Who am I? Ask that question to yourself Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 10 July 1999. At the very outset one has to know what is the Truth, what are we seeking. It’s quite clear that we do not know that. That’s why we run after things which are false, which are more attractive, but basically they are very dangerous, very dangerous. And that has been happening – I’m sorry to say – in every country that people are just trying to mislead all the seekers who are truthful, who are honest, who are innocent.So what is the Truth that you have to find? Is said in all the books in all the scriptures that you have to know yourself. We always talk like this: I like this, I like that, I want this, I… But, we don’t know who are we. Who am I? Ask that question to yourself: who am I? Am I this body? Am I this mind? What am I?And then you reach really honestly a point where you realise that you don’t know yourself. You even don’t know your body, you even don’t know your mind. With this kind of a confusion we are living and that’s why all kinds of problems come up.First thing is that you have to know yourself. It’s possible, now the time has come for you to know yourself. It’s been promised that these are the times when you will know yourself. For that I have to say that already our creator has done a good Read More …

Press Conference, The Path to Truth: Understanding the Essence of Self and the Power Within London Television Centre, London (England)

Press Conference. London (UK), 8 July 1999. I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all, it’s important to know what the truth is. You find so many people are seeking the truth, but they don’t know what to find and that’s how they are twisted around, taken to some sort of a false rites. It’s important first of all to know what is the truth that we are seeking. The truth is, if I tell you, it’s very simple: that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this intellect, you are not these emotions, but you are the pure Spirit. That’s what you have to become – the pure Spirit. And another truth is that the power that leads you to the state were you know the truth about yourself, about everything is within you, this power is within you, is your own. Born with you, with every human being. That’s surprising: if all the human beings in the whole world have this power within their triangular bone – how can we differentiate them? They are all just the same, everybody has a power based in their triangular bone known as sacrum, that means the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone. This fact that there is a power in the triangular bone was known thousands of years back, I should say, in India and in various countries. I was surprised – even in Sweden I found, Norway I found, people Read More …

GMTV Interview London (England)

GMTV Interview. London (UK). [..]   strange society that we live in today, it really, really is [..]  and sometimes you just want to take a break and take five minutes to yourself. The one woman who has found the secrets I think of inner calm is Shri Mataji. She joins me now. It’s great to see You. It really is. Tell me about this technique, what’s it called and how does it work. Shri Mataji: Sahaja Yoga. Right. Journalist: How does that work? Shri Mataji: Sahaja,  Saha means with, Ja means born. Born with you is this opportunity, or eh, a kind of a blessing that you can become one with the Divine. Journalist: Right. Shri Mataji: You are born with it. Journalist: We’re seeing examples here, and it’s all ages – anybody can do this? Shri Mataji:  Of  course. Journalist: Yeah, Anyone at all. Of course. Shri Mataji: Everybody has it, all over the world. Everyone has that. Journalist: Little tiny ones, (3 of them –unclear) and she’s doing it (unclear). Shri Mataji: They are raising the power within you which is dormant in the triangular bone and by raising it they passing through six centres and when they pass through six centres, you see,  the connection is established then with the All–Pervading Power of Love. So that’s what it’s about, that’s what it’s about. And do you think people, I mean people don’t just take the time out do they, just to sit down for 5 minutes and Read More …

Public Program Los Angeles (United States)

1999-0701 Public Program Los Angeles USA. I bow to all the seekers of truth.  When we are seeking the truth we must know what we have to seek, what we have to have. There are all kinds of shops around where they talk of giving you the truth. But first of all, we must know what you have to achieve, what you have to get if you are seeking the truth. Many great Saints, Sufis, Poets have mentioned about it that you have to seek your Spirit you have to become spiritual. But nobody has been able to achieve that maybe the circumstances are not like that. Now when we talk of truth we have to know that the truth is very simple to understand. First, we must know the instrument of truth. That is you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, these feelings, these thoughts but you are the pure Spirit, you are the pure Spirit and that has to happen to you that you become the Spirit. As our heritage has been very sadly we are carrying out many qualities, instincts of the animal stage. And that’s why we find in people having jealousy and operation, aggression all kinds of horrible things. Also, the worst part is that man can think and in his awareness in his thinking he can also justify through his nationality to whatever he is doing. So it’s a blind end. Once you start justifying to whatever you are doing, it’s a Read More …

Press Conference Vancouver, Sutton Place Hotel (Canada)

Press Conference. Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver (Canada), 27 June 1999. QUESTION: My first question to you is what is yoga? Shri Mataji: Yoga is actually it means that union with the Divine, with the Divine Power which surrounds us. We are not aware of it, but it is described in all the religions that there is an all-pervading power of Divine Love and that is what one has to get connected to. That is real yoga.The other yogas that people talk of Patanjali are for thousand s of years, long time back. He started to give this yoga when first the physical thing with this should come, one thing. Then mental fitness should come. Then emotional fitness should come. How to establish that was the point. And it used to take a lot of time and the tradition was that only one person needs to get the Self Realization. The reason may be, perhaps I think, they used to, first of all, evaluate the personality and then give Realization because if you give to anybody else and they might misuse i ÿt and try to exploit people. That would be another reason. Another thing was formerly people used to all torture all the saints. Any where in the world, if you see the history, saints are all tortured. Real saints, they are all tortured. So maybe they might be afraid that they should be so prepared, so equipped that they can bear all the torture. That might be the reason. Read More …

Something is missing in us and what is that we have to find out Vancouver, Canada Place (Canada)

1999-06-26 Public Program in Vancouver I am delighted to convey my warmest greetings to everyone celebrating the arrival of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in Canada. I would also like to join with you in welcoming such a distinguished visitor to our country. Canadians take great pride in our individuality and at the same time are unified by our shared ideals and values. The preservation and enhancement of heritage and culture are unique to Canada’s vision of nationhood. This special occasion provides you with an opportunity to honour your faith and promote understanding through the reaffirmation of tradition. Please accept my best wishes for a most enjoyable and memorable experience, Jean Chretien, The Prime Minister of Canada. Shri Mataji I would also like to read a greeting from the Premier of British Columbia, Glen Clark. I am pleased to extend warm greetings to our holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and everyone attending the 1999 World Peace tour. Welcome to the city of Vancouver. British Columbia is a multicultural society that encourages people from around the world to retain the heritage, customs, and traditions of their native lands. This special visit by Shri Mataji is an excellent way to celebrate the integration of our diverse cultures and religions. I would like to take this opportunity to commend event organizers for the role they play in the promotion of a greater understanding of the traditions of India and the benefits of seeking inner peace. On behalf of the government and the people of Read More …

How to evolve into a better personality? Washington D.C. (United States)

Public Program. Washington DC (USA), 24 June 1999. I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all, we have to know what is the truth. People are seeking, seeking, seeking, seeking all over. But they don’t know what they are seeking and what should they get after their seeking. This seeking can lead you into many diverse directions. Some of them could be very very dangerous and absolutely misleading. And many must have or also felt that. I’m sure there are many who have found it out. But they think there is no way they can return. Seeking is very simple to understand. That you want to know yourself. All the time we say: I want this, I like this, I this, I that. But who is this I? What is it? Who is this one myself? What am I? Do I know anything about myself? It’s a very superficial knowledge we have about ourselves. Everybody has said, all the religions have said: you should know yourself. There is no difference in this one. Actually in all religions, if you’re going into the essence, there is no difference. According to time, it was a little bit stressed on one point and sometimes on another point. But the fundamental thing is that you have to know yourself. How do you know yourself is the point. People will say: do this, give up everything, give up your family, give up everything. Wear, this kind of dress cut your hair or Read More …

Awakening to Self-Realization: Journey Towards Divine Love and Collective Consciousness New York City (United States)

Public Program, Follow Up to VIP Conference. New York (USA), 16 June 1999. I bow to all the seekers of truth. There is so much seeking, people are trying to seek the truth. Perhaps they don’t know, what does that mean. It is unknown, that particular aim, but you know that there’s something is missing in life. Why are we in trouble? Why all these problems? After all, our Creator has created us, and why are we faced with all kinds of turmoil , troubles, violence? And there’s no peace. There’s no peace. It’s impossible to understand sometimes as a human being, why are we on this earth? That is what one has to find out. Why are we on this earth and what have we got out of this human life? What have we achieved out of this life, which is much higher than any other creatures? We run helter and skelter, try to find out the solution, or sometimes the answer, but it seems it’s beyond human awareness to know the answer. The answer is within yourself. You have to know the answer only through self-knowledge. First of all you don’t know who you are, what you are, you have no idea about yourself. So, first one has to know about oneself. As everybody has said, “Know Thyself”. Saying that doesn’t help. How do we know ourselves? How can we go inside, how can we fathom it out? What is the way, what is the method? Nobody has Read More …

How to be connected to the Torsion area? Toronto (Canada)

Public Program, Toronto canada I bow to all the seekers of the truth. It is very important for us to know what is the truth .instead that we get lost because we are all seekers.we are seeking because we are not satisfied with our life , with life of others ,with the life around ,some or other reasons .I donot know what is the matter. Now some have become the ardent seekers very ardent seekers and they are trying to find out what should they do ?how should they find out the truth .There are also so many people in this world who come down from all over the world to tell you about the truth ,to talk about the truth,Some are not real Most of them are not real atleast [unclear] they are into some sort of business even the religion has become the business if you see every religion is nothing but a business. they all go to make money out of you…………. They all go to make money out of you by saying that they [unclear ]a particular religion but [unclear] find that after following all these religion all your life what did you make what did you get what is the ultimate result of it. Did you get the piece of your mind, did you get what is promised ,you couldn’t get it because religions also get deviated the real path of reality now getting into business and making business out of you is not the Read More …

Arrival Toronto, Toronto Pearson International Airport (Canada)

1999-05 -26 Arrival at Airport Toronto [Yogis waiting for Shri Mataji Shri Mataji arrived. Yogi giving flowers to Shri Mataji.] Shri Mataji: All Canadians are very tall Yogis: Laugh! Shri Mataji: vibrations still good, I have given realization at least 6-7 people inside. Canada has been really so fast, I do not understand. Now also America is improving, I really amazed. And also in America, they accepted Sahaja Yoga.[Shri Mataji speaking Hindi with yogis]Shri Mataji: its running in you, its love, its compassion is running in you, so why not giving to others? Why not know about them? Its improve your quality, why can’t you do it? You will be so satisfied. You have heart, the heart is the spirit, you don’t have to do anything extra, you already have it. You have to give love, do not love only yourself, because you do not love yourself also. But if you love yourself you love others. That’s the most precious thing and the real joy giving to love others, understand others, feel others is the biggest thing. Do not live for yourself, all your miseries will disappear, all your troubles will disappear. I am now 76, still, I am travelling, because I can’t live without loving others[Shri Mataji speaking Hindi with yogis.]Shri Mataji: I am just saying one has to be very much growth in your own love, so you do not get angry with others, you do not get annoyed with others, it’s no irritation at all.[Shri Mataji going Read More …

Talk and Evening Program before Sahasrara Puja Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Evening Program and Talk, Cabella, Italy 07-05-1999 It was really a great, enjoyable night. We never felt any time passing. Your enthusiasm to celebrate Sahasrara Puja is very remarkable. I cannot imagine how joyous it is to be in collective like this, all of us, and enjoying the bliss of joy, peace and love. I was surprised at certain great talents that came up and who played so beautifully. Individually they were very, very good, something very surprising, and not only that, but it shows there is a divine effect on these artists, no doubt. I’ve been to Slovakia only once, once only I went there, and today to see so many Sahaja Yogis from Slovakia giving such a beautiful performance, of, from Valmiki up to this Kali Yuga and then to Satya Yuga is very remarkable. I don’t know who taught them all these things, at least I did not tell them all these things as far as I remember. But the way, you see, their heart is open now to Sahaja Yoga and to the divine blessings, all these ideas come, trickle down, I mean, unbelievable it is! If you show this to Indians they’ll be surprised how you could get to the roots of everything and how beautifully you have described it, in a very dramatic manner. I again feel this is [a] very divine ‘manufacturing’, or perhaps, ‘manifestation’ through you people. It’s impossible, you can’t imagine [that] you people didn’t know this language, you didn’t know Read More …

Kundalini – The power of the saint is in every human being Istanbul (Turkey)

Public Program. Levent Kırca and Oya Başar Theather, Maçka, Istanbul (Turkey), 26 April 1999. I bow to all the seekers  of truth.We are at the time bond, is very important. At this time there is so much of turmoils, so much of problems, so many wars, all kinds of interrogation has taken place in our value system. And we are quite shocked about that, very much shocked. What is the problem? Why this is happening? We should try to find out. And if there is a solution we should try to achieve it. The problems are there because human beings do not know themselves. Either they think too much of themselves, they have too much of Ego or they are very much conditioned. There is no condition that we can say  is not troublesome, because they blindly accept all the nonsense. Now we  see the problem, say we are born in particular religion and we just start following everything that is told to us. I ask people if they have read Quran Sharif. Very few have really read it and is completely, sometimes, I find is represented. That brings bad name to Islam, also to  Muhammad Sahab. According to us prophet Mohamed was a very, very great soul. We call him as Adi Guru, means one of the primordial masters who got birth on this Earth. Now such a great soul like him would not say he is divine. I can not believe that, but I think he did not Read More …

Easter Puja: We have to establish our meditation Istanbul (Turkey)

Easter puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 25 April 1999. Today, we are all here assembled in Turkey, in Istanbul, to celebrate the resurrection of Christ and, with that also, your celebration of your resurrection.Christ’s resurrection was a great message for us. He won over the death and came out of that dead body with another body which was living body. The body was the same, but one was a dead body and another one was a body which was living. It’s not only symbolic, it actually happened within. After all, He was a divine child, He was a divine person. Actually it has happened within. It’s not just a symbolic thing that He died and He was resurrected into another person or, you can say, into a living person. For Him, what is the death? For eternal beings, there are no deaths. There’s no death for a person who’s eternal. He may, for the time being, look as if He is dead, but He can never die. Christ was like that, a very, very special incarnation, which came on this earth to be reborn out of the dead. Now we are also, when we are not yet realised souls, when we are not yet enlightened. We are also dead in the sense, our awareness is very, very… I should say, absolutely dull and dead. We can see flowers, we can see faces, we can see buildings, we can see cities, we can see all those things. All these things we see and Read More …

Star TV Interview Ataköy Marina Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)

Star TV Interview, Istanbul, Turkey,  01.04.1999 [Note: One Yogini did a live translation into English, but the questions are different from the original questions of the journalist in Turkish language. So, in the subtitles, only the original Turkish questions are translated. Some of the Turkish questions are not heard in the video, just the English tranlations can be heard.] Correspondent: They are picked from a garden, not bought from the florist.   Yogini [pointing to the bouquet offered to Shri Mataji]: They are from garden Mother! They are from garden. Collected for You. Shri Mataji: Thank you, very kind of you. What‘s the name? What’s the name of these flowers? Sahaja Yogini: She is asking what the name of the flower is? Correspondent: I don`t know Shri Mataji: Thank you very much, thank you. Thank you very much, thank you. Please sit down. Correspondent: Here, the atmosphere here is talismanic as feeling like inside a lantern, for maybe this is psychologic or the natural ambiance of the environment. Sahaja Yogini (translates): He feels himself different here, different atmosphere maybe because of the mystic looking, he feels very relaxed and comfortable, very.      Shri Mataji: Very good, absolutely good idea. Sahaja Yogini. This is a very good thing that you feel this! Correspondent: I wonder where Madame is coming from either the depths of Indian Ocean or pinnacles of Himalayas. Sahaja Yogini: He is wondering whether if You are coming from the bottom of the Indian Ocean, or are You coming from Read More …

Birthday Felicitations compilation 19 20 21 of March New Delhi (India)

Evening Program Birthday Puja All this being said on My birthday, really embarrasses Me, because it’s all being already scheduled, it was all timed out. It had to happen this way. And the time has come now that this whole world has to take to global understanding. Human beings, I was surprised, are how anxious in those difficult times to get to the truth; because very difficult to carry on with the truth, when there’s untruth all along. And the way people get after you when you talk of truth, is also a very hazardous task to fight them those who are just always going to cruelties, to untruth, to aggressiveness. These are all self destructive elements. Also we have other self destructive elements within us, like drinking, smoking, we can say also other things, like drug taking. But people do it. Just they do it. Not that they don’t know, but they just do it because of the influence of the time. And that is what is the Kali Yuga, where we destroy ourselves and try to destroy others, and have a kind of a funny temptation for this not only that, also we enjoy all these. All this cruelty, all this aggression we enjoy. ,Now when do we say that the Kali Yuga is over, we should know something about Kali Yuga. Kali was one of the deities, who was supposed to bring in Kali Yuga, and all the problems of Kali Yuga. Firstly it creates illusions, “bhranti”. Read More …

Evening Program New Delhi (India)

Evening Program, India, 1999-03-20 [4:06:27:03] Shri Mataji: You have seen this last part of the dance which was a – when [UNCLEAR Urdu] went to, he went to see the women of [UNCLEAR] gopis who were all completely engrossed about Shri Krishna. So he said that you should take to yoga, you should take to [UNCLEAR gana] to knowledge and which is a very dry idea, I think, very dry idea. And they said ‘No we don’t have to do your…we are already one with Him. We are in His body and His in our body. We are absolutely one so there is no need for us to take, take to yoga’. Now our Sahaja yog[a] is tied that we are all in love with each other, we just love each other and this is what is in this last in which she showed – said very well. I must say it is a very subtle point she brought it out and that is what we have to know that Sahaja yog[a] is nothing but is love. Love amongst ourselves, absolutely pure love. As they say in Sanskrit [UNCLEAR Nirwaj], you don’t expect anything you just love and this love is the one which is real yoga. May God bless you.

Mahashivaratri Puja New Delhi (India)

1999-02-14 Mahashivaratri Puja Talk Hindi English, New Delhi, India, [English translation from Hindi] First, I‘ll speak in Hindi language and then in English language. Today we have assembled here to worship Shri Maha Deva, Shri Shiva Shankar. In the name of Shankarji, many organizations have come up in this world. Because of Adi Shankaracharya’s emphasis, worshipping ShivJi became very popular among people. And in South India, two types of sects came up: one which were called Shaivites, and the others were called Vaishnavites. Now Shaivites are the worshippers of Lord Shiva, and the Vaishnavites worship Lord Vishnu. In our country we are experts in creating divisions. We divide the Deities as well; and when we try to integrate them, then things become even worse. For example, a new thing has come up, called Ayyappa. It is a very wrong thing. And in that it is shown, that when Lord Vishnu assumed the form of “Mohini”, then she got a child from Lord Shiva. How is it even possible? Such wrong ideas are created and widespread in our country, and then different beliefs groups are formed based on these ideas. When Indians find some or other reason to fight, they become very happy. If they have nothing to fight over, then, they create something from their own imaginations. Actually these two aspects are connected with each other as sun is with sun light, word with its meaning, moon with the moonlight. Meaning that the “Sopan Marga” which is there, which we Read More …

Shivaratri Evening Program and Talk on NGO New Delhi (India)

Talk on NGO, Delhi (India), 13 February 1999. We have started one NGO for destitute women and children; plus, we’ll be having a hospital here. As you know, we have one in… good hospital in Belapur, near Vashi in New Bombay. And this hospital will be in Noida. [Applause] Today, you’ll be happy to know that we have now got the land in Noida and we are going to start our work there. You… whatever you want to contribute for NGO, you are allowed to contribute and we have a very good team of people who want to work it out. This is something… I thought that we must have, also, our attention for people who are in great trouble around us. So, this NGO will work for women who are left by their husbands, by their family – who has nobody to look after – and also their children. Still I have not made the whole plans. But before starting Sahaja Yoga, I used to do lots of things like that. So I have quite a lot of experience. Our attention should be, really, towards people who are in trouble. Now – as we are now enriched with divine power – we should look after those who really deserve our attention. You’ll be very happy to know about women who are destitutes recommended by Sahaja Yogis, will be a better idea. And, it can be worked out very well. So far, we haven’t got any application of women who Read More …

New Year’s eve Puja: Indian Culture Kalwa (India)

New Year’s eve Puja (English part). Kalwa (India), 31 December 1998. Firstly I will speak in English language as we have many Sahaja Yogis from abroad. They have asked me to talk about Indian culture today because Bombay is the place where Indian culture is disappearing, that’s what they say. But I don’t think so, because the roots are so deep that we cannot give up that culture so fast. Now as it is for the people who are coming from other countries, they have to realize that this country had no religion as such, because there was not one book, they didn’t follow one person, they didn’t have any organizations as we have for other religions, we never had a higher priesthood or all those appointed people, it was all done very spontaneously. The whole thing worked out very spontaneously. But behind all that was, as I told you before, the attitude of Indians or our style was, not to challenge or to question what these great saints have given us. Because we accepted their status as saints, as higher personalities in a way – in a sense they were higher than us. So we didn’t want to challenge them, and whatever they said we accepted. As a result that became sort of, you can call it, a way of conduct or way of life. But as a religion we had nothing, except that later on the caste system developed. Before that there was no caste system because non-Brahmins Read More …

Expression of Subtle Elements New Delhi (India)

“Expression of Five Elements on a Sahaja Yogi”. Delhi (India), 16 December 1998. I have been telling them that the style of Indian knowledge is very different from the Western mind. In the West, you see, if you say something, then they want to have an experimental approval. They will go to the scientists or to other people who are equipped with knowledge to know what they said in these books is true or not. They will even judge Christ. They would even judge Moses. They would judge everybody as if they are the most intelligent and the most capable people. And they write books after books against them disclosing as if they are those people who have said something, have said out of their minds or something.It is never accepted normally and if it is accepted they become absolutely fanatics. So, now according to Indian style of understanding is that first of all if a great Rishi or great Muni or a great… you can call a saint has said something, then he has said it, while you have to just listen to that because you are not equally the same. Whatever he has said is his own experience, his own knowledge and you have no business to judge him or to say this is not true, that is not true. You accept it and once you get your self-realization, it is clearly written down after self-realization, you have to grow. Grow into perfect being and then you can Read More …

The Revival of Indian Spirituality New Delhi (India)

1998-1214 Public Program, The Revival of Indian Spirituality Now you are coming from different countries.  I am very happy to see you all.  Here also we have sahaja yogis from different countries who have come.  Lucky that, that this time they are here and you are here. Many people come to India, all the time, from all over the world.  And if you ask them they’d say we are seeking the truth.  So why are you coming to India of all the places?  They say that they have learned that the truth is in India, that we have to find out the truth.  I must say that in our country also we have lots of falsehood and lots of false gurus have come up just to make money, to befool people and to some [UNCLEAR another/or the other] to destroy our relationships.  But I must tell you that India is a very deep country and the knowledge of this country is not easy for a western mind to grab.  Really to begin with because the reason is, the style of seeking knowledge in India is different, absolutely opposite of what you have in the West. First of all, in India, I mean those who are real seekers and those who want to know the reality they are the ones who see one point that this is [UNCLEAR relation] is written in our ancient books, described by great saints as you have also Sufis and all these people there and also Read More …

Letter (Location Unknown)

Letter To whomsoever it may concern. I want to state that nobody has any right on my body, without my permission I should not be treated by any doctor vidya or any other person. Specially my husband and my family members should not at all have any say in my sickness. No one has to admit me in any hospital. Even Sahaja Yogis can not admit me in the hospital or treat me or arrange any doctor for treatment – for me. I want to declare that my family should never never admit me in the hospital. Specially my husband has no right over my body and any advice from him should not be accepted at all. In short I do not want to be admitted in any hospital by anyone. Before my death I will write what is to be done with my body. (Sg – UNCLEAR) Mataji Nirmala Devi 10th Dec 1998 (Ms. Nirmala Srivastava) PDF

Evening Program: Arun Apte and students, Talk Ganapatipule (India)

Arun Apte (and students). Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India. December 1998. the transcription for the first 12 minutes of the talk: It is very difficult to describe this inner joy. You can only enjoy it. You can only feel it. It’s something so innate, to see that so many of you have learnt this difficult music. And all of you have been enjoying it.I went to various places in the West, and I felt that, why, even small little children, boys and girls, take to something which is self destructive? Why? Why do they take to drugs? Why do they take to all these sins which are self destructive?I mean we could blame the parents to some extend, but on the all, there was something them, which was troubling them, which was trying to say that it’s not true, this’ not the thing, this is not the thing that you want. And that’s what made them go into all kinds of various types of rebellion, I should say, against all the accepted truth or accepted goodness or value system. And I just thought that, of course in India the parents are rather strict, I must say, like – but there is one more thing in India, there’s a big outlet for them. And I found that outlet was the talent that they had. They had lots of talents, all of them I felt, when I talk to them, and this and that, I felt that they have lots of talents, but there Read More …

Play on Joan Of Arc and Talk, Eve of Diwali Puja Novi Ligure (Italy)

Evening Talk before Diwali. Nova Ligure (Italy), 24 October 1998 So I wish you all a very happy Diwali, and a very prosperous New Year. The whole evening was so full of joy, peace that I don’t know how to describe. The whole event was worked out so beautifully by the French. Especially people from South Africa, from Benin, from Ivory Coast, from Kenya, and also many others who have come from various countries, have shown their talent, their joy, their happiness. The best part of it is that I’ve found them to be very well equipped with the names of all the deities and how to praise them. Very surprising, in this short time, how Sahaja Yoga has spread to all these countries. Regarding the programme, that was presented by the French, it’s remarkable I must say. Last year they had one very good drama on Jnanadeva; and this year this other one was really very very remarkable. A long time back I told them that Joan of Arc was a special, blessed person by the divine; and she should be worshipped as a goddess or as a deity, which has looked after France and its independence. But then the people, every year I repeated, but they didn’t make anything on her. So I was very happy to see Joan of Arc represented here. Actually in my own life, I have seen, at a very young age of fourteen years and eighteen years, I was fighting for the independence Read More …

Conference for Doctors Versilia (Italy)

Conference for Doctors, Marina di Pietrasanta, Italy, 2 October 1998. These are the days of a great turmoil and all kinds of problems are cropping ¬up which never happened before: political problem, economic problem, personal problem, family problems. Now also the psychological complications are there and everybody is seeking if there is any solution to this. Physical problems also are there which doctors have to face a lot. And I have also studied medicine, so I know how difficult it is to get through all the exams. Despite that they have not reached to any solutions. But if you believe in God, who is a creator, we have to also believe that He must have given us something to solve these problems. So, I have to just tell you that the time for our transformation, the evolutionary breakthrough has come. As Christ has said, “You seek Me and you’ll find.” So, when all these problems are cropping up, you want to seek the guidance of the Divine. So My simple message is that you have to seek your Self; you must know yourself. Christ has said, “Know thyself.” And for that there is an arrangement within us and if that works out, then you’ll be amazed if you become the Spirit, how the life changes, the whole thing changes for you. You see there are those so many lights here, but if they are not connected to the mains, they do not give light. But if you become the self, Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: He Gives You The Witness State Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Krishna Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 16 August 1998. Today we are going to have Shri Krishna Puja. It is a very important thing about the power of Shri Krishna that gives you a witness state. This is very important also because in these days of Kali Yuga and complete confusion of value system, all kinds of turmoil makes a very complex conditions to exist. The state of witnessing is only possible through meditation. You reach the state of thoughtless awareness. It is combined together. Now the witness state is such a state where you just do not react. If you react, then the problem starts. It’s a very simple thing to understand that we react through our ego or through our conditioning. Otherwise there is no way to react. Anything. Now, for example there is a beautiful carpet here. As soon as I look at it, if I use my ego I’ll start thinking, “Now, from where did they get it? How much they paid it?” This is the first reaction. Then you can even go further with it. Anger can come in. “Why did they bring such a nice carpet? What was the need to put it here?” Goes on like that, one after another. Now in my conditioning if I see these things, I would say that this color is not suited for Krishna Puja. They should have had another color for this Krishna Puja. So this kind goes on from one to another to another. But Read More …

Public Program Caffè della Versiliana, Versilia (Italy)

1998-07-26 Interview Italy Emotional… He’s a very good son of mine and I am very proud of him. He is really well spiritually [Unclear grown]. And he wants you all to share my love also. It’s very kind of him to have invited Me [UNCLEAR] and it’s very kind of you all to be here, present.  [unclear Make something?]… to these people. I’ve come to tell you that within you lies the peace, tranquillity and a very beautiful spiritually life. [CUT] But as Christ has said ‘’You are to be born again’’. But you have to ask for it, nobody can force, nor can you pay for it. In these modern times it is your birthright to have your second birth, birthright. For even which you don’t have to do any [UNCLEAR first]. You don’t have to stand on your head, you don’t have to go to the Himalayas. It is a very spontaneous happening that takes place. Within you lies the power, who is your individual Mother, your own Mother and she knows everything about you, she knows what mistakes you have committed also she knows your aspirations. And as your Mother has given you your birth in the same way She gives you a very beautiful rebirth.  So you get the real baptism. [CUT] Which we call as sacrum that means the Greeks knew it was a sacrum bone also Indians knew about it very much. And there were two saints who travelled all over the world. They Read More …

Understand The Importance Of Becoming Holland Park School, London (England)

Public Program Day 2 at Holland Park School. London (England), 6 July 1998. I bow to all the seekers of truth. So many of you have already found out what is the truth, truth about yourself, that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. After realizing that, not knowing but realizing that, when you become the Spirit your attention gets enlightened by the Spirit. And this enlightened attention is so intelligent. And as it is connected with this all-pervading Power, you’ll be amazed that whatever you try to look at, to put your attention to, it just works. It is such a proof that you are one with this All-pervading divine Power. To prove that there is divine Power which is All-pervading, first you have to become the Realized soul, you have to become a person who is enlightened, as they call it Buddha. The word is Bodha; comes from enlightenment. And the one who is enlightened is a very different personality from what that person has been. You become a very powerful, no doubt very powerful; powerful in the sense is the power of love. Is not the power we know of, but is the power of love that acts, that works. And then you are amazed at yourself how you have been able to do so many things which you would never do. And how your personality becomes a very sensible, wise, and also absolutely in balance. Read More …

Verify The Science Of Sahaja Yoga Royal Albert Hall, London (England)

Public Program Day 1 at Royal Albert Hall. London (UK), 7 July 1998. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. These days there are people who are going all over the places to find out the Truth, the enlightenment. And there are so many books available, so many people who talk about enlightenment. And this is only in this special age, which I call as ” the blossom time “, is happening. If they are not seeking the Truth, that means they are not yet evolved as this should have been. But this is a special time that we call as the “Last Judgement” and that time has come. In the Koran it’s called as Kiyama and described very clearly what will happen at this time. All these have been indicated in all the books which are, I would say, mystical or we can call as religious – whatever you may call it – the mystic part of it. They’ve all indicated this time, this time by the end of this century, this should happen. And this has bewildered many people, they are going hither and thither, getting into problems. As it’s very embarrassing what Dr. Derek Lee has told Me. Is a fact that I went to Russia and a scientist came forward and he said that: ” Mother, I have seen your photographs and it says so much because I haven’t seen more than one line showing. ” It is very embarassing, the whole thing was very Read More …

Russia is a great country of Spirituality Moscow (Russia)

Public Program. Moscow (Russia), 11 June 1998. I bow to all the seekers of truth .I know that you are not only the seekers of truth but you have found the truth.so many of you.And your life is fill with the light of the divine .Of Course there are some people who have come for the first time . but they also can have the lights very soon .Russia is a great country of spirituality. I found it long long time before i started sahaja yoga here .People are very simple hearted and they understand the value of love .They did not know about god or different types of religions that existed.I think it was good .because they were not conditioned .they are like a clean slate .while in all other countries people are very conditioned .Also in india, they have fixed ideas in their heads they are not open minded . And the most surprising thing in this country is that the scientist have reached a very great height of. They instead of going through analysis in separate and separate areas they have entered into themselves to find out what is consciousness. While this is not done in any country [unclear] for eg America is so advance but outward you can’t talk to them of spirituality.To them spirituality is nothing but spirit ,means either it is the dead body spirit or drinking . so that is what is there spiritual life.but somehow i don’t know how in moscow there Read More …

Scientific Conference Moscow (Russia)

Scientific Conference [English Transcript] Shri Mataji: Can’t have lights outside? Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. These are special times, I call them blossom time. See, all the flowers are out now. In the same way human flowers have come in the seeking. Seeking the truth. For ages, they have been seeking the truth and now they are born at this special time, to get their aim. So many of them got lost because they did not know what to seek. Even the science is a ‘seeking’. And the seeking in the science is in the limited area. Because science is diversified. Somebody is a physicist, he will seek truths in physics. Some in the medical science, some in the chemistry, like that. And they go on diversified, all the time into different lines of seeking. But the truth is different. In the area of truth, if you have to seek, then the first thing you have to have, humility; that so far you have not known the truth. If you think you have known the truth, then nobody can force you. But if you are humble about it, that you don’t know the truth and also that you should have the purest desire to know the truth. These are special times- as I said, because, there are so many seekers who are born. And they have to get, what really they are seeking. So far there have been lots of theories about the truth. But Read More …

A gift from the divine Istanbul Military Museum, Istanbul (Turkey)

Harbiye Military Museum, Şişli-Istanbul (Turkey) 20.04.1998 I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all we have to know what is the truth. Truth is that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, conditioning but you are the pure spirit. The spirit is the reflexion of God God Almighty in your heart. So you have to seek the spirit which resides in your heart. The spirit is the source of peace, of joy but when you achieve that you get rid of all your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems.  Especially your country is very much blessed by so many Sufis you have. The word Sufi itself comes from saffa, cleanliness, cleansing.  How will this saffa will express. To begin with, Prophet Mohammed has said that you must pray and surrender yourself to the Divine. By praying you will keep your attention on the Divine seeking. But it doesn’t work out that way. It was human beings have so many weaknesses. They do not know the straight path but they go astrayed. That is why you have to have your ascent to reach the spirit state.  To reach that spirit state, there is within us the power which can give you that great state of spirituality. Already it is existing in all of you. Whatever religion you may follow, it is there. It is a gift from the Divine that you can achieve your ascent which is call as miraj (ascension) in the Quran.  This miraj, Read More …

A TV Interview (Turkey)

A TV Interview, Istanbul, Turkey, 18.04.1998 Interviewer: Sahaja Yoga, It’s founder is now in Turkey and speaking only with us. Who is she? Shri Mataji. Listen to what she is saying. Shri Mataji: All those watching me, if they have a desire,  should open their hands like this. Put your right hand on your heart and say inside, “Mother, I am not this mind, this body, these feelings, these conditionings”. I am the pure spirit.  We are carrying a feeling  of guilt inside.  But it is harmful to this center here.  Now stretch your right hand towards Me like this.  and put your left hand above your  head.  And see carefully if you feel a cool or a hot breeze  You can close your eyes if you like.  Now stretch your left hand towards Me.  and check with your right hand above your head.  Do you feel a cool or a hot breeze?  You can move your hand slowly up or down.  Now raise your both hands.  And ask one of these questions from your heart.   Mother, is what I have felt the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?  Or Mother, is this the Spirit?  Or Mother, is this the all pervading power of Divine Love?  Now look at Me but don’t think.  And you will feel a cool or a hot breeze on your hands.  also  you can feel it above your fontanel bone area.  This is the moment when your spirit starts to grow.   Interviewer: How Long Read More …

Shri Mataji on Star TV Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)

News item on Turkish TV – Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey) Saturday 18th April 1998 An Indian Guru who came to Istanbul to teach Yoga is in the focus of attention of the high society. See who kneeled before the Indian Guru wanting to find solutions for their problems. It is sufficient to spectacular welcome ceremony in Istanbul with flowers and songs to understand how popular the Indian Guru Shri Mataji is. The 75-year-old Indian guru came on a wheelchair to avoid getting tired. Devotees welcomed their Guru kneeling down before Her. Some had tears in their eyes. Not only Turks came to Sahaja Yoga conference in Istanbul. Guru’s disciples came by busses even from Malaysia and Russia. Shri Mataji continuous to receive the high society in Her hotel room in Istanbul. A concrete example of the interest shown to Her are the shoes letf in front of the door. The devotees, knowing that Shri mataji likes flowers, they decorated the hotel room with flowers. There is a strong smell of  flowers and incence in the room. One of the Shri Mataji’s visitors today is from an old Turkish family of Eczacıbaşı. Nükhet Eczacıbaşı expressed her respect by offering  flowers to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji had a conversation with Nükhet Eczacıbaşı who was sitting on her knees before Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji asked her if she fulfills her family duties. Shri Mataji:  but you were a daughter, you looked after the parents, Nükhet Eczacıbaşı: I tried my best and Yoga helped Read More …

Evening Program, Eve of Easter Puja Istanbul (Turkey)

Evening Program At Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey, 1998-04-18 (From 2:07:52 speech starts) I never expected such a beautiful pandal you have raised and the way you have organized the stage as if you are all experts on stage arrangements. I can’t understand how beautiful it was all done. Now I don’t know what to say about all the programs that you have arranged. One better than the other and it shows such a capacity you have or you have developed to organize such beautiful entertaining, continuous programs. I used to do the same when I was young. I used to arrange many programs and I know the difficulties and hurdles we had. Because the people who did that were not Sahaja Yogis. You are all Sahaja Yogis so you are also combining and you are helping each other, so beautifully. There is so much of harmony, no problem of any kind. This is something to be seen and to be felt the way it has been done. I was really surprised the way, they had the Turkish dance also. These people are beautiful dancers and they can be paid very heavily. If somehow I could introduce them to some Serena people from India. They used this kind of dance very much and but it is very difficult. I don’t know if you understand there is a myth patterns of those people who danced here and who are so fast. My husband used to always tell me that Turkish people are Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Dubai (United Arab Emirates), 1998-04-16 Shri Mataji: They wanted me to go there but something was going wrong all the time. So I just couldn’t manage. Sahajayogi:(In Hindi).Shall we do arti. Shri Mataji:(In Hindi.)Can do it afterwards.In the evening. Now I am going to be here with you all. After seeing so many people you don’t know how overjoyed I am. Tremendous. (In Hindi.) Have those things come? Sahaja yogi: Yes. It has come. Shri Mataji:(In Hindi)Why did they get it opened? Sahaja yogi:(In Hindi) That was not Yours Shri Mataji. That belonged to Ruhi. Shri Mataji:(In Hindi) Okay.Not mine? Sahaja yogi: No. Shri Mataji:(In Hindi)Why did they get Ruhi’s opened? Sahaja yogi: They just wanted to see.(Laughing)As you said ….. Shri Mataji:(In Hindi)Does Ruhi have the keys? Sahaja yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: This is supposed to be duty -free place or something.Ruhi what were you smuggling? (Laughing)(In Hindi)This has turned out well because they were very obliging, no doubt, to give us a room and I would have been very nervous about how to manage and meet in that small little room. I didn’t know they had so many Sahajayogies now. Sahaja yogi:( In Hindi)First there were 5 then 20. Sahaja yogi:(In Hindi)20-30 people more. There are twenty, thirty people who have not been able to come here. Shri Mataji:(In Hindi)Is it so? They will come. Sahaja yogi: If YOU give permission then it will happen. Shri Mataji:(InHindi)Of course, of course.Why not. Ask for permission. Read More …

Shri Rama Puja Noida House (India)

Shri Rama Navami Puja, Noida House (India), 5 April 1998. As compared to Maharashtra, Navaratri of Chaitra month of Shalivahana Shaka (dinasty) from Pratipada to Navami is celebrated with more grandeur in North India. In Maharashtra the birth of Shri Krishna (Shri Vitthala, i. e. Shri Krishna as a King) is celebrated with religious fervour as ‘Gokulashtami’ Shri Vitthala was the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He incarnated (was born) at 12:00 midnight. Shri Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born at 12:00 noon on the ninth day of Chaitra month. This day is called as Ram Navami. Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi also incarnated on March 21, 1923 at 12:00 noon, like Shri Rama, in Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh. Chhindwara is situated in east-west and south-north directions where two lines meet. This date of birth is as per calendar based on solar months. But as per the calendar based on lunar months, Shri Mataji’s birthday was due on the first day of the first month i. e. Chaitra month of Shalivahana Shaka 1845. In Maharashtra the first day of Chaitra is known as Gudi Padwa. This happens to be the birthday of Shri Mataji as well as the day of coronation of King Shalivahana. Now Shalivahana Shaka 1920 commences from March 28, 1998 as Chaitra Pratipada, the first day of the first month. Shri Ram was the ideal husband where as Shri Sitaji was an ideal wife and the Children born to them, known as Lav and Kusha, were Read More …

Birthday Felicitations New Delhi (India)

Evening Program, 75th Birthday Celebrations Talk starts at: 2:43:56. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi: “It was a real feast, isn’t it? And also your guitar from the West has been so well managed for Indian music. In the guitars as you play you cannot create melody because it breaks all the time, but with this one, you see, how it was created, just like sarod, I would say. Now, Mister [SOUNDS LIKE Butt]’s Guru and his Guru’s Guru I have met [SOUNDS LIKE alone] in [SOUNDS LIKE Khazan]. Not only I’ve heard him – very good at [SOUNDS LIKE pakwadzji]. And also, what I see, the sarod, sarod also in him has come from the same. [SOUNDS LIKE Myer] style, you see. This is sarod style. The way he played was just like a sarod. To make this into a sarod is really creditable, I must say. So you can see the depth and the greatness of Indian music. You see, how they must have worked hard, how many years they must have spent. And the young gentleman on the tabla wala, the tabla wala and his Guru [SOUNDS LIKE Kishan] Maharaj, I have heard him many a time. His style is just like [SOUNDS LIKE Kishan] Maharaj. He reminds me of [SOUNDS LIKE Kishan] Maharaj. Very nice person, [SOUNDS LIKE Kishan] Maharaj was and such a… such a master of talas, you see, you don’t know we had very-very great people in this country and I am very happy to Read More …

Birthday Felicitations New Delhi (India)

Evening Program, 75th Birthday Celebrations – New Delhi (India) Sunday, March 22nd 1998 [Transcription starts at 2:27:47 of video] I really don’t know what to say but always after a program, I try to say something about it. Firstly, the first gentleman who was here – Jagganath Mishra – I must say, he brought all the atmosphere of Indian sweet culture in the villages very beautifully. For example, I’ve seen that only in India, poets have described the mischief of the children, the walking of the children – their gait, their style, their…every little bit of it. But nowhere in any country, I’ve seen, children have been described so sweetly, small little children, how they walk, how they fall and how they do mischiefs, but this is Indian speciality. That is our literature, all over you’ll find poetry describing the play of Shri Krishna, maybe of Shri Rama and all kinds of things… wonderful. Even there was a Christian gentleman who got converted, he also has written a beautiful poem about Christ’s childhood, but I haven’t seen anywhere in the literature, in the Christian community or Christian people, that they have described Christ as a child – how he was, how he looked, how he walked. It’s very interesting, and that’s what I felt today when there he was describing the… swing that we have for this season – we call it as the Vasanta, means the …as the Spring – very bad at translation. So the spring, you see Read More …

Birthday Felicitations: Put Attention To Your Spirit New Delhi (India)

75th Birthday Felicitation Program. Delhi (India), 20 March 1998. I bow to all the seekers of truth.So much has been said and really my heart is full of gratitude for all of you to come here, all the way, and the way people have described about Sahaja Yoga. To understand Sahaja Yoga, we should know where are we today in this Kali Yuga. What are we facing today? It should really make you feel quite disturbed to see the way things are going on in every country, everywhere. What’s the problem? What is the, such a need for people to become so restless, full of tensions. Collectively, country-wise, anywhere you go you find some sort of a confusion. Terrible. The whole society seems to be boiling with a kind of a fear of destruction. What is the reason? There are so many religions, so many organized, disorganized, all kinds of things. There are so many sadhus and saints. There are so many books written about what you should have. But the only one who is a seeker of truth should see one point: Why, why there is so much problem in this world and how can you help them? Where is the problem? It is inside the human being. As described, you see, we have come out of a animal stage to a human stage. We have a human awareness, no doubt. In that awareness, we start seeing all kinds of things that are not good, which are destructive, which Read More …

Adi Shakti Puja: Respect Your Wife Kalwa (India)

Shakti Puja. Kalwa (India), 31 December 1997. [Translation from Hindi to English] Today we have gathered to do Puja of the Shakti. Shakti means all the Shaktis and not any one special Shakti. All these Shaktis are situated on all our chakras and without these Shaktis no work of the Devtas can be carried out. Like you know that the Shakti of Krishna is Radha and Ram’s Shakti is Sita, Vishnu’s is Laxmi. So in the same way the abode of the Shaktis is with the devtas. The Devtas cannot do anything without the shakti. That sole shakti is situated in the center heart as Jagdamba. This Jagdamba shakti is very powerful. You know that She lives as a mother or a wife with the Devtas. Worship of the Shakti means that there will be a Puja of all the Shaktis of the Devtas. By these shaktis being spoiled our chakras get damaged and because of that all our physical, mental and emotional problems come about. That is why it is important to always keep these shaktis pleased. It is said that the Devi should be pleased. By the awakening of the Kundalini this shakti got another Shakti. There is a speciality in these shaktis, that they become one with that Omnipresent Shakti which is the Param Chaitanya,  the shakti of the Adi Shakti. Because of that oneness the shakti comes within.  All these little shaktis get integrated with the Shakti. For example if your heart shakti is weak, and when Read More …

Evening Program and Talk on Christmas eve Ganapatipule (India)

Ganapatipule (India), December 24th, 1997 (Music played on tape; then Shri Mataji says the following … ) I wish you all very Happy Christmas and very, very, very prosperous New Year. I am Myself amazed at these people who have come to the Academy and have picked up this difficult Indian music so easily. Some of them have been only for two months. Imagine, people spend all their lives learning classical music and how these people have picked it up so fast. I mean, they say it is due to Sahaja Yoga but that is really a miracle, really a miracle. Even the Indian music sung by Indian musician here today amazed Me the way they have been singing like great Ustads and I just don’t know how they have done this, and how they have achieved this, because I know in My family there was too much of music and those who were interested used to get up in the morning and practice every day for three hours in the morning, and three hours in the evening; while I find here the people coming from countries where they don’t know a word about Indian music, picking it up so fast. Maybe – I just can’t explain – maybe their previous lives they might have been in India or maybe…. that they are so talented. I can’t explain, because this is really, if it is due to Sahaja Yoga, I must say, Sahaja Yoga is something that creates miracles within Read More …

Types Of Powers through Kundalini Awakening Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi (India)

Public Program [Translation from Hindi to English] My salutations to all the seekers of truth! Firstly, we should know that truth has many interpretations, and many books have been written on this. On religion (“Dharamapurasar”) how many books, how many preaching’s, how many bhajans, how much devotion are there in front of you? Today is the special day of Guru Tegh Bahadur (“one of the ten gurus in Sikh religion”). He also said that you should be devoted to God. By being devoted to God, you can attain your inner balance, inner peace, and all the negativities that are clinging onto us will all be destroyed. But now today’s world is not like that. Nowadays, people in the world are special. On one side there are people who are seekers. They are searching and want to find the truth. And on the other side, they are people who are not afraid of anything. They are not afraid of God Almighty. If you tell them, “If you do wrong things you will go to hell,” they do not believe in such things. It is said that for seven generations people take up this sin; we do not know how much. They go through all types of sorrow and pain. Whatever you tell them, you try to scare them, whatever you tell them, that fear won’t affect them. They have become stone-hearted people. 03.00 Now killing is a big sin. Killing people in this manner, killing small children, is a very big Read More …

Talk and Evening Program, Eve of Shri Ganesha Puja Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Evening before Ganesha Puja, Cabella (Italy), 6 September 1997 I must thank Australian collectivity and all the other countries which are here. How beautifully they have organized the whole thing. They didn’t waste any time with all these programs, you see. They…. You don’t know what I must be feeling when I see all these countries which I have visited before, and I know most of you very well. The way the whole joy and happiness that you have received through your spiritual awakening, in the light of your spirit, it’s very evident and very beautifully ringing like waves, and waves. It is Sahaja Yoga’s dreams which I had, it’s more than fulfilled, I can tell you. I couldn’t understand that how – right from Australia, then Japan, then Taiwan and Vietnam, all these countries plus the greatest of all is, I would say, people from Malaysia – that we have been able to organize this spontaneously so beautifully. Somehow or other it has worked out, that’s all I can say. China – I never expected Chinese to come and sing these songs; it’s very surprising. They sang so well. I have been to China, I have never heard such nice songs there; I mean, they were very rudimentary in the beginning I’ve felt, but this time you find them really understanding what is being sung. So we have people from all over the Eastern side, and also others have joined you. Now this qawwali has completely, you see, made Read More …

Evening Program and Weddings Announcements, Eve of Shri Krishna Puja Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Evening Program Talk 1997-08-22 Evening Program At Krishna Puja, Cabella, Italy, You can see, I have become black today because of Shri Krishna. It’s very interesting how everything in this world moves according to the desire of the param Chaitanya …It’s very surprising. I wanted them to make a film about fundamentalism. It’s done very well ..We might be able to show it in India, maybe because they have already asked me to make some episodes of my life…It’s they would like to show one after the another …Somehow in India in the Television, We have many Sahaja yogis I didn’t know Even the Director, Deputy Director…They were all Sahaja Yogis,& once they came to see me in Delhi in our Ashram & said to me -(Somebody said ) Mother, You don’t like media but what about Television? I said don’t talk to me about Television, they are horrible people(Mother laughs ) ruining our lives and I gave a very big lecture you know for about  5 minutes So 2 persons came towards me holding their ears. They said Mother, we are sorry but we belong to the Television …oh  I see I am sorry if I said something …They said I am the Director & he is the Deputy Director ..of all India Institute of Television…Can you imagine…Oh my God, I said I never knew that you are here & I am sorry for what I said …So they wanted to have my…I think I had 3 interviews with Read More …

Guru Puja: A Guru Should Be Humble And Wise Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Guru Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 20 July 1997. Today’s puja is very important for us. You all have got your self realisation, you have all the knowledge that is necessary to give realisation to others. You have to know what you have already, that’s very important, because if you do not try your hand and if you do not try to give realisation to others, firstly you will have no faith in yourself – you’ll have no self esteem also.The second part is that, you try giving vibrations to other persons but don’t get involved with that person. I’ve seen some people get too much involved . If they give realisation to one person they think they have done a great job and they start working on that person, his family, his relations and this. So, so far as you must have learnt, that one may be related, one may be closer to one person but not necessarily he will have that much of a chance of self realisation. Only way to grow is to be collective, there’s no other way out. If people think that by staying away from ashrams, alone living somewhere, they will achieve much, that’s not the way Sahaja Yoga is meant. Formerly people used to go to Himalayas and most of them were separated and only one or two persons were chosen for spiritual growth. Here it is not a question of spiritual growth, it is a question of your collectivity growing in you. That Read More …

Oh Mother! Take me out of this webs of words Toronto, University of Toronto (Canada)

Public Program, Canada, 1997-0622 Yogi: Can you turn the house lights off, please? Good evening everybody and welcome to this [UNCLEAR] of program on sahaja yoga, in the presence of Her Holiness, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. We shall now going to have, now have a brief introduction on the different aspects regarding sahaja yoga and basically it is going to be an introduction to ourselves that after Shri Mataji comes and She begins Her discourse, we are going to try to have before that a background in our minds uh.. as to what exactly should we expect, what exactly we would have then and try to on the context the meaning the things that She’s going to tell you. Believe me, this evening is a [UNCLEAR] evening in the lives of all those of you who are going to see Her for the first time. To begin with, as we all know from different walks of life, through the ages the prophets and the seers, after whom the great religions have been established, have talked about an inner awakening, a search for the truth that exists within each one of us, the realization of the Divinity that exists within each one of us, the awakening of Divine potentials within each one of us and in doing so seek our integration, our union with the All-Pervading power of God. This has been called and termed through various terms, various modifications, various definitions and one of the commonest ones is yoga. Yoga Read More …

Public Program Vancouver, St. Andrew's Wesley Church (Canada)

1997-06-20 Public Program, Vancouver, Canada I bow to all the seekers of Absolute truth. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is truth. You cannot change it. You cannot transfer it and you cannot describe it. Truth is to be experienced as told by all the saints, all the incarnations. You can not purchase it. You can not pay for it. It’s a funny psychology when people say that we can’t believe you because you don’t take money. Still, I have not been able to understand why such an absurd idea prevails. Now whatever I am going to tell you today, please don’t believe me blindfolded. We have had enough of trouble from blind faith, and this blind faith has led to all kinds of problems, false, cruelties, there is no end to it. So what one has to know that unless until you experience it you are not going to believe it and I tell you because you are seekers. You are true seekers, an ardent seeker. Special people. You will go on seeking till you find the absolute. So it is important that we must now bring a full stop to our seeking and get what we have been seeking and enjoy it. You have already been told about the subtle system that exists within us. Believe me, it is there and it works wonders. It is being kept there for your evolution. This is the last breakthrough of your evolution which you have to Read More …

Thinking takes you nowhere Los Angeles (United States)

Public Program. Los Angeles (USA), 16 June 1997. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know what truth is. Absolute truth cannot be changed, cannot be described, cannot be transferred. It is, it will be and it was. So whatever I am going to tell you today, you need not accept it with blind faith. This blind faith has done so much trouble in this world. People are fighting in the name of religion, in the name of God, as if all of them are blind and don’t know what to [do]. So the absolute truth, whatever I tell you, you are not to believe it, because I am telling you. But you have to experience it. If you experience and still you are not been able to settle yourself, with yourself, then no one can help you. But as you are the seekers of truth, you have every right to know it. And at the very outset, I have to tell you, you can’t pay for it. You just can’t pay for it. Those people who are making big money here, in the name of God, in the name of truth, in the name of spirituality, don’t know that you cannot sale it. At least you must know that none of the Incarnations, who came on this Earth like Christ anyone they didn’t charge any money. This is a simple thing which you let you know that what is the truth Read More …

Mind cannot take you beyond the mind Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York City (United States)

Public Program, with Claes Nobel speech, New York I bow to all the seekers of Truth.First of all, I have to say that Truth is what is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, you cannot discuss it. It is what it is, it has been what it has been and it will be what it will be. If you accept this fact that we know truths, but we don’t know the absolute Truth. And we have to know that absolute Truth which is described in all the scriptures, because they were all talking about the Truth only.So what is the Truth? The Truth is you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, but you are the pure Spirit. You have to achieve that state of Selfhood. Unless and until you become that, you see all kinds of differences among people, among religions, among nations.So first of all, as you have been described about Kundalini, you need not have blind faith, because blind faith is more dangerous. We have had lots of problems with this blind faith. But you must keep your mind open, because you are seekers, special people, a special category of people, as described by William Blake*, who are seeking. And as seekers, you should experience whatever I am saying, and if it works, if you experience that, then as honest people you must believe it, because that’s what you are seeking and this has to spread all over the world.They have already described to Read More …