


In Puja… the ingredients that were used were… firstly very little ghee, followed by honey, yoghurt, milk, and sugar (1985-0310) – whatever pleases your Spirit, is used… is to be given… when you give honey then your attention gets enlightened (1980-0927); Satwoguni… is the centred person who eats honey, ghee, Channa, lean meat (1983-0131)

Tape References:

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1985-0310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney – see 1985-0310.1 good 25 1980-0927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75

1983-0131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80

1985-0310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney 1985-0310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40

– end – 12 Sep 2002