Brother Sister Relationship


Brother/Sister Relationship

When a lady says she has a male friend, it’s not a Mariada; You cannot have friendship between men and women… you cannot… it’s absolutely absurd; A brother and a sister are never friends… they don’t talk much (1985-0901); Vishnumaya will see to it that husband and wife sit together (1985-0901)

A pure relationship must exist between brother and sister… supposing a brother and sister are walking, they won’t look at each other will they… will they be watching each other… no! When your brother and sister relationship goes off… you get into troubles… very much into troubles. To get rid of all the lust from our eyes, we are celebrating this beautiful auspicious day… of Raksha Bandhan (1986-0818)

When you are very good brothers and sisters, first of all your left Vishuddhi improves – we get this left Vishuddhi, because we don’t have proper brother and sister relationship… it’s not that we should have our ‘own’ sister… but ‘any’ woman who is a Sahaja Yogini is your sister… except for your own wife. Unless and until we develop that pure feeling within ourselves, we cannot work out Sahaja Yoga… I know it’s rather difficult to digest… but it’s a fact (1986-0818); Your ‘kith and kin’ are Sahaja Yogis… they are your brothers… and they are your sisters (1986-0818); Your ‘relations’ are Sahaja Yogis… no other. You are born on this tree of life, whilst they (your earthly relatives – Ed) are not… so we cannot identify with them (1987-1220)

No Sahaja Yogi is going to marry another Sahaja Yogi… you are all brothers and sisters… nobody should come to me, and tell me ‘I want to marry this or that’… if I say you marry, that’s different… but you don’t come to me, and tell me… ‘I’ve fallen in love with another Sahaja Yogi’ (1981-0904); If you feel attracted for any man… think that that man has a bhoot, and I also have a bhoot… only the bhoots attract bhoots… it’s as simple as that… it’s only the bhoots attract (1981-0904)

Any man who is older than you… any girl should not talk to him much… but if they are younger than you… then they are your brothers. Any man that is older than your husband, you need not talk to him… but with younger people you can… you must have innocence about it. You are all brothers and sisters… no more romanticism now… you are not going to marry each other… dedicate yourself to your Sahaja Yoga (1981-0904); No unmarried girl has to go with an unmarried man… it’s not done in Sahaja Yoga (1981-0904)

Suppose there is a man coming in a taxi alone, or say, in a lift alone… I would not enter into that thing… I would not… why should you be so friendly with anyone… they’re very common like this, I’ve seen. Suddenly a woman will come up and speak to someone… some man will come up and talk to me… it’s so rude… I don’t know him… what is there to talk (1981-0904)

Tape References:

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1987-1220 Attention on Quality, Rahuri – see 1987-1220 good 20

1986-0818 Raksha Bandhan – Hampstead – see 1986-0823.1 good 20

1985-0901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon – see 1985-0901 good 50 1981-0904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor 1981-0904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall

1985-0901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq 1987-1220 Attention on quality – India 87/88

– end – 10 Sep 2002