What is spirituality? New York City (United States)

1995-10-06 Public Program, New York I bow to all the seekers of the truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it. It is to be known through your ascent. Unfortunately, at this human awareness we do not know the truth, the absolute truth. What we know is relative truth and that’s why all the problems there are between human beings between countries and the whole world. It’s very important that we have to realise that really we don’t know the absolute truth. America is a very fortunate country in a way that it has prosperity but as a result I have found that many people came to this country who thought there is a good market for marketing spirituality. We must know we cannot market spirituality. You cannot sell it in the market. You cannot have a kind of a prescription for it. So what is spirituality? Now what do we have to gain and why should we be spiritual. These are common questions one can ask. American lifestyle as you know has been that they want to enjoy every moment of their life, this way or that way. Their idea is such that we should enjoy every moment of life, a very good idea but when you look at the way they enjoy one finds that all these enjoyment but actually it is self destructive. All the time we are using our energy for Read More …

Easter Puja: One has to have faith in one’s self Magliano Sabina Ashram, Magliano Sabina (Italy)

Transcript of Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 11 April 1993. We all have today gathered here on top of this beautiful mountain to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.It’s very significant for Sahaja Yogis to understand the great event of His resurrection by which He showed that the spirit does not die. He was — He was the Omkara. He was the Logos and He was the Spirit, that is why He could walk on the water.And also, now we have made a film where we have shown how the Mooladhara, which shows the carbon atom as clearly, if you see from the right to the left, you find a proper swastika there and left to the right we see Omkara. But when you see from downward upward, what you see is alpha and omega. That proves beyond doubt that Christ, as He said, “I am the alpha and I am the omega,” shows clearly that He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a scientific proof you have now with us and that’s how we can tell people that it’s a fact. I don’t know, at the time of Christ this alpha and omega was known to the mathematicians, but definitely to Him when He said, “I am the alpha and the omega.” His was an incarnation very remarkable and very important for our ascent. If He had not resurrected Himself, we could not have achieved our ascent at all. So, it’s a great contribution. The resurrection of Christ Read More …

This is the Last Judgment. You are judged by yourself Universite Paris Diderot Paris 7, Paris (France)

Public Program Day 1, Paris, 1985-04-22 [Patrick is introducing Sahaja yoga] Shri Mataji: I’ll stand, it will be better. Better take out my shoes. I bow to all the seekers of truth. These are exceptional times. There are thousands and thousands people born on this earth who have been seeking the truth for many lives. It is a very special category of personality. As a result of this, people started the seeking in various ways of the unknown. But whatever is unknown is not the truth. This is the problem in the West, that we are not knowledgeable about the roots on which we stand. The knowledge is in the West is that of the tree and not of the roots. And that is why many people have taken full advantage of this naivety. From 1970 I’ve been speaking very loudly against all such people who have come to the West to delude you, how they have tried to loot you and to give you diseases and troubles of incorrigible nature. In the beginning when I talked against them, people here were protesting vehemently and they were so badly mesmerized that I could not rescue them. Such people, we can say, form real cults. But the truth has to be in the line of evolutionary process. It has to have the bases. It cannot just come from somewhere and people say, “This is a method,” or, “This is a way it is to be done.” As you know, in the Read More …

Introduction to Nabhi-Void New Delhi (India)

Public Program, New Delhi (India) 7 February 1981. Please sit very comfortably that’s very important. There should be no strain on a particular part of the body. For example, when you are sitting sometimes your feet might feel little bit numbed down, you can change the posture. You need not carry on with any extreme effort or any discomfort to yourself, that’s first thing you must remember. Moreover, some of the people go into tense postures also by stretching their hands too straight or sometimes going very straight or pushing their head behind. Sometimes they bend their heads also bit too much also. Sit very comfortably, with both the hands on your lap in a very comfortable way. There should be nothing extreme to be done from outside. We have to understand the principle of this living process. Then you will know that why I say: “No use doing any such extreme thing to achieve your goal”. The principle is like this: that this room is all dirty supposing or it’s in a chaos, or maybe it’s in darkness completely, you can’t see anything. So, you enter inside the room. Your goal is to achieve the enlightenment. Some people will say that: “Let us clean the room in darkness with blindness”. You start cleaning your body you don’t know what you are cleaning! So, there is no need to bother about cleaning when you are blind. Some people think: “If you clear your mind before Realization you will be better Read More …