
Beauty The exuberance of the heart; The essence of beauty and aesthetics is variety (1985-1128; 1989-0527); Beauty and auspiciousness go hand in hand… they are not two things… because beauty is a thing that gives joy to your Spirit, and auspiciousness is the same, which gives joy to your Spirit – all other beauty is no beauty (1980-0927); These flowers when you give it to me, they give you two things. Flowers are very important… if they are beautiful, then they give to Swadisthan… if they are fragrant, they cure your Mooladhara. Now think of it… you are doing it to improve your chakras (1980-0927) Tape References: Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins 1980-0927 Lethargy – Chelsham Road good 75 1985-1128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good 1989-0527 Essence of Self respect, Devi Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 30 – end – 10 Sep 2002


Compassion The Kundalini is nourished by pure love and compassion, and by avoiding involvement into any relationships (1992-0621); She is your Mother, the source of all love and compassion… full of kindness, and forgives all you have done (1979-0616); The Kundalini of Sahaja Yogis is made of love, pure love. The pure love has only pure desire… is to love… love everyone equally (1992-0621) What we often think of as compassion is actually nothing but sympathy, and gets us nowhere (1985-0408); Sympathy will only bring you in trouble; When… your attention is active, and acts… with no involvement… then that… is compassion. You have to cleanse your attention for that… and have attention that is silent, witnessing, not involved, but is dynamic – it works. So ‘concern’ is the point (1987-0408); It should be benevolent… for one’s Hita (1986-0305); Compassion is Joy giving; The Spirit is the ocean of compassion – open your heart to others (1982-1101) If you are having compassion for others… then you don’t catch – you catch because you don’t have compassion – a mother never gets a disease from her child… she’ll never get a disease from her child… it’s a fact. In the same way… when you really ‘love’… you’ll never catch anything (0.0011) Do not show compassion to the bad people. You must know that those who are good are good, and those who are not are horrid… because they are basically horrid… they are evil… they are evil geniuses. We should not Read More …


Generosity By generosity we nourish our hearts. When we give, try to feel that we are giving what God has given (1982-1101); By generosity the circulation starts, and you solve your material problems. If only one door is open, no fresh air will come in – but if you open another door, then you will see, there is circulation of air (1986-0921.1); This ‘giving’ is the most beautiful thing that Sahaja Yogis can do (1988-1226); The greatest advancement for your emancipation is done by your ‘giving’. Among us there are people who have given a lot, and by that they have achieved a lot too. You have to give, talk about it, spread it, and bring more people to get this – otherwise they will be left out of the evolutionary process (1976-0330) The central path of Sushumna, is for people who are in the ‘centre’… who have their proper understanding… and have got their wisdom. These people are extremely generous… generosity is the only way you can express your love for others… all your material wealth has no meaning, unless and until you show generosity for the people… but it should be quiet and silent (1983-0209); In Sahaja Yoga, as you grow from one to another, there are different types of Anandas… and when you see your generosity… you get Shivaananda (1985-0502) With the Nabhi chakra, we enjoy our generosity in giving to others (1989-0801) – regarding money, it is a very punya giving thing to donate, to be Read More …


Grace The Grace of God which starts to descend and flow into the Ida and Pingala Nadis, once the Kundalini has risen and become one with the All Pervading Power. Which first goes to the Nabhi, a great sucker of this Divine Grace, and then to the Swadisthan (1980-1027); When the Grace comes… all the body, all the chakras open up… and also the Agnya opens up (1983-0209) So far, human beings received the Blessings of God… individually, as Grace… and they received their Self Realisation individually, one by one. The method for individual Realisation was just the opposite of the collective… first they had to establish their dharma… cleanse themselves fully… desiring all the time for their salvation… as we call it Ishwara Pranidana… thinking of God… asking for his Grace… and acting in a scrupulously dharmic way, to keep themselves pure… controlling their minds, their desires and their actions… and then only, the Grace of Mother gave them Realisation (1980-0505) It is the Grace of God that must be sought for… and somebody’s Grace… you cannot force it… you cannot demand it. You cannot say that I am such and such, and the Grace should come to me… no… it may not come to you at all… even you may be the highest priest of the Church of England, you may not get the Grace of God… you have to ask for it… you have to be humble (1979-0000.2) Tape References Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins Read More …


Honesty We have to be very honest in Sahaja Yoga (1983-0204); Dishonesty is one of the sins against the Father (MME); If we are honest with Sahaja Yoga and with our seeking, then we do not know ‘how’ the Divine looks after us (1983-0204) In Sahaja Yoga, you have to be really dedicated and honest – you should enjoy your honesty… you should enjoy your love… your generosity… everything. First and foremost quality of a Sahaja Yogi is that he has to be absolutely honest… he has not come here to make money… or to make power… but he has come to rise into the new, beautiful world that we are creating. You have overcome so many things I know… you have achieved so many things I know… which is not possible… humanly impossible things you have done… you have got over all this nonsense… but still there are some people among you, who still are in the stinking mud of nonsense (2001-0321) Also in… say (a place – Ed) they have problem of dishonesty… they are dishonest people… this is our special temperament I think… we are very corrupt people… (this place – Ed) has become so corrupt… I can’t believe it. I was here (some years – Ed) back, and we had never heard of corruption… now they have become so corrupt… and that also enters into Sahaja Yoga – they will be just found out and will be punished… not by me, by you… but by their Read More …


Humility The basic seeking power is humility… if you think you know everything, you cannot humble down… and you cannot seek. Even if you seek, you don’t want to follow anybody else’s path… you’ll have your ‘own’ path… you’ll do whatever ‘you’ want to do (2000-0507); One thing is very important is the humility… you should be a humble person… not think that you are something special… or some sort of a self important person… once you think you are important, then you are not part and parcel of the whole… how can one part be so important… if you start thinking like that, anywhere in your journey of Sahaja Yoga, then I must say you are not in the Sahaja Vasta, the Sahaja State (2000-0507) Humility is one of the criteria of a Sahaja Yogi… a person who doesn’t have humility cannot be called a Sahaja Yogi… so this humility will give you a more permanent state by which you will not react… you just watch… and that’s how the new state, a witness state comes into you. When you become the witness… you are in the present… and you just watch and enjoy… the enjoyment of all the creation is not within your mind when you are thinking… so one has to learn that we should not react. But today’s problem is that all human beings are very good at reacting… reaction is a basic principle of today’s life. You are all Sahaja Yogis… and what you have Read More …


Love Love is the only way that Sahaja Yoga is going to spread, no other way. Love is a source of energy that makes things grow – it is a living energy… the water of pure love that is to be given to another, so that he comes closer to Reality (1991-0728)… Reality is achieved through the heart… not the brain (1991-0728) When dealing with people, do so with love (1979-1015); The Spirit is the one that loves, unconditionally – it just flows. It is the source of Love, Peace and Joy… love is the solution (1998-0320); The magnet of Shri Ganesha is Pure Love, and when it is awakened in you, people will start running towards your ashrams, instead of running away (1986-0907); Love is the most powerful thing (1979-0507); The expression of love is very spontaneous… but for that spontaneity to come, you must get rid of your habits… otherwise you can never become spontaneous (1985-0310) Pure love without any expectations – Nirvaj (1991-0003); Avyaj, or Divine love, which loves for love’s sake, and which enjoys that love it just flows. Even when it corrects you, it corrects in love (1979-1015); The ultimate love is pure, unattached, unlimited love – when we dissolve into the Ocean of Divine Love (1991-0003); Attached love is the death of love (1992-0209); We should feel the same towards everyone, with no ‘special’ person, no “No2”, or “No3” etc. (1991-0728); Pure Love is of the Spirit (1989-0723); When we feel the power of Read More …


Peace Is the responsibility of Belgians, while that of Holland is Justice, and if the principle of these two countries starts working properly together, they can bring peace to the whole world (1986-0921.2); The Spirit is the source of Peace – you become like a witness, and see the whole drama, like a joke. It’s nothing so serious to be worried about, it all works out (1998-0320); If there is any problem… anything… suddenly you must become peaceful within… then immediately you will find, the solution will come to you… this is a subtle of the Lakshmi Principle (1996-0716) The Spleen… is the centre of peace… the one who doesn’t have a proper spleen cannot be a peaceful person. When we are eating our food… if at the time we are eating… we are also say reading the newspaper… or, if say we get onto a bicycle with a sandwich in our hand… is even worse… and we are rushing to work… and, we become so frantic… then we are out to get trouble with the spleen… and we can get blood cancer (1982-0514) If you see somebody who you don’t like, or who has been harsh to you, or cruel to you… you get annoyed… disturbed – at that time… say ‘I forgive’… you have to say ‘I forgive’ if there is disturbance. A Sahaja Yogi is to be known by his character… by his righteousness… by his behaviour… the behaviour of a Sahaja Yogi should be extremely peaceful… Read More …


Purity Now purity is a very relative word in modern times… people don’t understand even what is normal, leave alone purity… everybody seems to be abnormal or subnormal in modern times (1980-0721); A pure relationship must exist between brothers and sisters… and of course you have your own wife… which is your private thing (1986-0818); Purity and innocence means chastity – both physical and mental (1990-0912); It is important for Sahaja Yogis from the West to stand up, and to make your lives pure, to make yourselves pure. It is for Sahaja Yogis to bring back the glory of Christ, to bring back the dharma of Christ, to reflect the great image of Christ. Who could be a better ideal than Jesus Christ (1987-1225); Purity you must have… and that purity within you can easily easily establish with Sahaja Yoga (2001-0321) Tape References: Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins –1987-1225 Tapasyas – Poona – see 1987-1219 good 25 –1986-0818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead – see 1986-0823.1 good 20 1980-0721 Auspiciousness – Caxton Hall good 1990-0912 Shri Mahakali Puja – Le Raincy good 50 2001-0321 Mother’s Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50 – end – 13 Mar 2003


Respect That which is missing in the UK – the respect for others and their cultures, and for the Adi Shakti; Respect produces ‘thoughtless awareness’… because then there is no thought (1989-0524); In Sahaja Yoga, we respect all the Incarnations… all the prophets… and all the Religions in their essence… this is something so great in Sahaja Yoga (1997-1230); Respectful behaviour towards others, and towards others’ things, is part of the Mahalakshmi Principle. When this dignity, and respect, and desire to rise higher, manifests in a genuine inner way, then this helps to build the bridge of the Sushumna over the void, for the Kundalini to pass properly, which otherwise would continue to get lost in the void (1986-0921.1) If you are not innocent, you cannot have respect… so innocence has to be developed, to have that respect (1984-0902); Between two Sahaja Yogis there should always be tremendous respect… not only respect, but tremendous respect (1984-0118); Why we are suffering in this beautiful planet, is because we do not respect what we have to respect the most… Mother Earth is to be respected… meaning that whatever is created on this Mother Earth by the movement of the Earth, by the sea, by all the elements, has to be respected (1997-0525) I feel the whole West suffers from one simple disease… that is they do not know how to respect anyone… with their ego, they want to judge everyone, and condemn everyone… so get out of it, and tell yourself ‘I Read More …


Reverence The auspiciousness of sitting… for example… is… have you Reverence in your mind… when you are sitting… there should be reverence… are you sitting in a surrendering mood. So again I tell you… auspiciousness is what is within you… what you think about it… what is happening to you… are you feeling reverence within you. Auspiciousness is very important for Sahaja Yogis… because all that they do should be auspicious. When you speak, it should be auspicious (1978-1002) Tape References: Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins 1978-1002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90 – end – 4 Oct 2002


Sincerity This is a very great privilege that I am telling you all these things… that I am telling you that ‘sincerity is the key of your Self Realisation’… it’s a privilege… I’m giving you the key. Understand what a privilege it is for you to be here… what fortune… what reward, for what you have done… how many lives have been rewarded by being here. This will help you to do Puja in a more sincere manner. Now we must meditate also after Puja, because my vibrations you do not suck in without meditation, I have seen. If you have sincerity about it, really… you will suck all my vibrations. Tell your mind not to ask questions or to misbehave… but to suck the vibrations clearly. This is for your own nourishment… for your own growth… for your own enjoyment (1980-0505) It is easier… also it is the best, most enjoyable… is to have very clean chakras. And it comes… first of all is sincerity… complete sincerity – are we sincere… to ourselves. Sometimes it is misunderstood… people think that if we have to be sincere to ourselves, we should deny Sahaja Yoga – Sahaja Yoga is the union between you and God… and the sincerity must be full… must be complete. Any kind of insincerity which comes into you is extremely detrimental. So you must have sincerity about yourself… and then you will start enjoying Sahaja Yoga. It is very important… to create integration within you, because if Read More …


Truth That which must be felt (verified – Ed) on your Central Nervous System (1984-0718); Which can only be revealed to Realised Souls, because it would otherwise be too much to bear (1989-0801); Truth is what it is (1989-0801); Is perceived in the brain. When the Kundalini enlightens the brain, we start seeing the truth (1983-0204); The truth is that we are the Spirit (1998-0321), and the Spirit is the source of Truth – on your finger tips you will know. As Mohammed has said, at the time of Resurrection, ‘your hands will speak’ (1998-0320); Truth is the first great quality of the angels – truth is their life (1989-0423); At the level of Sahastrara, you know the truth… all kinds of illusions, misunderstandings, self imposed ignorance… all disappear, because what you know is the truth. Truth is not sharp, harsh, or difficult to assimilate, nor it creates problems between human beings (1998-0510) Whenever people talked of truth, they used it for a wrong purpose… their own purpose. It’s such a common thing with human beings, that they want to have power over other men (1998-0510); Now the truth is that this Divine Power is compassion and is love… this is the truth. They say that God is love, God is truth. So the equation has to be made, that Truth is Love, and Love is Truth… but it is not ‘attached’ love. It is not truth if you are attached to somebody – then you never see the bad Read More …


Virtue Whatever your virtues are, enjoy those virtues. Virtues are your ornaments, and are not like a noose around your neck. Those who enjoy their virtues are great men, and don’t feel unhappy, but are proud of their virtues. If you are complaining about your virtues, better to give them up (1986-0921.2); Virtue… can give you health, wealth and prosperity… which is glorified… and not which is degrading (1980-0505) Tape References: Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins 1980-0505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good 1986-0921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65 – end – 29 Jun 2003