The Channels Rome (Italy)

1984-09-20 Second Public Program in Rome [An Italian speaker (Guido) gives an introduction in Italian before the arrival of Shri Mataji.] Thank you, thank you [Shri Mataji thanks for the flowers received]. Sit down. What has he said, so far what has he talked about? He talked about what? Yogi: He’s been talking principally about the Mother. [Shri Mataji laughs] I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday I talked to you about the different centres, subtle centres within us, and also when a person reaches a higher state of awareness what happens to him. At the human level, when we exist as normal human beings, there are three channels which work within us automatically. They are called as autonomous nervous systems, but if you ask them who is this “auto” the medical science cannot say who is that. They just say that this is autonomous, [it’s] a name given, but they do not explain. But whatever we achieve in our evolutionary process is expressed in our central nervous system, as I told you yesterday. Now if you ask a dog to go through a dirty lane he can just walk through, he has no problems. But if you ask a human being to pass through a dirty lane he cannot do it, because in his awareness he has developed a sense of dirt, filth, colour, so many things, music. But for an animal, it is Greek and Latin. In the same way, a person who is not a Read More …

Talk to Doctors Dr. V. M. Government Medical College, Solapur (India)

Talk to Doctors, Dr. V.M. Medical College. Sholapur (India), 31 January 1984. Our Respected Dean Dr Srivastava, the staff, the members of this medical college and all the seekers of their Love for God, I bow to all. It is such a tremendous joy for me to be able to speak to the people of such noble profession, as medicine. I myself put in some part of my life into the studies of medical science because I knew one day in future I may have to talk to them. I have all respect for that profession. And, in no way Sahaja yoga could be a challenge to this. Though Dr. Thakkar has asked me to speak on that line, because love never challenges. This is the power of love and to talk about power of love, one must understand that it has no power to challenge. Now medical science is like all other sciences, is a science or the knowledge of the tree that is outside that we see. Actually, factually, we can see with these – our senses, whichever are they, gross as they call it. And to know about the tree, one way is to know about the leaves and the branches, but could be that if you have to treat the tree, it would be better to go to the roots than to go to one leaf or to go to one branch because unless and until you know how to go to the roots, you start Read More …

Aim of Seeking Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Program Aim of Seeking It is really gratifying to come to Melbourne. I came here because somebody who had come to Sydney said, “Mother, You must come to Melbourne. We need You.” When I came here for some other purpose, I felt the vibrations of Melbourne are really very good and here it is quite possible that there may be many seekers. It is really gratifying, as I said, to be here among you. It’s a fact that the time has come for thousands and thousands and thousands and millions of people who are born as seekers on this earth to get their realization. They have to know their meaning. They have to know  why the nature has made  human beings out of  amoeba. What is the purpose of their life? Unless and until you find the purpose of your life you are not going to be happy, you are not going to be satisfied. You may try anything else. You may go on ego trips, or other trips like seeking money. You may try other ways like taking drugs, alcoholism, levitation, all kinds of things. But these things have not given anyone satisfaction. You have to find out that absolute without which we are in confusion.  That absolute is within you. That’s why Sahaja Yoga is a spontaneous thing, a living thing. “Saha” means with, “ja” means born. It is born with you, as in a seed. All the maps of the seed that  is going to manifest Read More …