Shri Ganesha Puja: Gravity and Balance Gidgegannup (Australia)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Perth (Australia), 9 February 1992. It is so joy-giving to be back in Australia. When I wanted to come here in this month, Stephen told Me that Perth would be scorchingly hot, and “I don’t think you should go to Perth first, you can go later.” So I said, “That part you leave it to Me. The rest is all right.” Now you have seen how it rained and rained and rained, because you wanted rain. That was needed very much. And also you wanted a cooler atmosphere. Both things have worked out. But then the worry was that because of the rain, the seekers won’t come. Also that was solved because it was a testing ground. I told them, “If they are real seekers, they’ll come.” Otherwise what’s the use of having a big quantity with no seeking? And see yesterday, what beautiful people came. They came all the way in the rain because they were seekers, and very deep seekers. They never even asked a question. Can you imagine, in this Australia, I am always bombarded with questions. And they had told Me not to allow them to ask questions. But I could feel their seeking so much, that I said, “Better ask Me questions.” And not a single question was asked. So in one shot, how many things are done? You got the rain that you needed very much for your trees, for your crops, for your fruits, for everything. It was most unexpected. Read More …

A new jump has to be taken, Talk, Eve Of Easter Puja Eastbourne (England)

“A New Jump Has To Be Taken”, Evening before Easter puja. Eastbourne (UK), 21 April 1990. Very nice to see you all here for Easter Puja. Very nice! Such a pleasure, such a joy. As if I feel, the resurrection working fast.  The year 1990 has come now, as a special year for all of us. Sahaj Yoga is going to spread very fast, no doubt; everywhere, all over the world, I know that. It has to spread. And also I told you that a new jump has to be taken by all the Sahaj Yogis. To explain it we’ll say that Sahaj Yoga is spreading in a horizontal manner, the plane is horizontal, and you are responsible for that work. You are working it out no doubt. Because of you it has spread. Some of you have gone all out to work it out, to spread it to villages, to surrounding places, different countries. Also the events, world events, have helped us a lot and Sahaj Yoga has worked in a very big way. Maybe it will be difficult for us to really balance it out.  But when we move horizontally we must also know that we have to move vertically. Otherwise, what will happen is that we’ll lose in quality. Quantity may be quite a lot but we’ll lack in quality. And if the quality goes down then you will see many will fritter away.  So we have to look after our vertical ascent which is very important. Read More …

Talk to Doctors Dr. V. M. Government Medical College, Solapur (India)

Talk to Doctors, Dr. V.M. Medical College. Sholapur (India), 31 January 1984. Our Respected Dean Dr Srivastava, the staff, the members of this medical college and all the seekers of their Love for God, I bow to all. It is such a tremendous joy for me to be able to speak to the people of such noble profession, as medicine. I myself put in some part of my life into the studies of medical science because I knew one day in future I may have to talk to them. I have all respect for that profession. And, in no way Sahaja yoga could be a challenge to this. Though Dr. Thakkar has asked me to speak on that line, because love never challenges. This is the power of love and to talk about power of love, one must understand that it has no power to challenge. Now medical science is like all other sciences, is a science or the knowledge of the tree that is outside that we see. Actually, factually, we can see with these – our senses, whichever are they, gross as they call it. And to know about the tree, one way is to know about the leaves and the branches, but could be that if you have to treat the tree, it would be better to go to the roots than to go to one leaf or to go to one branch because unless and until you know how to go to the roots, you start Read More …