You have To Find Your Self Porchester Hall, London (England)

Public Program, Porchester Hall, London (UK), 16 November 1987. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. When we are seeking the Truth we have to know we have to be honest about it. Because it is benevolent for us, not for others. We are seeking the Truth for ourselves, not for others. The another thing we have to remember, very humbly, that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot organise it, we cannot manoeuvre it. It is what has been and will be. And what is the Truth? The truth is that you are the Spirit. You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this ego, and you are not this conditioning. You are the Spirit. But so far you have been a human being. But to be human being itself is a very great thing. Is the greatest thing to be a human being.Perhaps we have not realised the value of our life because we do not know what we are. The way we waste our time, waste our energies, waste our attention on things, which are senseless, because we still have to understand the greatness of our being. Human beings are made with such care, so beautifully, such delicate working of the Divine from amoeba to this stage passing through various stages, such a beautiful thing has been created as a human being. But first, we must have this attention to our Self that there must be something. Read More …