Ganesha’s Powers


Ganesha’s Powers

The first power that you get after Realisation is the greatest power on Earth… this is the power of Shri Ganesha… it is only he can do this job, that you people are doing today… and that power is ‘Raising the Kundalini’. No-one so far in the history of spirituality has ever raised the Kundalini in such a short time, as you people are doing… it moves under your fingers… it is absolutely Shri Ganesha’s power which is given to you. At the time when you are giving Realisation, even if you are caught up in any one of your chakras, or you have any problem… even if you are a little bit possessed… even if you are not such a good Sahaja Yogi… even if you are not that much surrendered to Mataji… even if you don’t have much sense of obligation about Sahaja Yoga… still the Kundalini rises under your fingers. This Ganesha Shakti is given to you by Shri Ganesha himself, within you… to give you the confidence… that you can raise the Kundalini… but not the feeling that ‘you’ are raising the Kundalini – if you go on, without surrendering yourself to Sahaja Yoga… after some time… you will lose this power… very fast (1980-0127.2)

Another power which you have got… you may notice it… that at that time when the Kundalini rises… there will be no obstruction of any kind… whatever may be the obstructions around… say there’s a possessed person next door, he would not obstruct you at ‘that’ time… in your family there may be a person who is a negative person, but if you are raising the Kundalini, then at that moment he will be kept quiet. At that time, when you are moving your hand on the Kundalini, is the greatest power you are using… at that time there will be no obstruction on your hand by anyone what so ever… even by mistake (1980-0127.2)

Then another power you have got… when you are raising the Kundalini, that at that time… you will be completely attracting the attention of the other person within… like a magnet… by which you should understand that you can raise the Kundalini whenever you feel like. Supposing there is a lot of noise going on… all sorts of problems going on… or any such thing happening… at that time your attention will not be distracted… and the attention of the person who is taking the Realisation from you will not be attracted by outside things… at that time, when you are raising the Kundalini. That means you can give Realisation at any time (1980-0127.2)

Another power you have got, at the time of Kundalini Jagruti… that no baser feelings will rise within you… no impure feelings… about the person whom you are giving Realisation… even if you are a possessed person… maybe before and after… but not during… these dirty feelings will not come to you… automatically. Also you will be absolutely satisfied… even if you are hungry, you will not feel the hunger… or any physical need at the time when you are giving Realisation… there will be no distraction of any kind. You won’t do anything that is undignified… because you are being blessed with dignity… you will never joke… you’ll never make fun… you’ll not be frivolous… automatically. These are your supporting powers… all these five powers I have described… are very few of the thousands of others… but they are the five powers of Shri Ganesha (1980-0127.2)

Ganesha’s fifth power is the power of wisdom… and that whatever he knows, he can draw upon it and write it down – even that power, you have got. When you are raising the Kundalini, you talk to the person in such a manner… that only that which is wisdom… and also you write or show him figures, automatically, which are right… even if you don’t remember your figures, they’ll come out right (1980-0127.2)

Now these powers can be maintained if you try to follow Shri Ganesha. His foremost quality is that he does not know any other God or anybody else, higher than his own Mother… a complete dedication and complete obedience to Mother… I mean sort of, he is made out of that obedience… complete love and affection for the Mother… he doesn’t argue… he doesn’t question… he doesn’t do anything… and that’s how these powers are in him the maximum. If you think by arguing with me you are gaining, you are sadly mistaken… you have to keep me pleased… is a fact… so please don’t try to displease me… I may not say anything, because outwardly I don’t say anything… but your powers will be reduced (1980-0127.2)

Tape References:

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1980-0127.2 Powers bestowed on S Yogis, how maintain them, Bordi good 30

– end – 11 Sep 2002