Shri Ganesha Puja on occasion of Shri Ganesha’s Birthday: He is the embodiment of purity House in Pratishthan, Pune (India)

[Hindi to English translation] Talk held in occasion of Shri Ganesha Jayanti. Pratishthan (India), 10 February 2008. Today is a very important day for all of us Sahaja Yogis, because Shri Ganesha was born on this day. We worship Shri Ganesha and you got your awakening because of Him. No matter how much you think of Him, until you know His special qualities, you cannot attain Him. His special quality is that He is the embodiment of purity [shuddha swaroop] and complete Master of the Universe. He is the incarnation of the Supreme, of Brahma. By coming into this world, He has created music [sangeet], rhythm [taal], and notes [sur]. By His Grace only, people become one with music [talleen]. A small boy came into the world and did such great work! He has given so many things to everyone, and even today He is active. No matter how much you worship Shri Ganesha, it is not enough. A lot of people say, “We don’t see Shri Ganesha, even after worshipping Him so much. We do not attain Him.” He is omniscient, omnipresent, and in every matter, but you cannot recognize Him unless you are realized. After your realization, you can recognize what Shri Ganesha is. Shri Ganesha is purity, the pure Spirit. He is the pure Spirit. When He is awakened within us, then we have no more problems. Then we achieve success in each and every task; every understanding gives success. And we find joy in everything we Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: They Are All Incarnations Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella (Italy), 13 September 2003 Now we are facing little children. They are the ones who are incarnations. They are the ones who are going to lead humanity into some great advancement. The humanity has to be looked after. They are tomorrow’s humanity. And we are today’s. And what are we giving to them, for them to follow? What is their aim in life? It is very, very difficult to say. But with Sahaja Yoga, they will all go in the proper way. They’ll behave in a proper way. And the whole thing will be a different mass of Sahaja Yogis coming up. But it is the duty of bigger Sahaja Yogis to look after them, to have better moral standards, to have better lives, so that they follow your life and become genuinely good Sahaja Yogis. It’s a very big responsibility – perhaps we don’t recognize it, we don’t understand – but all these are little creatures which are after the image of great souls, and they should be brought up in that way, respected in that manner, and loved with great care. This is to be understood.  The problem with our elderly people is this: that we do not consider them [the children] to be considered, to be bothered about, to be understood about. We think we are too intelligent, too good, and we need not waste our energy with them. This is the trouble of the elderly people. But today when we are sitting Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: You are in the war with Me & Departure Frankfurt (Germany)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Frankfurt (Germany), 27 September 2002. It’s so nice to come back after such a long time. And whenever I came, you always had gathered in a very big hall. We met, and that’s how the Sahaja Yoga started growing. It’s very important for you people from specially from Germany, Austria. These are the people who were in the war. And now you are in the war with Me. We have to fight, fight the evil. You know how the world is. We have to fight them and we have to take them out of ignorance. You are such a support for this because we have to change human beings. They have to become good people very fast. Once they get their Self-realization, the change will start. Now in England and also in Italy, what they are doing is to give realization to people on the street. Giving on the street, thousands of people now have become realized souls. It’s a very big thing because once you get your realization, you become the Spirit and all the goodness should come to you. If there is anything evil, bad in you that will go away. It’s spreading so fast everywhere and should also spread in those countries who are there. There’s no need, no need for you to fight or quarrel because you have got the divine help. You have got all the help all the help from the Divine, and this is what is to be understood: that Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: You Should Be Joyous And Give Joy To Others Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja: You Should Be Joyous and Give Joy to Others Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 14 September 2002. Today we have gathered here to worship Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is the Deity of innocence. When we are born as children, it is Shri Ganesha who is acting, and we are very innocent. And it is such a powerful thing, that with this innocence children survive under many circumstances. And we love them because they are innocent. We enjoy them because they are innocent. Once we start growing, our Sahasrara also gets closed and we develop all kinds of funny things that enters into us and doesn’t go out. It’s just there. It doesn’t go out.Innocence has a great effect on our character and on our sense of chastity. Actually, when you are innocent, you don’t know what is not chastity, what is being unchaste, what is being cunning. You are innocent and you are looked after by Shri Ganesha Himself. Anybody who tries to harm an innocent person, Shri Ganesha looks after you and manages you. Many people who are innocent in this world – of course there are very few – but they become so detached from all worldly problems, like lust and greed and many others, because they are so pure that nothing can spoil them and malign them. This is such a great blessing we have, that innocence is actually created in us. And it was created much before—all the innocence, everything was created Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: You Have To Protect The Innocent Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella Ligure, 22 September 2001. Today we have assembled here to worship Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha who is the Lord of Innocence. He is the ocean of innocence. And though’ he is such a young, little boy, he can fight the whole world, he can destroy all the negativity. That’s the sign of innocence. There have been stories that children who have fallen from a very great height were completely saved, nothing happened to them. Their innocence is such a powerful thing that it doesn’t harm anyone who is not to be harmed. It has all the wisdom of the world, all the understanding of the world; and anybody who tries to harm the innocence, the world, the whole world – which may not have cared so much for innocence, might not have worshiped innocence so much – but they all stand, stand up against anybody who tries to harm the innocence. You can see in your own lives around you, (if/when) anybody tries to trouble children – all of the them, whatever they are, whatever they are coming from, whatever maybe their nationality, they all jump, all jump to control and to safeguard that child. What is it? What is it within us that makes us so very conscious to protect the innocence? It’s really a shame, a great shame for us, when we find in this world that innocence is under attack. Anything else can be tolerated. Innocent people who have done nothing wrong, those Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: the sanctity of marriage Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja, “Your Innocence Will Save This World,” Cabella Ligure (Italy), 16 September 2000 Today, we have gathered here to do Ganesha Puja. I know very well that Ganesha is the symbol of purity, of sanctity, and worshipping the innocence. When you are worshipping Shri Ganesh, you have to know that He is the embodiment of innocence. I wonder if we understand the meaning of “innocence” or not. Innocence is a quality which is innate, which cannot be forced, which cannot be trained into. It’s just a quality, innate quality, within a human being. When he becomes Shri Ganesha’s disciple, he becomes an innocent person. Maybe you say that innocent persons are attacked by the cunning, by the aggressive, but innocence is such a great thing that it cannot be destroyed. It’s the quality of the Spirit. Innocence is the quality of the Spirit, and when this Spirit within you is awakened, you get the power of innocence, by which you overcome all that is negative, all that is wrong, all that is detrimental to your growth, spiritual understanding. So to be innocent is not possible. You have to be innocent, in the sense that you are innately innocent. This happens after Sahaja Yoga, after realization. And your power to fight all these wrong, negative feelings within you – and without – are absolutely supported, protected, by the Mother of Shri Ganesh. It’s difficult these days to tell somebody about innocence. But you know the life of Christ: He Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: We must respect Mother Earth Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. “We Must Respect the Mother Earth,” Cabella (Italy), 25 September 1999. Today we have gathered here to worship Shri Ganesha. You all know what a powerful Deity He is. His power comes from His innocence. When we see small children, we’re automatically compelled towards them and also we want to love them, kiss them, and [have them] be with us. And very innocent they are, extremely innocent. And when we worship Shri Ganesh, we have to know if we have been really innocent or not. These days people have become extremely cunning and they don’t mind any amount of cunning. They play all kinds of cunning games on others who are innocent and simple. They can justify themselves always, that whatever they are doing is the right thing in these modern times when everybody is so cunning. This cunningness can take you to the other extreme of right side, which is very much punishable, in the sense that some people develop all kinds of problems which are physical, you can say. Like, their hands can get paralyzed or their leg can get paralyzed. Also they can have other troubles with their liver treatments and all that. All this comes up. Then to punish them, a disease of a psychosomatic nature might set in.  At this time, when you have these problems, all such people who suffer from the right side should worship Shri Ganesh. For example, these days the life is very, very much busy with all Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Ekakarita Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja, “Ekakarita,” Cabella Ligure (Italy), 5 September 1998 Today we are going to worship Shri Ganesh. I think I have told you a lot about Him and His nature, but still so many of us have not yet realized what are His powers, and what He wants. The first and foremost thing is that to respect Shri Ganesha is to understand the importance of chastity. Chastity is not only for the women; it is more for the men to observe. If you have self-respect, in the real sense of the word, you will take to chastity without any difficulties. But if you have no self-respect, then you run after something which is very low, of a very degrading quality. So it’s very important that chastity must be respected, must be understood, and must be imbibed. This habit of not observing the proper protocol of the chastity develops from childhood. And we have to be very careful, when we are in a Ganesha state, we should not take to such horrible things. I don’t know from where people get the ideas. As you see today, in the whole world there’s a crisis of chastity. In the West, especially, we have heard of so many cases of child abuse. In a temple of God one should not even take the name of this dirty disease which has grabbed the people. But in India we have never heard of it, we don’t know. Of course, some of the men are very, Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Dharma Has To Be There For Your Ascent Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 7 September 1997. Today we are going to worship Shri Ganesha. It is said about Him that He is the first Deity that was created on this earth by Adi Shakti. As about His creation, you know the story. And also you know how an elephant’s head was attached to Him. Today, I am going to tell something more subtler about Him, Kundalini, and the Mother Earth.  He was made out of the Mother Earth, with the vibrations of his Mother. Now, the significance of Mother Earth, we have never understood. Now look at the Mother Earth: She is the one who produces all kinds of beautiful flowers of different fragrance, of different nature, colour, heights. The trees are different. Trees, when they grow up, they grow in such a manner that every leaf, every leaf of that tree, gets the sun. Look at the collective sense which is given to us by this Mother Earth.  We have never realized that this Mother Earth…is giving us everything that we want, and the sun helps the Mother Earth – cooperates, coordinates with Her. To go further with it, you have seen that picture where the Kundalini is coming out of the Mother Earth, and half of it is seen. So what does this Kundalini do for us? Or what does this Mother Earth do for us?  The Kundalini leaves the Mother Earth as a reflection. And what does She do within us to build us Read More …

Shri Kartikeya Puja: The spirit of Kartikeya Vashi Health Centre, Mumbai (India)

Shri Kartikeya Puja, (Marathi and English talk), Mumbai (India), 21 December 1996. [Marathi to English Translation] Today you all have expressed the desire to do a puja to Shri Mahalakshmi, but here in Maharashtra, Shri Mahalakshmi is worshipped regularly and she has appeared here in Maharashtra but I had an immense desire to tell you all about Shri Kartikeya because he took birth in this Maharashtra, he was Shri Gyaneshwara himself, I have not said anything about this until now because Maharashtrians find it difficult to understand it. Shri Kartikeya himself took birth in this Maharashtra and he wrote such great and deep scriptures like Gyaneshwari and Amrutanubhava. You can ask a question by putting your attention to see if Shri Gyaneshwara was an incarnation of Shri Kartikeya and you will find yourself in an ocean of beautiful, joyful cool breeze. I never told such a big thing like this in Maharashtra, because of the change in nature of Maharashtrian people now. Maybe because of all the horrible politicians we had here, and it might have influenced the Maharashtrians, (and Shri Kartikeya means, being in here, quite simple Maharashtrian……… a bit unclear.) We are someone great, it was very true what these people were telling me just now, that there were 40 IAS officers had come and there were three policemen on horseback, from where I came, so I asked who had come, they told me that the chief secretary himself had come. The Governor himself of that place said Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: You Must Fight For Innocence Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 15 September 1996. Today we are going to worship Shri Ganesha. It’s a very opportune time today, I feel, where the innocence, especially in the European and American countries, is under attack. There’s no respect of the innocence, no value for the innocence. They don’t understand how important it is for human life to have innocence being respected within themselves and also without. The human life is different from that of animal life. Animals are controlled all the time, or we can say they are under a complete imprisonment, you can say, under the will of Lord Sadashiva. That’s why He’s called as Pashupati. But human beings have been given freedom to choose their ascent, to choose the right, to choose the truth. Only through innocence they can achieve that. Only the innocence is the source of joy. Without innocence, you cannot enjoy anything fully.  This innocence is today completely under challenge, and to finish the innocence, in a very subtle way, there are very negative, cruel, criminal type of people who are working it out. Their minds, if you say possessed, it doesn’t look like that, because otherwise they are quite intelligent. They are also, in a way, creative of horrible things. So you can’t say they are not intelligent, but from where do they get this knowledge of creating something so horrifying? In this Kali Yuga, as in Sahaja Yoga, everybody can take birth. There’s freedom. It was not before so much Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Project your innocence to others Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 10 September 1995. With all the Ganapatis sitting around Me and you, all the ganas, sitting in front of Me, I don’t know what to say. It’s remarkable, very remarkable, because most of you come from a culture which has never shown any respect of Shri Ganesha. They never realized how important it was, that without Shri Ganesha’s qualities, we cannot achieve anything in our life. The idea of everyday, moment-to-moment enjoyment has destroyed them. And also, the desire to know the Divine vanishes also in the thin air because you get lost into this moment-to-moment enjoyment till you get destructive, completely destroyed. But I really don’t understand how you have achieved this state where you see the purity is so important to life; that Ganesha’s qualities, His value system, and His innocence [are] to be imbibed. I feel very gratified that such a thing has happened now in your lives and you all are so much in praise for Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is there from our childhood. Yesterday you saw the children, how they were so beautiful and entertained us the most. Everybody had a smile on their face, and I said, “Don’t laugh, because if you laugh, they feel a little offended and they think that you are laughing at them.” The enjoyment that we had from that drama of the children was more than what one would expect from adults doing that kind of a drama just to entertain us. Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Innocence is the source of Love Moscow (Russia)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Moscow (Russia), 11 September 1994. Today we are going to worship Shri Ganesha.Shri Ganesha resides in Mooladhara, on the chakra, Mooladhara chakra. And not on mooladhar.In the mooladhar is placed the Kundalini. She is the mother of Shri Ganesh, we call her Gauri. Yesterday you saw the picture, the drama, how Shri Ganesha got his head of an elephant. All these things have happened in another world. There are many worlds of which we know of this world, is a question of our awareness. Now we are at a human awareness, and we have risen to a higher awareness which is called as the fourth dimension. Without Shri Ganesha it is not possible. As you know he is the symbol of innocence within us. This innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal. But it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit. But once you get your realization, your innocence is re-established, it manifests. And you become innocent, your attention becomes innocent. It is impossible to follow your religion, either Christ or Mohammed-Sahib or Jews, if you do not have enlightenment.This is one thing they did not realize, because they were of a very high level people. They did not know what is the condition of human beings. As in the Bible is written that if your right eye commits sins – means goes against Shri Ganesha- you take it away. Or if your right hand does anything Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: All people are one Birthplace - Shrine Chhindwara, Chhindwara (India)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Chhindwara (India), 18 December 1993. English Talk I’m sorry I was delayed. We’re supposed to see the collector and the  thaisindar [tax officer?] as they call him. They have done so much for us, so much they have organized, all the way in the – officially they have done so well that I had to wait for them to thank them very much. I think it’s not very much hot for you. See the wind is blowing, can you imagine and, if you see, there’s no leaves – leaves are not moving. (Applause.) You always used to go and sit in the sun, so now here it is. You better have some of it. I hope you all enjoyed your stay in Jabalpur and the visit to Jabalpur. It was quite interesting. Some people have not yet arrived. I’m sorry to say they haven’t been able to arrive from Bombay. I think they are more Bombayites, not from the foreign countries, but otherwise I think all of you are here. It’s very unusual thing to happen like this, you see. This – My father built this house about eighty years back. He was very imaginative and fond of guests, so he also put up guest bedrooms and guest bathrooms, such, and it was a hill station. Now, of course, because of crowdedness , very cold and hill station, so people used to come. His friends used to come from Nagpur, so he had made arrangements for them. There Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: He is the manifestation of the invisible Param Chaitanya New Delhi (India)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Delhi (India), 5 December 1993. [Translation from Hindi to English] Today we are going to perform Puja to Shri Ganesha.  We are starting the tour, and it is important to begin it with a Puja to Shri Ganesha.  Especially in Delhi, Ganesha Puja is very necessary.  Though we know very little about Shri Ganesha,  in Maharashtra there are eight Ganeshas (Ashta Vinayaka), and there is Maha Ganesha in Ganapatiphule.  And that is why they worship Shri Ganesha a lot.  But what is his essential existence; and who exactly is Shri Ganesha – very few people know this. Now, whatever I am going to tell you about Shri Ganesha, being Sahaja Yogis, you will understand.  But other people cannot understand.    The rest of the world, especially intellectuals who claim to be wise and intelligent, can perceive Sahaja Yoga, but the fact that the Gods and Goddesses are involved in actualising Sahaja Yoga, they are not prepared to accept.  Even they cannot comprehend Param Chaitanya; and try to explain it by calling it Cosmic Energy.  But whether they understand this or not; whether they accept this or not; in the beginning, even before this world came into existence, Paramatma (the God Almighty) and Adi Shakti felt that first, purity and auspiciousness should be established.  If holiness is put into the creation first, and it spreads all over the Cosmos, then only Chaitanya (vibrations) will start to flow.  For example, if Chaitanya spreads all over the creation, it will become Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Ritualism is not innocence Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

“Ritualism Is Not Innocence.” Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella (Italy), 19 September, 1993. Today we have gathered here to do Shri Ganesha Puja. The first Deity that was created by the Adi Shakti was Shri Ganesh because it was necessary first to create the Deity of principles. The Deity of principles in the sense that whatever is created, whatever is there as called bhava – whatever has been so far created up to human level, everything – had to be through the implanted mechanism of energy, otherwise nothing could have been created. If you go into the matter, say sulphur dioxide, then sulphur and oxide—go on deep into it till you reach the state when it is a molecule—then you see these atoms of sulphur and oxygen, they oscillate. They oscillate with a frequency. There are three types of frequencies they use. Now imagine in the molecule – think of it – in the molecule of a substance, there is an energy which is acting. Now one may say that, “Why should [it] be [that] in matter there is energy?” One can ask a question why there should be energy in matter. If there was no energy in the matter, how can you have all chemical compounds? Who pushes them? Say you have sodium chloride. Sodium and chloride are attached to each other. But if the chloride has to go to some other atom, then who does that? There has to be some energy which is absolutely inbuilt into matter. Now, Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Powers of Shri Ganesha Berlin (Germany)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Berlin (Germany), 21 July 1993. Today we are going to worship Shri Ganesha.  As you know, in the whole of Europe, America, England, they have lost faith in Shri Ganesh. Nor do they care for His powers and for His blessings. As a result, all His blessings are not on these countries. The first blessing of Shri Ganesha, which I think is the highest, is the wisdom: that we learn what is good for us and what is bad for us, what is constructive and what is destructive, what should we do to achieve our Self-Realization. Those people who have got wisdom are very lucky people. But wisdom comes from no source but your own understanding of life. When a person starts thinking, “Why am I doing such and such thing? What is the effect of my doing? What is the result of my behaviour? Is it good for me or bad for me?” then wisdom comes in.  Even if some people know that this is bad for them, still they do not have power to control themselves. Still they do lots of bad things which they should not do. The reason is, the power of wisdom is not there. A person who is wise does not only know what is right and wrong, but also he knows very well his own power not to do something wrong. He just does not do it.  Wisdom is a complete power within ourselves by which we try nothing: it Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Genetics of Wisdom Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella (Italy), 30 August 1992. Last time you had asked Me for Gurupada, and you should know that the essence of guru is Shri Ganesha, the innocence.  You must be knowing the story of a very devoted wife, faithful wife, of a sati. Her name was Anasuya, and she was so religious and so dedicated that they say that the wives of all the gods – Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha – got very jealous of her. So they told their husbands that, “You must go and test her, if she’s really a woman with chastity or not.” So all of them came down as sadhus, dressed up like sanyasis. And she said she wanted to serve them, give them something. They said, “No, we want to have food.” She said, “All right, come and sit down.” She cooked food for them. So they said, “No, we will not have the food unless and until you take out all your clothes. We’ll only have the food if you take out all your clothes.” She said, “Is it so?” They said, “Yes.” So she made them into little, little children, three little children, and then she became nude, because the innocent doesn’t understand anything about it. And then she joined them together, their three innocents were joined together, and they got their Gurupada. That’s how the Adi Guru was created. So the first thing is that if you want your Gurupad, you have to be innocent. “Innocent” is a very Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Gravity and Balance Gidgegannup (Australia)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Perth (Australia), 9 February 1992. It is so joy-giving to be back in Australia. When I wanted to come here in this month, Stephen told Me that Perth would be scorchingly hot, and “I don’t think you should go to Perth first, you can go later.” So I said, “That part you leave it to Me. The rest is all right.” Now you have seen how it rained and rained and rained, because you wanted rain. That was needed very much. And also you wanted a cooler atmosphere. Both things have worked out. But then the worry was that because of the rain, the seekers won’t come. Also that was solved because it was a testing ground. I told them, “If they are real seekers, they’ll come.” Otherwise what’s the use of having a big quantity with no seeking? And see yesterday, what beautiful people came. They came all the way in the rain because they were seekers, and very deep seekers. They never even asked a question. Can you imagine, in this Australia, I am always bombarded with questions. And they had told Me not to allow them to ask questions. But I could feel their seeking so much, that I said, “Better ask Me questions.” And not a single question was asked. So in one shot, how many things are done? You got the rain that you needed very much for your trees, for your crops, for your fruits, for everything. It was most unexpected. Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: He’s a giver of wisdom Shere (India)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Pune (India), 15 December 1991. English Talk Today, we are really sitting in very close relationship with the nature. The whole thing, as you can see very clearly, is done by villagers and in a very simple way and I’m sure you must all be enjoying it very much. [Applause] Today, being the first puja in Maharashtra, we’ll have to do Ganesha Puja. But one has to understand how it is so important in Maharashtra that people worship Ganesha. As you know, there are Ashtavinayakas, eight Ganeshas are there around this area and this triangle of Maharashtra which has got on one side one big mountain, on the other side we have another mountain which, of course, is not in Maharashtra. And also, on top, we have another mountain. So like a triangle which is made like a Mooladhara, means the Kundalini itself. So, the Kundalini of the whole world resides in this area. That’s why it is called, we should say, as Maharashtra, as the country which is very great, the nation which is very great. But I don’t know how far Maharashtrians realize that they are sitting in the land of Maharashtra. This land, which is vibrated by Shri Ganesha, has its own simplicity, has its own vibrations, a different style, a different type. The best part of Maharashtra is that it gives you a very good attention. With Ganesha so much vibrating, the attention becomes very concentrated and this concentration helps you in so Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Shri Ganesha and His Qualities Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 15 September 1991. Today is the happiest day for all of you, for the whole universe, because Shri Ganesha was created. He was created to emit auspiciousness through His ‘Chaitanya’ [Hindi/Sanskrit meaning Divine Vibrations]. First, the whole cosmos was filled with this ‘Chaitanyasrishti’ [Hindi/Sanskrit meaning creation of Divine Vibrations]. Then Brahma Deva came into play, and He created all the matter. But the greatest blessings of the Divine Power was to symbolize ‘Chaitanya’, and this Chaitanya has many aspects, but specially in Shri Ganesha, it is auspiciousness. In these modern times, people have lost the sense of auspiciousness. Everything that emits vibrations, ‘Chaitanya, is auspicious, is ‘Shubh’, and whatever does not, is not, by any chance, auspicious. So, first of all, whatever you worship, whatever you accept, all of them have to be auspicious things. Every shape has a coefficience and all these shapes, which you see, not neccessesarily give vibrations. But in the human beings, also, we find there are many people, like you, who have ‘Chaitnya’ flowing in them. But this ‘Chaitanya’ when it flows, we just take Shri Ganesha for granted. We do not understand that we have to awaken Shri Ganesha within us – means what? What we have to do? There is Shri Ganesha already existing within you and as I said that innocence cannot be lost, so Shri Ganesha is eternal being, eternal child – He cannot be lost and He cannot be destroyed. So, He is all Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: The Innate Maryadas Canberra Ashram, Canberra (Australia)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Canberra (Australia). 14 April 1991. This will be the fifth puja in Australia, and I thought that this is the land of Ganesha, [so] we should have the Ganesha Puja. It is very important also, very helpful. We all should have Ganesha Puja, it’s very important. And so today there will be Shri Ganesha Puja. Have you got the hundred and eight names of Shri Ganesha? So we have now requested John Fisher to be your leader in Canberra. And he has agreed. I don’t know what more to tell you about Shri Ganesh, because really it is so important that we have to know the importance of Mooladhara Chakra. If you read the newspaper, just on the first page you find people going amok as far as their moral sense is concerned, absolutely. I mean, to us it is something so shocking, and perhaps I think people are possessed on their Mooladhara Chakra. The way they behave, one feels that there’s something gone wrong with them completely and they have no control over themselves; and just like mad people they are behaving. And all these problems that are coming, of these perversions, are due to this kind of a possession on the Mooladhara Chakra. One has to be very, very careful and respectful about it. I have already told so many things [about] how to keep it clean, how to respect it, and how to behave yourself. As you know, Shri Ganesha was created at the Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: The Glow of Shri Ganesha Lanersbach (Austria)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Lanersbach (Austria), 26 August 1990 Today we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesha. You all know the story of His birth and I need not repeat it. But, as He was created by the Mother only, by Adi Shakti, in the same way you are all created after Him. So, you are on the path of Shri Ganesha already. Your eyes sparkle the same way His eyes sparkle. You all have the beautiful glow on your face as He had. Whether you are small, big, or old makes no difference. All the beauty comes to us through the glow of Shri Ganesha. If He’s satisfied, then we don’t have to worry about any other deities, because the power of all the deities is Shri Ganesha. He’s like a vice-chancellor sitting on every chakra. Unless and until He signs, Kundalini cannot cross through, because Kundalini’s the Gauri and is the Virgin Mother of Shri Ganesh. Now we have to understand that we are here in the Western society where so much has gone wrong because we never bothered to look after Shri Ganesha. Christ came and His message spread all over the world. He talked of things which are not practised by Christians, not at all. Because whatever they started is not based on truth. The truth is that Shri Ganesha took birth as Christ. If that is the truth, then they have to understand in the light of Shri Ganesha this great incarnation of Christ. That Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: How Far To Go With Children Les Diablerets (Switzerland)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Les Diablerets (Switzerland), 8 August 1989 Today you have come here to worship me as Shri Ganesha. We have been singing the praise of Shri Ganesha before every puja. And we have such tremendous respect for Shri Ganesh, because we have found out that unless and until Shri Ganesha, who is the symbol of our innocence, is not awakened within us, we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. And even to stay there and to enjoy the blessings of Shri Ganesha, we have to have our innocence fully blossoming. So we praise Him and He is very easily praised. And whatever we might have done wrong before coming to Sahaja Yoga, He completely forgives because He is the eternal child. You have seen children, when you slap them, sometimes get angry with them, they forget it. They only remember the love and not what they have suffered at your hands. ‘Till they grow up, they do not have memory of bad things done to them. From the very beginning, a child is born to a mother, he doesn’t know what he has gone through, but gradually the memory starts working and he starts restoring things within himself. But in the beginning, only he remembers what nice things have happened to him. So we always like to ponder about our childhood, what we enjoyed in our childhood. But as we start growing up we start remembering all the miseries and all the tribulations we had to go Read More …

Conversation with Sahaja Yogis, Mooladhara and the qualities of Indians Aurangabad (India)

Talk to yogis at India Tour. Aurangabad (India), 7 December 1988. Sahaja Yogi: “Our ascent Mother.” Shri Mataji: “What?” Sahaja Yogi: “Our ascent.” Shri Mataji: “That’s very general.” Sahaja Yogini: “Enjoy tapasyas.” Shri Mataji: “Enjoy what? Chapathi?” (All Sahaja Yogis laugh) Shri Mataji: “Enjoy What?” Sahaja Yogini: “Tapas.” Shri Mataji: Tapas! Is it any tapas in this? Doesn’t seem to. No, no, no, no, no, no. We are all having a nice time I think. Tapasya doesn’t mean this. Tapasya means you have to climb the Himalayas without any water, with dehydration getting thinner and thinner, no food, nothing, that is Tapasya. Or stand on your one foot for 12 years. Sahaja Yogini: “We are getting Joy.” Sahaja Yogi: “We enjoy collectivity.” Shri Mataji: “That’s one of them. Correct. That’s one of them.” Sahaja Yogini: “To be in thoughtless awareness all the time.” Shri Mataji: Yes. You see there are really many things about this Indian tour, specially of Maharastra. To begin with, Maharastra is the country where I would say the Ganesha principle is very strong. Because there are 8 Ganeshas which have come out of the Mother Earth. And all the three powers are represented by the Mother Earth also here Mahakali, Maha Lakshmi, Maha Saraswati. So the whole place is very vibrated. And the Mother Earth is very much vibrated. Now, if you have any problem of Mooladara, for example, on this land if you sit down on the ground and put My photograph in front of Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: spread love all over and remove the people from the shackles of materialism Madrid (Spain)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Madrid (Spain), 6 November 1987. So today we have come here to Spain, and there are so many other Spanish Sahaja Yogis here, and you all have met them. By that, they are very much strengthened in Sahaja Yoga, that they feel that they have brothers and sisters all over the world. Because in Spain there are very few Sahaja Yogis and they feel quite lost because they are so few. But by your coming here, it is a kind of a one hand helping another hand.  Now Spain is developing materially, and it is . . . this time they have to be careful: They need not go all the way to the overdeveloped state and then suffer, and that suffering should not become a kind of a punishment to them like in many affluent countries. Because as materialism grows, it tries to overpower human beings. But if after realization the materialism starts growing, you master the matter. Then matter doesn’t sit on your head, because with realization you have discretion. And actually, materialism is to be understood through Lakshmi Tattwa, Lakshmi principal. If you develop the wisdom in Sahaj Yoga, then you understand how far to go with materialism. Matter is for you, you are not for the matter.  Now I’ll tell you, gradually how matter sits on our head. Before realization, first we start using the matter for our comfort. Through science, we develop ways and methods by which we develop a life which Read More …

Diwali Puja: Power of Innocence, Meaning of Nine of The Lakshmis Lecco (Italy)

Diwali Puja, “Power of Innocence”. Lecco (Italy), 25 October 1987. First – we bow to Shri Ganesha because Shri Ganesha is the source of innocence within us. So actually we bow to innocence within us. And this innocence is the one [that] gives you the enlightenment. As I told you yesterday the light has innocence, but this is innocent without knowledge. But your light is innocent with knowledge. We always think that the people who have got knowledge can never be innocent, can never be simple. And the idea we have got about innocence is that an innocent person is always deceived, can be befooled – and can be always taken for granted. But innocence is a power; it is a power which protects you, which gives you light of knowledge. Knowledge that we have in the worldly sense is how to exploit others, how to cheat others, how to make money out of them, how to make fun of others, how to look down upon others. But the light of innocence is the light by which you know that love is the highest thing. And it teaches you how to love others, how to care for others, how to be gentle about others. It also gives you the light within. It’s just the other way round of this Avidya that we have in this world. Just the other way round. The Avidya outside teaches us competition, how to put the other person down. Because it has fear, it is Read More …

Talk on Innocence & Musical Program (Morning) Ganapatipule (India)

Talk about Innocence, Ganapatipule (India), 2 January 1987. Today, in this blessed place of Mahaganesha, we have all assembled to go deep into our own beings, to enjoy our own glory. One has to remember that the very first thing God created on this earth was Shri Ganesha because He could emit holiness. He exists as chaitanya and this chaitanya exists in the atom and molecules as you know very well, as vibrations – symmetric and isometric. These vibrations later on start expressing themselves in the plant kingdom as life force and you see how they are kept under a bondage. A tree that is a mango tree will go up to a certain point. A coconut tree will grow up to a certain point. It’s all under control, and then it is expressed in the animals, where it binds them. That’s why they are called as pashus, means under bondage. But in the human being it is expressed as auspiciousness and ultimately as the epitome, as holiness. Holiness is to be understood in its essence as well as in its contents.Holiness is an innate quality of a personality, where a person rejects all that is unholy, all that is inauspicious. The ego doesn’t play any part. Up to the animal stage, ego doesn’t exist. But in the human stage, you are given freedom to choose whether you want holiness or not. But in the ego of man, he might say, “What’s wrong?” and he may defy all the rules Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle YMCA - Camp Marston, San Diego (United States)

Shri Ganesha Puja, “Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle.” San Diego (USA), 7 September 1986. Today in the land of Shri Krishna, we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesh. It’s something very unprecedented and of a very significant value that you should be celebrating the birthday of Shri Krishna’s son in His own land.  You know that Shri Ganesha incarnated on this earth as Mahavishnu, and He was the son of Radha, who incarnated as Lord Jesus Christ. So by celebrating this birthday, today you are recognizing the greatest truth that Lord Jesus Christ was the son of Shri Krishna.  There’s a story about it, if you read in the Devi Mahatmayam, how this Primordial Child took a form of an egg, and half of it remained as Shri Ganesha and half of it became Mahavishnu. In the evolutionary process, all these happenings of the antiquities have been recorded. But today, I feel so gratified that on the human level, people have understood, Christ is the incarnation of Lord Ganesha. He is the Eternal Child. But in the form when He came as Christ, He came as the son of Shri Krishna.  But when Parvati made Shri Ganesha, He was the son of Parvati alone. There was no father. Parvati Herself wanted to have a child of Her own. There were angels who were dedicated either to Vishnu or to Shiva, like Ganas were dedicated to Shiva alone. So She wanted to have Her own son who can permeate Her powers Read More …

Shri Kartikeya Puja: Woman Is A Woman Munich (Germany)

Shri Kartikeya Puja. Grosshartpenning, Munich (Germany), 13 July 1986. I’m sorry for being late. I did not know that this program is in a beautiful place like this. And here you see a beautiful painting of Michelangelo expressing the desire of the Divine, your Father, to save you, to help you out and its working out.In Germany we have had very great aggressive happenings. And that brought forth a devastating effect on the Western Life, all over. The value systems were broken, the idea of Dharma was disturbed, women started behaving like men and so many people died. Very young people died, very, very young. All their desires were not fulfilled, all their life gave them nothing but war. That was a kind of a heat wave that came, destroying all the subtler things. When the nature gets its respite, or is angry, it destroys only gross things but when human beings start destroying, they destroy even the subtler things like your value system, your character, your chastity, your innocence, your forbearance.So now the war is on the subtler level. We have to now understand that all these things have brought such a shattering effect in the West, on the Western personality. So the first effort one has to do is to repair it, to put it straight, make it stand on its own legs. Because people lost their personality, their tradition, they had no moorings, no roots. And they started moving towards anything that was brought in as some Read More …

Shri Mahaganesha Puja Ganapatipule (India)

Shri Mahaganesha Puja. Ganapatipule (India), 1 January 1986. Today we all have assembled here to pay our respect to Shri Ganesha. Ganapatipule has a special significance because He is Mahaganesha. The Ganesha at Mooladhara becomes Mahaganesha in the Virata, that is the brain. That means it is the seat of Shri Ganesha. That means Shri Ganesha governs, from that seat, the principle of innocence. As you know very well, it is placed at the back, in the region of optic thalamus, optic lobe, as they call it; and it is the giver of innocence to the eyes. When He incarnated as Christ – which is in here, in the front, at Agnya – He said very clearly that “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” It’s a very subtle saying, which people don’t understand what is the meaning of the word ‘adulterous’. ‘Adultery’ means impurity in a general word.  Any impurity in the eye “thou shalt not have”. It’s very difficult. Instead of saying that you get your realization and clear your Back Agnya, He has said it in a very short form, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes”.  And people thought “It’s an impossible situation!” Because He was not allowed to live long – actually His public life is limited to three-and-a-half years only – so whatever He has said has a very great significance, that your eyes should not be adulterous. When there is innocence there is no adultery. It means there’s no impurity. For example, with our eyes, Read More …

The Innocence of a Child & purpose of Ganapatipule, Evening Program, Eve of Shri Mahaganesha Puja Ganapatipule (India)

The innocence of a child, Ganpatipule (India), 31 December 1985. I had a special purpose in coming to Ganpatipule, apart from that it was a very beautiful place and very relaxing for all of you. The reason is – I found this place had vibrations which will clear you out very easily, first of all. But you have to desire it, really, ardently. You should have that desire otherwise the Kundalini may not rise. That is a very important point; that you have to desire your ascent, nothing else. It’s not a place you have come for a holiday or just for some sort of a relaxation or for some enjoyment or sleeping or anything, but you have come here for a penance, for a tapasya, to clear out yourself completely. This is a place of Shri Ganesha’s temple which is not very much frequented by people and it’s still very, very pure. And I thought that the Ganesh principle will be awakened in you which is the source of everything. Shri Ganesha’s principle, as you know, in a very large way or expansive way, we call it ‘the innocence’, but we do not know the intricacies and the details to which it can go and work it out. Shri Ganesha’s innocence has a tremendous power to purify people, to make you holy, to make you auspicious. A person who has got Shri Ganesha’s principle awakened is auspicious in his presence. Such a person, whenever he moves, things move in Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: The Importance of Chastity Brighton Friends Meeting House, Brighton (England)

Shri Ganesha Puja: The Importance of Chastity 04-08-1985Brighton Friends Meeting House, Brighton (England) Today we have gathered here on the right occasion and very auspicious day to worship Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is the first Deity that was created so that the whole Universe is filled with auspiciousness, with peace, bliss, and spirituality. He is the source. He’s the source of spirituality. As a result of that all other things follow. Like when it rains and is windy you feel a coolness in the atmosphere. In the same way when Shri Ganesha emits His Power, we feel all these three things within and without. But it has been so unfortunate, especially in the West, that the most important fundamental Deity has been completely not only neglected, but insulted and crucified. So today though I did not want to say anything to upset you people, but I must tell you that worshiping Shri Ganesha means there has to be a thorough cleansing within you. When you worship Shri Ganesha keep your mind clean, keep your heart clean, keep your being clean – no thoughts of lust and greed should come up. Actually, when the Kundalini rises Ganesha had to be awakened within us, the innocence has to come up – which obliterates all such degrading ideas within us. If ascent has to be achieved, we have to understand that we have to mature. People are sick now. All over the western life one feels they are sick. Sick because they have Read More …

Seminar, Mahamaya Shakti, Evening, Improvement of Mooladhara University of Birmingham, Birmingham (England)

Mahamaya Shakti seminar, evening, Birmingham, (UK), 20 April 1985 Shri Mataji: Please be seated.Is it all right this one?Are you recording all right?Sahaja Yogi: Yes MotherShri Mataji: So, this is how Mahamaya plays. They had planned everything. They had all the arrangements made and the sari was missing. All right. So, they came and told Me that, “The sari’s missing. So, now what to do?” You can’t have puja without the sari, according to them. [Laughter] So, I said, “All right, let’s wait. If it arrives in time we’ll have it; otherwise we can have it later”. But I was least disturbed, least upset. Because I do not have a mental conception of it. But if you have a mental conception, “Oh, we have programmed everything, arranged everything. We have done this and now it’s fizzling out.” Doesn’t matter. Nothing is fizzling out. [Laughter]But that is what we cannot do. Because you asked Me today, “What is Mahamaya?”, this is what it is. [laugh]You must learn to accept whatever comes your way. That’s one of the things. And here where we feel frustrated, angry, upset and spoil our joy, one of the things, because we make a mental projection. Mentally we calculate something. This has to be. And it’s really in a way a subtle ego feeling. Because I thought, “That’s what is destined, all right. We’ll have it tomorrow. What does it matter?” In any case I told Mr. Srivastava that I’ll be back only about two o’clock.He said, Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Four Oaths Hotel Riffelberg, Zermatt (Switzerland)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Zermatt (Switzerland), 2 September 1984. My joy knows no bounds when we have come to worship this holy mountain which we have named as Ganaraj. Sometimes the words are not sufficient to hold the outpour of your joy. I come to you as a symbol of your Mother, but the first Son who was created was Shri Ganesh. And then, when the Mother Earth was created as a symbol of motherhood, She created many Shri Ganeshas in this universe. In the cosmos, the star which is called as Mars is the Ganesh, Shri Ganesh. All these symbols were created for you, the Sahaja Yogis, to recognize them. To recognize all these symbols is easier if you are a realized soul. But we have had so many great realized souls in the past, of very high quality, and they recognized, they found out the symbols of Shri Ganesha, long time back. India is the microscopic form of the whole earth, Mother Earth. So, in the triangle of Maharashtra, we have got eight Ganeshas which are manifesting vibrations and were recognized by great saints of Maharashtra. But as you have seen, as a grace of these great saints, especially in Maharashtra, has created human beings who have shraddha as the highest expression of their emotion and mind. Because of that lofty vision in the mind, whenever they see something of this sublime nature, their thoughts go to God. [It is] thanks to the saints of that state that people have that Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Keep Your Maryadas Mumbai (India)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Borivali, Mumbai (India), 15 January 1984. It is so Sahaj today that the day of celebration has fallen onto the birthday of Shri Ganesh. Every month they celebrate the fourth day of the moon as the birth date of Shri Ganesh. And today is that date. Luckily, we are here for the puja of Shri Ganesha on His birthday. I have said a lot about Shri Ganesha and His importance in our life. He is the giver of wisdom, but this wisdom comes from our innocence—innocence that is innate within us. As children, we are innocent. But as we grow, we start exerting ourselves in a manner that we start losing our innocence. We lose it in two ways: once we have lost our innocence, we cannot believe that others could be innocent. Another is, that we think innocence is not important. Innocence is the sustenance, is the basis of spirituality. If a person doesn’t have innocence, he cannot rise in spirituality. That’s why the first job of Sahaja Yoga is to establish Shri Ganesha within you, to awaken Him. As soon as the Kundalini awakens, you must know that Shri Ganesha comes into being. Without His awakening within you, Kundalini cannot be raised. But it could be temporary, or it could be a permanent thing. It could be very temporary with people who are not yet adjusted to the new method, or to the ways of God’s love. Those who have not understood, or those who Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: He will be incarnated again as eleven Rudras Vancouver, West Vancouver ashram (Canada)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Vancouver (Canada), 6 October 1983. In the West, you have grown very big outside like a tree has grown very big. But it must find its roots.Otherwise the whole tree can fall off without nutrition. Soyou must know the knowledge of the roots. Without the knowledge of the roots the tree has no meaning. So this may be a little new thing for you to understand but you must know, to know the knowledge of the roots you have to become subtle. If you are not a subtle personality you cannot enter into your roots and you cannot understand what lies in there. So first of all, I said yesterday, you all should get your Realization, and after your Realization, you can understand this better than anything else. Christ came on this earth, but he was only allowed to preach and talk about three and a half years of his lifetime. And in three and a half year is nothing. In that, whatever was possible he said positively, he told about the future, all that was to happen. He didn’t talk much about the Holy Ghost. The reason was His Mother was the Holy Ghost at that time and He didn’t want to talk about Her because the attention of the people would be on Her and they would have killed Her. And then He has got eleven destroying powers. And He would have used those eleven-destroying power and everything would have been finished, the whole drama Read More …

Guru Puja: this finger has to be strong Houston (United States)

Guru Puja, Houston (USA), September 20th,1983 [Shri Mataji talks aside to a Sahaja Yogi.] Shri Mataji: …Then you can say the 108 Names of Shri Vishnu, or Guru’s, have you got Guru’s names? Sahaja Yogi: Yes. It’s next door… Shri Mataji: Guru’s. For Vishuddhi, Guru’s names are better. It’s a good idea. All ten Guru’s names … So, all right. So, today first we have Ganesha Puja because Ganesha is innocence and we have to establish Him in any place where we want to start a work or do anything about it. Because He’s innocence and innocence was created before everything else was created. It’s the most powerful power, I should say, innocence. And then we’ll do the Guru Puja which is actually the Adi Guru, the Primordial Master, who incarnated on this earth many a times. And, as you know as Dattatreya, He was born, as Janaka, Nanaka and many others. That principle is within us and that is very important that we should develop the principle of Guru Nanak or Janaka or anyone of these primordial masters within. Because if the Spirit is the master, we have to become the master of ourselves. And the power of the masters are, that they are the essences of the innocence of the Creator, of the Sustainer and the Destroyer. They are the innocence of all these. Out of them, this great personality, innocence of these three personalities, was created this great incarnation.And their innocence is shown by their detachment to Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: The Birthday of Shri Ganesha Tivoli (Italy)

Shri Ganesha puja. Tivoli (Italy) 11th September 1983. Today we are celebrating the Birthday of Shri Ganesha, because it is a very important thing for all of us that we should celebrate His Birthday; and yesterday we did the Havana. But yesterday we had many new people so I could not talk to you very clearly about Shri Ganesha’s deeper manifestations. You know that He resides within us.[Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]Now we have a very great asset within us that we know about Shri Ganesha, and that we can excite His powers.Shri Mataji [to an Italian Yogini]: Please translate.To manifest Shri Ganesha, we have to do certain amount of Tapasya – penance. First we have to say, when we sit for meditation, that: “I am going to be worthy of Your appreciation. Make me humble, so that I am appreciated by You, and my only desire is to please You.” Then you sit down in complete preparedness, meditating over your Mooladhara, putting your attention to it with absolute purity. Now you have my photograph before you and you tell the photograph that, “Mother, You are Shri Ganesha. You give me wisdom and discretion”. So, attention at the Mooladhara chakra, which is actually below the sacrum bone. You put your right hand towards the photograph and left hand on the Mother Earth. Now this wilI tell you that your mind, or your brain which is full of confusion, which has no discretion, which is complicated, which does the same mistakes Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: He is the tremendous purifying power Perth (Australia)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Perth (Australia), 1 March 1983. I think it is the quality of wisdom which is still lingering, or is manifesting in many Australians, wisdom part, which many have lost because they have taken to the gross side of materialism. Shri Ganesha is a tremendous purifying power, tremendous purifying power, because it cannot be contaminated by anyone. Whatever you may try, it cannot be contaminated. Only thing is, it may recede back. It may not manifest. But wherever it is, it is in its absolute form. If you know how to use it, you can purify everyone—you and yours, everyone. So the responsibility of Australians, one must understand, is very great because they are living in a country which is ruled by Shri Ganesh. So first they have to maintain their purity. Purity of their being. Many people sometimes think that purity is only limited to the gross side – that you lead a sensible sex life is sufficient. It is not so. That’s why Christ has said, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” Meaning, your eyes should be clean. And as you know, eyes represent your ego and superego both. So when He said that your eyes should be clean, He meant that your thoughts should be clean. Now, what is the generator of your power? We have to go deep into it and see how thoughts are generated. The brain of human beings, as you know, is like a pyramid. It’s elevated through a central point Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja and Havan Nashik (India)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Nasik, (India), 18 January 1983. Please be seated …. (May God bless you …. It’s all right) …. [Marathi] Shri Ganesha Puja. Nasik (India), 18 January 1983. It is such a fortunate day today that we should come on the birth of Shri Ganesha⎯today is Vinayak Chaturthi, today—that we should celebrate this puja. Also, it is so fortunate to have people like Dr. Sangavi, his wife, and his son, his daughter-in-law, who are so much dedicated to Sahaja Yoga. In 1972 I had visited Pune – Nasik, and we had a big session here. People from all over came; we got a lot of Sahaja Yogis here. Raulbai is one of them. But the people of Nasik did not come forward much to do Sahaja Yoga. And, sort of, we didn’t find any footing place here, so we gave up coming to Nasik. And today after so many days, now I’m back here. And it’s so surprising how we have been able to manage. So many people yesterday – they are saying about ten thousand people were present – and at least I would say that ninety percent people got realization. At least. Now, I have to say that the quality of people is very important. And in Maharashtra, you must understand that there’s a quality. These people have a special quality of purity, I think, that invariably I’ve seen the amount of working that takes place in Maharashtra doesn’t take place in other places. Perhaps the Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Get the experience into your awareness and feeling Rahuri (India)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Rahuri (India), 7 January 1983. English Talk You have come here to learn something, to go deep into your experiences of the knowledge of your roots. Shri Krishna has said that this is a tree which is upside down: the roots are upwards and the leaves are outwards. In the same way, you know that Kundalini, really, when it rises in the Sahasrara or above Sahasrara, then you start getting the feeling of Kundalini. So one has to understand that when we are now getting subtler and subtler and trying to feel the Kundalini, we should try to get out of a materialistic attitude and materialistic viewpoint and materialistic sticking point. I met one guru before – because you know I went to all of them – and I asked one of them, I said, “Why do you take money, so much money from these people who are Western people? So much, why do you take and just they become beggars, absolutely like beggars they become, because you charge them so much and so heavily?”  And he told Me that, “Unless and until you make them beggars, they will never take to God. They are too rich to be near God.” I mean, this explanation I just could not understand. It was absurd. I could not understand: How can this explanation have any proper meaning, that you should make people beggars and then they’ll be nearer to God? I said, “In India we have many beggars; do you Read More …

Vastu Shanti Puja: Get out of your conditioning Pandharpur (India)

Vastu Shanti puja, 1982-12-31, Pandharpur Center, Maharashtra, India, during India tour Suddenly it was all arranged by them and the whole thing was so cool and you also had not come so I thought I’d better start the program with them. So, this is the condition in this country, that now, wherever I go, you tell and you get five to six thousand people and one can give them Realization. I have to request you people also to expedite something in your own countries. First of all, you people have to get well, that’s very important. That is one thing we must realise that we have come here to get out of our conditionings. We have so many conditionings! First of all, our comfort, that we have to be comfortable we have to do this, I mean we don’t want to do anything that will give a trouble to our body. That’s not a good thing. Try to put this body to some trouble at least. 0:54 Moreover, this idea of having comfort is so much a conditioning within us, so much of a conditioning, that in this country, there are so many people who live without a bathroom. They go to the river, they have their bath there, they go to the jungles and that’s how they live. They are human beings of very good quality you can see. While the comfort has ruined you quite a lot you must understand; comfort, all these things, these are terrible conditioning. Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Innocence & Joy House of Charles and Magda Mathys, Troinex (Switzerland)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Troinex, (Geneva, Switzerland), 22 August 1982. Before the Talk: Call them, call the people. You can move in front and can sit at the back. Gregoire asks if there should be an explanation of Puja as there are some newcomers. Shri Mataji: Is there somebody here who can translate? You need two persons. You can sit here. Gregoire: I can also translate in Italian Shri Mataji: But has he not come? He should come for the puja, you know.Everybody should come in. When they are all here, then I will start. Now, come forward. There’s room here. Those who can sit on the ground can sit in front. Please come. (Mother aside to yogini) You like it? Colour is all right?Where is, who else will translate?All right, you can come. You do it in French and she can do it in Italian. Arnaut has not come?You are there. Who else?The children can sit in front – let the children sit in front. All the four children could come later on, when you start the puja.Has everybody come? Ah! Robotic motor-cars! Great!… Exactly, that’s what it is! Who is outside? [Here starts the transcript of the talk] All right. First, I would like to tell you about the meaning of Puja. There are two aspects. (5.02) One is the aspect that you have got your own deities within yourself. And these deities are to be awakened within you. Deities are the different aspects of one God. So, on Read More …

From Mooladhara to Void Guildhall Theatre, Derby (England)

Public Program, “Mooladhara, Swadishthan, Nabhi, Void”. Derby (UK), 10 July 1982. I thank all the Sahaja Yogis from Derbyshire and Birmingham for giving Me this opportunity to talk to the seekers of this place. We have seekers in the modern times, is something very unique. We never had seekers before, at least not so many. There used to be people who would seek money, as there are many who are seeking these days, who would seek countries after countries, the power. There were (not) many who were seeking these few pearls of bliss of God, very few. The reason was the awareness, the collective awareness of human beings did not think themselves perhaps capable or perhaps needing some seeking. But today it’s such a beautiful combination that there are seekers of very high quality born on this earth. Those who are seeking are in masses. They are not one or two here and there sitting on top of a mountain, cave or something and trying to meditate, but there are so many who are seeking, who feel dissatisfied with themselves, with whatever they have. They think there must be something beyond. Those who feel that they have not yet found their meaning, those who feel they have to find the purpose of their life, those who feel that there has to be something higher than what they are into, all such people are seekers, not of today but of thousands of years. At the time of Christ there were none, Read More …

Shri Ganesha and Shri Gauri Puja on the occasion of Gudi Padwa Sydney (Australia)

Shri Ganesha and Shri Gauri Puja. Sydney (Australia), 4 April 1981. Today is a very unique thing that is happened – is a special luck for Sahaja yogis of Australia. This day has never been celebrated before in the history of Sahaja Yoga. Today is the New Year’s Day for Sahaja yogis, because this is the New Year’s Day of the Shalivahan calendar. As you know, Shalivahan is My dynasty, and they are called as Shalivahan because they are the carriers of the shawls of the Goddess, they are called as the, because – as you are also carrying so many times My shawls around – and they were called as Shalivahan. So this New Year’s Day is the first day of advent of Goddess – the nine days there are. Then in another times that there are Satya Yug, then there’s Dvapara, Treta, Kali Yuga: there are four yugas. So in two yugas the Goddess incarnated, one before the Satya Yuga and one after it. So today is the day to mark absolutely the first day when She incarnated on this Earth. That’s the day also of the Gauri, because Virgin is the first form of the Goddess. And She created also Ganesha on Tuesday, just starting this week. What is the day? The day today is …? Today …. [Yogini: Today’s the fourth. Saturday, Mother. Saturday.] Saturday. Now, now, it’s over. Now don’t stay, all right? While I’m speaking you should not take My photographs. It’s a very Read More …

Aim of Seeking Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Program Aim of Seeking It is really gratifying to come to Melbourne. I came here because somebody who had come to Sydney said, “Mother, You must come to Melbourne. We need You.” When I came here for some other purpose, I felt the vibrations of Melbourne are really very good and here it is quite possible that there may be many seekers. It is really gratifying, as I said, to be here among you. It’s a fact that the time has come for thousands and thousands and thousands and millions of people who are born as seekers on this earth to get their realization. They have to know their meaning. They have to know  why the nature has made  human beings out of  amoeba. What is the purpose of their life? Unless and until you find the purpose of your life you are not going to be happy, you are not going to be satisfied. You may try anything else. You may go on ego trips, or other trips like seeking money. You may try other ways like taking drugs, alcoholism, levitation, all kinds of things. But these things have not given anyone satisfaction. You have to find out that absolute without which we are in confusion.  That absolute is within you. That’s why Sahaja Yoga is a spontaneous thing, a living thing. “Saha” means with, “ja” means born. It is born with you, as in a seed. All the maps of the seed that  is going to manifest Read More …

Mooladhara and Swadhishthan Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

1981-03-25 Mooladhara and Swadhishthana, Sydney, Australia I bow to all the seekers of Truth. The other day, I told you a little bit about the first centre, called as Mooladhara Chakra, and Kundalini, which is the residual consciousness in the triangular bone called as sacrum. As I told you that this is the pure desire power which has not yet been awakened and is not yet manifested within you, which resides here waiting for a moment to arise and to give you your second birth, your baptism. It makes you at peace. It gives you your Self-realization. This pure desire is to be one with your Spirit. Unless and until it is fulfilled, those who are seeking will never be satisfied whatever they may do.  Now, this first centre is very important because this was the first centre that was created when the Primordial Being started doing the job. This is the centre of innocence that is holiness. First thing that was created was holiness on this Earth. This centre is very important in all the human beings because animals have innocence, they have not lost it, while we have a right, or we can say, we have a freedom to abandon it. We can do it, we can somehow or other destroy it by our so-called ideas of freedom. This centre has a power to give us wisdom. Wisdom is such a word that cannot be explained. Wisdom is the balance between your understanding of what is good and Read More …

Sahaja Yoga: a spontaneous happening within us, of union with God. Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program. Maccabean Hall Sydney 22 March 1981 To all the seekers of truth. It’s such a pleasure to come to this great country where there are so many seekers. So many seekers are born in these modern times. There were never born so many, any time before. For example at the time of Christ, He had to gather crowds of people but they had no seeking, they just listened to Him because they felt it was something new.  Today, the time has come where many seekers have taken their birth all over the world and they are seeking. This is a fact one has to accept, there’s no hypocrisy about it. Some people don’t understand that the seeking is there and that whatever they’re doing, right or wrong, actually they are seeking within themselves. Today, in the beginning, I will give you a broad line of Sahaja Yoga, the one that means a spontaneous happening within us, of union with God. It’s easy to talk about it, anybody can talk about it. First, when I went to America, people said you must get a patent on your lectures Mother.  I just smiled at them. I said, what’s the matter? They said they might use your words and use the same things for their own purpose and maybe that they’ll do a lot of harm to you, I said it’s nice, let them talk about it because that’s what has to happen, people have to know about it, what is Read More …

Introduction to Mooladhara Chakra New Delhi (India)

Public Program, New Delhi (India), 5 February 1981. Today I am going to speak in general, about Sahaja Yoga and Kundalini awakening. ‘Sahaja’ as you know means SAHA means with and JA – born with you. But perhaps people do not realize what Sahaja actually means. It is spontaneous, but what is spontaneous? Spontaneous is not that, supposing I am going in the car and suddenly I meet somebody. I say spontaneously I met that person. Spontaneous means that happening is a living happening. It has to be a living thing which is spontaneous, it’s a very mysterious word, that cannot be explained and that happens without any understanding about it, which is not possible for a human being to understand. That is Sahaja. Sahaja may mean it’s very simple it’s very easy, it is, it has to be. For example, God has given us these eyes, these wonderful eyes that human beings have got, that not that they can see the colour but can also appreciate it. God has given them a nose, which is so well developed that it can feel the filth. Animals cannot feel it. You have become a human being I have become human being and everybody has become a human being – become – from an amoeba stage spontaneously. Can you explain that? How it has happened? Further we can see everyday we see so many spontaneous things happening. Today you go in the forest, you will see lots of flowers there, in the Read More …