Shri Mahalakshmi Puja: Keep a balance on the Nabhi chakra Oude Stadsfeestzaal, Mechelen (Belgium)

Shri Mahalakshmi Puja. Malines (Belgium), 20 September 1986. Today we are going to worship the principle of Mahalakshmi in Belgium. Belgium has a speciality that it creates glass bangles for the Mother. That is, the bangles which are used as a beautiful musical accompaniment to the gait, to all the movements of the Goddess. It brings a delicacy in a woman; and gives a consciousness to the man or the men that there are ladies around. And the ladies are around who are married ladies, are very auspicious. And this auspiciousness is the one that is going to bring in this country or in any country whatsoever all the blessings. Also in Sanskrit language a bangle is called as Valaya, and that is the last stage which one has to reach in one’s ascent. That means the complete. Also, we are having here a puja for Holland which is the Jala Devata, is the Goddess of water. It comes from the word “marine”, the word Mary, Maria. All these words come from the word “marine”. In Holland as you know, the sea is above the land. We can say that the Guru is sitting at a higher position than the chela. And His knowledge is channelized into various channels. And all the wealth, the money, that is earned out of marine activities flow through the greatness of this ocean. So Dutch people are highly blessed people. They are very tall because Dattatreya is a very tall personality. (Laughter) And if Read More …