Letter, location unknown, 1991 (Location Unknown)

Translated from Marathi My dear Yogi, A lot of Sahaja Yogis felt hurt after reading Uma Vasudev’s article and I got a lot of letters. Maybe, you also receive a few letters, that’s why I’m writing this to you as some people might be upset with you, even though I think one thing might be beneficial to me. that’s why my attention went to this article. You know how I run away from people touching my feet. Why do you people let non Sahaja Yogis touch my feet? I admit that some people get their Self-realization while touching my feet but even they most of them are troublesome. I’m spared by egoistical people because such people do not come at my feet. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened to these feet? Poor feet would have gotten burnt. I’ll be grateful to Umaji if after reading this article the general public stops touching my feet. But she should not think of herself as sensible and others as fearful. Does Umaji know everyone’s desires? In this world, everyone is equal but cannot be similar. Everyone has the right to get their Self-realization and develop in that light. Sahaja Yogis believe that I’m the source of this light, based on their experiences. Then, Umaji who is unfamiliar in this matter; shouldn’t insult them by calling them sycophant. Every journalist feels that he can say anything about anyone. Yes, she can say anything about me, but it’s inappropriate to write about the whole Read More …

Shri Mahalakshmi Puja: When you are in the center you don’t think, you are in meditation Kolhapur (India)

Shri Mahalakshmi Puja. Kolhapur (Maharashtra-India), Hindi Talk, 21 December 1990. This way the three and a half shakthi (Kundalini) is residing in Maharashtra, and also the Shri Chakra is residing here.All of you know that in the central path resides Mahalakshmi and also the Kundalini is awakened in the central path. For thousands of years in this Mahalakshmi temple it is recited (chanted) UDO UDO AMBE to awaken the Amba Kundalini and the kundalini shakthi in Mahalakshmi gets awakened. For this the Amba who resides in this Mahalakshmi temple arises.Kolasur was killed here and that’s why the name Kolapur. There was a rakshasa named Kolasur and he was killed here and from thename Kolasur it is named Kolapur.Wherever you go to the temples where the prithvi tattwa (Mother Earth) has created the swayambhu statues, there, completely people started making money out of it, because of this there will be less of Chaitanya (vibrations).Now you have come (sahajayogis) and it is possible again the Mahalakshmi (vibrations) get purified. Sushmna nadi is made in the way as the three nadis and behind there is a very subtle nadi and it is called Brahma nadi. The Kundalini gets first awakened in this nadi. From this subtle Brahma nadi it passes and awakens (opens) the Brahmarandra. By awakening the Brahmarandra the self realisation starts, so in this special way Kundalini’s central path is made.Whatever is the obstacle (badhas) slowly, slowly the Kundalini awakening steadies itself through meditation. In Sahaja Yoga first we reach the peak (top) after we settle down. First we go to the top… [After this one phrase, the words are not audible and Mother tells the Maharashtrians in marathi how everybody Read More …

Public Program Pune (India)

Sarvajanik Karyakram Date 5 December 1990: Place Pune Public Program Type Speech-Language Hindi  [English translation from Hindi] I bow to the seeker of truth! Regarding truth, we must know that truth remains stationed at its place. We cannot change it, amend, organize, or implement it. Sadly, we cannot know it by human senses. That is why we see that there is discrimination in the world. People are fighting amongst themselves because they are blind to the truth. Various activities are cropping up, new thoughts emerging, new agencies, and a new set of questions. This does not concern Indians alone but the entire world. In the entire world there, is one desire crossing the minds of humans that is where are we going? Besides, what we have to achieve? When I will speak to you about this today, I request you to keep your mind open scientifically. A person with a closed mind cannot be a scientist. Whatever I am telling you please listen to it as a hypothesis. If proven then accept it with honesty. Those who live in India think that they live in bad conditions because they have not yet visited the conditions outside. Hence, they think that problems here can never get over. However, if you go to the developed countries, you will realize what kind of problems are faced by them. In America, which we consider developed 65% of people are suffering from some mental nonsense, you will hardly find anyone in the US who will Read More …

Public Program Day 2 Kolkata (India)

I told you yesterday that truth is fixed in its place. No one can change it. We just have to know the truth and achieve it. Until we have experienced the truth, it is a big mistake to accept anything as the proof of truth. Many people have their own convictions that, “This saying of mine is true, and that saying of mine is the truth. This religion is true, and that religion is true”. In this manner, we fight among ourselves, in the name of truth, but the truth is absolute. So, if the truth is absolute, and we have to know that absolute truth, then what is the need for fighting? There can be no fight because everyone knows the same truth. For example, I am standing here. Everyone watching sees that I am standing here. Now, no one can fight over the subject that I am not standing here. Everyone knows that I am standing here. Likewise, whatever is the truth should be the same for everyone. If it is not the same, then it is not the truth. Yesterday I explained to you that there can be one of the many aspects of truth, but that cannot be the complete truth. Today, we will try to know about the great truth which is hidden inside us, which is known as the spirit. And, the Kundalini, which enlightens this spirit in our attention, is situated in the triangular bone. This is present in three and a half Read More …

Adi Shakti Puja Kolkata (India)

1990-04-09 Adi Shakti Puja, Kolkata, India The people of Kolkata, I am very happy to see your progress. I know that there are many deep seekers in this city. But they do not know as yet that the time has come, where they can get what they have been searching for. You people should go to them and look for such people who are seeking the truth. That is why it is important that we should expand and spread ourselves in all directions. Along with that we should also increase our own Powers. We should change our lives also. We should also make our lives enlightened like a lamp that is always emitting light, on seeing which people should recognize – ‘this person is someone special’, ‘there is some greatness about this person’. Not just that but when you use your Powers, people will understand that these people don’t just talk but can also do whatever they say. For this, I will say that meditation and contemplation is very important.  Kolkata is a very busy city and people get engrossed in this busyness. They find very little time. This time, which we have tied on our hands like a watch is meant for our own ascent and for our progress within. If we have to grow on the inside, if we have to know ourselves from within it is important that we meditate for a sometime every day. Those people who meditate in the evening for some time and also Read More …

Ham sab Hindustani hai (India)

1990-0300 Hum Sab Hindustani Hai (We all are Indians) [Hindi to English translation] We all are Hindustani [Indians] and are living in Bharat [India]. We are nurtured from the grains and water of this land. This land is supporting our livelihood and will continue to do so in the future. For our children, for our future generation, our message should be – “Love our country. We should have a lot of affinity towards our country”.  I have seen abroad and it’s very surprising that in every country, each and every one knows about their country and are proud of their country. When we ask them, “There is so much of poverty in your country.” They say, “So what? This is our country. This country gave birth to us, we have grown here, we have brought up in this culture. This is our country and it is of great pride to us”.  In the same way every Indian also should think that Bharat [India] or which is called as Hindustan is our country. We should be patriotic. As soon as you become patriotic, you will be surprised that you will develop a lot of good qualities.  First characteristic you will develop is – all the useless aspirations, all wasteful desires will end. You will feel that if the country progresses, we will also progress.  In My lifetime, I have seen such great people. Our time was different that We saw many great people who sacrificed so much. On seeing them I Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja: Atmasakshatkati ki visheshtaye Pune (India)

SHIVRATRI PUJA TALK, Pune, 23.02.1990(Translated from Hindi) Today is Shivratri and today is the day we pray to Lord Shiva. On the outside, we can gain mastery on our body, its movements, the mind, ego and various functions. Whatever is there in the universe, we can know it and use it like whatever elements that there are in the earth, and what grows, we can use them. We can gain complete supremacy over all this. But this is all an outside manifestation. What we are within is the Spirit. We are Shiva. What is on the outside is destructible. What is born will die. What is created will be destroyed. But what is within, is our Atma, who is our Shiva, who is a reflection as Sadashiva, is indestructible, desireless and free. It is not stuck to anything. It is stainless. By obtaining that Shiva, and getting the Light of that Shiva, we also slowly get renounced. The outside remains as it is, but within, is the atma -permanent and indestructible, always emitting its Light. After Self-realization our life becomes Divine, auspicious and sacred. That is extremely important for human beings to attain. Without that, we cannot lead a balanced life and be truly collective. Nor can we have real love. Also, we cannot know the truth. The pure knowledge can be known only in the light of the Spirit. When one becomes enlightened by the Spirit, then his attention also becomes pure. He does not get involved in anything. Read More …

Public Program: Sakshi Swaroop Hyderabad (India)

Public program, ‘WITNESS STATE’, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA, 7th February, 1990 Yesterday I had told you about Truth, that Truth, at its own position, is unbreakable and eternal and we can not change it with our wisdom, with intellect, or by any other way. And what is the Truth? Truth is that we who are today in human form, as we are today in human form, in reality, we are actually the Spirit.  Today we are standing on such a ladder, where we are seeing ourselves in the form of human beings. And by rising just one step higher, we will know that we can get to a higher form than this human form, where we become the Spirit. This is a great truth, but the absolute truth is that this whole animate inanimate creation, this whole world, human beings, all living beings, matter and consciousness, all the things are living, are flourishing, are growing with the support of the (param chaitanya) all-pervading power of God’s love, and this divine power in subtle spread all around, which makes everything, which creates everything, which grows everything and as we have become human beings, that is also due to the grace of this divine power.  This Param Chaitanya has such powers, by which it can give us knowledge, such knowledge which is the sole knowledge, by which we will be able to know what we are, what is the state inside us, where are we and what is our aim. It gives Read More …

Press Conference Hotel Poonam, Pune (India)

TRANSCRIPT OF PRESS CONFERENCE HOTEL POONAM PUNE DECEMBER 27, 1989 [First six minutes of recording, Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yogis are waiting for the press to arrive. Recording resumes as Mother has started addressing the press persons who have arrived]. Shri Mataji: Which has to be attended to very seriously. It is not a frivolous subject. And, one has to understand that when our civilisation has grown so much outside, like a tree; we must also find out the roots. Because we have not tried to do that, all these problems are coming up in the whole world.  You will be surprised that the roots are in India. And that we have the knowledge. We have had that knowledge since ancient times. Of course, I must say everybody knew about it. Muhammad Saab knew about it. Jesus knew about it. Buddha knew about it. Mahavira knew about it. All of them knew about it. But they did not find people who were able to receive it. One must have the ability to receive it. And it is already described. That when this Kaliyuga would come, when this modern times would come, people would be going into a condition called “sabhrant”; means in a condition called illusion and confusion. Which is true. Because it is Indian, we should not discard it. Is wrong. We should be fair – to ourselves, to our country and to our heritage.  And that where today, when we are having all kinds of confusion, all kinds Read More …

How We Should Behave Pune (India)

Conversation with Sahaja Yogis, India Tour, 1989-12-27 [English Transcript] Today, it was again a busy day, sorting out things for you. And it was very interesting I was thinking about you all and about the people who have done so much for Sahaja Yoga. It is impossible really to say how many have worked for Sahaja Yoga with such interest and dedication. And this dedication is directed by divine force that’s why I think you people are not even aware how much you have worked so hard without getting any material gain out of it. And the joy has no value. We cannot evaluate in any human terminology nor can we describe it as to how we feel the joy of oneness together. This togetherness is very much felt in Ganapatipule. I see the leaders from all over the world have become great friends – there’s no jealousy, there’s no quarrelling, there’s no fighting, there’s no domination, there’s no shouting, nothing. Such beautiful brothers and sisters such a beautiful family we have created out of this beautiful universe. Now we have to maintain the beauty individually and collectively. Some people think that individually if you do something that is alright, but if it is not related to the collective it cannot be sahaj. Anything that you do has to be related to the collective. Now to be individualistic is a trend in the modern times and in that how far we have gone into nonsense that we know very well. Read More …

Mahalakshmi Puja Keventers, Kolkata (India)

‘Shri Mahalakshmi Puja’, Kolkata, India, 26 March, 1989 Today the great festival of Easter is celebrated all over the world, but mostly people areunaware about it.In Sahaja Yoga we have learnt, that the resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation ofChristian religion, which means that the resurrection of human beings must also take place, andon the basis of this foundation, we Sahaja Yogis also believe that without the resurrection ofhuman beings, without their transformation, we cannot follow any religion.His power was his wife who was in the Mahalakshmi form. As she was born from the ocean, shewas named after the ocean because Lord Jesus Christ was the incarnation of Shri Mahavishnu.And if you read Devi Mahatmyam, it is all described there, but we are unable to connect boththe things and see them separately.Today we are going to worship Shri Mahalakshmi. The principle of Shri Mahalakshmi isconsidered very important here, because this principle exists in the very middle of SushumnaChannel. Kundalini also rises from the Sushumna Channel. We must understand that till nowwhatever we have become, from amoeba to human beings, it is the gift of Sushumna Channelwithin us and our Parasympathetic system also works due to Sushumna Channel.When our Lakshmi principle is complete or we become satisfied with it, when Shri Lakshmiprinciple fully settles within us, at that point we move towards Mahalakshmi principle where wesearch for that absolute wealth which is imperishable.Now we see that in Bengal, both Lakshmi and Mahalakshmi principles exist to a great extent.First the Read More …

Public Program: Kundalini Ke Jagran Ke Bad Labh Noida (India)

Public Programme, Noida, India 1989-03-16 First of all, I have to say that the fate of Noida is such that no matter how much one tries, one can not arrive in time. It makes everyone wait, THIS Noida to you and also to me! (Shri Mataji is smiling  throughout) because we got late for no rhyme or reason. If any VIP is travelling on the road in Delhi, all the routes are closed, then no one can move. Likewise, don’t know how many people have to waste their time. You all were also awaiting for long and I too was awaiting that when will we reach, when we will reach? So, the fate is such that coming to Noida one gets an opportunity to enjoy the wait!  You people are awesome that you all kept waiting for such a long time and everyone is always so eager to meet their mother. I had heard that in Kaliyuga children will not care for their mother but here the situation is just the reverse. That means Kaliyuga is over, Krityuga is also over and now Satyuga has started (applause from the crowd and crowd shouting aloud Victory to Shri Mataji)  Paramchaitnya gets implemented in Krityuga. You all know, that the work of Paramchaitnya has started. If Paramchaitnya had not become active, we could not have given realization to so many people. The working of Paramchaitnya has helped so much that even if thousands of people come to the programme they achieve their Read More …

Public Program: Insan ka Pariwartan New Delhi (India)

       1989-0308 Public Program Insan ka Pariwartan New Delhi [English translation from Hindi] All those who are seeking the truth, my salutations to you saints. Truth…. what is this, and how it is going to be Sought after, there are many ideologies on this topic. Truth is only one. And that is, you are not this body, mind, ego etc, but you are the spirit. The day when you become a spirit, not by studying, writing, or by discussions, and say that ” I have become a spirit”, but if actualization of this incident takes place within you, and because of the which you attain the form of a spirit, then you can know the absolute truth.     Nowadays, in this world we think that this person is good, that person is bad, using our mind. But this is not the absolute truth. Does everyone think the same way? It is not like that. Some say this is good, some say that is good. So, it means that whatever we have known, is not the absolute truth. Only when human beings, start thinking alike, he can say that this is absolute truth. When a person is standing separately in his own freedom, then he, by his ego, and by his conditioning, gets totally influenced that whatever he thinks, he thinks with the point of view, as the saying goes that ” a man wearing a green glass, sees everything green”.      That is why Kabir Das Ji has told that ” how do Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Value Systems Ganapatipule (India)

Two Talks to yogis. Ganapatipule (India), 26 December 1988. English Transcript We have to understand that we have risen above our human awareness and at that level we were different and at this new awareness we are different people and all our priorities must change. Our value system has to change, and if it has not changed automatically we have to little bit deliberately work it out. Or else we have to see that we become really the Spirit and no more of all the falsehood of human awareness should be attached to us or we should be bothered about it. The, if you see, the principle of everything, as I see, the principle of everything, rather human endeavor, whatever it is, it is based on gathering property. Whether it is communism, or it is democracy or socialism or anything, it’s all going round and round to the point of property. Property, that may be land, that may be money, that may be anything. All economic activity surrounds that one point, is property. So the democracy, though it’s a political organization or political theory, actually is based on something very economic, economical thing called property. Then, same about communism, we can say; it’s the same thing, to, how to distribute the property, how to have the property equally, how to make everybody self-sufficient. But as soon as you become a realized soul, you have to know that your properties and your priorities are very different. Your property is your Spirit Read More …

Christmas Eve Talk: Purity and Holiness and Evening Program Ganapatipule (India)

Purity and Holiness. Ganapatipule (India), 24 December 1998. Happy Christmas to you all. May God Bless You. [Applause] The birth of Christ is celebrated all over the world, and it’s nice that we are celebrating here at Ganapatipule His birth. As you know very well in Sahaja Yoga, we have realised that the principle of Christ was Shri Ganesha. So this is the right place to celebrate the Christmas and the Birth of Christ is the – absolutely coincides today and I am very happy that you have chosen Ganapatipule for that. Now as you know very well, that Ganesha’s principle became the principle of Christ at the Agnya Chakra. And that’s a very important centre that we have within ourselves which has given us a new dimension to our personality, that we can resurrect ourselves as Christ resurrected Himself; so the message of His life is resurrection. So from His birth He got His resurrection done, in the same way you are born again when you get your Resurrection, or you become Sahaja Yogis. On the same principle it works. But He had to physically pass through all the penance, as we say that He died for us, for our sins; but now as He has done that for us, the Agnya Chakra is absolutely at our command, that we can open it out whenever we like, if we are Sahaja Yogis, and we can enlighten that Chakra also. This is the Chakra always caught up by people who Read More …

6th Day of Navaratri Pune (India)

1988-10-16 Sixth Day of Navaratri 1988 Pune (Translated from a talk given in Hindi)This is a worship of the Shakti. Until now many saints, sages have known and revealed about this Shakti. Whatever they could not describe in prose, they trued to convey by poetry. Whatever description was not possible to put in words – they composed different names of the Devi and described. We know all this and many people also know the meaning of this. But one thing they perhaps do not know is that every human being has all these Shaktis “Powers” dormant in them and they can awaken them. These dormant powers are eternal and limitless.Besides the thirty three crores of ‘Devas’, there are many Shaktis. But we can say that this ‘Self-Realisation’ that we have achieved today, has been achieved through working of some Shakti or the other. Without this you could not have achieved the ‘Self-Realisation’.You have received your Self-Realisation in ‘Sahaj’ way. Now there are two meanings of Sahaj. One meaning is you have got it easily. The other meaning is, – like any living process this has happened on its own. You have received it on your own.But when one starts thinking about the living process, you will be surprised, – your brain will stop functioning. Suppose you are looking at a tree, what is the power that makes it grow up to that particular height? Which power has made it so, that it can have this particular appearance?, these looks. Most Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Why did we come to Sahaja Yoga? Mumbai (India)

Shri Ganesha Puja 18 sept 1988 Mumbai God’s creation started from Brahmanand, we also call that Omkar. This sound which spread in the world spread purity. God spread first purity in the world that is called chaitanya that you can now know also. You can experience it now also. The same Omkar. We worship Sri Ganesh in every worship. Today you have organised very nicely for the worship of Sri Ganesh. When we worship something we see the different form of that also. Some people ask for, some ask for money some ask for work some ad for publicity and recognition some ask for honour some ask for service some for business, some ask our house should be built. So people worship Ganesh for such things. Our Siddhi Vinayak was activated by me many years ago. People go there and ask for different things. But  SiddhiVinayak will not give these things. There are many people they give you diamond panne and take your many things. He is formless he has no shape. So first of all the form of Sri Ganesh is formless people worship him in form. But Sahaja yogi should know what is the aim of our life?. What do we want? Have we achieved that? Have we fulfilled our destiny? Why did we come to Sahajayoga.? Did we come to get something or get good business or get honour to win in the election? Sahayogi should know when we came for a new aim, what we will Read More …

Akshaya Tritiya Puja Talk: Pray and ask for that eternal love of God Pune (India)

[Hindi to English translation] From ancient times, on this auspicious day (Akshay Trutiya), people asked God for many things. For example, many people ask on this day that – God let it rain in Maharashtra so our farms will get good produce. Asking that is okay that farms should get good produce, that it should rain, people should get food. And beyond that? You did not ask for anything eternal. It will rain, and people will get food, but this is not something that is eternal, which cannot be bypassed, and that you will not have to see scarcity again here – nobody can say that. And what happens if it rains? Then they will again do things by which they will displease the Divine, and then again there will be no rainfall. The human mind is such; when asking God, they don’t think why such a situation has come, or what mistake have we committed. Now in Maharashtra, a lot of prosperity came, and sugar factories came up which started producing a lot of sugar. And after that, they started making alcohol. They did not think that by making alcohol, they will make money but they are acting against the Divine. And in this kali yuga…ever since the Kruta-yuga (age of action) has started, now these things will not be tolerated for long… They started making alcohol, in that they brought politics, and caused losses to the poor. Those who grew a lot of sugarcane became crazy – they started saying that Read More …

Evening Program, Sahaj Yogiyon Ko Upadesh Ganapatipule (India)

Evening Program, Sahaj Yogiyon Ko Upadesh [English translation from Hindi] 0:00 – 0:07[Marathi] 0:32 – 2:07 [Hindi] Firstly, the Sahaja Yogis coming from Delhi and Mumbai are not our guest.  Our guests are the Sahaja Yogis who have come from abroad.  The buses were funded by them for their conveyance from Mumbai to this place.  It is unfair that you all have used their conveyance to reach this place and all of them (Sahaja Yogies from abroad) are stranded and waiting there.  Kindly be aware that all of you are not guests but are here to serve the Sahaja Yogies who have come from abroad.  Kindly improve your habits. Last time, I had to personally pay Rupees 35000/- for your transportation.  It will be better if you come walking to this place or else only one bus will be arranged for your conveyance.  I hope I have made myself clear. It is absurd that all of you conveniently used their transport and left them stranded.  They are the ones who have paid money for these buses. They are helping Sahaja Yoga.  2:12 – 3:39 [Hindi]  Please send all the buses right away to get them.  Also, only one bus number will be announced for all of you present here.  Except for that bus, no other bus shall be used by any Indian Sahaja Yogi for their use.  Only one bus shall be arranged for your transportation throughout the day. Learn from these Sahaja Yogis, to be disciplined.  Also, how they Read More …

Conversation during Indian music recital YWCA Camp, Pawling (United States)

Conversation during an Indian music recital, “find the lost American seekers”, 1987-08-06 I am really overwhelmed, really overwhelmed by your love and devotion.May God bless you. You don’t know how happy I feel to be with you here. And I have been rather very upset about the future of America, the way things are moving. I’ve been thinking what should we do? Should we take all the Sahaja Yogis from here to India and settle there? [Applause] Or bring more Sahaja Yogis from abroad to strengthen you here? It’s very sad that there are so many Americans whom we have not been able to locate and that they are lost somewhere. You have to find means and ways of bringing them. After seeing you I see a great hope. I hope all of us put together, we will do something great. We will be able to get some more and more Americans. How many times I have been here? But was difficult. Let us see what we can do. I do not know if they have scheduled Me to come this year again.  If they have, I might come for 2-3 days to San Diego again and we may have a nice public program here.But first of all, you all have to prepare yourself. You have to be very, very much embedded in Sahaja Yoga, just like lotuses. So that people feel the fragrance of your presence and they come to achieve their Self-realization and to enjoy life as you all are enjoying. You have to pray for it, you have to Read More …

Birthday Puja Mumbai (India)

Transcript and Translation Birthday Puja 1987-0321 [English Transcript] Shri Mataji (in English): The way you have greeted Me today, it is beyond words to express the joy of a Mother. Today you have celebrated it in a Western way and I am very happy about it. All over the world, your brothers and sisters are celebrating My birthday. You all have to think about them. Also, the way we are sitting on a chair, on a Puja day is a very novel thing. Something very new to us. But this I had to do many a time in other countries. So somehow, with this atmosphere, I am not missing them much. I thought they are sitting among you, expressing their love. It is very hard to talk on your birthday to people who love you so much. That is such a rapport that One feels it is better to be quiet. To feel all the delicate, beautiful, silent expressions of love. I do not know whether I should thank you for all this. Normally, that is done. But never a Mother has been so much felicitated. So I do not know what a Mother has to answer. All this love that is expressed here. [Hindi Translation] (In Hindi): You have greeted Me today, I greet you as well. All over the world, one does not know in how many places, your Mother’s birthday is being celebrated. About that, I have to say, they are also sitting among you here, giving Read More …

Conversation with Dr. Talwar Mumbai (India)

English translation of Shri Mataji’s talk in Hindi. Conversation with Dr. Talwar and other Sahaja Yoga leaders on February 26 and 27 1987 on the occasion of Shivaratri puja in Mumbai. Sahaja Yoga was known to me all along. It is a unique knowledge with which I was born. It was not so easy to reveal it and I wanted to find out how to reveal it. First of all, I thought that the seventh chakra must be opened, which I did, on 05th may 1970. It is a secret in a way. Formerly, the brahmachaitanaya was avyakta. It was not manifested. It was not expressed by itself, and so the people who managed to reach brahmachaitanya somehow, by attaining ‘Realisation’ said, “It was nirakar ka guna. You are like a drop that gets dissolved in the ocean.” No one could say, explain or tell people anything more about it. The great incarnations also who came out of this great ocean of brahma-chaitanya, tried their best to share it with the best available followers (which were very few) and introduce them to this Brahma-chaitanya. But because the brahma-chaitanya was not in a vyakta form, these incarnations got dissolved in it. Like gyaneshwara took his samadhi. People said that he cannot talk. It has to be experienced. So very few people got to swallow it. Nobody could actualise the experience by feeling on their fingertips, or feel it on their senses, or on their minds, or even understand it with their Read More …

Conversation with doctors about epilepsy New Delhi (India)

Conversation with doctors about epilepsy, New Delhi (India), 4 November 1986. [A Hindi transcript with English portions] Shri Mataji: That is supraconscious. He will be in trouble. Sahaja Yogi: The one on the Left Shri Mataji: Yes, he will face physical problems. Sahaja Yogi: He will trouble others. Shri Mataji: He will scold others. He will be sick and trouble the heck out of other people as well! [She used a strong Hindi idiom] Such is the right-sided. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, please, tell about epilepsy. Shri Mataji: Epilepsy is left-sided. Epilepsy can happen also by chance but there has to be vulnerability. A vulnerability, supposing a child is born and the mother dies at that time. He’s born or lived under bad circumstances. If your psyche is weak, you become vulnerable for any entity to enter. Then he can’t bear it. Sahaja Yogi: It’s a possession. Shri Mataji: It keeps [fits] coming and going. It’s not a permanent one, a permanent one is a lunatic. [Sahaja Yogi: Plain and simple]. The person cannot tolerate it and falls unconscious. Why? Because of virus. What is virus? Viruses are also some dead vegetable which have gone into our Collective Subconscious. So, that attacks. Sahaja Yogi: So, Mother, they all hide in the Left Swadishthan? Shri Mataji: No, they hide beyond, much beyond. Firstly, you have your present-subconscious, what has happened in your recent past. Then, you have your past-subconscious. Then you have your past-past-subconscious, meaning, your past lives. Post that, we Read More …

You have to have an open mind to understand God’s love Mavalankar Auditorium, New Delhi (India)

Public Program [Starts at 53:42 on video] I bow to all the seekers of truth. Today, in these modern times, we are face to face with lots of complicated problems, lots of shocks that are awaiting us. And then we look back to understand why have we failed. What has gone wrong with all of us? Whatever way the human beings have moved, in whatever direction they have tried to achieve something, the whole thing has recoiled on the whole humanity and has destroyed it. One must stop at this point and witness the reason, the basic reason, what mistake we have committed. We talk of love, we talk of peace, world peace, but the peace is not in your hearts. Peace is not within. You are in a turmoil and how can you bring forth peace all over? If the sea is full of waves which are in a turmoil, how do you expect the boat to be steady? The reason is we are not trying to find out what is wrong with us. But we are all the time trying to find out what is wrong with others. But who is the other? We are all part and parcel of one Great World. God has not created many countries. He never knew about these things. He will be surprised if He visits His world. He will be surprised the way we have divided ourselves into countries countries, countries and from one country to another country, you move like Read More …

Garden Reception New Delhi (India)

Garden Reception, 1986-11/03, New Dehli, India No, in that, so many dimensions have been shown.I am SHE knows Yantra Vidya, Tantra Vidya, Yagnya Vidya. SHE knows Adhyatma Vidya. SHE has mentioned all the qualities of Devi. There is not even one such quality in these gurus, not even one! Except Economics, they don’t know anything. They are modern gurus.Sahaja Yogi: How do they establish themselves even for a short period?Shri Mataji: Don’t know! You people only establish them. If we observe, they are actually pocket mars. You people only establish them. What can I do? Can’t understand anything!Sahaja Yogi: They are numbered in lakhs.Shri Mataji: They are in lakhs. Recently some had come. There were some diggers. They didn’t dig anyone in Delhi! I said as they say when jackal’s death awaits him, he goes towards city. I said, he has exactly come out towards the city. Now let him jump. He has accumulated crores of rupees. Now you sing a song. [Music].I have written a new song for New Year.Shri Mataji to a Sahaja Yogi: See he (singer) has become a spontaneous poet. He has become a great spontaneous poet.Singer: But I am not writing anything.Another Singer: You make me to write.Shri Mataji,” Go on writing.” Van Pyar Jag Mag karta Hai Sansar, Aao Aao Re Saare Hil Mil Ke Swagat Gao Re Aaya Deepon Ka Tyohaar (2)Paaya Maa Se Pawan Pyaar (2)Jag Mag karta hai Sansar (2)Aao Aao Re, Saare Hil Mil Ke Swagat Gao Re Saare Hil Read More …

Diwali Puja Pune (India)

Diwali Puja (Hindi/Marathi). Pune (India), 1 November 1986. Ask them to stop bursting the firecrackers, otherwise how can I talk? [English Translation from Hindi] On this auspicious occasion of Diwali, we have arrived here at this Punyapatnam (Pune). Since time immemorial, the festival of Diwali has been celebrated in our country. However, the ‘Deepavali’ (arrangement of lamps) of Diwali started with the beginning of Sahaja Yoga. The lamps that were lit during Diwali used to get extinguished in some time. The next year, Diwali would be celebrated by putting oil and a wick in a new lamp. In this manner, every year, new lamps used to be bought. The speciality of the lamp was that at first, it would be put in water and made completely wet and then dried so that the lamp does not absorb the oil in it. It then used to burn for a long time.But we have been celebrating the Diwali of the heart since Sahaja Yoga started. The heart is the lamp which has the wick and we light it by putting in the oil of love. But before putting in this oil, we have to cleanse the heart completely of all impurities and then decorate it beautifully. When this love is firmly established in our hearts, then the heart does not absorb it. When someone loves you, for example, at first your mother loves you, your father loves you and then some others also love you, you absorb that love within yourself. The Read More …

Public Program Kolkata (India)

Public Program, Kolkata, India, 13.10.1986 Translation from Hindi: I bow to all the seekers of the Spirit. I don’t understand how to tell that I don’t go or come anywhere, I am always with you. But with the thought that you people think that I will go away, I feel bad too. In the entire world there are many Sahaja Yogis, when I leave one, I think of all of them. And wherever I am going, there people are enthusiastically and joyfully waiting for Me. This is a dilemma. But this coming and going is the way of life. What we achieved in that is only important. And the most important is to achieve your Spirit. One person asked Me today, “I did not understand what the benefit of doing Sahaja Yoga is. So you please make me understand in simple language”. I told him everything, but if you want to understand, I’ll make you understand with a simple analogy. Like how a car is, think of our life also the same way and God gave us this life. There is an accelerator and a break in the car. We don’t yet know how to drive the vehicle. So if we suddenly apply the break, the vehicle stops immediately and if we accelerate, don’t know in which pot hole we will land up in. Slowly we learn how to balance it and in balancing we learn how to drive the vehicle. When we learn this balancing completely, and when we Read More …

Public Program Kolkata (India)

1986-10-12 Calcutta Public Program (Hindi) And I request you, that all those who are wandering in search of God, they too will have to take support of music first. Without that the work will not be done because the speciality of our Indian music is such that it can only be attained only by austerity and hard work. Human beings can have vision of the Divine in it’s various aspects such as it’s gravity, it’s flight, it’s spread, it’s depth, it’s delicacy. And all music emanates from that Om(AUM), which is known to people as the Spirit(Atma). Therefore, when man becomes engrossed in this music it is easy for him to find(get to) God. Maybe you find my words a bit poetic and they seem somewhat far from reality, maybe it feels, that I’m saying like this just to please the musicians, but this is not true. We also have seven energy centres(chakras) within ourselves and in total there are twelve chakras, similarly music also has seven notes and including five other notes the whole scale is formed. When Kundalini moves on our chakras, it produces a sound(note) The same notes are considered in our music. Our Indian music was founded by great visionaries, sages and saints. They may be belonging to any religion, be born in any part of the country – North, South, East, West – wherever they may have taken their birth, but considering the Spirit as the foundation, the whole musical edifice is built. They didn’t Read More …

Public Program Kolkata (India)

Public Program, Calcutta, India, 11 October 1986 Sahaja Yogi Compere Dr. Talwar introducing Sahaja Yogi ‘Yogi Mahajan’ on the stage Not very audible till 11 secs…. His father was none other than the Chief Justice of India, Mr Justice Mahajan, Mehr Chand Mahajan and Yogi himself (not very clear) in the field of spiritual. He has worked long in this field because he is a yogi by heart without anything to do with his name. Yogi came before on the request (sounds like) of Shri Mataji a few years ago and ever since has done the (not very clear) because he found something there which he had not been able to establish in an oldest seeker (not very audible..) I would not like to say anything more. (not very clear from 00.01.03 to 00.01.16). The person who has established himself in the field of generosity (not very clear from 00.01.22 to 00.01.33). And at a very young age he was exposed to such a divine (not very clear from 00.01.38 to 00.01.43) and today has vast (not very clear from 00.01.46 to 00.02.05). So I request Shri Yogi Mahajan to come and address us first and then call (not very clear from 00.02.11 to 00.02.15). Shri Yogi Mahajan. You can come from this side. 00.02.54 Sahaja Yogi ‘Yogi Mahajan’ addressing the gathering in English Respected elders, brothers and sisters. It is most auspicious that start of in Calcutta and welcome Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to seek her today on the Read More …

Public Program Day 1: Sahajyog ke Anubhav Kolkata (India)

1986-1011, Sahaja Yog Ke Anubhav, Kolkata, India.(Experiences Of Sahaja Yoga) It is very easy to say what the truth is. Truth is what it is, and that is you are the spirit. You are the spirit, which is beyond the notions of mind, intellect, body and ego. But the light of that spirit hasn’t been reflected in your awareness. Or you can say that the light of that spirit has not yet dawned upon you. But when we put our attention on truth, then we think that truth is very harsh. A very difficult thing. Like a long time back it was said,” Satyam Vade, Hitam Vade”. (Truth that is said is beneficial). So how do we connect it? So Shri Krishna said it very beautifully that, “Satyam Vade, Hitam Vade, Priyam Vade”. That is what is beneficial and loving to the spirit is what has to be expressed. Maybe it is hurtful at the time, but later might become beneficial and loving. Even with all this understanding, sometimes we forget that God is love. And the truth is also love. As a mother when she loves her child she knows all about him. From that love arises that truth which is her child. And the emotion of love is also the product of human awareness. In reality, truth can’t get attached to anything. It is similar to sap from a tree, which climbs to the branches, the leaves, the flowers, the fruits and nourishes them and goes back down Read More …

7th Day of Navaratri, Shri Mahadevi Puja Kolkata (India)

 1986-1010 7-th Day of Navaratri, Shri Mahadevi Puja Pt 1 Talk, Kolkatta, 10 Oct. 1986 [English translation from Hindi] To all devotees and followers of truth, who have assembled here for the Puja, I offer My protection.  In this Kalyug of today, when so much devotion and homage for the Mother, and so much love comes into the hearts of human beings, then we can know that Satya Yuga (the Golden Age) has begun. This is a most fortunate and Divine coincidence for Me also, that on a Sashti Day I came to Kolkatta.  Because, in the shastras (scriptures) it is written that the coming of the Mother is always on Sashti day.  Sashti Day, (sixth day of Navaratri), is of Shakhambari  Devi;  and on that day the whole Nature should be green and lush.  Although I have heard that there were severe floods here, which caused great hardship to everyone; still I see that everywhere the Nature is green.  The roads got washed away, but no trees appear to have fallen or got their branches broken.  This means that there must be a hidden reason behind this action of Mother Nature.  Some latent or hidden cause; some unknown or secretive activity.  The situation in Kolkatta , due to many reasons, has become inauspicious, impure and corrupt.  From this we should understand that it has become very necessary, and that is why Devi’s displeasure is being expressed, and a great wave of cleansing has taken place.  In Kolkatta, where sakshat Devi Read More …

2nd Day of Navaratri, Shri Gauri Puja Pune (India)

1986-10-05 Navaratri, Shri Gauri Puja (Hindi/Marathi) First, I will talk in Hindi and then in Marathi language. All of you should try to learn Hindi as it is our national language. [Hindi Translation] The name of Pune is famous in the Vedas, Puranas and many other such places. It is called as Punyapatnam. The river which flows in this place is called as Mula river. It has been flowing here for thousands of years and is making this place full of punyas.We do not have a complete knowledge about punyas. Many people feel that if we give something to the poor, distribute some things, tell the truth or have certain desires then we get punyas. Maybe this collection of punyas takes place but it is like filling up a lake drop by drop. The meaning of punyas that is known is doing the work by which God is satisfied and becomes happy. We should do such works. A person who does this kind of work is really Punyavaan (one who has punyas) because when he pleases God, then God’s blessings fall upon him and he gets punyas. The powers of God which flow into such a person create something like a new consciousness or a new personality or a new status in him. This new status is such that when this person goes to any house, any country, any place, there the blessings of God start raining down. It is as if he has an umbrella and those who come Read More …

Public Program: About all chakras Kolkata (India)

Public program. Kolkata (India), 2nd of April 1986. Translation from Hindi: Sahaja Yoga commenced as a small blade of grass, which has now grown to the size of sea. But it has to further grow to the size of Ocean. Now, I am totally convinced that this can grow further to the shape of  a big Ocean, in this Mahanagar. Today, I would like to tell you about the purpose of Sahaja Yoga and the benefit meted out  to mankind by  the awakening of Kundalini. Mother’s nature is such that whenever she has to give any thing bitter, she has to sweeten  the same  and  give it. But, it is not like that in Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga the outer covering is sweet and  the inner portion is also very beautiful. Sahaja Yoga, as you are aware is, Saha means, it is born with you. This is such a Yoga, which is your birthright, and you have to obtain it. As told by Shri. Balgangadhar Tilak Sahib in a crowded court that independence is our birth right. In a similar manner, it is our birth right to know  about  our svatantra. This tatva of ‘sva’ tantra has been made in our system by God Almighty most beautifully, thousands of years ago. This is the reason, why we do not have to do anything about it. Only Kundalini gets awakened  and when  you get related to  the  all -pervading creation  of Almighty, and  bind with its strength of love, then Read More …

Birthday Puja Kolkata (India)

Birthday Puja (Hindi). Kolkata (India). 1 April 1986. [English Translation from Hindi] Since 21st March, you all are celebrating My birthday… and, in Bombay too, birthday was celebrated for 4 days with full vigor… after that birthday was celebrated in Delhi, and today too, it feels that, you all will keep celebrating My birthday. This tent has been decorated so beautifully… with flowers… and with different colors… all decoration has been done so much, that words stop, seeing the artists, that, how, with their heart, they have made such a talent-ful thing, in so little time. Today, the special thing is such that, mostly, in these days, when, Easter happens, I am in London… and every Easter Puja happens in London only. So they sent news that Mother, wherever You are, wherever Your puja happens, remember us there, and here we will do the Easter Puja that day. Arrangement of the Puja today happened so quickly… and with so much beauty… all this is immense blessing of God, that He, made such arrangement happen. But, here, a very big work is starting from today. Till now, I used to talk a lot about false gurus, and very openly I told about them, that how much they are wicked, how much they are demonic, and how they stop the path of true seekers, and put them in misunderstanding, and put them on a totally reverse path… and for this, many people said that it is not good to talk about such Read More …

Patience is the ocean that you get when you love someone New Delhi (India)

Birthday Public Program, March 29th, 1986, Delhi, India I bow to all the Sahaja Yogis and to all the seekers of truth. After listening to all these beautiful words of My children, Mother cannot know what to say. It is very difficult to express My feelings of complete joy! Keval Anand! First time when I came to Delhi, I met a set of people and I felt it might be an impossible situation in this place, where they have not even heard the word ‘kundalini’. They had heard the word ‘Kundali’. And they asked Me, “Is this the Kundali that we have to see before we get married?” I was really shocked! I said , “Now, this is too much, that I have to talk to them, from the very beginning the meaning of the word Kundalini.” While in the west, the seeking has been so intense, that people went into deeper seeking into books and those who came to me knew about Kundalini. Also they told Me, that most of the seekers have reached the conclusion, it is the Kundalini,which will give us realisation. But today to find so many people, those who have got realisation, not only that, but they are so well equipped, so highly evolved, that I can only bow to them. When we deal with new people the Sahaja Yogis have to understand certain basic things as I understood Myself, when I first came to Delhi. Must know that they do not know a word Read More …

Devi Puja: Sahaj Dharma Kya Hai (What is Sahaj dharma) (Morning) New Delhi (India)

23-February-1986What is Sahaja DharmaDevi PujaNew Delhi, IndiaTalk Language: Hindi, English | Transcript: Draft [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi] Shri Mataji: In Delhi, Sahaja Yoga is growing with a very great force. And when something starts to grow, it should be remembered that, while it is spreading more, its most precious aspect, its quality, should not go down. If its quality falls, then such spreading out will not gain anything. That is why the quality of Sahaja Yogis should remain good.  Now, an appeal has to be made to you about one thing. That, from your perspective, the three things that were asked from God Almighty – those have been granted. One of them is ‘salokhya’ which is, we can see God Almighty. ‘Sanidhya’ – that we can be with God Almighty. Companionship. ‘Samitya’, meaning we can be close to God Almighty. Three things you have attained. And there are many other things happening by which you can understand that, I am, in reality, Bhagwati.  Now a photo can come from France, where you can see, there is great light right over My Heart. Standing at the seashore. So, many such things have happened. My photos have appeared over the clouds in the sky. In a variety of such ways, you can prove it. But, I have given you one more thing that is greater than all. Which is called ‘tadatyma’. And this is the most difficult thing. For Me also and through which this work has taken place. Tadatmya means Read More …

Public Program Day 2: Dharm Acharan Sir Shankar Lal Concert Hall, New Delhi (India)

Public Program Day 2, Dharm Acharan, Delhi, India, 22.02.1986 Translation from Hindi: Yesterday, I told you, when devotion and deed unite together, you start behaving in the same manner as the one to whom you are devoted to, and you start following the path, shown by him, and then the actual religion is awakened within you, the religion is established in you. There are many people, who follow others but they do not have devotion towards them, and there are many others, who have the devotion but do not follow their manners. For example, I have seen that there are many people who get the feeling that ” we should do social service. We should serve people”. But, when you serve people, it is very surprising that  involuntarily you develop the feeling of ego. As an example, you would have seen that the people from the missionary, when they try to spread their religion, they forget that they themselves are not in the Path of Jesus Christ. Many times, Jesus Christ must have told that first of all you have to be resurrected. You consider yourself blind until and unless the spirit is awakened within you. In spite of being told in different ways, these people are in imaginary illusion (bhramak kalpana) that they are doing the work of the missionary. And by serving the poor, or by treating few patients they think that they are serving the God. This is not the service of supreme Being. This is the Read More …

The Essence of Gita Sir Shankar Lal Concert Hall, New Delhi (India)

Public Talk in Shankar Lal Hall, Delhi (India), 20 February 1986. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. I am very happy that this book is now published and a subtler side, a deeper dimension of ‘Gita’ is being brought, to the readers. As Krishna was a great diplomat and understood that human beings are very clever and they cannot accept truth in a straightforward manner. He, in His advice to Arjuna used His diplomacy and the essence of His diplomacy is always specially of the defined, Divine Diplomacy which He used that give absurd conditions and solutions to such difficult people who are so proud of their limited intellect. That’s a difference between a father and a mother I should say. As we say in Hindi ‘Sidhe Haath ghee na nikle tho tedhii ungli karni pardti hai’ [Meaning: when we can’t take out ghee with straight finger, we have to bend our finger. Famous proverb implying that when we can’t get a work done in a straight way, we need to bend our ways.]. The first and foremost thing we have to understand that Shri Krishna is a Divine incarnation and He came at a time where we needed to understand what is the essence of dharma. For example I have been quite surprised the way people explain Him as far as the hinsa is concerned. That Shri Krishna preached ahinsa to such an extent that we have to look after all the mosquitoes of Delhi. Such absurd Read More …

Public Program Day 3: Sadhak Wahi Hota He Jo Sath Leta He Jaipur (India)

1986-02-19 Public Program in Jaipur Sahaja yogi: Jai Shri Mataji! All the brothers who are standing outside, please come inside. In a short while Shri Mataji is going to come. All the brothers and sisters who are waiting for Shri Mataji, please come inside. As soon as you come inside we will start the program. Please come inside. Song in the background Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji is going to come. Till then we will talk a little about Sahaja Yoga. Please come and sit in your respective places. Brothers who are standing behind, please sit down. Jai Shri Mataji! Today we have gathered here on the third day of the program to receive something and learn more about what we want to receive. We are all are here for that purpose. Today, Shri Mataji will tell you about some more chakras, and also about Sahasrara, but before She comes, I want to explain about the same chakras in an easy way, through this chart, so that when She talks about chakras you will understand it better. Anybody can come to the chart. I don’t need anybody to speak, but someone who can understand when I speak about the chakras to point them out. The chakra names are universal. This Sahaja yogi is a doctor who has come from England and his name is Dr. Bogdan. Together we will explain about chakras. I will talk, and he will show the chakras with the pointer. Yesterday, Shri Mataji told you about the Read More …

Workshop on False Gurus Problems among seekers Jaipur (India)

Workshop, day 2, Jaipur [India], February 19th, 1986 Take your seats Looks like the Doctor has worked very hard upon you all The old man: [Unclear] [Speaker advices everyone to sit in front] Shri Mataji: [To the lady] OH! How are you? Did you just touch MY feet! [Shri Mataji enquires about another person. The lady conveys that he/she has had a heart attack. Shri Mataji is telling her to bring that person along, he can get cured. Shri Mataji pats her] Very well! [Some light conversation – Unclear] Shri Mataji [sits down]: My throat is sore because of giving innumerable talks. [Someone from the audience – unclear]. It looks to Me that you people have entered the kingdom of God. Understand that you have taken your seats there but now, how will you know that you have reached there? Try to desire something, anything – God is watching, you are His disciples. He will fulfill every desire of yours in a very beautiful manner. Another thing to look at is collective consciousness. Now you people are collectively conscious because the way the Spirit is designed, it is collective, indicating there is nothing else left. On your fingertips, you can know which of your chakras are catching as well as others’. Now all you have to learn is the Deities of each chakras and how to please them. Both for yourself and for others. So, all you have to do it, feel on your hands. Let’s try to understand, there Read More …

Public Program Day 2: Kundalini Ka Jagran Ek Jivant Kriya Hai Jaipur (India)

1986-02-18 Second Public Program in Jaipur (Hindi) Translation from Hindi: On seeing the welcoming by the worshippers of Jaipur, a Mother’s heart is overwhelmed with joy. I bow to you all worshipers. As I had told yesterday, we went to a wrong street in Jaipur where we did not find seekers of God. But today, with great happiness and joy, after meeting you all we have to say in this place of believers, there are many people are seeking God. And one should only seek God. Shri Krishna has said, “Yogakshemam Vahamyaham” (prosperity and welfare is looked after by Me). Without union with God there cannot be wellbeing. People are devoted to God. We remember God, call to Him with respect. But till now if we have not made any connection with God; if we are not in His kingdom, then how can God hear us? Sudhamaji also had to go and meet Shri Krishna. In the same way you have to have the ‘Yoga’ [union] first. After the union, the wellbeing takes place so nicely that people are surprised. I don’t do anything. It is you own Kundalini which is awakened. In Mother Earth, if you sow a seed, Mother Earth Herself germinates it. But what does She actually do? You are the seed, you are the germinate and you are the Power. Only the activation is needed. Once activated, it naturally germinates. Awakening of the Kundalini is a living process. We do not understand that God is a Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Learn to love yourself New Delhi (India)

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Learn to love yourself, Hindi, New Delhi, India, 16 February 1986 [Translation from Hindi to English] Bhajans Time: 16:31 mins Speech starts Seeing your heartfelt welcome, I feel overwhelmed. Among Delhiites, as much as the love increases, that much the way to well-being will increase. The people who are indifferent towards love cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. The amount of love we can give to others you can’t even imagine. Because the ocean of love lives in us. Till now we haven’t even had a glimpse of the steepness of love. God has made us, He has made us in love. The Chaitanya [vibrations] you know of and the Brahma [the All Pervading Power] you feel – this Brahma [All Pervading Power] is also His love. Only love is the truth. When a man loves someone, or when a women loves a child or loves her husband – she will know everything about them. Still it is knowing outwardly. When you know about someone based on their vibrations, then you come to know everything about them, at once. This you yourself have experienced in reality. You know that on your fingers you can understand the vibrations, you can know yourself and you can know of others. But till now we haven’t yet got the faith that this Chaitanya [vibrations] is love. It is the love of God. It is the Power of love. We often relate Power with destruction, we relate it to someone’s jealousy. But Read More …

Musical Program (Afternoon) Ganapatipule (India)

1985-1231 04:47 [Shri Mataji] Mr Dayal from Satara 04:54 [Sahaja Yogi] Mr Dayal from Satara please come along, if Mr Dayal is here then come on the stage. 05:30 [Shri Mataji] Dayal if you are present then come front 06:24 [Shri Mataji] James06:27 [Shri Mataji] Is Mr James here06:41 [Shri Mataji] Ray are you here08:09 [Shri Mataji] Now we will have a program presented by Delhi people, how long is that? 08:17 [Sahaja Yogini] Not long it is 45 minutes08:21 [Shri Mataji] Too many things to be done, alright, finish it up, fast, oh yes 45 minutes 08:31 <Song/Bhajan starts> 54:32 [Shri Mataji] Did all people from Pune sit, who were supposed to come today not earlier, Bhikule & others came? came now? 54:47 [Shri Mataji] Ok sit sit, I saw Dhumal  but others, ok55:07 [Shri Mataji] We have so many programs so let him sing later on 55:13 [Shri Mataji] One song let him sing  and then 55:24 [Shri Mataji] It’s not working, I think the55:55 [Shri Mataji] Sing now 55:59 <Song/Bhajan starts> 1:12:30 [Shri Mataji] This was Kabir dasa’s thing he told me before hand, but i wanted you to hear it and see for yourself what a great poet Kabir das was, what a great personality he was and he specially wanted to sing a Kabir dasas bhajan before me that’s what my brother told me and i am happy you all have enjoyed it very much  1:12:57 [Shri Mataji] We have certain functions to be done today, so the music will come later on after food i think that Read More …

Reaching People With Music Englewood Ashram, New Jersey (United States)

1985-0602 Reaching People With Music Shri Mataji: Raise your hands! Haya! One two three four five six seven eight nine, nine ten. Yogi: Mother one more here. Shri Mataji: I saw him. Eleven twelve thirteen fourteen, good number fourteen. That’s a good number all right. Yogi: Let us make it a hundred and eight. Shri Mataji: You see if only in this group number is fourteen, I can tell you it would be a hundred and eight marriages. We have only fifty-four marriages. But I think it’s going to be a hundred and eight. All right let’s see what happens. But marrying them in India is better, is easier. We had it in what you call this place, Switzerland, very difficult, we married, we did it, very difficult and you don’t get some nice presents. Isn’t it you got lots of nice things. For a little amount that you pay we can manoeuvre something very good. You will be happy to know that Indians also pay lots of money, substantiated it. Of course, you people also paid some money there. And actually, if you see that the people who paid all together we calculated that for every couple, even the people who attended the wedding paid two dollars each. You cannot buy any present for two dollars each. But in a collective way it was so beautiful, worked out so well. It was such a time I tell you unforgettable as if we were in the Vrindavan, beautifully done. We Read More …

Public Program Dharamshala (India)

H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Programme, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, 31st March, 1985 I bow to all the devotees of Mother (Goddess Durga and her forms) in Dharamshala!  The Temple’s Committee here has organized this, for which I am very thankful to them. In fact, so much hospitality and so much joy! With the blend of both, the heart gets filled with feelings of so much love, that it becomes difficult to express it in words! It is said that in Kaliyuga no one cares for the mother. It’s the characteristic of Kali Yuga, that people forget the mother, but now we must say that the time of Kaliyuga is over, and that the people have accepted the mother.  I have found a very huge difference between a mother and a guru. The mother is also a guru. She also teaches her children, but she explains by mixing and adding love in a manner that the child gets ready to do anything for that love! This power of love which is today giving freshness to the whole world,  is doing all the living work, like the existence of this tree, it’s greenery, after that growth of flower from the tree, and growth of a fruit from the flower, all these actions which are living work. Who does it? The power which does all that is the power of God’s love. She is called Adishakti.  God simply watches the play, how the work of his power is getting done! When he doesn’t like Read More …

Devi Puja Dharamshala (India)

Devi Puja, Talnoo, Dharamshala, India, March 29th 1985 English Transcript (अंग्रेजी में बोलें? ये लोग पीछे जाके बैठ जायें. इधर खडे नहीं. पीछे जगह है, इधर से बैठिये. – Shri Mataji speaks to the people in Hindi that there is a place in the back and that they should go and sit there.) 1:05 … People of [unclear Dharamshala] so different, so nice, special quality people. We cannot say no to them. They are beautiful people. Very beautiful. They will enter into the kingdom of God. …. (थोडा अंग्रेजी में बोलते हैं. – I’ll speak in English.) Speech starts at 1:15 Today we are sitting at the foothill of Himalaya. Himalaya is the Father of your Mother. And since I have come here the feeling of returning to the Father is making Me feel extremely proud of you. (Hindi – अंग्रेजी में बोलने से लाईट चली जायेगी – because of speaking in English if the electricity goes off.) 2:00 So we have to count our blessings again that we are at the foothill of Himalaya which is the Sahasrara of the universe. Those people who live here are the most beautiful people that you could think of. They are not rich, they are not educated, they are not sophisticated. They are simple folk, but one of them is equal to thousands and thousands of other people who are still moving in the realm of materialism. It is such a special day to be here. Today is the 7th day of Read More …

Chaitra Navaratri Puja New Delhi (India)

1985-03-25 Chaitra Navaratri Puja, Delhi [English Translation from Hindi] I wish you on this auspicious day of Navratri. There is no doubt that the उत्कण्ठा , love and respect you people have for Sahaj is appreciable, because we find that the our heritage in North India are somewhat lost. Our past has been lost to a great extent and after independence after 300 years of slavery, we are entangled in our new environment which is intriguing but destructive too. As if we have been uprooted from our basic elements. These elements were never nurtured that is true but we also were interested in superficial things.The North had been a kind of curse on India. I think that the way Washerman behaved with Sitaji (Devi Sita of Ramayan) the rule of washer man have started in Uttar Pradesh. When you travel across Uttar Pradesh, it is sad to see that people have become superficial, incomplete, without faith, without respects etc that it does not appear that Sahaj can flourish there. Secondly, it is seen that everywhere be it Punjab, Bihar we call ourselves hindu or Indians but we are unaware of our culture/heritage.We do not know our roots? On which root we are standing steady? We cannot prosper by seeding the roots of others in ourselves. And our roots are so very important that the roots of entire world will evolve and exalt from it. But the man here is in strange environment he is on never side, and when I Read More …

Public Program Jaipur (India)

Public Program, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, 23rd March, 1985 I bow to the seekers of Jaipur.  Shri Krishna has told about three types of people in this world, whom he used to call Tamsik, Rajsik and Satvik. Tamsik people are the one, who do not recognize good or bad, auspicious or inauspicious, but mostly run after inauspicious, mostly run after wrong things. When they go to extremes, then by getting overwhelmed with Black Magic and occult practices (bhoot Vidya, pret Vidya, shamshan Vidya) their attraction remains towards them only. And people who are Rajsik are like we have in western countries, and now we too are moving in the same direction and becoming like them. Due to being very intellectual, and by learning their ways, we have also acquired many of their habits, that those people are not able to differentiate between good and bad. For them everyone is good and everyone is bad. They are unable to understand the difference, and live only on the basis of their ego. If they like something then it is good for them, if they do not like then it is bad. Third type of people are the ones I call Seekers. These are people of  virtuous (satvik) nature. Satvik does not mean that they go through great penance, or they abstain from particular food etc. but a Satvik person is the one who maintains a balance within. He does not go to any extremes. Does not take to any excessiveness. Without going to Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja New Delhi (India)

Mahashivaratri Puja Date: 17th February 1985 Place Delhi Туре Puja Speech Language Hindi  On this auspicious occasion of Shivaratri, we have gathered, and it’s significant that every time Shivaratri happens, I’m usually in Delhi. The most important thing in all our bodies, minds, intellects, egos, and everything else is the soul, and everything else depends on it externally. In the soul, we see the reflection of our Father, the Lord. Yesterday, I told you about the soul. That same soul is of the form of Shiva. Shiva signifies that which does not change, that which does not manifest that which remains fully integrated in its own place, which is described as immovable, unbroken, infinite. Today, we are worshiping that Shiva within ourselves. He is reflected within us. Through the awakening of Kundalini, we have come to know Him, and the more His light shines, the more illuminated our consciousness becomes. But it is very necessary to pay attention to this Shiva. To be completely open towards Shiva, to be fully taken in His direction. It is essential for us to understand what preparation is required for Him. Just like you put a flame in a lamp, but if the lamp is not capable of containing that flame within itself, then all is in vain, all the effort will be futile. If something comes within us that we cannot bear, then we will be the ones at fault. We are still very inexperienced about this that its brilliance, its beauty, affects Read More …

Public Program Day 5, Sahasrar, Atma New Delhi (India)

ATMA – DAY 5 DELHI 16.2.1985 I bow to all the  seekers of truth.   Today’s melodious music program is very much associated with today’s topic for which I thank Debu Choudhury.  All the arrangements happen spontaneously and in today’s music the play of 12 sounds you witnessed, that same beautiful music can be created inside us.  The eight chakras of Kundalini you are seeing here, which is Mooladhara  Chakra, Mooladhara, Swadishthan, Nabhi, Heart, Vishuddhi, Agnya and Sahasrara.  Apart from this, there are Sun and Moon  Chakras also inside us.  Like this there are three more chakras which start working after the piercing of fontanelle bone area, which we call Ardha Bindu, Bindu and Valay.  All these are vowels (sounds) inside us.  Like if we start from Sa, then seven vowels, Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Ni ends in Sahasrara.  Like this, there are planets also which give energy to these chakras.  For example, in Mooladhara  Mars, Swadishthan Mercury, in Nabhi Jupiter, in Heart Chakra Venus, in Vishuddhi Saturn, in Agnya Sun and in Sahasrara Moon (Monday), which is Shiva’s or Devi’s,  Adishakti’s abode.  Like this, our nine planets also reside in these chakras.  It means whatever OMKAR is manifested from Shri Ganesh, all these  integrate completely in one Sound and one rhythm for music which God has created inside us.  To penetrate this only Kundalini starts working.  When Kundalini starts rising and penetrates all these chakras and reaches the Fontanelle bone area,  from its ascent, lot of Read More …