Shri Ganesha Puja: the sanctity of marriage Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja, “Your Innocence Will Save This World,” Cabella Ligure (Italy), 16 September 2000 Today, we have gathered here to do Ganesha Puja. I know very well that Ganesha is the symbol of purity, of sanctity, and worshipping the innocence. When you are worshipping Shri Ganesh, you have to know that He is the embodiment of innocence. I wonder if we understand the meaning of “innocence” or not. Innocence is a quality which is innate, which cannot be forced, which cannot be trained into. It’s just a quality, innate quality, within a human being. When he becomes Shri Ganesha’s disciple, he becomes an innocent person. Maybe you say that innocent persons are attacked by the cunning, by the aggressive, but innocence is such a great thing that it cannot be destroyed. It’s the quality of the Spirit. Innocence is the quality of the Spirit, and when this Spirit within you is awakened, you get the power of innocence, by which you overcome all that is negative, all that is wrong, all that is detrimental to your growth, spiritual understanding. So to be innocent is not possible. You have to be innocent, in the sense that you are innately innocent. This happens after Sahaja Yoga, after realization. And your power to fight all these wrong, negative feelings within you – and without – are absolutely supported, protected, by the Mother of Shri Ganesh. It’s difficult these days to tell somebody about innocence. But you know the life of Christ: He Read More …

Guru Puja: Humility & Complete Obedience Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Guru puja, “You must learn obedience”, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 12 July 1998. Today, we have assembled here to do the Guru Puja. The word ‘guru’ comes from ‘the one which is magnetic’, ‘the person who is magnetic’. The one which attracts the attention of the seekers, is the guru. Also it means ‘the heaviness’ or, you can say: a person who is very steady, who is very deep, who has the knowledge and who can act like the Mother Earth; for the power of magnetism in the Mother Earth also is called as ‘magnetic’, but in Sanskrit is ‘gurutwa karshan’, means ‘the attraction of the heaviness of the Mother Earth’. But actually it is a power of the Mother Earth that makes us stand properly on our legs when it is rotating with such a tremendous speed. Otherwise we would be all thrown away with that velocity that She is moving. [If] we are still attached or we are one in our balance, it’s only because She has gravity. This gravity has to be in a guru. Gravity means a kind of a serious understanding of oneself and one’s own responsibilities. So, a guru has to be very steady. In these modern times people are very mobile, all the time agitated, all the time getting disturbed. With small things happening here and there, they get disturbed. They meet people who are not of any quality then they get disturbed. These disturbing qualities come from our deficiency in our gravity. A Read More …

Birthday Puja: Power of Attention Kolkata (India)

Birthday Puja. Calcutta (India), 21 March 1994. Every year we have birthdays of various people, and every year we make a vow that, “This year I will not do this or I will not do that.” This is a very good way of seeing how far we have come in life. Many people who really have achieved a very great height in their spiritual life did not need a birthday. But every day they felt it’s a birthday to start, to go ahead, to understand, to learn. Every day is a New Year for them.      In our own life we see that our surroundings change very slowly. Sometimes it is shocking; sometimes you are surprised how the surroundings are not changing. But, in a subtle way, there is a tremendous change that is happening within us and without. The whole atmosphere today is governed by human beings. I don’t know how far Paramchaitanya works it out, but it is for us to open ourselves to new dimensions in our lives. For example, if we find we still have, through our introspection, we locate that we have these old, subtle, nonsensical things still hanging around us, we don’t have to vow for it. You have to just witness it, and the destructive path it is taking you to. Immediately you will give up. You don’t have to worry as to put a vow upon yourself, because now you are “samartha” [capable], meaning now you are absolutely empowered. Whatever you think is Read More …

Easter Puja: One has to have faith in one’s self Magliano Sabina Ashram, Magliano Sabina (Italy)

Transcript of Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 11 April 1993. We all have today gathered here on top of this beautiful mountain to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.It’s very significant for Sahaja Yogis to understand the great event of His resurrection by which He showed that the spirit does not die. He was — He was the Omkara. He was the Logos and He was the Spirit, that is why He could walk on the water.And also, now we have made a film where we have shown how the Mooladhara, which shows the carbon atom as clearly, if you see from the right to the left, you find a proper swastika there and left to the right we see Omkara. But when you see from downward upward, what you see is alpha and omega. That proves beyond doubt that Christ, as He said, “I am the alpha and I am the omega,” shows clearly that He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a scientific proof you have now with us and that’s how we can tell people that it’s a fact. I don’t know, at the time of Christ this alpha and omega was known to the mathematicians, but definitely to Him when He said, “I am the alpha and the omega.” His was an incarnation very remarkable and very important for our ascent. If He had not resurrected Himself, we could not have achieved our ascent at all. So, it’s a great contribution. The resurrection of Christ Read More …