi] Today, we are celebrating Jesus Christ’s birthday. His incarnation was a very great thing. And, about Him, there is description in the scriptures also, as to how Mahavishnu’s incarnation will take place in this world, and He will become the foundation of the whole world. But, since the religion started taking an opposite direction, it got diverted to various different forms, and everything got drowned into darkness and ignorance. Therefore, the unity of dharma on this beautiful tree of divine power, where one after another beautiful incarnations took birth, got divided into different religions which were established. And, by taking these dead flowers, human beings made their own religions and started fighting. Jesus Christ is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. and there is proof for this. About this proof I will tell you later in English. But from His life we have to learn that the life of Jesus Christ was extremely pure. Just like Shri Ganesha is pure, similarly, after taking His incarnation in this world, and while being in this world, He lived in complete purity, because impurity just couldn’t touch Him. This was how extraordinary His incarnation was. And because of this incarnation in this world a very big event took place, that our Agnya chakra got opened. As He was crucified on the cross, our Agnya chakra got opened and this was a great boon granted by Him. He had to do this so He Read More …

Diwali Puja Timisoara, Sala Olimpia (Romania)

Diwali Puja. Temisoara (Romania), 25 October 1992. So today we are celebrating the Diwali Puja.I think you all can try to learn English which is a very simple language and would be better. I just want to say that you all can learn English language, it’s not difficult from my tapes. Of course the language of love is universal for it has no script, that’s the problem (Shri Mataji laughs) and no words, and no words.(Translator speaks ed.) Shri Mataji I am sorry, I am so full of emotions, too full of emotions, can’t catch your words you see … everything, all languages in my head, may I ask someone to translate, I feel I can not catch your words.Shri Mataji: No it’ll be all right, come along (Laughter and applause).I don’t know how to express, I am also full of lots of emotions. it’s such a beautiful gathering we have here from all over the world. We are all bound together in such pure love, and Russians also have arrived, luckily, they had to go through some tapasya.The significance of Diwali is spread out in about five days, and they are all together somehow, these five days are all put together. So they have different aspects, but in every aspect there’s one common point is that the Goddess plays the main role. Now the first day is the worship of the housewife where you have to buy some sort of a utensil for the kitchen or for the use Read More …

1st Day of Navaratri, 10th Position Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Navaratri Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 27 September 1992. Today is the first day of Navaratri. And when I found that the rain was there and all kinds of problems, and Vishnumaya was suggesting some things, I just consulted the calendar, and you will be amazed to know that in the calendar it is written that till five forty-five it’s not auspicious – it’s inauspicious. After five forty-five only the right thing starts, so just imagine, by calculation how it was correct that five forty-five we had to have this puja, after five forty-five. That is, the first day of Navaratri starts in Italy or in Europe after five forty-five. So it is something one must understand that the Chaitanya is working out everything, and it is giving all the suggestions; because I had not at all seen the, what you call the tithi, but I just felt that, I said that we’ll have it in the evening. And when I said it, I said “Let’s see this,” and there it was. There’s so many things we have to see, that whatever has been revealed to you, you can verify it. For example, I had said long time back that Mooladhara Chakra is made out of carbon, carbon atom, and if you see it from left to the right – right to the left, left side you see nothing but a swastika. So, now you see from left to the right, then you see Omkara; and once you see from down Read More …

God can never make some people available to religion and others not Los Angeles Ashram, Los Angeles (United States)

1992-0915 Persian Public Program, Ashram, Los Angeles I am very happy to see you all here. I went to Iran in the year 1971, and I was surprised that the people there were just prepared to get their realization; and at that time, you had this king ruling there. We had a program in some hall and many people got their realization. And after that, all these problems came in and I couldn’t keep contact with them at all; but they must be somewhere, all of them who got their realization at that time. Also some people were cured with Sahaja Yoga. Now the time has come for us to be awakened. All these problems of fundamentalism, which have not only troubled you – they have fundamentalism everywhere, the whole world – there are Christians who are fundamentalists, there are Jews who are fundamentalists, all kinds of things they are doing. As you have seen that, how so many Muslims were killed in Yugoslavia, and now many Muslims are killing. It’s going on between this and that area. Nobody has business to kill anyone, but it is happening. The reason is that it has gone into their heads that they are perfect, they have got everything. This is the worst thing that has happened in the name of God. God can never make some people available to religion and others not. These are all great saints, seers, prophets, incarnations, born on the same tree of life. Only people pluck those Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Genetics of Wisdom Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella (Italy), 30 August 1992. Last time you had asked Me for Gurupada, and you should know that the essence of guru is Shri Ganesha, the innocence.  You must be knowing the story of a very devoted wife, faithful wife, of a sati. Her name was Anasuya, and she was so religious and so dedicated that they say that the wives of all the gods – Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha – got very jealous of her. So they told their husbands that, “You must go and test her, if she’s really a woman with chastity or not.” So all of them came down as sadhus, dressed up like sanyasis. And she said she wanted to serve them, give them something. They said, “No, we want to have food.” She said, “All right, come and sit down.” She cooked food for them. So they said, “No, we will not have the food unless and until you take out all your clothes. We’ll only have the food if you take out all your clothes.” She said, “Is it so?” They said, “Yes.” So she made them into little, little children, three little children, and then she became nude, because the innocent doesn’t understand anything about it. And then she joined them together, their three innocents were joined together, and they got their Gurupada. That’s how the Adi Guru was created. So the first thing is that if you want your Gurupad, you have to be innocent. “Innocent” is a very Read More …

Shri Durga Mahakali Puja: France is going down and down Paris (France)

Shri Durga Mahakali Puja, Paris (France), 25 July 1992. [A little child calls loudly: “Mataji! Jai!”. Shri Mataji smiles, Yogis laugh] Today’s puja we have arranged of Durga or the Kali. That is the destroying form of the Goddess of all the evil and negativity. This we had to do it in France, because I feel very strongly that day by day, in general, France is going down and down and down. While you people are coming up, the rest of the France is in the most pitiable condition. Firstly, as you understand, is the Catholic church, which – perhaps you are not aware of, perhaps maybe – because you don’t read any other languages, you just read French compulsorily by this country. So you have no international views or international news that this Catholic church has done so many horrible things in the past, that it is unbelievable that they have anything to do with God. They burnt many cardinals in the hearth – roasted them. Not only that, they killed so many people who ever tried to utter a word about them. They were much worse than Muslim people. They went to other countries like South America, America – all these places they’re all Catholics – even our country. And they killed millions and millions of people. Now as this is Kruta Yuga that has started, one of the things as I said yesterday is that: you will have to pay for whatever you have done, on mass Read More …

Shri Buddha Puja Talk: The Search for the Absolute Shudy Camps Park, Shudy Camps (England)

Shri Buddha Puja. Shudy Camps, near Cambridge (England). 31 May 1992. Today we have assembled here to do Shri Buddha Puja. I don’t know how many of you have read of Buddha’s life, and how ultimately He achieved His enlightenment. I don’t know how many of you have really seen the Buddhists or have met them, those who call themselves Buddhist. As in every religion, all of them got lost into some sort of a fundamentalism, because none of them got realisation. And that’s why everybody established their own style of religion, even you can say that Tao of Lao Tse also, or Zen of Bodhidharma, all of them are off-shoots of the same. We have to see how He first felt that one has to seek something beyond life, once we are very much satisfied with whatever we have. Because He was a king’s son, He had a very nice wife, He had a son, and naturally anybody in that position would be quite satisfied. But He saw a very sick man one day, He saw a beggar and also He saw a dead man, and everybody crying for that dead person. He couldn’t understand how this misery has come and what is the need to have this misery. So He gave up His family, He gave up His luxuries of life, everything He gave up and went in search of the truth, as many of you have done. He would have been lost also, I would say, because Read More …

Easter Puja: You have to grow and take up the responsibility Magliano Sabina Ashram, Magliano Sabina (Italy)

Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 19 April 1992. This is a great day for all of us to rejoice and to enjoy this Resurrection of Christ. The Resurrection of Christ took place to open our Agnya center because it was a very subtle center as you know, very complicated with the ideas people had from their conditioning and from their ego, were so much clogging the Agnya Chakra that Kundalini could have been impossible to pass through. So all the play of Resurrection took place, and as Christ was nothing but chaitanya, He was resurrected from death so-called. In this death of Christ, we have to also understand that we have achieved our resurrection. We have achieved our resurrection, also whatever was supposed to be the past has died, is finished now. So, this repentance that we have, the conditionings we have are dead. But still it is very surprising that among the Christian nations, the ego did not subside as it should have been, perhaps may be that Christ was never worshipped in the right way. The ego in the West was absolutely, so dominating that nobody could see what they are doing, and how far they are going. Unnecessarily they are repenting about something that is far fetched. But repentance was meant for our ego. It’s very shocking sometimes, when you see how the Christian nations invaded other countries, completely annihilated, completely finished and destroyed races after races. They were Christians, followers of Christ, taking Bible in Read More …

Christmas Puja Ganapatipule (India)

Christmas Puja. Ganapatipule (India), 24 December 1991. [Translation from Hindi] Today’s combination is very powerful. On the day of this special combination, which is called ‘Angaraki’- ‘Angaraki Chaturthi’ [fourth day] is the ‘charturthi’ [fourth day of lunar month] of ‘Krishna Paksha’ [waning phase of the moon]. On every ‘charturthi’ [fourth day] Shri Ganesha’s Birthday is celebrated. But if the ‘chaturthi’ falls on a Tuesday, it happens once in a while, sometimes once or sometimes twice or sometimes three times a year. If the ‘chaturthi’ falls on Tuesday then it is celebrated in a grand way. Today is the same ‘Yog’ [conjunction] where on a Tuesday, we are sitting here in Ganapati Pule where ‘Angaraki Yog’ is celebrated. Thousands of people come here to do the puja of Shri Ganesha. There was such a traffic jam that some sixty vehicles were in front, so we took a round-about road and came cause it’s no use going any faster. When something has to happen, it happens like this only. Till we understand this matter in Sahaja that whatever happens, we should watch it with patience. There should be patience. At that time if you hurry or if you become nervous, then the work will not happen. Have patience. Once you have patience, you will understand what to do and how to do. Rushing is against Sahaja. In Sahaja you should have patience. About this Sai Nath has told a lot – be patient. “Sai milat saburi mein” [you’ll find Sai in patience]. Read More …

Confusion and the ordinary householders Madras (India)

Public Program Day 2. Madras (India), 7 December 1991. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday at the very outset, I told you that truth is what it is. If we have not found the truth we should be humble and honest about it, because truth is for our benevolence, for the benevolence of our city, of our society, of our country and of the whole universe. This is a very special time you are all born, where people have to get their Self-realization. This is the Resurrection Time as described in the Bible, it’s the time of Kiyama as described by Mohammed Sahib. This is a very special time when Nala, as you know, Nala damayanthi akhyan  – Nala was faced with Kali. He got very angry with Kali and said that “You have destroyed my family, you have destroyed my peace, and you put people into bhram, into illusions, so I’d better kill you.” He challenged Kali that “You should be finished forever.” Then Kali said, “All right, let me tell you my mahatmyam. Let me tell you why I should be there. If I convince you then you can stop killing me, but if I do not, you can kill me.” So he told that “Today all those who are seeking the truth, seeking their Self-realization, Atma sakshatkara, those who are going into giri and kandharas, into the mountains and in the valleys, searching God all over the world; these people will be born as Read More …

Shri Raja Rajeshwari Puja: The Queen of all the Queens Madras (India)

Shri Raja Rajeshwari Puja. Madras (India), 6 December 1991. Today we’ll be having Shri Ganesha Puja, followed by Raja Rajeshwari.So many names have been described of the Goddess: specially Adi Shankaracharya called Her Raja Rajeshwari, meaning She’s the Queen of all the Queens. Also for Mother Mary they have used this title in the West. These ideas have come from the pagan religion, as I have told you before, and that they didn’t come by the description of Mother Mary in the Bible. That shows that there has been lot of changes into the script of holy Bible. Also there has been lot of changes in the script of Indian scriptures, even Gita. And that’s how the derailment in every religion started. And the intellectuals took advantage of it and started projecting their own idea, saying things, describing things which were absolutely against divine Power. You are all very fortunate people on this Earth that you have discovered the reality, and you see that all these things which were mythological are true; all the things that are intellectual is not true; also whatever are used for the purpose of dividing people from each other are not true. Because we believe in all the religions, that’s why every religious person, so-called, is against us; because you are supposed to believe only in one religion and fight all the rest.If you believe in all religions, that means you are absolutely not religious – this is the concept. And that shocked them, that Read More …

Have you got the ultimate reality? Madras (India)

Public Program Day 1. Madras (India). 6 December 1991. I bow to all the seekers of truth. If we are the real seekers of truth, we have to be honest about it and sincere, so that we are sincere to ourselves, and we have justified our own existence in this world. There are so many sadhakas, morning till evening they are working out some sort of a ritual, some sort of a meditation, some sort of a bhakti, some sort of reading. But one has to understand, what have we achieved? Where are we? As a Mother I would say, “My child, you have done so much in your seeking, but what have you found? Have you got the ultimate  reality? Have you got what is described in the scriptures?” For this song which is sung today is in Marathi – I wish they had sung something in Sanskrit, they are very good at Sanskrit singing also of Adi Shankaracharya and all that. Tomorrow they’ll do it. This song itself was written by Namadeva in the twelfth century [ie 1200s]; a poet who went later on to Punjab, where Nanak Sahib respected him very much and asked him that he should write in Punjabi language. [ed.: there is a confusion here with a later Namdev, a Maratha brahmin who was a contemporary of Nanak (1470-1530)]. He studied Punjabi language and has written such a thick book, and in the “Granth Sahib” there are many verses from there. He was an Read More …

6th Day of Navaratri, Recognize Me Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Navaratri Puja. Cabella (Italy), 13 October 1991 Today we have gathered here to do the Navaratri puja. There were nine times when the major incarnations of the Mother of this universe were manifested. They are manifested with a purpose. That purpose is to protect Her bhaktas, Her disciples, Her children. This was a binding love, She could not escape it. Mother’s love is binding, She cannot escape it. And She has to manifest it, work it out and give that protection to all her children.  This protection in the modern times has taken another form. In those days the evil was trying to harm, to destroy, the people who were righteous, who were bhaktas, who were doing good things, who wanted to lead a very religious life. So, to save them She incarnated. To protect them She incarnated. But they knew what was good, they knew what was wrong and they wanted to preserve their good life, their precious life. They didn’t care for money, they didn’t care for power, but just they wanted their life, means they wanted to be alive, to worship the Goddess. And when they were troubled or harmed or destroyed by these evil forces, She had to manifest. But in modern times it’s become very complicated as the modern times are complicated. First of all, in the mind, in the lifestyle, in the society of good human beings, righteous human beings, fear of the wrong has entered. Like, they are afraid, say, of their priests, Read More …

Enlightened Person and the Attention Štvanice, Prague (Czech Republic)

Public Program Day 2. Prague (Czech Republic), 18 August 1991. [Hindi] They have done three songs, have they? One more … one more … [Hindi] [Yogi asks about taking of photos during Shri Mataji’s talk.] But when I am talking, one should not. You have to sing one song more, smaller one. Hamid, My spectacles. My spectacles. [Yogi explains to Shri Mataji that they have already spoken about chakras, etc.] I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday, that truth is what it is. It cannot be conceptualized, and cannot be felt at this human awareness. For that you have to become a subtler being that we call as the spirit. Today I’m going to tell you about the nature of spirit. Spirit is the reflection of the Father, the God Almighty. The seat of that is on top of fontanel bone area, but He is reflected in our heart; while kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost, the Primordial Mother. So this spirit, when it is enlightened into our attention, our attention becomes active: in the sense that if you pay attention to something, it doesn’t act there, but on the contrary wherever you pay attention, that acts upon you. On the contrary an enlightened soul, even a glance of such a person can manifest peace, joy in the other person. The spirit, when it starts showing through your central nervous system, you develop a new dimension on your nerves, by which you Read More …

God Almighty and His Love Štvanice, Prague (Czech Republic)

Public Program Prague, Czech Republic, 17 August 1991 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it or we cannot change it. Unfortunately, we cannot also know it with this human awareness. We have to become a subtler being to know the truth; that is, we have to be the spirit. For that one has to understand that it’s a evolutionary living process. It is a living happening within us which makes you the spirit, for which you cannot pay. You cannot put any effort, but it just works because you are seekers of truth. Whatever I am telling you, you have to listen to it with a open mind of a scientist. If it is proved to be the truth, you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for your benevolence and benevolence of the whole world. We see beautiful flowers here, but we take them for granted. We do not even think that they just come from small little seed. Look at our eyes, what a micro-camera it is, but we take it for granted. So, one must understand that there is some power which does this living work. So the first truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego or conditionings, but you are, but you are pure spirit. The second truth is that there is a subtle power of divine love Read More …

Shri Buddha Puja: You must become desireless Brielpoort Deinze, Deinze (Belgium)

Shri Buddha Puja, “You must become desireless”. Deinze (Belgium), 4 August 1991. Today, we have assembled here to do puja to Buddha. As you know Buddha was a son of a king. And one day He was shocked to see a very poor man, thin man, walking on the street, very unhappy person, and He felt very sad about it. Then He saw one person who was very sick and about to die. Then He saw a man who was dead and people were carrying him to the cremation ground. This all upset Him very much and He started thinking about it and seeking what is the reason for all these happenings in human beings. Firstly, why do they become so miserable or sick, or, why do they die so miserably? The reason He found out in His search. He went round the whole world, I should say, in the sense: He read Upanishads, He read … went to many gurus, went to many places of spiritual education, Benares, everywhere He went. And ultimately, He was sitting under a banyan tree when suddenly His kundalini was awakened by Adi Shakti and He got His realization. Then He realized that the reason for all this is the desire. In Sahaja Yoga, we have now understood that all other desires are not pure desires. Firstly, whatever desires are fulfilled, we are not satisfied by it, first thing. And secondly, all these desires have a repercussion. So what is the pure desire? That, you Read More …

Sahasrara Puja: Realise Your Own Divinity Ischia (Italy)

“Realise Your Own Divinity” Sahasrara Day, Ischia, Italy Today we have assembled here to celebrate the Sahasrar Day which was opened in 1970 on this date. I find this beautiful canopy is like our Sahasrar. And [it’s] so very apt to have this beautiful arrangement for Sahasrar Day. We have to understand what happens when the Sahasrara opens. When the Kundalini passes through the five centres it enters into the area which we call as limbic area. This area is all surrounded by thousand nerves and when these nerves get enlightened they look like flames of VIBGYOR colours, seven colours, and very mildly, beautifully shining, emitting peace. But when the Kundalini starts emitting its vibration on the sides all these nerves get enlightened gradually and start moving on all directions, opening the Sahasrara and then the Kundalini emerges out through the fontanelle bone area, which we call as ‘Brahmarandhra’. ‘Randhra’ means the ‘hole’ and the ‘Brahma’ is the All-Pervading Power of God’s love. So it enters into the subtle energy, which is all-pervading, which we do not feel normally. But then the chaitanya, the vibrations, which are the part and parcel of this energy, All-Pervading Power, the Paramchaitanya, they start entering into our brain and showering their blessings in the limbic area they assemble. Now the limbic area is connected to all the area of the brain and also to the nerves. So it starts flowing onto the nerves giving you the new awareness of collective consciousness, called as ‘samuhik Read More …

What is a living energy? Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Program Day 2. Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Australia, 12 April 1991. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday, that truth is what it is. We cannot understand it, you have to feel it. We cannot conceptualize it, and you cannot feel it also at this human awareness. We have to become a subtler being, as described in all the Scriptures, that you are to be born again and that you have to become the Spirit, to feel the existence of Truth. First thing, we have to understand, that all this is a process of a living energy. Divine is a living energy, and divinity within you also is a living energy. We do not understand sometimes what is a living energy. When we sow a seed in the ground, they sprout by themselves. When a mother conceives the child, according to the normal nature of human beings, their body has to expel everything that is foreign. But when the child is conceived, it is not only kept in the body but is nourished, looked after, developed, and at the right time it is expelled. There are so many other things which cannot be explained through medical science. But one must know that to understand what I am saying, you must have an open mind, like a scientist has. And if you find what I am saying, which is like a hypothesis, is true and gives you the experience of the truth, then as Read More …

Virata Puja: Appreciation Should Be Practiced and Informal talk Lake Road Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

Virata Puja. Melbourne (Australia), 10 April 1991 Because of distances and also we had no ashram in Melbourne all these days, I found that the collectivity is not yet properly woven here and so I think best thing is, today, we must worship the Viraat. Viraat is the Primordial Father you can say, or the One who is in our brain, acts for our collectivity. As the Kundalini rises ultimately She ends up by piercing through the fontanel bone area. Before entering into that She enters into the Sahasrara. Sahasrara is the area which is surrounded by one thousand nerves and in the medical terms it is called as ‘limbic area’. Now one thousand nerves are all connected to the sixteen important nerves of the Vishuddhi. That’s why they say that Shri Krishna had sixteen thousand wives, that is, He had all His powers as His wives and I have all my powers as my children. So, when we are growing in our ascent, in our dhyana, we have to go to our Sahasrara. If the Sahasrara was not opened out we could not have done this en masse realisation. How it is connected! The collectivity is so connected with the present-day Sahaja Yoga. Before that it was just up to the Agnya Chakra but when it reaches the Sahasrara it enlightens all the nerves, and all the nerves look like flames which are very silent, beautifully coloured, in all VIBGYOR colours.  The appearance of these is so soothing, so Read More …

Shri Mahavira Puja: Dead Spirits Perth (Australia)

Mahavira Puja. Perth (Australia), 28 March 1991. Today we are going to celebrate the birthday of Mahavira.Mahavira is the incarnation of Bhairavanath, or you call Him as Saint Michael. Now these two saints as you know one as the Gabriel, Hanumana, and another is Saint Michael, one is placed on the Pingala Nadi and another one, Saint Michael, on the Ida Nadi.So, Mahavira had to go through lots of search. Of course He was a angel, but came as human being and He had to find out the thing of the left side, and how the left side acts. It’s a very complicated thing, left side, is much more complicated than right side. On the left side we have also seven nadis, and these seven nadis are placed one after another. They are described in books and given different names to them. Now, these seven nadis that are on the left side, as you know, they cater to our past. Say for example, every moment becomes a past. Every present becomes a past. Then we have past of this lifetime, and also we have past of our previous lives. Then all the past is built in within us since our creation.So all the psychosomatic diseases, as you know, are only triggered by the entities that appear from the left side. For a person, supposing he is suffering, say, from liver trouble and suddenly he’s attacked from the left side, specially Mooladhara, or any left side, Left Nabhi, because Mooladhara is Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja: Four Nadis of the Heart Chianciano Terme (Italy)

Mahashivaratri Puja. Chianciano Terme (Italy), 16 February 1991. Today we have assembled here to worship Sadashiva, which is reflected within us as Shiva, as the spirit. He is reflected in our heart, and as you have seen that the goal of our life was to achieve this state of spirit. The other day I was reading some books how it was done, this Self-realization, to know the spirit, and how people were tortured. First of all they’re asked to somehow or other deny, defy and condemn their body. Now, if the body wants to have comfort, then it was said that first try to sleep on the carpet, not on the bed. Then still, it’s not enough; then from the carpet you go to a mat – still it’s not enough. Then from that maybe, you move down to the Mother Earth, sleep on the Mother Earth. Still if the body is not alright  then you start sleeping on the stone. But still the Himalayas are far away, because Shiva resides in Kailasha. So you go to Himalayas and sleep on the ice. This was the minimum requirement. Then it was said that you are fond of good food, you want to have sumptuous food, you eat a lot, alright ; so you deny everything that you like, to begin with, all that you like. For example, Italians cannot eat pasta! Then deny that. But that’s not sufficient. After that, you start eating things which are very bitter. As in Read More …

New Year Puja: Krita Yuga Has Started Kalwa (India)

New Year Puja, Kalwa (India),  January 1st, 1991 Translation from Hindi Today we are going to perform a Puja in a place close to Bombay. The name of Bombay used to be Mumbai. This name is made of three words: Mum, Amba, and Aayee. In Maharashtriyan or Marathi language we address Mother as Aayee. Even in the Vedas, Adi Shakti is referred to as Ee. So, the reflection of Adi Shakti is Aayee. That is why Mother is called as Aayee. Also, in many places, she is also called as “Ma”, Therefore the first sound has come from the word “mum”. And Amba, as you all know, is verily the Kundalini. So this Trigunatmika is three words. And in Mumbai also, you know that, there is a beautiful temple of all the three Shaktis, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali, from where these three Devis have emerged from Mother Earth. Although, a lot of illicit activities are done by people here, but still these three Devis are in an awakened state here. So, especially the people of Mumbai, should understand that these three Devis” swayambhu have not manifested together anywhere else; As you already know in Mahurgadh there is Mahasaraswati; And in Tuljapur there is Bhavani (Shri Mahakali), and in Kolhapur there is Mahalakshmi. And in Wani is the half syllable (Ardhmatra), whom we call as Adi Shakti. But here, all the three Murtis (swayambhu) are awakened. But where there is the most hard work done, and where the divine work is done Read More …

Sahaja Yoga: The Essential Medicine (Location Unknown)

Sahaja Yoga – The Essential Medicine Sahajayoga and essential medicine Shri Mataji Nirmaladevi- grandmother, scholar and freedom fighter. As a child she lived in Gandhiji’s ashram, as a student she studied medicine and as cry for freedom swept India she fought for her nation’s independence. The year 1970 was about her most important role. The discovery of development of sahajayoga, a movement which is now spreading in worldwide. Sahajayoga is a science of integration which results in man’s mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. The union of mind heart and spirit is a achieve through the working of a subtle energy system within each one of us. “That you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but we are the spirit. You don’t have to accept what I am saying blindly because blind faith leads to fanaticism. But as scientist you must keep your mind open and see for yourself what I am saying if it is so honestly you must accept it.” In today’s society this subtle energy system which has its origins in very roots of our being has been neglected. It is out of balance. Today’s physical and psychological diseases are gross expressions of a subtle system in dire need of repair and nourishment. Our collective desire of a peace and rejuvenation is a yearning coming from deep within. It is a reflection of our internal condition. “We know so much though science about our civilization our advancement . This is a advancement of a Read More …

10th Day of Navaratri, The deities are watching you Geneva (Switzerland)

Navaratri Puja, “The deities are watching you”. Arzier, Geneva (Switzerland), 23 September 1990. According to the calendar, this year there are ten days of Navaratri, not of nine. Nine are the days, in the night, when the Goddess had to fight the demons and to save Her children from the effects of negativity. On one side She was ocean of love and compassion, and on the other side She was protecting them like a tigress; because the times were such that nobody could meditate, nobody could take the name of God, nobody could think even of Self-Realisation. But those who are sitting here today, you have been there also in those days, and you were all saved for today, for this day, so that you can achieve your Self-Realisation. The form of the Goddess in those days was not maya swarupi. She was in Her real form and that created a great awe, even among the disciples. So the question of giving them Self-Realisation was not there. First of all they were to be saved. So, like nine months the mother has to keep the child in her womb, for these nine months or you can say nine yugas, nine times, you all have been saved properly, and on the tenth month you are given your birth. Also this birth is always after seven days of nine months. So we had to wait for some time till it matures. Now the tenth Navaratri today is to celebrate actually the Adi Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Be careful about your own children Givrins Ashram, Givrins (Switzerland)

Talk Arzier, Talk on Children at Girvins Ashram (Switzerland), 21 September 1990. And so there are many hunters who are trying to find out this castori, this musk, and they are looking they are looking for the deer. So please keep your deer, that is the innocence, you see. The children’s innocence is now attacked, under attack, and there is such an attack coming on innocence that you have to care, be careful about your own children. Harane means those deer, because deer is a small thing, so be careful about those deer, look after them. The full term is keep them clear, keep them safe. A time may come when we will feel our own breathing as something stranger as if they are not our own, stranger, that’s why keep your hands into each other because it is very dark. Very nice message for all the Sahaja Yogis. And this is what one has to understand that you must try to understand your leader. I wanted to talk to the collectivity here today about what has happened in Switzerland, also that, you see, we had Arneau here, and Arneau became a very right-sided and this and that. So as a result of that, Swiss people have become the other way round, I think. And it’s a kind of a feeling that as Arneau was, there’s a pressure I think, on the new leader who is a very good man and he is very good. So if you pressurize, then Read More …

Shri Hanumana Puja: Electromagnetic Force Schwetzingen, Schwetzingen Palace (Germany)

Shri Hanumana Puja. Frankfurt (Germany), 31 August 1990. You can sit here also, some of you, it’s good… I think you can come here, there is room. Some of you can move here so that they can also come here, so it won’t be a problem. You sit in front here. They are better, you see. Good. Open this door, would be all right. It’s all right, you can open the door if you like. It’s all right. Better open – these doors cannot be opened? They don’t open? Oh, my God! You need a tall person. You need Hanumana! Take His name and He’ll open! Keep a chair in front of that. Today we have come here to do Hanumana’s Puja. Shri Hanumana is a great character in our being and He runs all the way from Swadishthana to your brain and He supplies all the necessary guidance we need in our futuristic planning or in our mental activities. He gives us guidance and protection. As you know that Germany is a place where people are very active, very right-sided, use their brain too much and they are very machine-oriented also. It is very surprising how a deity like Shri Hanumana, who is an eternal child, because He was like a monkey. His head was that of a monkey, if not of an elephant. So He was an eternal child and He was the one who was used to run the right side of human beings. He was told Read More …

Adi Kundalini Puja: The Advent Of Primordial Kundalini Moedling (Austria)

Shri Adi Kundalini puja. Mödling (Austria), 19 June 1990. Today we have assembled here to do the Kundalini Puja. Once we had done it in India long, long time back and this is the first time we are doing this puja here in Austria. This is the puja of the Adi Kundalini, is the Primordial Kundalini. [speaks aside] You must have seen in the hand of Athena, who is the Primordial Mother, there is a power which is a snake in the left hand. [speaks aside] And the Primordial Mother has one of Her powers, which we can say, as the Primordial Kundalini, is a part of Her. Of course, She’s beyond that, but She is reflected in human being as the Kundalini. Now one has to know that to create an incarnation, lot of work has gone into. So many things had to be envisaged. One had to have the vision that, when a human being is created, how an incarnation can help him. At different levels, we had incarnations on this Earth and they were sent with a particular idea that they should achieve a particular type of ascent in that particular time. They were all part and parcel of the Primordial Mother and they all had a very powerful Kundalini built within them. But the incarnation of this Kali Yuga is very complicated. First it had to be worked out what will be the situation in which this incarnation would be born and what sort of encounters Read More …

Sahasrara Puja: You Have All Become Mahayogis Now Fiuggi (Italy)

Sahasrara Puja. Fiuggi (Italy), 6 May 1990. All these years I have been waiting for this day. We have now, on the twenty-first Sahasrara, so is a very important turning point. As you know that every twenty-first day we change our calendars as far as the horoscope is concerned. And so now is a new change has to come and you can see the announcement (thunder clap and laughter). A new understanding and awareness of a very new dimension. We have been so far been dealing with collective consciousness. We are collectively conscious. We have the idea that we are collectively conscious. Also we know we are part and parcel of the whole and that we all are sahaja yogis. We know about our chakras and our nadis very clearly, but perhaps we do not know about our powers, how many powers have developed in those twenty-one years within yourself. (loud thunder clap then laughter and applause) Last two months Italy was burning with fire. It was so very hot. And I had reports that they’re worried about a drought and they want rain to come in and now they think the time has passed away. But how it works, you see, because the All-pervading Power knows everything and the whole nature works for your benefit, for your programmes. At the right time things happen, as you have seen before. They are completely coordinated with our programmes. All the time they’re helping you. Whatever they have in themselves as powers, Read More …

Easter Puja: You Have To Grow Vertically Eastbourne (England)

“You have to grow vertically,” Easter Puja, Eastbourne (UK), 22 April 1990. Today we are here to worship the resurrection of Christ; and also to thank Him for giving us an ideal life of a saint who has to work for the benevolence of the whole world. We talk of Christ, we sing of Shri Ganesha, we say we believe in Him, specially Sahaj Yogis feel He is the eldest brother that they have. And a tremendous surrender I find, among Western Sahaj Yogis specially, for Christ; because they were born in Christian religion perhaps, maybe; or maybe that they found Christ’s life a very special one. But to Sahaj Yoga He has to be much more than that, and to you Sahaj Yogis. Many people believe in many deities. Like some believe in Shri Krishna, some in Shri Rama, some in Buddha, some in Mahavira and some in Christ; all over the world, they do believe in some higher being. But this belief is without the connection, to begin with, and becomes a kind of a falsehood that they think that Christ belongs to them, Rama belongs to them or Shri Krishna belongs to them, that they are the possessors of all these deities because they have obliged of believing into it. And that is how most of the faiths have come.  And, though they ardently believe in Christ, all these faiths have failed because when they believed in Christ, they believed that, through Christ, they can get their Read More …

Birthday Puja: Sincerity Curzon Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Puja for the 67° Birthday, Sydney (Australia), 21 March 1990. What enthusiasm all over the world! The whole of Sydney, I think, has been drenched of all their flowers. And such nice things to say, the cards and the letters and the beautiful poems, the children are singing beautifully. Words fail to express the feelings of such jubilation and such sincere feeling of happiness. You needed a Mother to look after you, to care for you and to be able to transform you with lot of wisdom. So every birthday I find that Sahaja Yogis are also expanding their hearts and realizing that they are no more drops but they are part and parcel of the ocean and that the ocean itself is going to strengthen them and look after them. It’s the ocean that is going to nourish them. And the same ocean is going to guide them. So the connection between a drop and an ocean has to be fully established. So the limitations of a drop have to be absolutely dissolved into the greatness of the ocean. With care and with nice things to say we can improve the depth of the collectivity, and with sincere desire to be collective. The desire to be collective has to be very sincere.So, this expanse of your being will start.The first thing is needed: a sincerity to yourself. Of course, because we are coming from a drop status, from a drop, a little limited drop, from that phase, so we Read More …

The Powers of Kundalini, Interview Shri Mataji with Stephen Taylor Burwood Ashram, Sydney (Australia)

The Power of kundalini (Interview) Shri Mataji with Stephen Taylor, Friday, March 16, 1990 Stephen Taylor: Shri Mataji, what is Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: Sahaja. Saha means ‘with’.Ja means ‘born’. So it is born with you.’ The right’ to become ‘united,’ which is the yoga with the Divine. Stephen Taylor: And this Sahaja yoga is something that everybody can have, is it? Is it something, everybody can practice? Shri Mataji: Of course. Stephen Taylor: And how does this connect with the divine take place? Shri Mataji: We have within ourselves this power in the triangular bone which is called a ‘Sacrum’ meaning sacred, which when awakened sprouts like a prime in seed and rises through six subtle centres, opens out in the last centre and gets connected with the divine, which is subtle energy, all around us, which organizes us, which nourishes us, does all the living work. Above all it loves us. Interviewer: Does this mean that people who have not had the ability to practice Sahaj yoga are not connected with the divine? Shri Mataji: Most of them are not. And if some of them are, they don’t know all about it. Interviewer: So this is what, an extra force that is available to human beings to develop themselves in this world? Shri Mataji: Of course. This is the last breakthrough of our evolution, where you have to get connected with the divine. You have to feel it on your central nervous system and that’s how you get Self-realization. Read More …

Makar Sankranti Puja Kalwa (India)

Makar Sankranti – Shri Surya Puja, Kalwa (India), January 14th, 1990 Hindi translation  Today’s auspicious occasion is being celebrated everywhere in India. The reason is that the Sun which has left us, has left India, and had moved towards the Tropic of Capricorn, has now returned. And along with the movement of the Earth and the Sun all the vegetation, all the crops, fruit and other things are growing. The time has come for their growth. And all those trees whose leaves were completely removed in the cold weather, appeared as if they have completely died, all those trees are again awakened and started to become green. And that’s why, the significance of this time is that the Earth will again become green, and activities will start again everywhere. Especially in Northern India, where it gets very cold, it is a very special festival, that the sun has arrived and all the work dependent on the Sun will be completely fulfilled now. So today I transmit best wishes to everyone here. And on today’s auspicious occasion, I could meet you all here. This is also a great joy for Me, I feel. As we consider Sun’s appearance as a very great thing, it is much more important, that the Sun of Sahaja Yoga comes on this Earth. Because whatever creativity is in this Universe, the creativity is nourished by the Sun. The Sun gives it the energy, and the creative power of the “Paramchaitanya”, its aspect of action, has got Read More …

New Year Puja: Mother depends on us Sangli (India)

New Year Puja, Sangli (India), January 1st, 1990 Yesterday’s experience was that the whole day I had to spend it with police people explaining to them. And now I feel that in Maharashtra, there is a rule of Mafia. And that, it is for us to face it and we have to prove it. I am sorry some people were hurt so badly and I’ll think after Puja they’ll take you to the hospital. Here there is a very nice hospital where we have very good doctors. And then I would request you to know that, the evil and the good, always has to struggle and fight. Formerly in this great country of Maharashtra all the saints were tortured to such an extent that it is amazing how despite all that they kept the banner of spirituality so high. They are still existing, the same people, who have tortured the saints and I think they are the same people who have behaved in such a bad manner towards you all. This kind of ego-trip builds up in everyone – even in among sahaja yogis, it does build up. And they (the evil ones) are all the time on a different scene. This is like Hitler’s style of behavior that you pick up some sort of an issue. An issue could be anything, like they are saying that “we are trying to remove all the blind faiths”. I mean, I’ve done this for eighteen years, what can they do more than that? Read More …

10th Day of Navaratri, Depth and Contentment Butlins Grand Hotel, Margate (England)

Navaratri Puja, “Destroy the demons inside yourselves”. Margate (UK), 8 October 1989. It was very spontaneously decided that we should have the Devi Puja in England. And this is the place where really Devi Puja should be, because it’s the place of Sadashiva and where Adi Shakti should be worshipped. We have to today understand that why do we do Devi Puja? What is the reason for this Devi Puja? What do we get out of it? What are we supposed to achieve in our contents within ourselves? The first thing is that Kundalini is the Devi. She’s the reflection of the Adi Shakti. So when you worship Devi, first you worship also your own Kundalini by giving Her credit because She has given you this realization. It’s much deeper understanding than normally people have about the Devi Puja because they are not realized souls. Their Kundalini not is awakened. So normally when they do Devi Puja it’s for the purpose of getting realization so that the Devi should be pleased – prasanna – and should give them realization, or must get our chance to get to somebody who will give them realization. But you are at a different level now. So it’s more of a thanksgiving to your own Kundalini and to Adi Shakti, glorifying that whatever has happened so miraculously is because of the Kundalini which was within you, which was reflected by the Adi Shakti. But one has to know that only we are realized souls is Read More …

8th Day of Navaratri, Talk to English Yogis on Style and Content Butlins Grand Hotel, Margate (England)

Talk to English Yogis, 8th day of Navaratri, Margate, 6th October 1989 Today is the eighth day of the Devi puja and, on this day, the power of Kali acts and She is the one called as Samhara Kali, meaning the one who destroys all the evil forces. So it is a very good day, that we have a puja here, in England. I am very happy about it.  My spectacles? In my purse, I think. Where is she? She’s got it? Now, I was thinking that I should talk to the UK Sahaj Yogis, because very important.  I’ll be completing now sixteen years of my stay in UK and I have really found such love and such goodness about you people. Now next year, I will not be staying here because my husband is going to be transferred and of course and I’ll be coming back and for a month or so, I could be with you, maybe much more closer than I have been so far. But there’s something that I think I should warn you people, because now I’m receiving lots of letters about Gavin [Brown] asking, “Why Gavin has become like that? What’s gone wrong with him?” Perhaps everybody seems to quite frightened to see these things happening and to some other Sahaj Yogis also.  Because in other countries, when the Sahaj Yogis go out of Sahaj Yoga, they don’t get after me, or they don’t get after Sahaj Yoga or Sahaj Yogis. But they think Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: They have to come back again and again Saffron Walden (England)

Shri Krishna Puja. Saffron Walden (England), 14 August 1989. Today we have gathered here to worship Shri Krishna’s incarnation. As you know that Shri Krishna is the incarnation of Narayana, of Shri Vishnu. So in every incarnation they carry all their qualities, all their powers and all their nature with them. So when He incarnated He had all the qualities of Narayana and then that of Rama, but every incarnation tries to rectify whatever in their previous life has been misunderstood and have been carried to the extremes. That’s why they have to come back again and again. So as Shri Vishnu, when He thought of taking His incarnation, because He is the one who is the preserver. He’s the preserver of this creation and also the preserver of dharma. So when He took His incarnation He had to see that people keep to their dharma. By keeping the dharma all right only, you could get your realization. So the job was quite difficult one, I should say, to keep people in the central path of Mahalakshmi. So by first incarnation, you can say that, He tried to create a benevolent king, as Shri Rama. Socrates has described a benevolent king. But as a result of that, people started thinking if they have become queen and king, born in the family of royalty, then they are gods. Shri Rama was the Purushottama – means He was the best among all the human beings. That means He incarnated as a human Read More …

Shri Bhairavnath Puja: Bhairava protects the Left Side Garlate (Italy)

Shri Bhairavanath puja. Garlate ashram, Lecco (Italy), 6 August 1989. Today, we have gathered here to do puja to Bhairavanath. I think we have not understood the significance of Bhairavanath who runs up and down on the Ida Nadi. Ida Nadi is the nadi of Chandrama, is of the moon. So this is a channel for us to cool down. So the work of Bhairavanath ji is to cool us down. For example, people have a hot temper with their ego, with their liver, whatever it is, and if a person is in a big temper, then Bhairavanath plays tricks on that person to cool him down. He organizes everything under his own control with ganas’ help, with Ganapati’s help, to cool down your temperament, to give you a balance. So, if somebody is a very hot-tempered person and he crosses all the limits of his temper, then somehow or other, Bhairavanath will organise, also with the help of Hanumana, to show that this stupidity of anger is no good. So, for example, people who are depressed or who become left-sided, Hanumana tries to help them to come out of it, no doubt, but also Bhairavanath helps them very much more to come out of it. Now a person who is left-sided cannot be collective. It is very difficult for a person who is very left-sided, who is all the time feeling very sad, unhappy and worried, cannot enjoy the fun of collectivity. While a hot-tempered person, a right-sided person, Read More …

Guru Puja: Creativity Lago di Braies (Italy)

Guru Puja. Lago Di Braie (Italy), 23 July 1989. Today we have had to spend a little more time than normal to get to the stage where we could really worship the Guru. When we worship our Guru, we have to know actually we are trying to awaken the Guru Principle within ourselves. It’s not only that you are here to worship your Guru. You may worship many-a-times, maybe the vibrations would flow, Maybe that you might get filled with that and you feel elevated, nourished. But this nourishment has to be retained within ourselves, So always remember then, whenever you are worshipping any principle outside, you are trying to worship your own principle within yourself. Within us as you know, in all of us there lies the principle of Guru. It’s very interesting to notice the Guru Principle being drawn beautifully round the Nabhi Chakra. We never see any chakras connected with the Guru Principle. You see Nabhi, and around is the Bhavasagara. So this Bhavasagara which is the Ocean of Illusion cannot be the Guru. So there are hidden chakras within this Bhavasagara within us, which are to be awakened and to be brought to light, to be manifested. As you can see that the limits of this principle are done by the movement of the Swadishthana Chakra. Swadishthan is the chakra which gives you, first and foremost thing, is the creativity. A person who is a guru has to be creative by nature. If you are not Read More …

Paramchaitanya Puja Taufkirchen (Germany)

Paramchaitanya Puja. Taufkirchen (Germany), 19 July 1989. [(A noise is made by the loudspeaker. Babies start crying.) Shri Mataji: I think better take the children out for a while. Just it would be better. Hello, hello, hello! I think better take them out for a while. They didn’t like. Stops. (Babies suddenly stop crying. Laughter. Shri Mataji laughs)] A question was asked to Me, “What puja we are going to have today?” and I kept it a secret. Today we should worship the Paramachaitanya, the all-pervading Power of God’s love. We are aware that Paramachaitanya does everything. At least mentally we know that everything is worked out by the grace of Paramachaitanya, which is the power of the Adi Shakti. But still it is not so much in our heart, so much in our attention. We can consider Paramachaitanya like a ocean, like a ocean which contains everything within itself. Everything, all the working, everything is within its own limits. So it cannot be compared with anyone thing. You cannot compare it. Now if you see the sun, then from the sun the rays have to come out to work it. If you see somebody, say, a person who has an authority, he has to assert that power outside. So within himself he doesn’t work it out. Say, for example, if there’s a seed and inside the seed only, the tree grows and the fruits come out, and then they are sold and people eat it; and everything is inside Read More …

Shri Mahakali Puja: Let us get very powerful Ganesha Shakti Vancouver, Ambleside ashram in West Vancouver (Canada)

Shri Mahakali Puja, Vancouver (Canada). 17 June 1989, morning. So, today, in the city of Vancouver, we have gathered here to pray for the country of Canada, and also for the Canadian people. Also, we have to know that there are lots of negative forces working, and there has to be some puja to be done, to the Mahakali force. And so, I thought today, ‘Let’s have the puja for Mahakali’. So, Mahakali puja is the same as you do the Devi’s puja, but first the Mahakali force came on this earth. Adi Shakti came as Mahakali and created Shri Ganesha. Then She ascended as Mahasaraswati, and with that force, She created the whole universe. In that, She created this world in a very beautiful manner with great arrangements and organizing. And on that were born human beings because the temperature and all that was made very congenial for human beings. So, this climate has also played a big part on the temperament of the people, on the seeking of the people. Like in India, we can say, the climate is very congenial for meditation. It is been a traditional country from ancient times, but from the very beginning we have had seers who were seeking the truth, in the jungles. The reason is this that, in India its climate is so good that you can live in a jungle, no problem. So, it was easy for them to get rid of all the superficialities of life and to take Read More …