Birthday Puja: Divine Love New Delhi (India)

Birthday Puja. Delhi (India), 21 March 2000. [English Transcript] I am so very filled with joy and My heart is so full of gratitude for all the Sahaja Yogis who have been able to create this beautiful place. I cannot imagine how much they must have worked hard in such a place to create such a beautiful area, such a blissful place. How in Sahaja Yoga people work together with tremendous respect and love for each other, and produce something that is unbelievable. This was just a wilderness, and you have brought so much of life and light in this place. You wanted to celebrate My birthday. I don’t know what is such a significant about it. But the way you have really shown your understanding and respect, I am just enamored. I can’t understand what have I done for you, that you should do so much for Sahaja Yoga. As it is, today is also a very auspicious day which we call as the Holi. They play Holi on this day and show their love and oneness among themselves. This is the time when we have to really understand the value of love, of respect of others, because so far we have based all our theories and all our ideas on the principle that human beings cannot love each other. They are always trying to overpower others or to hate others, or to grab things from others. Such a wrong idea we had all these days, and that’s why Read More …

Advice, Picnic Richmond Park, Surrey (England)

Advice at yogis. Richmond Park, Surrey (UK), 25 June 1995. In the nature one goes absolutely thoughtless. For me it is such a pleasure to meet you all here under the trees. There is a beautiful atmosphere created by these trees. How much they work hard for us – think about that. All is built-in, in them, built in to produce this chlorophyll, this greenery. All that is built in, in them. But see how collective they are. You have to learn a lot from them. Every leaf is allowed to get the sun, every leaf. How they grow, how they are organized, how they behave like this, nobody thinks even – and what is it working it out in them? They haven’t got realization, but how do they work it out in such a beautiful manner? Because they are under the complete control of the Divine – absolutely, they don’t have to worry. Even the animals are, that’s why they are called as Pashu, means they are under the complete Pash. Pash is the complete control of the Divine and Shiva is called as Pashupati, he’s the one who looks after all this. Affectionately and in a very delicate manner. All this is created for human beings. These human beings don’t understand that all this world, which is created, is for the use of human beings, not for abuse – but use. And this is one thing which has to be really felt in this atmosphere, that how they Read More …

Devi Puja: The sincerity is the most important Dourdan (France)

Devi Puja, French seminar. Dourdan (France), 18 May 1986. Today we have gathered here in this beautiful place to work out something very deep. There are certain things of which we are not aware, which are in the history, and some things in the atmosphere, they affect us very much because we are the product of five elements out of which the Mother Earth is the left side within us. The Mother Earth changes its atmosphere, its hills and dales, rivers, fashions them in such a way that it gives a variety to her temperaments. Now God has created only one world, He’s not created many worlds, He’s created only one world, this world where alone here only human beings are created. So, this is the most important planet, you can say, which has been in the attention of the Divine. So, the whole cosmos works out for the benefit of this planet, and the working of that cosmos has created this earth, and then human beings, and then the Sahaja Yogis. So, the Sahaja Yogis are the epitome of the creative powers, they are the epitome of God’s desire, that’s what He desired, that’s why He created this cosmos, this universe and this earth. So now His desire is fulfilled when He sees seeds being reflected through the Sahaja Yogis. But there is still a few things we have to clear out within ourselves.His desire represents the Mahakali power within us. Now we have to see how His desire Read More …

8th Day of Navaratri: What We Have To Do Within Ourselves, Talk After the Puja Complexe sportif René Leduc, Meudon (France)

Ashtami Puja, Eighth day of Navaratri, Meudon, Paris (France), 30 September 1984. Today is the eighth day of Navaratri, and it is great day for Sahaja Yogis because it is the most important time, period. That is, the seventh centre, we have crossed, and we are on the eighth centre. We need not think about the Goddess what She did on the eighth day, we have to think today what we have to do within ourselves. After crossing the seventh day, after crossing the seventh chakra- that is the real ascent in your spiritual ascent. What are we to do on the eighth one? It’s so Sahaja that today should be the Ashtami, because that is the day the Goddess killed so may evil doers, and devils and Rakshasas. She did it on Her own, alone. Now these evil forces are manifesting in human beings. They have spread out. They are within us. So we all have to fight those forces within us. The war is within ourselves, is not without. First when you ascend the seventh chakra and you are on the eighth step, you have to remember first you have to fight those forces within ourselves. You are all very intelligent people; bit too intelligent sometimes. So whatever I say you may twist it, and may try to use it in your own intelligence. But it is not in your well-being. It is not for your ‘hita’, for your good. You want to use it because you think Read More …