What is spirituality? New York City (United States)

1995-10-06 Public Program, New York I bow to all the seekers of the truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it. It is to be known through your ascent. Unfortunately, at this human awareness we do not know the truth, the absolute truth. What we know is relative truth and that’s why all the problems there are between human beings between countries and the whole world. It’s very important that we have to realise that really we don’t know the absolute truth. America is a very fortunate country in a way that it has prosperity but as a result I have found that many people came to this country who thought there is a good market for marketing spirituality. We must know we cannot market spirituality. You cannot sell it in the market. You cannot have a kind of a prescription for it. So what is spirituality? Now what do we have to gain and why should we be spiritual. These are common questions one can ask. American lifestyle as you know has been that they want to enjoy every moment of their life, this way or that way. Their idea is such that we should enjoy every moment of life, a very good idea but when you look at the way they enjoy one finds that all these enjoyment but actually it is self destructive. All the time we are using our energy for Read More …

The last judgement is here now and the kundalini is going to judge you Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program Day 2, Royal Albert Hall, London (UK) June 12th 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth.I’ve already told you that truth is what it is, we cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it. With this human perspective, we cannot know it. If this is the case, then we have to understand that in our evolutionary process that something more has to happen. Because as we see, take case of religions. You may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh anyone, you can be branded as anything when you are born into any family, but you are capable of doing any sin. Any sin can be committed. There is nothing to debar you. So as if this religion that we are proclaiming is outside, it’s not within us, it’s not innate.Yesterday I told you about science (unclear). That it is (unclear), it does not relate to your spirit, to your soul, it does not give you any human dimension. For science, you are not a human being, you are a robot. Same with modern psychology, you are not a human being but you are a sex point. With medical science, as I told you yesterday, the advent of this theory of DNA, they will just tell you what is your origin but they cannot tell you what is your future, and the future is so great, which we have to know. We don’t have to go to our past. There’s a gentleman, a muslim gentleman, I’m happy he asked Read More …

Divine love doesn’t expect anything Maison de la Mutualité, Paris (France)

1987-11-03 Public Program Day 2 Paris France [FRENCH] I was just, Shri Mataji, explaining a bit the chakras. So I explained, I explained the different two sides Shri Mataji: Two sides SY: The right and left side, the centers of energy and that’s all I’ve told. Shri Mataji: All right. Thank you.SY: I think [that’s it] for introduction before.Shri Mataji: All right. I bow to all the seekers of truth. The truth can be realized if you love someone. But it should be pure love without any lust and greed which is a Divine love. Divine love doesn’t expect anything. You cannot sell it, you cannot force it on anyone. It is the purity of your being, that starts emitting that love. For example there’s a lamp, which is dirty, and even if you put a light inside that it won’t give any light at all. So the first process that starts in you of the awakening of the Kundalini gives you the feeling of the All-pervading power and also gives you a kind of a peace within and a security. But above all you develop a new awareness called as collective consciousness. This new consciousness is where you can feel another person on your finger tips and you start emitting yourself in vibrations of Divine Love. But these vibrations are very dim in the beginning. The Kundalini comes, again falls down, again attends to the problems in the being. The problems could be physical, could be mental, could be Read More …