Talk To Western Leaders: A land for a school Rahuri (India)

Conversation with Western leaders, “A land for a school”, Rahuri, India, January 12, 1986 Shri Mataji: We have now got the land at Vaitarna, which is a school land. It is a big land, forty-two acres, [inaudible]. It is a land with natural slopes and things, you have seen it. The first problem is would you like Me to bring it one level or better keep it natural. Sahaja Yogis: Natural. Shri Mataji: Natural. Sahaja Yogi: In keeping with your whole philosophy Mother, it should be as natural as possible. Shri Mataji: I think to the first point, [inaudible/comfortable] way – when you plan it out, I thought, we should have a circular road. One circular road. If you [inaudible], a circular road from which a car can go. Inside should be all natural. Sahaja Yogi: A perimeter road. Shri Mataji: That would be better, like a bandhan. Now another thing is that, a big problem. It could be a big problem with the [inaudible/disciplines]. Should we have the houses – modern, or ethnic or traditional? Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible/probably difference between traditional and ethnic]. Shri Mataji: Traditional would be rather elaborately done, like the French (?), which are city. And the ethnic would be like stone walls and roofs, more hut like? Sahaja Yogi: City? Sahaja Yogi:  More hut like. Shri Mataji: More hut like? Sahaja Yogi:  Mother, the rainfall in that area. Shri Mataji: For the rainfall, that is the best. See, all styles develop according to the problems Read More …