Kundalini connects us to the all-pervading power of truth Pellissier Building and Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles (United States)

Wiltern Theatre Public Program, Los Angeles USA. 1 June 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say we should know what is the truth. Everybody is seeking the truth but they have no idea as to what they should find. There is an urge within us because these times are special, and we are seeking. But still, we don’t have a clear-cut idea as to what we should seek and what we should achieve after our seeking. Now I would like to refer to all the great books on religion, about truth. They all have said that, “You have to know yourself” – knowing yourself is the point – and that you have to become the Spirit. It’s said in all these religions but though we can find that these religions are not really doing that. They are not yet able to give you the truth. And that’s why there is so much of conflict, so much of fights going on. They are all real religions no doubt, and the essence of every religion is the same. Despite all of that they are fighting in the name of religion. How can that be? It can be explained very well, that if we have lost our way we can go into opposite directions. So, when we know, we have to know ourselves. And that is our goal of life. That is how we are going to improve on our life as such. Read More …