


The 5 elements, earth, fire, air, water, ether (1978-1005), await your asking, your orders. All the Angels await – you just have to ask their help. That is what a mantra is, the awakened calling, the authority applied with the word, and which awakens all these forces. Just ask the fire to take away your problems – it takes away. Ask the sea to take away – the whole thing is sucked in, and then the Mother Earth also sucks all the problems (1980-0609); Water… Light… every element can feel the Divinity. All these elements are within us. The highest of all is Light, and is governed by Lord Jesus Christ. Light has an effect… Light shows things that are correct (1986-1225)

Some of the things are sucked by the Mother Earth… some are sucked by the flame… can be the flame… can be the fire… the Sun also sucks in… the sky also… depends on what centres you have in problem… on what problems you have… alright. But on the whole, the Mother Earth is the most gracious thing… she helps the maximum I think (1982-1008)

The power of love acts on the 5 elements – it can settle the pollution problems… it can help you with your programs, your ventures, your meetings… anything that you want to do (1998-0706)

Matter is made out of 5 elements… the 5 elements have made this body of ours… and are on the right side of the human being. These 5 elements either push you towards the left side or they pull you towards the right side (1980-0927); These 5 elements create the 6 chakras within you… the chakras are created out of these 5 elements, and they give us a support to have the Deities… an Asana, a seat for the Deities to come in (1980-0927)

If you have too much of one element in you, you have to reduce it. For example, if you have too much of light in your head, means you are egoistical… or if there is too much air in your body… then you have to use this air that is outside, to take away the surplus. All the five elements that have created these centres, can be corrected, manoeuvred, adjusted, balanced, put into complete coordination and integration… by the techniques of Sahaja Yoga (1979-0722)

We are made of 5 elements… so when you get your awakening… when the Kundalini reaches the Sahastrara… and opens out your Fontanelle Bone Area… you become ‘one’ with the Divine Power… and the Divine Power itself starts flowing through you… a connection is established. Now when this Shakti starts flowing through you… then what happens… the subtle part we should understand… is like this… that these 5 elements we are made of… gradually start breaking into the subtler form of which they are made (1998-1216)

So as it is said… in the Bible, that ‘the Word is God’… now what is this Word… is a silent, we can say… a silent commandment… but from that Word comes… according to Indian Philosophy… is another thing that we call as Bindu… or we can say the Word becomes Naad, a sound… and then it becomes the Bindu, means, one small dot you can say… and then from this dot you see, all these 5 elements start coming, one after another (1998-1216)

The first element that comes out is Light… and we should understand that how light pervades Sahaja Yoga so much… and you see the light everywhere… so the first element which is light you can say… and the subtlety of the light is radiance… for example a person who gets Realisation has a face which is very radiant… so radiance is the subtlety of light… and so this radiance starts showing on your face… starts expressing itself… and with that radiance, people get impressed… and they start thinking something special about this personality which has radiance. Now we have seen my photographs also… many a times you will find lots of light around… that is nothing but the light in me which is giving radiance… because the light becomes subtler. So this is the subtle growth within you that takes place… your faces also start shining… they too have radiance… a kind of different complexion. This radiance is to be understood… is the subtle of the light, of which we are made (1998-1216)

Then after this, from the light, comes the second thing, which we call as Vayu in Sanskrit… meaning the Air. So the air that we have, which is this gross… air… what is the subtle of air is this Cool Breeze that you get. So this Cool Breeze is the second thing, that you get… subtler and subtler… when your growth takes place, all these subtle things start expressing themselves (1998-1216)

Then comes Water… Pani… and what is the subtle of water is… I mean… which makes the skin… the hard skin, soft… the skin becomes soft… this is another sign of a Realised Soul. But then a person, who is a Realised Soul becomes very soft, very delicate… when he talks to somebody, in his voice there is warmth… or I should say… in your dealings with others… you should be like the water… which is mobile… which is cooling… soothing… cleansing. So this also becomes a part and parcel of your being, once you become a Realised Soul (1998-1216)

Then you have another thing… we call it as Agni… means the Fire. So you also have fire… but it is a very silent fire… it doesn’t burn anybody… but it burns all the wrong things within you… whatever wrong things you have, it burns… and it burns the wrong things in other people also. For example a person comes with a great anger towards you… what happens, that this anger becomes cooled down with the fire that is there. Moreover, a Realised Soul cannot get burnt… the fire cannot… burn… the burning cannot come to him… it is very important to understand… also if you are doing something wrong, it may burn you… but if you are a good Sahaja Yogi… and I should say a perfect Sahaja Yogi, fire will never burn you. We have an example of Sitaji… that she went into the fire… nothing burnt her. So this is what one has to understand… that once you get to the subtleties… of the fire, and the water… both of them, become sort of Divine. For example, the water which you touch… which you drink… in which you put your hand… that water becomes vibrated… means the subtlety of the water comes in it… the coolness… the curing power also comes in that water (1998-1216)

Then lastly is the Mother Earth… it is most important is the Mother Earth. There’s a photograph, taken in Russia, where the Kundalini is in the Mother Earth… clearly it is there. Then, for example, I have seen flowers, if you keep them in my room, they bloom… they can become very big… never people have seen such big flowers… I am doing nothing… I am just sitting there… and what happens to the flowers. You see now… there is… this principle of Mother Earth works… the subtle… because it’s a mother… and that gives you all the nourishment… and makes you grow… healthy. And this is how this subtlety works, of the Mother Earth… she is the one who is the giver of birth to all these flowers, and all these trees… but she also plays a big part in us… and she is our Mother (1998-1216)

And so many subtle things of this Mother Earth come into us… and one of them is gravity… and so a person becomes very attractive… not in the physical sense… but in the spiritual sense. Such a person attracts others… they feel attracted… and they feel something special is about this person… this is one of the qualities of Mother Earth. If she had not kept us attracted… we would have fallen off, with her movement. Also, other qualities of the Mother Earth start manifesting within us… and we become very… extremely, tolerant and a patient person… but if you are hot tempered and all that, then that Mother Earth principle has not expressed in you. Look at the Mother Earth, how much she tolerates our nonsense… how many wrong things we do against her… but still she tolerates. Shri Ganesha’s quality is to tolerate… to begin with… up to a point he tolerates… and in the same way, we too become extremely tolerant and forgiving… is the minimum of minimum that should happen to all Sahaja Yogis who have vibrations (1998-1216)

Tape References:

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1986-1225 Pawana Dam – see 1986-1221 good 10

1982-1008 We don’t have to suffer, Bedford, see 1982-1007(Video) Good 1979-0722 Leeds at Jim’s House poor 45

1980-0609 Subtlety Within – Caxton Hall good 50 1980-0927 Lethargy – Chelsham Road good 75

1998-0706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good

– end – 5 Jan 2003