


Diabetes is a common disease of modern times, and doctors cannot cure it, but we can cure it no doubt. Diabetes is caused because there is one centre, called the Swadisthan which manifests the aortic plexus within us, and which looks after the pancreas, spleen, kidneys and liver (1979-0720), but also looks after the production of fat cells for the use of the brain (1989-0801); Now… when you are thinking, the cells of the brain are replaced every minute… by the fat that is in your stomach… by this centre of Swadisthan (1982-1008); Then… when you start planning too much, or thinking too much this Swadisthan is given such a lot of work, that it stops supplying energy to the pancreas. Control of the Swadisthan is di-verted… away from the organs… to the provision of fat cells for the brain… and as a result we get diabetes… from an unhealthy pancreas; But if you could give a balance to that centre by giving power to it, you can cure diabetes very easily (1979-0720; 1989-0801; 1987-0500; 1981-1005)

You see… why you develop diabetes… and then as a result of diabetes, you develop bad eyes… the reason is that in diabetes, the fats are not consumed properly… and they are not supplied sufficiently to the brain… to the optic lobes. The brain is made of fat cells… and that is why you get these troubles – if the fat cells can be used for the eyes… then there is no problem (1984-0214); Butter is important for the Swadisthan, which converts it for the use of the brain cells (1981-1005); Without carbohydrates, fats and butter cannot be retained by the body (1983-0202)

Loss of eyesight could be due to two things only… it could be due to diabetes, or to some possession (1981-1006); A person whose eyes are open, but he cannot see… is affected by the Subconscious and Collective Subconscious, from where the spirits attack (1983-0209)… is a left side disease (1980-0517.2) – one type of bhoot… is the one that makes a person blind, even though their eyes are open and normal to look at… the left Swadisthan will be catching. There are 2 types of blindness here – it could be a bhoot, or it could be diabetes, or it could be a combination of both. Ask if he has diabetes. If he does not have diabetes, then it is definitely a bhoot (1980-0517.2)

A person who thinks too much, plans too much, and thinks he is responsible for the whole world affairs… in this myth… develops his ego to a great extent… he uses his right side Swadisthan too much… and because of that there is an effect on the left hand side Nabhi… the left Nabhi catches… and then he develops all the problems of the left side in the organs… so you neglect your wife… you become harsh to her… are unkind to her… your left side starts becoming weak… and makes your spleen and pancreas very weak… and that’s why you get diabetes; First of all… the Swadisthan can’t look after the liver, so you develop a liver. Then on the left hand side it is absolutely useless, so you develop diabetes. Diabetes is caused by over thinking… absolutely. Diabetes is not caused by sugar by any chance, I can tell you… of course you should not take too much also, I mean too much of everything is wrong… but you must take sugar… it’s important for your liver (1981-1006; 1989-0801; 1979-0609.3)

If you want to solve your problem of diabetes, you have to develop your thoughtless awareness, which you get when Christ is awakened within you. Diabetes is absolutely curable through Sahaja Yoga (1981-1006); Sahaja Yoga can cure diabetes… by giving you a balance… it’s a question of balance (1979-0609.3); People who lead a very temperate life, do not suffer from such a disease like diabetes (1979-0720; 1989-0801); Also can be the result of working too hard, for material, physical things (1979-0507)… or, if we are hectic, and run about too much, we can get heart attacks, leukaemia, liver problems, diabetes etc. (1983-0131); A disease of the right side (1983-0209)

Tape References:

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1987-0500.1 Untitled talk – see 1987-0503

1982-1008 We don’t have to suffer, Bedford – see 1982-1007(Video) Good 1979-0507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60

1979-0609.3 Maria’s House Tape 3 poor

1979-0720 Cardiff Public Program good 30

1980-0517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90 1981-1005 Beauty that you are – Houston good 70

1981-1006 From Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80 1983-0131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80

1983-0202 Vishuddhi Chakra – Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80 1983-0209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre – Bombay good 65 1984-0214 Shri Mataji talks to the English – Bordi poor 75 1987-0500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35

1989-0801 First Know Thy “Self”, Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50

Chakras affected: Right Swadisthan; Left Nabhi

– end – 28 Jun 2003