


Sahaja Yoga is not just to pass energy through you – you have to absorb… to assimilate it and transform yourselves. You have to transform completely within yourselves (1980-0127.2); Absorbing means when one’s faith starts encompassing what I say… absorbing… not criticising… not repelling back… but absorbing it. Absorption is the only way to grow… and what is the mouth of Absorption… is Nirvichara… when you do not think about it; Absorption is only possible when you have faith… and the whole thing goes into you… you just go on sucking it like a child (1980-0518); How to suck… just become thoughtless… it will go in… try to become thoughtless, and you’ll imbibe. The thoughts are coming from ego… just tell them ‘be humble’… and they’ll disappear (1980-0907)

I have already given you a very long lecture or speech as you call it… some reactions were very good, and some could absorb it very well… but some, they said, were sleeping. Now these things happen because of negativity… and you have to fight your negativity… because negativity is a thing that asks questions – and when I am talking, I am telling the truth… the Absolute Truth – but, it asks questions… and it reflects. When it starts reflecting, nothing goes in the head… because, you are left with the ‘past’ sentence… and the ‘present’, you are not with it. So the whole thing boils down to something like an escape… and you sleep off. Now I tried my level best to put you onto your conscious mind… because you have to be conscious… you have to be alert. Unless and until you are conscious, you cannot ascend… any abnormal person cannot ascend… you have to normalise yourself (1986-0504)

So many of you had abnormalities which were brought out and thrown away… and many have been cleansed… but now, if there are some still lingering in you, you must work it out… you cannot go on justifying. Normally, a negative person attracts a negative personality… so if you have such a negativity of any kind within you, you should never sit next to a negative person… never go near such a person… keep away… but stick onto a positive person (1986-0504)

So those who have really felt ‘one’ with the lecture, without any questioning, should know that they are doing well… their reaction was good… they absorbed what I said… they took everything inside… but those who were questioning, reflecting, should know that they have ego… whilst those who were dozing out should know that they are left sided. Those who went off to sleep… who were struggling at that time… may not have understood. It’s a very difficult and a subtle subject… but those who have been like that should look after themselves… should find out. One thing they can do is to put a candle near their left Swadisthan, a little far… and put one candle before the photograph… and put left hand towards the photograph, and right hand on Mother Earth… it works… and the candle at the back should be kept little far away because it makes sound, it goes this way, and that way… it burns. Those who have been taking drugs, not LSD, but other drugs, the drowsy people who feel sleepy, whose brains are destroyed by drugs… all those people can benefit a lot by this… do it every day (1986-0504); I would say that this lecture must be listened to, again and again… and to be taken in… not to be questioned… not to be questioned… to be taken in… to be absorbed (1986-0504)

– Jai Shri Mataji –

Tape References:

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1986-0504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan – see 1986-0504.2 not good 55

1980-0127.2 Deep Meditation – see 1980-0127.1

1980-0127.2 Powers bestowed on SYogis, how maintain them, Bordi good 30 1980-0518 Old Arlesford, Winchester – part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30 1980-0907 How to know where you are – Chelsham Road good 120

1986-0504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk – Alpe Motta, Milan good 85 1986-0504.2 Second Sahastrara Talk – Milan/Delhi University address

– end – 6 May 2003