Shri Rama Navami Puja Chelsham Road Ashram, London (England)

Shri Ram Navami, Chelsham Road, London, England, 2nd April 1982. (Shri Mataji is explaining how to talk to new people and havans) So first of all, you should start talking about energies: that these energies are moving within us and how they activate. Then you talk of the third energy which is the One which has evolved us, and that’s how we are here. And you talk about your Self, the controlling part, which is controlling you, the Spirit. So, if you go on an abstract line, it would be very appealing, these energies. Then afterwards, once you have talked about energies, this, that, once the people – that is within you, – sort of they’ll feel ego, “Oh, we have these energies. We can utilise these energies, do this, do that.” And then you bring them down to Sahaja Yoga, later on. But to begin with let us talk of abstract. Because Indians are different, I mean Western people are different. They are fed up of religion, they are fed up of all this. So, if you talk of religion it gives, creates, a problem. That’s why in the beginning, Vedas, when they were written down, they didn’t talk of God or Deities at all. They talked about God, God the Creator, but just about Brahmadeva. Throughout:  Hiranyagarbha, Brahmadeva, Right Side, they talked. And the whole thing is said, mantra, is like, “bhur, bhuvah, swaha” – three things. Now, Bhur is actually the Mooladhara, is the Earth according to me, Read More …